Approval Rate: 31%
Reviews 0
by blue47
Wed Sep 15 2010I'm lucky, never had the habit. Oh, I've smoked the odd cigarette, cigar, and smoked a pipe for a few years. I just never got hooked. I have a friend who has been "quiting" for 20 years. Just can't seem to put them down. They say it is harder to get off than herion. Don't know. Also, more women seem to smoke than men. At least in our office, the majority of women smoke.
by badgerfan1
Mon Jun 21 2010I am glad I quit smoking. I don't want to die of lung cancer. Even if I don't, I would have other illnesses and is more addictive than heroin, but very tough to quit, but I'd rather smoke than do other drugs as funny as it may sound.
by wiseguy
Thu Feb 25 2010Only bad if you smoke for years and years and expect to live a long active life.
by fitman
Sun Feb 21 2010Harder to kick than Heroin. Makes you sick. Sickens people around you. Doesn't even really get you high. It's the perfect drug --- for pushers and puritans.
by astromike
Sun Feb 21 2010Im tired of this crap....Smokers know what smoking can do to them. Im not suggesting this is a good habit but It should be their choice weather or not they choose to do that or not. Like in Europe/Middle East for instance smoking is TOTALLY normal. What have we come to as a society? In the 1800's-1990's it was totally not a big deal to be a smoker, now your almost considered evil if you smoke. Come on?! I admit I take a smoke every now and then but dont have the urge to smoke them daily or buy them constantly. So does that make me a bad person because I like to have a smoke every now and then? We got more important things to worry about. If some people rely on cigarettes to calm them and help get them threw their day I can relate, as crazy as this world can get sometimes.
by lix0d3d3
Sun Feb 21 2010I sat here, peering down the long thin tube of tobacco as my fingers flicked the lifghter and a flame momentarily distracted me from the disjointed arguments as to why smoking has caused me to become one united with the devil when- when with a puff of smoke lingering before my eyes I started thinking about all the annoying things that non smokers do that make me want to butt my cigarette in their forehead. The whining alone makes my head ache as though I was having a brain freeze. I don't ask you to come to my house and smoke my second hand smoke for free. I don't ask you to jump in your poluting cars with your stewed in putrid perfume, toting your drug dealer supported coffee brand, pulling your metrosexual thongs out of your collectively anal retentive keesters, do I? So you can sit there sucking on truck exhaust, getting microwave related cancer and heart disease from your processed foods that are putting more polutants in the air amongst your farts and overflowing landfills a... Read more
by irishgit
Sun Feb 21 2010Yeah its a bad habit, and an unhealthy practice and so on and so forth. But the pontificating about it is damn near as bad a habit. Maybe it won't kill you, but it has a good shot at boring you to death.
by nickthequick
Mon Dec 21 2009That's a dealbreaker. I prefer smokin' hot to just plain smokin'.
by rjohnson71
Fri Nov 13 2009Smoking is very bad. My late uncle died of lung cancer in 2001. He was the young age of 56. This proves once and for all that smoking kills. A woman who smoked said that she wouldn't mind having ten years knocked off of her lifespan because of smoking. She thought that she would live to be 65 instead of 75. She died of lung cancer at the age of 40. If you're a teenager who thinks that smoking makes you look cool, it doesn't. Smoking kills. Even 2nd hand smoke is dangerous. 10,000 people die of 2nd hand smoke every year. Cigarettes deserve a zero rating but the lowest that I can vote is 1.
by carrollcountyk_id
Mon Jun 29 2009Stick to grizz. That is good for you. Smoking is bad. Grizz made me the man I am today!
by nesher
Wed May 06 2009It is risky, no doubt of it. Nicotine is considered as the most addictive drug known. However, it all depends on the amounts, and should be viewed in reasonable proportions. Breathing is shortening your life as well, especially if you live in the smog-filled city. And might be breathing that polluted air is more dangerous than the cigarette. War with smokers became a political issue, the same as war with global warming. There is a true story, when one of the editors of the US government TV station has been given a task to investigate and prove that the smokers produce higher burden for the Social Security system than non-smokers because of their health conditions. The investigation proved concept as being wrong, since the they die earlier in average, and sit less on the social programs. The results were banned from disclosure, since they do not match the desirable editorial task.
by gris2575
Wed May 06 2009I quit smoking when I was 21, except for the occasional cig when I'm drunk, and I am glad I did. Not only is it a very expensive habit, but dangerous as well. A friend of mine is dying of lung cancer and it really sucks. Cancer does not care about your race, gender, or how rich or poor you are. It will come and get you if it wants. Why Help it along?
by thepeople
Sun May 03 2009It needs to be banned. Pot is banned. Smoking needs to be next. No one should ever have to smell it or breathe it against their will. I won't say most, but many smokers are just as nasty as the pollution they produce. They are scum adicts who get pleasure from making others breathe their smoke. I hope they die soon.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Thu Jan 22 2009It not only shortens your life, but it will shorten the lives of others as well.
by orangecharlie
Mon Dec 15 2008It is horrible. I have not smoked in over a year and I am so glad I quit!!!!
by misspackrat4je_sus
Sat Feb 16 2008All I can say about smoking is that it's a deadly habit to get into (for both the smoker and those around him/her), and a hard habit to break once you've started. Not to mention the fact that it stinks. Some smokers seem to be totally unaware of how uncomfortable they make it for the non-smokers who are forced to be in the same room with them. Some of them just don't care. I wish that there was a zero or negative rating to give this filthy habit.
by drkseph
Sun Jan 06 2008It pisses me off that people think if they dont smoke they will live longer. Guess what, I knew a guy that was a star athlete that excersised everyday, ate right and didnt smoke. He died of a heart attack at 30. One of my best friends smoked and he died at the age of 16. Lung cancer? No. He was crushed by a tractor. At the age of six-f*cking-teen. Who the hell cares if smoking kills you? There are plenty of other ways that people die besides naturally, and I wouldn't want to die at the age of 80 wearing a diaper, confined to a bed and being so senile I didnt know who or where I was. What do you value about life so much anyway? You go to school, finish that and go to work for the rest of your life where the only repreive you get is a two day vacation where you only get to take a quick lick of the true taste of happiness once a year or less, just so you can make enough money to retire at the age of 70 when you're too old to enjoy all the things you were waiting to do when you retire, the... Read more
by decalod85
Sun Jan 06 2008Gives you cancer. Gives your kids cancer. Supports evil corporations that don't seem to care if they give people cancer.
by loerke
Fri Dec 21 2007Americans brought tobacco consumption into the world, and the tobacco companies (Altria, Philip Morris) are still the most profitable parts of the Dow Jones -- yes, even more than the oil companies, which shows you how well cigarette companies' PR rebranding of themselves as contrite do-gooders has made us forget that they are still ripping money out of the suckers and puffers. Still, Americans are starting to see smoking as the activity of a herd (better yet, pack) mentality, associated with Eurotrash and the teeming masses of Chinese addicts. Anti-smoking is now being seen as a form of American individualism, which is what smoking used to be ... Hopefully the tide will continue to turn.
by yogurt
Fri Dec 21 2007Jeez, I light up a smoke outside even and people look at me like I killed their puppy. But its ok to stuff your face with lard and grease
by dude1984
Mon Dec 10 2007Nicotine is the best stimulant in the world. Until you have done it, shut up. As for saying kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray, you're fools to say such stupid crap. Have you people really licked ashtrays? I also can't stand this whiny pricks that moan about cigarettes killing a loved one. They talk like these people are immortal. Would you rather see them shitting their pants and not knowing where they are? The bottom line is we all die. Have fun and live each day like it is your last. I saw some stat the 1/5 of adults in America smoke and every 8 minutes a smoker dies. It also must mean that every 2 minutes a non smoker is dying.As far as bars, what is a little bit of smoke? You're drinking poison and losing inhibitions. Does a little smoke matter when you end up with a hangover and the clap from doing some stranger? Petro based products that people use are just as bad as smoking. They (the companies) admit it because they have products to sell, products that aren't regulate... Read more
by thunderforce2
Tue Nov 06 2007Smoking is a deliberate act of one taking in toxins, which is beyond stupid, I'm sorry...A friend of mine, which checks blood on a powerful microscope, and the people he checks, who smoke daily, their blood work, their cell's are pathetic! It slowly robs you of your cell's and life. I here people say: "well, smoking is what calms me down". And then they will say: "Smoking is the only enjoyable thing I have left to do"unquote....What sorry excuses! they are to stupid to see that smoking is what is making them nervous, and robbing them of their joy.
by mobilebuzz
Tue Nov 06 2007Smoking is a vile habit. Worse than all the damage you can do to yourself is the lack of inconsideration towards those around you. I am sitting in my home breathing the carcinogenous foul cigarrette smoke coming from my neighbor's and I am simply disgusted and irritated. Why should I have to pay for other people's poor health decisions? If anyone has any ideas on how to approach this subject delicately with my ever smoking neighbor, please do feel free to pass them along.
by twitchin_monkey
Tue Aug 07 2007if you smoke in my car, in my house, or close enough to me that i can't breathe without inhaling it, then yes. i hate it. but do it on your own, away from me so that nothing i have or am wearing reeks for days after, and i've got no problem with it. if you're of legal age, make you own decision. if you can keep it away from me, smoke away.
by blueorchid
Tue Aug 07 2007I don't have to be American to hate smoking, thank you very much. I could be any other nationality and despise it just the same. I hate it because it's smelly and a totally bad habit for anyone to let themselves get into. With me being asmatic (spelling?), I really don't appreciate it either because it makes it harder for me to breathe when I'm around someone, whether they're smoking or just finished, I absolutely can't tolerate it.
by mattyk
Tue Jul 03 2007i dont think smokings that big of a deal. ive been smoking since i was 11 yrs old
by canadasucks
Tue Jul 03 2007Can't stand women who smoked in college- making out with them was like licking an ashtray. . .
by wirescb3
Mon Jun 04 2007Cigarettes are one of mankinds worst inventions. If it was made illegal, it may not wipe the habit out but people would have to go for longer periods of time without a cigarette and in turn become less of a slave to the addiction. It's about time the government free'd its people from the curse it bestowed upon them!
by caphillsea77
Wed Apr 25 2007I'm quitting. Wish me luck! I hate this addiction.Just need to remind myself everytime I have a craving of the zillion reasons not to have one. I actually quit for 2 years back in 1998. I figured I'd casually have one after 2 years of not smoking. All it took was one and I was hooked again.
by chicagoman
Wed Apr 25 2007People in this country need to be considerate of smokers. Most smokers smoke because they want to relieve stress and it dosn't help when they ban smoking in public. If a smoker wants to smoke let them smoke. It's so stupid that they baned smoking in bars who go's into a bar to get healthy anyway.
by kj7770
Wed Apr 25 2007but only Marlboro Lights 100's
by minkey
Tue Apr 24 2007I've got a bad habit of smoking cigars. Usually about one or two a week, and trying to cut back but it doesn't always work.
by puppyloverkb
Wed Mar 07 2007I honelty can't stand most smokers. Yes, I know some that are considerate people who will leave the area to lite a cigarette but a lot of them just don't give a sh**. ( and to be honest, the ones that do "leave the area" still don't go far enough away to avoid smelling the smoke) I own a pet store that contains many baby birds, I actually have had a couple of people park their car in front of our store, get out, smoke a cigarette, and drive away just so they didn't have to smell the cigarete in their car! I don't want the second hand smoke, and I sure as hell don't want my babies getting it either! Maybe I've just had a bad experience with smokers (and living in the OC this is probably true) but from what i've seen is that most don't care who is around when they smoke, just that they need to. Yes, I understand that it is an awful addiction, and never being a smoker or addicted to anything in general (except carbs lol) I can't really get the full picture of how hard it is to quit. But, ... Read more
by adc103051
Thu Aug 03 2006Disgusting and smelly.
by lastmessenger3
Wed Aug 02 2006The ultimate bad habit. But who wants to hear it?
by frankswildyear_s
Tue May 02 2006Starts as a habit, ends up an addiction. One thats hard to kick. Don't start.
by trebon1038
Thu Apr 27 2006Im with Tennisbabe on this. There is just too much evidence out there about the problems associated with smoking, and the biggest problem is that those around them have no choice. Second hand smoke causes health problems as well. And I am an ex smoker...quit 16 years ago and never plan to go back.
by sfalconer
Wed Mar 08 2006Not matter of if, but when and not a pleasant death either. Why do people smoke, their is absolutly nothing that is beneficial about it and it is certainly going to shorten your life span.
by historyfan
Wed Mar 08 2006I'd rather die of natural causes.
by helmut
Wed Mar 08 2006I agree that smoking in moderation wouldn't hurt someone, but it simply seems difficult to do, given that nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there, even compared with much "harder" stuff. I live in a part of the country where smoking seems to be particularly prevelant (I don't know this for a fact) and personally, it drives me crazy. I'm all for restaraunts and other establishments going smoke free. I'm sorry, I simply will not tolerate the effect (however slight) that second hand smoke may have on me and I am perfectly willing to leave a restaraunt if im sitting less than 20ft from a smoker. Some may say I am obsessed with health. I say I am obsessed with life.
by edt4226d
Tue Mar 07 2006The recent death of former teeny-bopper idol Jack Wild (I can still remember his regular appearances in "Tiger Beat" magazine when I was a child) was a depressing confirmation of something I've heard for a long time. Without wanting to bore anyone with the circumstances of my convoluted family history, my biological father died of mouth cancer in the early 90's. He drank more than he should have, and smoked heavily from the time he was a teenager. I heard from my mother that "the combination of smoking and drinking can cause mouth cancer" which was something I tended to dismiss, since I never heard that coming from anyone else besides my mother. Not that she wasn't sincere or knowledgeable, but she wasn't a medical authority. I understand smoking by itself causing mouth cancer (and many other kinds of cancer), but why should how heavily one drinks make a difference, or be a contributing factor? However, before he died in England at the age of 53, Wild confirmed that he had been a heavy... Read more
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Mar 07 2006Yeah, it may not grab you today, but it will get you sometime.
by traderboy
Tue Mar 07 2006Sometimes this habit stomps a mudhole in ya PDQ, but it can also take its sweet time in turning you into a withered cinder. My grandmother smoked for well over forty (40) years with nary a complaint; a routine visit to her doctor then revealed a pancreatic problem linked to her cigarette usage, and she was gone within three weeks of the X-rays being taken. Her son (my father) has been a two-pack-a-day man for fifty (50) years; after several scares with lesions on his vocal cords and an appalling reduction in lung capacity, he's a Medicare co-payment away from an oxygen trolley (which'll look damn silly, since he's still smoking one pack a day). Don't think going "smokeless" will spare you, either; I've got relatives with swollen, bleeding mouths that wished they'd never started "dipping". Reports continue coming in about "second-hand" smoke, but I can't imagine that'd be any less harmful in the long run. Despite casual pressure from acquaintances, I never got started with this form of ... Read more
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Mon Mar 06 2006With all we know today . . .
by kamylienne
Mon Mar 06 2006Very risky, and will certainly shorten your lifespan (yeah, I know many people live a "ripe old age" regardless of smoking cigarettes, but I have to wonder how much longer they could have lived without smoking. Or what their quality of life would have been). Upon seeing actual lungs of smokers at the "Bodies" Exhibit in Tampa (one of several exhibitions which feature actual corpses preserved by a plastic replacement process), it appalled me to see how shriveled and splotchy a smoker's lungs get.
by szinhonshu
Mon Mar 06 2006This one has the added benefit of injuring other people around you. In that regard, it is more considerable than alcohol because it causes physical damage not only to the user but to those around the user. Why do I think of it this way? It is my very petty and smallish style of feeling superior to nicotine addicts while I gulp away on my Red Bulls.
by doorgunner
Mon Mar 06 2006The dangers of second-hand smoke have been blown way out of proportion and exaggerated and hyperbolated to ridiculous extremes. Now you can't even smoke in the freaken park during a hurricane. Give it a rest. If people want to smoke, let them have their nasty little pleasure without your policing their behavior. Smoking a couple or three cigarettes per day probably will not shorten your lifespan. Many people find it relaxing and enjoyable. People in this country are obsessed with health. Just live and enjoy your life and use all things in moderation. But smoking a pack or two per day isn't my idea of moderation. Keep it to three max a day and you'll be okay.
by vudija
Mon Mar 06 2006How about second-and smoke? I certainly know the affects that this can have on a person.
by runningboy
Fri Feb 24 2006SMOKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!
by souljunkie
Thu Dec 29 2005Actually this may be harsh but if by now you are still smoking with all the facts that we have on its negative effects, if you are aware that it will surely effect your health in a negative way and even kill you and you still do it, you deserve what your getting. Go outside and kill yourself. C'mon folks lets face it, smoking is a very foolish thing to do with your precious life, and does not have one redeeming quality. Get over it.