Some Like it Hot Yoga

Approval Rate: 58%

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    Wed Sep 16 2009

    Does anyone know what's going on with this studio? For months the website has said 'new management/new owner coming soon - membership honored.' No one is returning calls, my letters were returned as undeliverable, and the studio still has a lot of students' mats and money. So much for a stress-free experience!

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    Tue Jun 02 2009

    Yola is a very sick woman - She needs your prayers right now- at the end of the day she had a mental break down- I hope she takes this time to get some real help to address her issues- If it wasnt for this place I would of never started my practice- so for that I am grateful- They're are plenty of place to practice in NYC- Prana- Pure- Big Apple- Pick one of those and Move on- As only with the Orb of quode can the coins be obtained- Hemmingway

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    Sun May 31 2009

    Just an FYI - the some like it hot website schedule now says new owner and that classes are canceled. Has anyone confirmed this? I hope we get our mats and towels returned -- what a mess

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    Fri May 29 2009

    I also received this email from Yola. I thought it was yet another schedule change - the main reason I stopped going six months ago. But after reading it, I had to look at these reviews and see what was going on. And even as I was just considering last week to go back, I realize that is probably not going to happen mainly knowing Isauro, Carlos and Kristi - the BEST yoga instructors in NYC - are gone. When I first went to SLIHY, I was going through a divorce and after a few amazing classes I stopped therapy and used the budget for yoga at this studio. It got me through the toughest time in my life. But over the two years of my practice I watched Yola slowly lose it and I think she just finally cracked. I only hope she takes a long retreat and shows her power to heal by coming back even stronger than when she started years ago.

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    Thu May 28 2009

    I joined the studio because of the heat and variety of Bikram and Vinyasa classes. but I began to notice the abusive way she talks to people, paying customers and her own staff alike, and curses and humiliates.i don't believe she even practices yoga but is constantly telling her students and staff they don't know what yoga is. well I know what it isn't: it isnt yola romeo. the turnover rate of staff and teachers is incredible. now I recieved this insane email suggesting i "take a good hard look in the does not lie." take your own advise yola. you ruined yourself but you can not ruin other people. on top of everything, she has cancelled classes for today and tomorrow. she is a low class theif and fraud. I Hope her teachers leave her. they deserve better. yola is an energy sucking narcissist and should become the subject of a reality tv show.

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    Thu May 28 2009

    I have been a dedicated member of SLIH for 5 years & went 6 days a week. I actually said it was my "home" & my "family" when I was going thru a divorce. But I cannot believe what the owner, Yola has just done on Friday to violate every member of the studio - via email. Yola has always be difficult, rude and v inappropriate. I was always trying to avoid her, to avoid being verbally abused or worse. And clearly, I wasn't the only one who felt this way, as I found out, thanks to Yola herself. Friday she sent an email to her entire SLIH database basically threatening to press charges on people for publishing bad reviews about her on Citysearch and other sites. Well, I hadn't actually looked at her reviews on these sitesm but after that email, I certainly took a good look. 43 reviews later - most all of them are negative, I realize that we've got a real problem on our hands here. She is not a business person, and certainly needs some help with her PR efforts -- by telling her paying custo... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    I recently bought a pkg from SLIH because I was excited that they has early morning classes -- then I find out that those early classes were cancelled. When I politely enquired about the matter the staff got very defensive. Nonetheless I am STILL on their e-mail list -- check out the e-mail that they just sent their "community" -- URGENT UPDATE FROM SLIHY - MAY 28, 2009 TO THE SLIHY COMMUNITY: To the loyal and kind members of the SLIHY community who have enjoyed being a part of our family, we have greatly appreciated your business and presence; and look forward to many more years of affiliation. HOWEVER....for those of you who have taken my childhood, hard work and loyalty and turned it against me via slandering my name and business on Citysearch and other websites; you will be sued if your posts and comments are not removed from such websites immediately! All I ever wanted was to create a safe, harmonious and sacred environment in the middle of Manhattan and some of you have unfor... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    i loved the studio and went for many years but over time yola's negative energy consumed the environment such that the yoga classes were so stressful (she picks on her students in an unnecessarily aggressive, angry manner and simply makes everyone on guard, tense, and anxious) that i wanted to leave upon arriving but was too afraid of her wrath to do so. here's an email she just sent out. yola, you can't take people to court for expressing their opinions online. you really don't see this happening often where lots of students express an overwhelmingly negative opinion about the owner of a yoga studio - that really suggests that if so many people feel the same way, then perhaps there is something legitimate about how they feel. check out the letter yola just sent: URGENT UPDATE FROM SLIHY - MAY 28, 2009 TO THE SLIHY COMMUNITY: To the loyal and kind members of the SLIHY community who have enjoyed being a part of our family, we have greatly appreciated your business and presence; and ... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    I really wanted this to work, so last spring impulsively, without doing much research, after taking only a single class I signed up for a nearly $500.00 package. After a couple of classes it became clear that it was a big mistake. 1. the schedule completely ignores the need of people who work 9-6 or so, 2. the instructors are a very mixed lot, 3. some classes are completely empty and people having lunch and reading the paper inside(!) the yoga studio, and other classes are so overcrowded that you get limbs of other people literally all over you. 4. The changing room is way too small. 5. And on top of all this the owner is rude and condescending, her actions are completely against any kind of yoga spirit (of course only after you paid, because initially she was extra charming) So after the yoga class you are more frustrated -- the experience is comparable to being on a rush-hour train -- than before. It was such a miserable experience that although I am on a tight budget, I deci... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    Wow. I have been taking classes here steadily since it opened. I wrote one of the first reviews, even! I no longer live in NYC, but return frequently to see family and always come to the studio to see Yola and take a class. I have studied at many, many, MANY studios in the city and always come back to this one because of the consistent personal attention you receive there and the fact that it's the nicest studio on the UES--great facilities and teachers. It seems to me the height of ridiculousness that someone would use this space to personally denigrate a human being! If you don't like the space, then don't use it; by all means offer your opinion on the internet. But remember that to verbally abuse the owner--someone who I KNOW is seriously committed to her practice and her business--seems contrary to our practice as yogis; your strident tone discredits your opinion, your hostility reads as childish! I hope that these city-search flames DON'T discourage people from trying out this ... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    Some Like it Hot Yoga is by far the best hot yoga studio in NYC!!! I have been a member for 5 years. The teachers are amazing and have years of experience. No matter what the class size, they work with you one and one to help you perform to the best of your ability. They truly care about your health and wellness; as well as making the most of your experience. The space is also beautiful, calming and clean.

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    Thu May 14 2009

    Been going to studio for over 1 year. Every good teacher is now GONE. Owner has scared all away, she (YOLA) is crazy. This is no good karma at this yoga studio. Schedule changes on a daily basis. If only someone could buy her out and get all the teachers back. Classes used to be filled with people. What am I going to do with 4 months of a 6 month membership. She is not giving refunds, schedules have changed and the teachers STINK. Carlos, Kristi, Isauro they are the BEST go find their classes. I wish i could.

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    Tue Apr 28 2009

    Really a shame that Yola has let the studio get to the state its in. About a year and a half ago, I first checked out Some Like It Hot. At that time, classes were always full and the teachers were great. On top of that, it was, and still is, a truly beautiful space. I continued to go back after I moved out of the neighborhood despite how expensive classes were. I stopped going after a disagreement with the studio about the expiration date of my classes - I was so put off by the owner's stingy, negative attitude that even my favorite teacher couldn't provide enough incentive to stick around. Recently, I decided to go back and check it out again. What HAPPENED to this studio? Yes, the stingy owner is still there, and the bamboo floors are still nice, but where are all the real teachers who actually know yoga?! Where are all the students who actually practice yoga?? The first class I attended upon my revisit to this studio was entirely empty; I was the only student. This was be... Read more

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    Sun Apr 19 2009

    The owner will not only take your money BUT ban you from her studio. This place is crazy with bad negative energy. DONT BOTHER. All the best teachers and students have left.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    Yola...... please stop! You have gone this low to write your own review which is you living in a complete fantasy world. No matter what your write about yourself or how many people you make write nice things about you... in the end your still a joke. Caring? Yeah right! Yola Romeo only cares about herself! Can't you see that everyone hates you? The fact that you think the world of yourself shows how disconnected and disturbed you are. You are the most toxic, nasty, disgraceful excuse for a human being that the yoga world has ever seen. Some Like It Hot is a big joke now in the yoga world..... just like your name has always been. Open your eyes wider and see that NO ONE LIKES YOU and your classes along with your assists are DISGRACEFULL! Do yourself and everyone else a favor a let Some Like It Hot rest in peace, as it once was a great studio..... before your completely lost your mind. You deserve everything that’s coming to you; we all know that the end of Some Like It Hot means end ... Read more

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    Sun Apr 12 2009

    in the words of J. kRISHNAMURTI real life is doing something which you love to do with your whole being so there is no inner contradiction, no war between what you are doing and what you think you should do. life is then a completly integrated process in which there is tremendous joy. That being said, I work hard all week and when I pass the threshold of SOME LIKE IT HOT I am in complete peace with the choice I made to be there, and through practice in that sacred space I touch upon liberation from the mundane. I started with Bikram, and I look forward to my Bikram Yoga classes as SLIH. the teacher Kathryn has guided me in a soft, open, caring way-not like the BYC of India's throughout the city who force you to practice on swampy,bacteria ridden carpet and who yell at you for having a sip of water of having to pee.She teaches Bikram's sequence pure because she believes in it and the healing benefits of the series. she's just lovely, and even demonstrates sometimes for us, which no oth... Read more

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    Sat Apr 11 2009

    Been going to studio for over 1 year. Every good teacher is now GONE. Owner has scared all away, she (YOLA) is crazy. This is no good karma at this yoga studio. Schedule changes on a daily basis. Now studio is closing 3 days a week for "construction." If only someone could buy her out and get all the teachers back. Classes used to be filled with people. What am I going to do with 4 months of a 6 month membership. She is not giving refunds, schedules have changed and the teachers STINK. Carlos, Kristi, Isauro they are the BEST go find their classes. I wish i could.

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    Tue Apr 07 2009

    I'm completely disturbed by Yola's bad behavior and her teachers disappearing left and right. She's not worth my time or money anymore. I feel utterly out of sorts and think I'll need a yoga retreat or therapy to get over this break up!

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    Yola, the owner of Some Like It Hot, is the one of the greatest people I’ve met. People try to bad mouth her all the time because she is as real as it gets. People say she's crazy but honestly she isn't. Her name has been thrown around and she looks like the bad guy when all she wants to do is help. The first time I ever met with Yola we sat down and had a long talk about everything. I could tell something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it. She is a hard- working woman who has had her studio doors open for almost 7 years with no one's help. She is one person I can say that if someone needs help and she can give it, she will be the first to say I will help you. If you don't know what she has been through and what goes on behind closed doors then honestly you can't judge her based on what you see in front of you. People may think she is being rude when she says certain things but she isn't rude to people unless they are rude to her first or if they talk about other client... Read more

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    Thu Apr 02 2009

    I had never taken any bikram yoga classes, but was thrilled to find one close to my apartment. I called "some like it hot yoga" and spoke to yola- the owner. she told me to come in and try her $35 special rate for a week. I gave her all of my credit card information, including address, security code, etc. She told me I was registered for the class. And she told me to come 1/2 hour before class so she could "look at my body." I figured, wow- that is really nice. WELL. i get there 1/2 hour before class, and not only is she not there, but there was no record of my name in the system, nor was i signed up for the class. In addition, the studio smelled. The class was ok, but when I spoke with friends who do bikram, they told me this was not a certified bikram studio. Classes were not as long as they should be and it is not offered everyday. I was the only new person in the class and the yoga instructor didnt come over once to correct me or tell me i was doing a good job. for th... Read more

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    Tue Mar 31 2009

    This review is for all the people that have been a part of Somelikeithotyoga and to all those that thinking of trying the studio for the first time. At one point this studio was created as a haven, a beautiful place where people could practice yoga, learn about the union between body and mind and spend a beautiful hour without stress and craziness. IT ALL WENT BAD! Totally bad because of Yola Romeo, the owner of the space. Yola is a mean, evil and manipulative person. She is what yoga is teaching of all us NOT to be. She not only hurts people in class with her crazy adjustments, but she also abuses people verbally and lately even started to do illegal acts such as charging credit cards without any authorization from the holder. She is banning people (I mean paying students) left and right for no particular reason, yelling at them and throwing them out the door. (I have never heard of any other studio that would do such a thing ever before). She has hurt so many students and wonderful... Read more

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    Yola!!! We all know you who wrote this review... How low can you go. "Patient with my inexperienced" that has to be the biggest joke... It's probably time that you close your doors and get some psychiatric treatment but remember this is a product of your erratic and insane behavior Yola!!! You did this to your self and no one else, so stop blaming everyone else.

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    i was a member at some like it hot in '06 and i had a "run-in" with yola. she basically talked down to me in such a patronizing and condescending fashion. i have never had anybody speak to me like that, especially not in a yoga studio. thankfully, my boyfriend at the time gave her a piece of his mind and she alologized to me. i swore at that moment that i would NEVER return to the studio and i stayed true to my word. I have been practicing yoga for many years and have never had anybody treat me like this in a studio. i recently went on the website to see that she raised her prices to $27 per class!!!! how outrageous!!! yoga is not about money or clothes or being cool. she does not get it at all. i am so happy to hear that her venture has failed. i do not wish badly upon people but after reading the reviews here, she clearly is in the wrong line of business. i have since been frequenting yoga to the people, which offers donation based classes. they accept everyone regardless of their ec... Read more

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    I was told not to come back to the studio after the class. I started to come to this studio about a month ago. I really enjoyed the first week of this studio. About 2 weeks ago, I was supposed to take a class, but the instructor on the schedule did not show up and the old lady at the cashier which had really bad attitude started to teach the class. It was a nightmare... A class started 20 minutes late. She screamed continuously and left students on the same pose because she obviously didn't remember the flow of the class and just taught whoever she wanted. I could feel anger from her and I felt left out as other students. Last 15 minutes, she opened the window and let us sit on the floor and started to rant how this studio went wrong while she's been away for 3 months. When it finished, I did not sweat at all and felt that I came here to take yoga class. After that horrible experience, I still had my tickets left so I'd taken other instructor's class but they've kept changing schedules... Read more

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    Thu Feb 26 2009

    As a member of the Sports Club LA, I have many yoga classes available to me - but was never enticed to try them. Intrigued by the "hot" idea, I first tried the studio with a series of 10 which was reasonably priced. Yola was my first teacher, and I found her to be patient with my inexperienced self. The studio is crowded at times, but you can always get a spot. The studio is calm, clean and conducive to developing a good practice. I found some of the other instructors did not take the time to walk around and insist that we were in the best alignment possible, but Yola always did. No one is perfect, and I'm sure Yola isn't either, but in all the time I have been a student, I never saw her exhibit what is described on this site. I suggest anyone try the "1 week unlimited yoga" which is $35, and decide for themselves.

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    Wed Feb 25 2009

    I have been reading all these reviews and am totally not surprised. A year ago, after being a member of the studio for a year and a half, I HAD to stop going. Yola completely turned me off - her rudeness was so anti- Yoga that is was impossible to find any peace or enjoyment there. One time she accused me of drinking my money away - this was completely out of the blue - I have no idea where she got this from (being I do not drink it was even more ridiculous!). Not only did she scream this accusation with me, but I brought a friend to the studio as a guest and she was appalled that I was referring this studio to her. Isauro was why I tried to stick it out - but even his AMAZING classes could not cover up this wicked woman. I was told by someone at the front desk, or I should say he hinted at her having a mental condition that sometimes caused episodes. The real shame is it was a well kept studio, with quality instructors. I have no sympathy for Yola. She is a mean and judgmenta... Read more

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    Tue Feb 24 2009

    I have never previously written a review before but felt compelled to write something as the experience I had at some like it hot studio this week was nothing short of bizarre and frustrating, enough to cause me to want to find another place to practice! I have been going to this studio for over a year and have enjoyed unbelievable classes and instructors. Carlos and Kristy were amazing!!! I went this past week and everyone had been fired by the crazy owner and the studio was in dismway. The owner had to teach the class herself and it was the least effective and energetic class I have taken yet. I understand and appreciate the idea of the energy in a yoga studio needing to be positive but the owner rambled about it in such a way that is was alarming and almost psychotic!!! Its a shame.. I hope thay get their act together and I hope the great teachers come back!

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    Sun Feb 22 2009

    I have been coming to Some Like It Hot for about 2 years now. The owner, Yola, has always been rude, but usually she is gone for months at time so she is avoidable. I was also present in last night's class where she reprimanded everyone over nothing that even made sense! She then put up a sign, saying the studio was closed effective immediately. When everyone asked what would happen to their class cards and wanted refunds, she changed her tune and said "just closed tomorrow". I have never seen anyone conduct their business so poorly. I have a number of classes remaining on my card, but am considering letting them expire as I dont ever want to relive that experience again.

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    Sun Feb 22 2009

    Yola Romeo - ungrateful and wretched - burried her studio, Some Like it Hot Yoga, after it committed suicide at 5:35pm. The suicide note read: "I'm sorry to all of my students. A dark friend returned in my mind last night and led me to butcher all of my students with the razor sharp edge of my credit card machine and my poisonous words." The note, dripping with sweat, quoted the first passage in the "Song of Yola" - translated from the dead language of Yola. "What ails you so melancholy, quoth John, so cross? You seem all snappish, uneasy, and fretful. Lie with us on the clover, 'tis fair and sheltered: Come nearer; you're rubbing your back; why so ill tempered?" While leeches and spiders began to burrow deep inside of the teak casket, many students had no idea of the killing spree, so they stepped unknowingly into the studio. It was only 24 hours later when Yola with a bloody pitchfork in hand, proclaimed "we're still open!" Run downtown, run to midtown, run to the west, run a... Read more

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    I have just returned from a yoga class at this studio where we are all informed that there will no longer be any class and the studio is closing effective immediately. The owner Yola went on an absolute tirade screaming at everyone patronizing her studio. SHe is completely crazy and does not deserve our support. I feel sorry for her as she clearly needs help but I also do not tolerate being verbally abused and berated before and after a yoga class. Not only did she decide to close the studio supposedly in the middle of the class but she refused to refund the money from our packages until "further notice" Every single instructor has also left the studio she is clearly having an emotional breakdown and is unable to run a business or talk to somone in a polite and purposeful manner. I have been attending this studio for over 3 years due to the convenience, the instructors and the heat, I have dealt with her irrational rude behavior but kept returning, tonight she crossed the line I w... Read more

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    I was also there today, and I have really never seen anything like that before. Yola clearly needs some sort of intervention and quickly. It is very, very disturbing

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    Fri Feb 20 2009

    I will NEVER return to this yoga studio. While some of the teachers are fantastic, the owner, Yola, is the one of the meanest people I have ever encountered. She does not know how to run a business. She treats her customers very rudley and yells....she is a horrible human being and it is very ironic that someone that awful, with such horrible energy owns a yoga studio. This a place where people want to go and unwind and reflect. I wish these teachers would go teach somewhere else, because I do enjoy them, however, the thought of even seeing Yola again makes me sick to my stomach.

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    Sun Feb 08 2009

    I have been going to "Some Like It hot Yoga" for 8 months until Feb-09 and will NEVER return again. Yes, the studio is clean and nice and some instructors are great (such as Carlos, Kristi and Isauro) but the owner Yola Romeo will drive this business into the ground. My Sunday morning Vinyasa flow class was supposed to be taught by Erica or Carlos had a sudden change of instructors and Yola herself was going to teach. First of all, she was 25 minutes late, then made everyone gather in a circle where she lectured on the bad energy of the room and made demeaning comments about everyone's posture. The class was not a flow class at all, we were required/commanded to be in frog or dog pose for 10 minutes straight with her forcefully pushing people's postures into place. I generally do not deal with instructors that require psychaitric help (which Yola clearly does) and simply left the class. Yola ruined everyone's weekend and mood for that day. All the good instructors and managers (like J... Read more

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    RUDE is beyond the word to describe this yoga studio - I just telephoned to get clarification and the on the various types of hot yoga classes that are described on the website. Boy was I in for an awakening - RUDE! RUDE! RUDE! I merely asked for the schedule for the beginners class that is clearly described in the yoga styles BUT IS NOT ON THE SCHEDULE - am I the stupid one or what; the customer service rep had such a nasty attitude she did not make me want to just rush over and join this yoga studio, if anything I am typing up this review.

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    Tue Feb 03 2009

    The owner, Yola Romeo, of this studio is rude and basically stole my year package of 1000 dollars!! My job took me elsewhere for the past 6 months and I couldn't use the last 50 sessions I had leftover. She wouldn't even bother to return my calls regarding the extension and when she finally did, she didn't care whatsoever. Unbelievably rude, selfish, inconsiderate and basically stealing from me!! And, let's not forget to mention that the employee turnover rate is a revolving door because she drives everyone out of there....and the changing rooms for all of the students are as big as my bathroom...everyone squeezes by each other with their soaked-in-sweat's disgusting. I used to love this place before it was run down by Yola herself! I sympathize with anyone that steps foot in the place.

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    Fri Dec 26 2008

    yes- this studio is well-maintained and yes- it's overpriced. but i'm writing b/c the owner, yola, is completely out of control. she is so rude to her customers and verbally abusive towards her staff. she has no insight and doesn't accept any responsibility for her behavior. i've heard her call her customers "stupid" and "lazy." Honestly, i think she's ill. I will never return to her studio, primarily b/c of her behavior but partially b/c it's so uncomfortable watching this woman who clearly needs mental health treatment talk about meditation and inner peace. nyc is filled with good therapists- someone should send her a recommendation.

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    Sun Dec 07 2008

    I have been to a fair number of the yoga studios in the city, and without reservation, I recommend this one. My recommendation is: buy a package (it will cost you less) & try to practice every day.... : )))

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    Sun Dec 07 2008

    A little W-I-N-D-Y in the Big City today? Cold? .... Nasty? ...... "Some Like It Hot Yoga" is the tops for me. The teachers are the best and the energy is amazing! The studio is a calm aesthetic oasis away from the hard city. And everything -- the studio, the change rooms and the showers are constantly cleaned. And . . . . . . . . did I mention the showers? Quite a rarity for NYC yoga places.

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    Sat Nov 29 2008

    When I wanted to show my boyfriend a yoga studio, I was so excited to bring him to a place I had previously enjoyed... However during the class, after being told to just lie down for 3o minutes (this was a power vinyasa class, so the lying down was very odd)..., Yola (the owner) touched him innapropriately, (yes, I'm serious.. ) and said rude comments to me after looking SHOCKED during the class. She even said stuff outloud during our meditation, at one point, asking him, if he had any other friends who looked as good as him and to bring them to her studio. It was totally awkward and strange and not at all relaxing. We asked for our money back and were told to never come back. The guy at the front (selling water) seemed ashamed and admitted some weird stuff had been going on with the studio, including a 7 dollar price hike (now making the classes 30 dollars for an hour and a half class) and innapropriate behavior from yola. Hopefully enough of these reviews will come through that s... Read more

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    Thu Nov 20 2008

    I've been going to this studio for years and have found that lately they will use any excuse to nickel and dime you (charging for extra towels), their schedule is fickle and their newer teachers are not so great. Some teachers - Erica Goss, Isauro Fernandez, Loren Bassett and Kristi Clark are amazing but some of the other instructors are mediocre AT BEST. Kay Kay and Lisa Goldstein were two of the best instructors and now that they're gone there's really no justifying spending so much money on class packages and showing up and finding out you changed your entire work schedule to make the class and the teacher who was supposed to teach was changed last minute and replaced with someone who's clearly just begun teaching. Also, the owner is beyond CRAZY - she will sometimes teach a class last minute and lets her teacup yorkie scratch and bark at the door from outside (DISTRACTING!) and I've seen her be flat-out rude to so many customers over the years I simply can't believe she's still in ... Read more

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    At first I loved this studio. Then all the instructors changed, and the class times changed and they started charging for towels, which had always been provided for free. Some like it hot is more expensive than most studious in town, but it seemed worth it due to the beautiful environment, wonderful teachers, showers, and towels. I was unable to use my entire series of classes, in part becuase there were very few to choose from this summer. They would not let me extened them at all so I stopped going to the studio. I understand that this is not something they are required to do, but many places will do it as a curteousy. SLIH would only do it if I spent hundreds of dollars more on classes. Also, the head of the studio grilled me one day when I took a shower towel on if I was actually planning on taking a shower and demanded that I remove my lipstick so I didn't hurt the towel, even though I had no makeup on. It made me feel uncomfortanble and embaraased. I stopped going, but tried ... Read more

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    My friend and I had an AWFUL experience at this studio. First beginning with the heavy solicitation of water bottles and expensive towels and mats. The instructor and owner, Yola, taught the class and sat in the corner barking commands at students instead of demonstrating, not only was this unhelpful but her abrasiveness completely eradicated any serenity from the practice of doing yoga. With 15 minutes remaining she begins demonstrating next to my friend, S. S engages in the pose but was apparently doing so out of turn and Yola HITS her across the chest with the whole back of her arm -- this was not a love tap, it was aggressive and hard. S, not wanting to make a scene lays down on her mat and waits to leave until the end of class. When she asked for her money back, she was told she would have to speak with Yola. Yola immediately became defensive, ornery and profane. She claimed to have never touched S and refused to refund her the fee, all while screaming and getting in S's... Read more