Approval Rate: 60%
Reviews 45
by ralphthewonder_llama
Mon Feb 13 2012This is hysterical.
by ryejugcowboy
Sat Jan 14 2012About as evil as Obama.
by pharaoh111
Sat Apr 17 2010Must be taken in moderation, but not as bad as people think it is.
by zorohem
Tue Mar 30 2010Oh you mean what they are making our country into. No that is called a "bad thing" and we don't want that. Unless you already are a lazy bum who doesn't work and lives off the government then I guess it is cool for you.
by ronaldtheriot
Tue Mar 09 2010It's a good system if you hate being free, like to be controlled, think you should not work, but take other people's money, and you enjoy seeing a nation crumble. They seem to love Socialism in Europe, however. I'm glad I don't live in Europe.
by quarterhorse51
Sat May 23 2009I have been to many of those Eastern European countries that had histories of decades of communist politics and socialist economic policy. They are poorer than Western European countries , and its not hard to see why. Trying to make people all the same does not work . People have different talents,skills and abilities. Socialism's attempts to stamp out individuality and create a cookie cutter mentality that everyone is alike is doomed to failure. For example: I will likely never be able to throw a football like Joe Montana. Notice too, that the dictators did not want to be "equal" to the peasants with their fancy houses, swiss bank accounts etc. Even Russia and its top satellite nation (Bulgaria) never did that. The former East Germany, even today, despite billions poured in is still not really on par with the western part of Germany in numerous ways. Ditto on several other former Soviet satellite countries as well like Moldova and Ukraine. Makiing a doctor equal to a street ... Read more
by michmandrmo
Sat Jan 17 2009Is there enough money in the government/treasuries/rich people's pockets to solve most of our financial problems???
by lmorovan
Tue Oct 21 2008As a precursor to Communism, it is a dangerous path that we should be careful not to take.
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Oct 21 2008It's as wide spread in current practice as is actual conservatism. And its as likely to lead to communism as marijuana is to lead to heroin.
by ridgewalker
Sat Oct 18 2008If there is an equation between socialism and spreading the wealth around, I'm not clear on how this will work in the current economic fabric. For instance, Obama claims that he will not increase taxes on anyone earning less than $250k, which, of course, are most people, but he will raise taxes and mandate insurance on those above this line. The people above the line are the people who create jobs for the people below the line. This will put a tremedous strain on an already fragile system and, in my assumption, will wipe out a lot of jobs...and the repercusions of this can be profound. Someone want to help me to clarify the logic here?
by loerke
Sat Oct 18 2008I don't know that this term means much anymore. Probably "civilized statism" is the best approximation of how thinkers use the term today. The term "communism" is usually reserved for the idea of a society without private property, which is now the odd man out, the specter that nobody really wants around anymore. Meanwhile, most First World nations these days seem to have moved toward some version of socialism, though the American tendency to privatize keeps chipping away at socialism all over the world. But the desire to socialize remedies to human suffering is, fortunately, a characteristic of most advanced nations these days. Advanced nations recognize that universally desirable goods like health care and education are best addressed through economies of scale. Introducing competition into these areas benefits a few, but fails to address the systemic problems (for an example, see the failure of No Child Left Behind in the U.S.). For goods that are not universally desired, capitalism... Read more
by victor83
Sat Oct 18 2008Rgarding Loerke's review: The biggest lie involved with the clever fiction called socialism is that someone gets something for "free". Nothing is free- someone pays for it. Penalizing success (as Obama wants to do) stifles success. I have never understood the entitlement mentality. So people are entitled to "free" healthcare? People are entitled to a "free" education? Then why the hell do we have to pay for water? How about food? How about clothing? How about shleter? Are these needs less important than health insurance/ healthcare? I have asked this before and never seem to get an answer. I wonder why.
by jim9713
Thu Oct 09 2008the ONLY way it works is if the WHOLE world does it.
by michael_jenkins
Wed Jul 23 2008A bad system of government.
by stacey372
Wed Jul 09 2008It just assures everyone is equally miserable.
by brenden
Tue Jun 24 2008Too close to communism in too many ways.
by oo_michelle_oo
Wed Jun 18 2008It sounds great, in theory, but it never works when it comes down to real human beings and their social interactions.
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008I think we could use a little socialism
by cyclee
Sat May 03 2008A very little bit of socialism is tolerable to me, but I like to get my share of the pie that I work so hard for. Moving fortunes from the more capable to the less capable is by no mean fair to anyone. This may not be as extreme as communism, but to me it looks a bit like communism sans the dictatorship or the super-corrupted governing body.
by samantha
Fri Apr 11 2008I think if socialism was in place, Greed would go up even more.
by myspace_362455293
Thu Mar 27 2008I think it could be a little better
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 23 2008This is the norm in a lot of places but I prefer the way things are here in the States.
by twansalem
Wed Mar 12 2008In theory, some aspects of socialism aren't so bad. If all politicians were trustworthy, government ownership of all corporations and medical facilities would have the benefit of them being properly regulated. However, everyone knows that many politicians are anything but trustworthy. Another problem is taxes. If the government controls that much, taxes would have to go through the roof to cover it. So while there are some interesting ideas contained in socialism, the implementation just isn't that practical.
by guy_dc1b
Thu Mar 06 2008Can someone remind me where this Ideology has had any real success.
by fitman
Fri Feb 22 2008All of the most livable nations enjoy a reasonable mix of state socialism and capitalism.Misery occurs when socialist and/or capitalist governments make free enterprise difficult or impossible for the common man.
by james76255
Fri Feb 22 2008I think in order to recognize merit there has to be an example of something actually working. This hasn't worked anywhere in the world it has been tried. True, some have lasted longer than others for various reasons, but they all eventually meet the same fate. While they are active it has proved to be a dreadful way of life for the majority.
by rok100
Tue Apr 03 2007Tell the average American that Tony Blair is a self-proclaimed, proud and honest socialist and they'll laugh in your face. Tell the average American that US troops fought on the same side as the Russians in WWII and they'll call you an idiot and a liar. Tell an American that the Russians bore the brunt of the losses fighting the Nazis and they'll call you un-American and unpatriotic.Factual reality and access to real non-subjective propaganda-free information is only available to ONE SIDE of our false binary political divide. Our problem here is one of intentionally eroneous education and disinformation. The facts are quite alarming, a staggeringly large overwhelming majority of Americans couldn't tell you the differences between a socialist, a communist, a Marxist, a phrenologist, a fascist and a cryptofascist.If we learn and teach our children what fascists really are, what they really want and the tired old political tactics they always use to get it and we'll probably be able to sa... Read more
by genghisthehun
Sat Jan 20 2007Now this has been a really BIG success, hasn't it? Har, Har, HAR! Just imagine everything designed by and run by, let's say, the post office!
by lion_in_winter
Sun Jan 07 2007Socialism is very misunderstood and maligned by many Americans. Democratic Socialism, as is what most of Western Europe is based on is a mix of some free enterprise, which is monitored by the government, so as not to create vast inequities in the greater society. Socialized medicine for citizens is guaranteed, as are other social and education programs. This creates a high quality of life for all, and the gap between the haves and have nots is less extreme. Of course any political/economic system is not without flaws, but this system seems to be the most humane.
by mattshizzle
Fri May 26 2006Much better to protect the weak from the strong.
by frogio
Thu Dec 29 2005Damn it, Volksman, you had me in your corner until I read your final sentence. There is no such thing as a "disciplined" regime, only a "diciplined" citizenry. I'm sad you have a hard life, but I also believe it will always get better under democracy...certainly not under an Idi Amin or a Nicolae Ceausescu
by volksman
Thu Dec 29 2005You the americans have minimal problems.I live in Bulgaria do you know how miserable is everything here in Bulgaria ? In Bulgaria if you kill somebody you can pay to the judge and you will be free ! The wage of one normal worker per month is not greater than 100 $ !!!! WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS ??????????? Bulgaria is part of the USSR from 1945-1989.Now Bulgaria is republic close to the democracy.But the change from socialistic to democratic society had bad effect.The freedom has turned into anarchy.I think the only way to prosperity one society is disciplined regime.This problems that i listed are problems of the capitalism in Bulgaria.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Fri Dec 23 2005UPDATE: I think that's sad, Volksman. Is there a socialistic government in place in Bulgaria? Here in the states, it isn't a story that gets any coverage, sadly. ORIGINAL COMMENT 7/21/04: Not an economic ideology with any chance of success. How do I know, look how many times it has been attempted without even a modicum of success. Human nature is not going to change. Not in 10 years, not in 10,000 years. Heck, we're not sure modified capitalism will work, it's only been in existence 225 years. Empires and monarchies have been given their chance to pass the test of time, and the American Revolution paved the way for the great experiment, rule by the people. Other countries have followed suit with their own customized version of democracy, nearly all with some success. But socialism will never be successful on a large scale because human nature is such that corruption and greed are inevitable.
by ann_hells
Thu Dec 01 2005Socialism is excellent. Truly inspiring. Can you imagine, if there were no wealth classes, there would be no poverty, no famine, no homelessness. Everyone would get a good education. And it works, it has worked in France, and it's now working in Spain. They go to the doctor and they DO NOT PAY! In the US there are so many people who can't even afford the copay at a doctors office, let alone health insurance. People walk around half blind because they can't afford to get glasses, they die of easily cured diseases. Another thing, big business. Who can support capitalism? It's really really stupid is all I can say, basically whoever's father had the most money gets the most money, it's a monarchy of power. Because money=power in our beloved America. People say "Ohh but if you work hard you can get the American dream!" Paris Hilton sure works hard. Mr. T wants you to think of the children. I do.
by samtheman
Sun Nov 06 2005Where in the world did they get ideology? Socialism is just another word for Democrat, isn't it? Anyway let's make a list here of successful socialist countries... you go first.
by dwainb2c
Mon Oct 31 2005Great, as long as its not confused with liberalism.
by kate18
Sat Oct 22 2005Socialism kills independence, creativity, ambition and innovation. It, like communism, has a built-in flaw that guarantees its own collapse -always. It is an historically failed system -always will bel, no matter how many times some think surely THIS time we can make it work. It will never work, once you turn to it, you have guaranteed it will fail. Just take a good, hard look at the socialist leaning countries of Europe. They are in their decline with stagnant economies and routine double digit unemployment -while some in this country are pretending that 5.0% is "unacceptable". Any system that, instead of offering equal opportunity, tries to guarantee equal outcome -is already a doomed system. Socialism, like communism can only offer equal misery in the end.
by the_red_yoshi
Wed Oct 12 2005Socialism, in all it's degrees, stinks! If you want to get an idea of what living in a socialist system is like, join the military, then imagine it with little money.
by asskickingboot_s
Tue May 24 2005Socialism, aka the forced redistribution of wealth, is an entirely worthless idea. I wouldn't even refer to it as nice in theory, as I so often hear. It's not a nice theory. It is pure government control over people. Socialism is the opposite of freedom. The problem with socialism is that it can only work in an intellectual vaacuum where everyone agrees. If socialism were such a Utopia, why have so many fought it, fled from it, and done everything to stop it? Go ask the tens of millions of people Stalin sent to Siberia... Well, scratch that, you can't because they are dead. If you don't subscribe to the socialist vision of utopia you're sent through re-education... which is usually resolved through death. Death just because I disagree? Death just because I have my own ideas about what can make life great? Death often times just for believing in a god? No thank you, I'll take a republic or a constitutional monarchy any day.
by rheingold1886
Tue Mar 29 2005This system simply takes away the fundamental right to free enterprise, and sacrifices the chance at a truly strong economy. Besides the government is tupid when it comes to running an economy, and never mind having everybody run it, we would never get anything done along the lines of innovation etc.
by skizero
Fri Jan 28 2005being of the criminal and inept persuasion, i'm willing to do my share. all i ask is that we: managers, workers, etc all split the money. why can't we all have a piece? Socialists aren't lazy. if you think that, you miss the point. they just want a bigger stake in the work they do.
by guava_monkey
Fri Jan 28 2005Nice in theory. In the real world it means that the lazy, the criminal and the inept live off the efforts of the rest of us. The welfare state is a massive burden that undermines self-motivation and a sense of responsibility.
by eleutheromania_c
Sun Jan 23 2005Every government in the world uses some degree of socialism. You know when you pay taxes? That's socialism: the government collects money, and distributes it as it sees fit. Welfare is socialism. Unemployment is socialism. The government paying for your protection and defense (ie, military, police, intelligence agencies, firefighters, etc) is socialism. Government-funded schools and hospitals are socialism at work. So for anyone saying 'socialism can't work', look around you. A socialist-based economic system in conjunction with a referendum-based government would be the ideal system for everyone.
by pardalis
Fri Jan 07 2005Often mistakenly equated with Communism by Americans, which by the same Americans is often mistakenly equated with 'Totalitarian Soviet Style Dictatorship.' Socialism is in the US little but an ideal that isn't even properly understood by many of its adherents. But socialism outside the US, particularly in Europe has been quite succesful. And is in fact partially responsible for great improvements in the lives of the common people. Socialistic movements had a strong influence in the waning of the power of the wealthy oligarchy in favour of the common man, and it provided in many European countries a safetynet, so that those hit by illness or other misfortune did not spiral into misery. Socialism at its core is about the equality of human beings. And socialists believe that the luck of having been born into a wealthy family does not entitle one to superiority over others. It is also a humane philosophy as it helps out those in need. Socialism by its true definition is a philosophy that ... Read more
by cursebroken
Thu Nov 11 2004It works in theory. But what good is that?