Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Approval Rate: 87%
Reviews 0
by milliejoe
Wed Sep 21 2011With a wide selection of games and the best technology that gaming had to offer when it first came out (and that is still top-notch and above most others), the PS3 is not a disappointment. Having a very easy to use "XMB" setup that lets you browse through everything from games, to music, to Internet and being able to use it as a Blu-Ray player are just two bonuses. It's also nice that they didn't go the 360 route, letting me enjoy my Internet without having to pay for it at least twice, lol. It's not a perfect system, but it's much closer to such than the other 7th generation consoles. For anybody who really loves video games or media in general, the PS3 has you covered. I really have nothing to complain about the system, even if it isn't my dream console or anything. Sony left me hanging with the PS2 (I had, instead, opted to continue favouring my PS1 and Super Nintendo during the 6th generation, hah), but they have made it up to me with this console. Looking forward to what they have... Read more
by ryandavis199
Fri Nov 19 2010FREE PLAYSTATION NETWORK CODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by silmarillion
Sun Nov 14 2010Great system. It freezes on one particular game but on no others. It has fared well and I have had it for about a year. It plays great games and is definitely up to date. I find it very enjoyable to play and I think Sony did a great job.
by durkbeams
Wed Aug 18 2010I love my PS3, also the PS3 Network is amazing. No complaints at all, and the Ps3 is so much more reliable than the Xbox as I'm sure most would agree. This is the best game system I've ever owned.
by canadasucks
Wed Aug 18 2010Rare update - Overheating problems are a real issue that cause freezing in several games. I am happy to report that Sony did stand by their warranty and product and send me a replacement unit. Still, it's striking that my PS2 works well after 9 years but my PS3 sputtered and kicked and needed repair/replacement less than a year after purchase. Original review- Strong product. I was a big fan of PS2. PS3's biggest plus is its blu-ray and regular DVD compatibility. Very easy to hook up to a cable or high-end flat screen TV. Despite the legion of XBox fans, I have been quite happy with the selection of PS3 games. But the new high-end version of the PS3 does not have backward compatibility to play old PS2 or PS games. That is a real loss and shame on Sony for this. . .
by ianh1022
Tue Feb 23 2010There graphics i think are better than the ps1 and definatly better than the ps2
by bockcade13
Mon Jan 04 2010The PS3 is good console. Some of the best games of all time are for ps3. Plus has a bluray player.
by longjohnsilver_stein
Tue Dec 15 2009Often, the third entry in a series is disappointing. Usually a departure. The third Matrix movie was a jumbled mess of pseudo-allegorical nonsense. The third Lord of the Rings movie was fine, until Peter Jackson decided it needed four endings and three hours of unnecessary footage. The third Rocky movie was an abomination. Not as bad as Rocky V, but an abomination nonetheless. It did have Mr. T, however, which is pretty awesome. The third Terminator movie was pretty entertaining, but lacked the substance of its predecessors. The third planet from the sun is our very own. And I think it's only a third solid ground. The rest of that bitch is straight up water, yo. The third time I had sex was fairly enjoyable. It was with an attractively slim redhead by the name of Becky. She was fairly boring in bed, mostly on account of her being young and shy, but our relationship was, on balance, a fairly positive experience for a young boy like myself. A third is approximately 33... Read more
by sagedarkhorse
Thu May 28 2009System runs smoothly, awesome Blue ray ability - great workmanship put into these systems. Only 1 problem. The majority of the games arn't anywhere near as good as XBOX's. There are more name brand games for XBox than these craptacular PS3 games. Once Sony starts pumping out better games I'd easily bump it to a 5 star system. Until then .. Sorry!
by biscuithead
Thu May 28 2009I love my PS3. It usually has great graphics, godd games, and you can do so many things on it. I also love the Playstation Network, whic is free, unlike Xbox Live, and I also like the Playstation Store, where you can by upgrades for your games and download them. You can also watch Bluerays, or surf the internet, although the internet on the PS3 is a little slow, so stick to a computer for that.
by noviasayno
Sun Mar 29 2009great overall system i gave my xbox 360 up for this and i am glad i did everything it said as expected to see it worked and includeing blueray it's a pretty nice lil tool u mess around with also dont forget the new ps3 home. internet browser, gameplay,, better excluseive items and games like little big planet. god of war 3 meta gear 4 kingdomhearts 3 ---------------------- uncharted drake-- AND BEST OF ALL THE NEW KILLZONE 2 scom confrontation,, overall its better then an xbox360 it' gets 5 BLUE RAY DISKs OUT OF 5
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009Has it all! A great library of games, Blueray compatability, plays regular dvds as well. What is their not to like about the ps3? Only flaw I have found, is that on occasion a game may freeze up while you are in the middle of playing. This is a defect in the game disk its self, not necissarily the ps3 console.
by imykey
Tue Dec 30 2008Love my PS3! Couldn't live without! =)
by lostsocks
Wed Oct 22 2008I like it! Blu-ray movies look fantastic and I like how sony keeps it updated!
by strcrftr
Wed Sep 24 2008The PS3 is one of the best systems made, since they allowed room for firmware updates and the use of the blu-ray player. Their biggest mistake at this point in time is by having no integration of online content among other users unlike xbox 360. The PS3 is as much a entertainment system as it is a gaming system. It has a lot of potential and can only hope that software engineers will learn how to harness the power of the amazing cell processor.
by ntriskkt
Mon Aug 11 2008"Just more of the same. Sony is an old walnut, and they tried to fix (but instead destroyed) something that wasnt broken. Now, it's become a girlfriendless rich boy's toy. First of all, the graphics arent impressive. To see any improvements, you need a plasma screen. Even if you thought 6 bills was just pocket change, try buying a 50 inch plasma TV that will suck a few more Benjy's worth of power and suffer a burn in before a year of use. Next, the selection of games is just pitiful. Even GTA gets boring after a few weeks of no new games. Simply put, the system is broken in every way possible. PS2 was the best last generation, but now, the PS3 is just another dinasaur that will be relagated to the trash heap in a few years." And you think the 360 doesn't live by those statements? Talk about a numero uno fanboy. No credibility in you're statements whatsoever.
by johnte
Thu Jul 24 2008The best console released in this day and age, the ps3 is a beast among home entertainment electronics. It can do it all, It has more graphic capabilities than the other two consoles on the market and is a solid piece of gaming delight.Buy a ps3 and have endless entertainment or buy an Xbox360 and feel robbed of your hard earned cash as you wait for it to be repaired for the third time in six months.The best games for Ps3 are still to come, pick up Metal Gear Solid 4.
by fb507257454
Mon Nov 12 2007Probably the most sophisticated console currently out there. Cell processor, reads blu-ray discs, HDMI 1.3 support, connects controllers and headsets via bluetooth, quiet and has no overheating issues, built-in wifi, backward compatible with PS1 and PS2 (60GB and 80GB models). The only thing that sucks about it (at least for now) is the game selection.
by fb727182913
Tue Nov 06 2007Simply the best games console on the market,great games with stunning visuals its all you need in life!
by invaderjdyoder
Sat Sep 22 2007expensive, not many new features, it's just a disapointment
by onolo128
Mon Sep 03 2007The PlayStation 3 may seem expensive, but it is well worth it in the long run. It isn't worth it if you won't play games online or watch HD movies, (or even play some of the games that wouldn't fit on a single DVD-9, like Resistance: Fall of Man). But if you will do either (or three), it is well worth it. This is a worthwhile investment, as new games will be made for 10 to 15 years. More:
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Jul 22 2007It's ok I guess. The games are not bad either. But to enjoy the whole experience, you need lots of cash, and a freaking big TV that is in HD,Both of which I don't have.
by slr7df13
Mon Jun 18 2007I have to say, i was extremely disapointed with this console when i first bought it. So much I tried to take it back, but they said that there was nothing wrong with it, so I thought "Shit, what have I just done?" and ended up laying in bed at nights looking at the standby light, having gotten bored of it already, and because the heat that it produced alarmed me. But after a while, I guess I have now accepted that its best stage hasnt arrived yet, im sure the best it has to offer is sure to come, and I also love that shiny new plastic they put on it. Nice touch
by emthree
Sun Mar 25 2007A very heavy paperweight. Oh, it plays blu ray DVDS too.
by ninjasword71
Sun Feb 25 2007Dissapointed!! Graphics are not nearly 2X's better than PS2. I was hoping for mindblowing realism. Not so. Too expensive. I will wait 2 years when the games will look better and the price way cheaper and system being smaller.
by ilikepie
Fri Feb 09 2007It may have marvellous graphics, but the games are outrageously expensive, as is the console. The amount of money Sony expect you to spend of this overrated heap of junk is awful (£70 games, £600 console, £2000 HDTV...), and then they have the cheek to only give you half the game with this new fad of 'microtransactions'! Sony have also forced many legal game importing sites to close down, just out of spite (as these sites were benifiting game sales for them). I hope the sales of the PS3 are extremely low, just to teach Sony a lesson in integrity and morals, but this will not be the case, as the foolish general public, with little knowledge of gaming, will buy the console with the best graphics, and not look at anything else.
by xelliz
Fri Jan 05 2007The PS3 doesn't seem expensive, IT IS expensive. The PS3 is much larger then previous system's, which had been a huge criticism of the competition. This system is also been plagued with hardware issue's from research, development, production and release. The new PS3 is also appearently a beast of a system to code games for, as noticable by a shift in developers. Blu-ray is a new and dangerous platform, much like Betamax...only time will tell if this is another dead format from Sony or finally a winner. Sony's online service is currently...pathetic. Already surpassed by Nintendo who didn't see fit to provide online for their previous console, Sony began their with the PS2. The weakness of this was made evident when the GT demo downloads for PS3 (keep in mind the low selling numbers at this point) crashed their service. Sony is however a beast in the gaming industry and still has substantial power and backing. Sony needs to overcome their early release stumble and convince peo... Read more
by amishgramish
Wed Dec 20 2006The PlayStation 3 may seem expensive, but it is well worth it in the long run. It isn't worth it if you won't play games online or watch HD movies, (or even play some of the games that wouldn't fit on a single DVD-9, like Resistance: Fall of Man). But if you will do either (or three), it is well worth it. This is a worthwhile investment, as new games will be made for 10 to 15 years.