Soledad O'Brien
Approval Rate: 68%
Reviews 0
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Jun 07 2010Was on the weekend edition of "Today Show". I think she held her own on this program, but has found bigger and better things to do.
by canonballsack
Sun Jan 18 2009Nice hat at inauguration!
by opctrs
Tue Dec 02 2008Spank me Soledad
by buttspanked
Sat Oct 11 2008She is ok nothing great I had hoped she would not be as angry after leaving the morning news, but still too mad!! I must give her credit, her work on the election is the best I have seen her do.
by trunch253
by buzzard
Mon Aug 04 2008Best view of her is her ass as she is shown the door! Worst of the worst!
by trunch
by suncatchers_me
Fri Jul 13 2007Does anyone know what happened to Soledad O'Brien from CNN???? How about Miles?? We miss seeing them each am... Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what happened to them???
by odotson
Mon May 14 2007I thought that she was on vacation!!! Soledad O'Brien's coverage of Katrina alone should have rendered a lifetime appointment. I have followed her entire career, felt that she as far superior to everyone at NBC's Today Show, and was so pleased and proud of CNN for recognizing her intellect and talent by inviting her to anchor the American Morning program. Like many others who have expressed their disappointment with CNN for "reassigning" Soledad O'Brien, I am perhaps the most discouraged. On the other hand, the move appears to be consistent not only with the erosion of American Journalism but also with the erosion of American society in general. The talk programs and so-called investigative journalism programs which are offered by CNN, Nancy Grace, Glenn Beck, Wolf Blitzer, and the rest are all that remain. At this point CNN's American news coverage in general, is an international disgrace. Olon F. Dotson
by yellowsnow
Tue Apr 10 2007She is beautiful. I like to see her every morning. She is very good at what she does.
by stubailey
Sun Jan 21 2007Did a particularly good job covering Katrina;not bad for a Harvard grad!
by helenkirby
Mon Oct 09 2006What an amazing young woman. Brilliant, knowledgable, articulate and what a charmer. Never lets anything slip by, goes after her interviewee with enourmous energy. Great job Soledad.
by krypto
Thu Oct 05 2006Started out with great promise, but all foam no beer
by williamb
Fri Apr 07 2006She doesn't have the personality to be on the air that long in the morning. She should read some news or report a story then off! Her and Miles are like a shot of Novocain to the brain. Carol Costello is the high light of the show!
by interloper5
Mon Apr 03 2006one of the phoniest bitches on TV, right up there with Katie Couric and Paula Zahn, they are pompous assholes, Carol Costello is way better than Soledad.
by tallgvilledude
Wed Mar 22 2006She annoys me, what can I say
by lestat2468
Sun Mar 19 2006I wish I could give this leftwing kook a minus 5. Pure CNN.
by rasberry
Sat Mar 04 2006Soledad's intelligence is obvious but she seems to be trying too hard to project that serious news image. She might be better suited for a network evening achor's job. For the morning, I actually enjoy Carol Costello's upbeat style and great sense of humor.
by rasxyz
Fri Feb 10 2006CNN: Send Soledad O'Brien to the international Bureau where she can be as annoying, obtuse and non-responsive to co-hosts as she wants. Her bias unfortunately is obvious in her attitude toward the persons being interviewed. For a Harvard grad, she acts like a ditz! 2006-01-09: You really can see S. O'Brien’s blinding conservative bias by the way she interviews guests critical of the administrations policy’s. O'Brien’s interview was poorly done with James Risen (State of War). She attacked his disclosures with questions instead of asking him what he found.
by samstp
Thu Jan 26 2006Did you have to be a mindless Republican to vote here?
by franbeard
Thu Jan 26 2006Beautiful amd intelligent
by soulopinion
Tue Nov 15 2005Georgeous and intelligent.Is she married to Miles?
by risingstariii
Thu Oct 20 2005Soledad OBrien is a news anchor that displays little or no talent for the job she is trying to perform. It is so annoying that she is always injecting her personal political and moral values into her reporting. Soledad, I just want you to report the news and let me decide the political and moral aspects of the story!
by haveopinion
Sun Sep 11 2005Soledad talks her she can't breathe properly. So so so choppy - gets you all tense in the morning. Open your mouth and BREATHE BREATHE BREATHE. Should be replaced with Carol Costello or Robin Meade. Now those are real mature, savvy, intelligent women that you feel you could have real conversation with off screen.
by suncoastrater
Wed Sep 07 2005She is very beautiful no matter the clothes or look. She is probably doing exactly what CNN corporate tells her to do for clothes, conservative look. And how happy would you be, if you just had to work over the Labor Day weekend. She traveled Friday nite to New Orleans after working Friday morning. Then worked Sat. and Monday (Labor Day). I did not see her this am. Probably out looking for a better job. Afterall, CNN seems to be getting pretty cheap lately.
by observit
Wed Jun 29 2005I like soledad. Awesome voice intuitive and missunderstood!!
by allforthegood
Fri May 06 2005Not good; makes inappropriate comments, indicating she is annoyed with either the topic or with a co-host. Not professional. Monday following Masters, commented that Tiger Woods did not play very well, scrunching her nose, as she said it. Not professional.
by marpike
Wed Apr 20 2005I like her. I think she does a great job. Solemom rocks
by kelli_71
Wed Apr 13 2005Another beautiful, intelligent woman of color. Very sweet and articulate. All this jealousy being exhibited towards her is SICK! Get a life of your own...
by juvie3
Mon Apr 11 2005Soledad O'Brien is a beautiful lady, with a great personality, and a HARVARD degree...what more could you want? She once wore her hair up on the show, and I completely fell in love with her. She is the reason I wake up in the morning :)
by wroxton
Sun Apr 10 2005no no no.completely wrong. should be on mother's hour
by yman1234
Mon Apr 04 2005How can my sweetheart be rated #62 here. SEnd her to Canada. We will show her respect.
by doitforme
Sat Apr 02 2005Some of you peple are just so full of sh*t, How do you know, Jack doesn't like her or She doesn't like him? Have you ever been at the CNN studio when they are doing the show and see them interacting with each either? She is great (in my opinion) and some of you just need to get a life and stop making inmature statements. One thing is that you don't like her as a professional and a whole different thing is to come here to spell your poison and stupidity
by news_bunny_rom_eo
Sat Mar 26 2005WTF is up with that hair and those clothes?
by traderboy
Tue Mar 08 2005What a shame! This once-luscious muffin was primed to take off in the news biz, but you rarely ever spot her these days. Too pretty plus too quick usually means too bad.
by skysoldier
Tue Feb 08 2005She needs to get a new hair style and wardrobe. She's looking like Fez's sister.
by tngirl
Sat Jan 29 2005I think she's excellent, very professional. Bill can't keep up; send Jack home.
by elsmitty
Wed Dec 15 2004Soldad is a sight for sore eyes in the morning. She is not only stunningly beautiful but also a credible voice. Just as Lou Dobbs is for the little guy, so is Soledad in her reporting
by sterler
Wed Dec 15 2004I love her and she's great with Bill!
by lakewoodfan
Wed Dec 15 2004Awful. This morning she visibly was angry with Jack Cafferty for trying to be funny. That's what CNN pays Jack to do. Soledad can't handle anything off the cuff and unscripted. Bill Hemmer sang on TV and all Soledad said was, Thanks Bill. No kidding, no ribbing. NO PERSONALITY! The only one on that show with ANY personality is Heidi and she has been muted due to Soledad's insecurity. Go back to NBC, please!! Or, better yet, go to FOX. They don't have talent on that channel, so you'd fit right in.
by ctrust
Mon Dec 06 2004Good move to CNN.
by craven_moorehead
Thu Dec 02 2004Nothing spectacular. I do like her new hairstyle. Not my cup of coffee in the morning.
by jhwtrojans
Tue Nov 30 2004I think Soledad does a wonderful job in the mornings. She is the reason I turned to CNN in the mornings. She is cute and hot. I love her smile. When she was on NBC she was great. Glad she is back in the mornings. On a side note. Her husband is a lucky man. Stay lib. sweety and keep doing your job.
by noskcaj
Sun Nov 21 2004Not that hot and has too many kids. Liked when she complained about traffic and wondered where it is coming from. Well you're kids will be four more overside SUVs on the road. Too many people stupid! She is an airhead. CNN kept acting like the viewers missed her. I wish they fire her.
by middlefinger
Sun Nov 14 need to work on the tone of your voice. Sometimes, not all of the time, but has all the charm of someone scratching a blackboard with their fingernails. your mouth and talk like a woman with authority. The little girl voice is very off-putting. Face're in the big leagues. Talk like you work for CNN and not some local, podunk, home-grown news show!
by raw_iron_1
Thu Nov 04 2004She is hot but just another clueless magot liberal who is on the wrong side of history. She like the rest of the libs got it all wrong on Bush! YOU LOST LOOSERS! Viva Bush!