
Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

Reviews 22

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    Tue Jan 18 2011

    It was stupid even before we knew all about the detrimental effects of tobacco. So, these days it's really stupid.

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    Fri May 09 2008

    It is a NASTY habit to get into, and can cause a lot of problems. A note to all young people reading this: If you are ever tempted to smoke, don't start. You've got a future ahead to think about -- make the best of it.

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    Sat Nov 24 2007

    You'd think that with all the health awareness around these days people would be more aware of the dangers of smoking than back in the twenties, but still the teenagers carry on...  I'm in my teens myself, but I'm sensible enough to know that there are many better ways by which to look cool than by ruining my health and lungs... like my expertise of Plo Koon. :D It's sure a 'killer' way to look cool...

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    Fri Nov 23 2007

    They start out thinking it looks cool, then they get addicted.

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    Fri Nov 23 2007

    Again, teens are not all to blame in this, I see more Adults smoking than anything, but yeah, I see the point, teens do it for "coolness", adults do it because it calms their nerves, which do you think is more dumb?

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    Wed Jul 25 2007

    this is so stupid say no to sex smoke and more

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    Mon Mar 26 2007

    smoking is not going to help you in your future it just makes you look ugly or other not cool just help your self and say no to smoking or just change the subject

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    Wed Jan 03 2007

    What's cool about lung cancer, emphysema and chronic bronchitis?

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    Tue Jan 02 2007

    This is sad but very true... it's a trend that doesn't seem to diminish with the newer, supposedly more educated generation. Maybe if they realize and digest the fact that there is far more to lose than to gain when it comes to smoking, that this unhealthy and unatractive habit will be a thing of the past.

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    Sun Oct 22 2006

    An awful lot of people will tell you that they started smoking as a kid or teen because they percieved it as "cool" or "grown up" looking.Of course,we all know that nicotine is HIGHLY addictive (unless we are mentally challanged "ditto heads" who believe the radical departures from reality professed by Limbaugh),and that smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body.

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    Sat Oct 21 2006

    Being a non-smoker,smoking seems useless thing to do. I never understood how exactly smoking promotes you as an individual.

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    does not look cool at all. Now some of them will be addicted to those awful cancer sticks. an expensive habit to get stuck with .

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    So many people in my school do this to look cool, and all it does is repulse me and make me walk on the other side of the street.

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    I don't believe as many teens smoke now as in the past. Most of the people I see creating the smog outside the local mall is the GenX age and above. Right now, I believe the "uncool to smoke" adage is on the upswing.

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    How many people who smoke first started their addictive habit when they were teenagers. I would say most did so, and I would like to hear any good reasons for smoking besides trying to fit in, impress others, or to defy authority figures.

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    Sat Jan 28 2006

    I don't know what's worse: That teens DO smoke to look "cool" or the fact that, as of now, the RIA crowd thinks that smoking is worse than using drugs

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    Fri Jan 27 2006

    Gives you cancer.

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    In the past this habit was really put out there as something cool. When your favorite actors, musicians, and tv persoanlities were shown smoking, you couldnt help but feel that this wasn't so bad. SMoking isnt shown on tv anymore, but movies still have characters looking all mysterious and bad in clouds of smoke.

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    Considering that many people refuse to date smokers, teens should realize that tobacco addiction may mean losing out on romantic choices.

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    Their thinking "What the hell have I got to loose?" as most teenagers have a care-free attitude and don't start to take care of their bodies until later on in life and by then it might be too late. Its so stupid to start smoking at a young age and even worse when you start as an adult.

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    I was curious about smoking at age 13, but im glad i never started.

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    A great way to get emphysema when you turn 60.