Snap-E-Tom Tomato & Chili Cocktail Juice

Approval Rate: 95%

95%Approval ratio

Reviews 10

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    Sat Jan 09 2010

    5 Star snappy additive especially for Bloody Mary's. A lot of bars don't know this particular brand but it's really worth the extra effort to stock it, your customers are going to say, "wow, what is this"? I predict that once you go with Snappy you won't go back to conventional.

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    Mon Dec 28 2009

    I love it. I could buy it in stores growing up in Illinois but haven't seen it, and had forgoten about it untill I spoted it in a store in Santa Fe. Bought it and it's still as good as I rememberd it. Found it Colorado too.

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    Way better than Spicy V8 due to the flavor of the chili!

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    Can't find it in Central CA

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    Sun Oct 14 2007

    I learned to love this stuff while stationed with the US Navy at NAS JAX ! perfect when mixed with beer......1/3 Snap-e-Tom to 2/3's beer !!!

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    Loved this as a kid and it's impossible to find in illinois now. Just recently rediscovered it. Only wish it was still available in the big glass wine-style bottles.

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    Sun Sep 24 2006

    I LOVE Snap-e-Tom!

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    This is the ONLY tomato juice I can stomach and I love it. Beats V8 hands down.

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    Wed Nov 09 2005

    Snap-E-Tom rocks! it is all natural and is the best! Anyone who does not like Snap-e-Tom is a moran.

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    Mon Oct 25 2004

    If you want your tomato juice to have a spicy kick to it, Snap-E-Tom's may be your solution. Just don't bother telling people the full name, since the concept of chili cocktail juice is befuddling to most people.