Approval Rate: 67%
Reviews 0
by takemehome1024
Sat Dec 18 2010I fail to see how Ralph Wiggum is the only character who knows the show is passe.
by scienceenginee_r
Mon Oct 18 2010Very scientific Matt Groening.
by badgerfan1
Sat Jun 19 2010Terrible. Jumped the shark a LONG time ago. I am still wondering why it's on and who is going to care when it ends? I can think of many crappy shows that are TONS better than this. Playhouse Disney, Barney, Hannah Montana and the many more
by mdmachek
Thu Jan 21 2010I love the Simpsons But the only thing is after 20 years they need to grow up lisa and bart are still in the same grade and maggie is still stucking on that passingfire
by jake_armitage
Wed Jan 20 2010I have watched the Simpsons since it was an animated short on the Tracy Ullman show. 450 episodes and still going strong, this show has become an institution and the biggest moneymaker the Fox Network has ever seen. One of the secrets to it's success is establishing itself has a "must-do" for the best up and coming comedy writers. Another secret to it's success is having an entire town that is well developed with many different characters and thousands of nuances which define the Simpson universe.
by kjsean
Fri Nov 27 2009I love The Simpsons! Unlike Family Guy & South Park, this show actually uses smart humor (such as satire). They don't have to "force" the laugh out of the audience (unlike Family Guy and their random moments). I'm a huge fan and watched it ever since I immigrated to the US (4th grade).
by georgiamyers
Wed Oct 28 2009Simpsons gets a laugh out of me. Not just oh that was funny. I actually laugh at some of the stuff they come up with. Not too many TV shows can get me to laugh. I think its because alot of their comedy is unexpected and different.
by silver_eagle_252
Thu Jul 02 2009When this show first came out, if you asked me if I thought it would last more than two or three seasons, I would have said, "No Way". Have to give it a lot of credit for the ability to last for so long.
by pcpeter774
Fri Jun 12 2009Just isn't what it use to be. Unlike seinfeld, I am getting a little sick of the repeats. And the newer episodes just plain suck. However this series has an overall good legacy.
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009Ranks up their as my all time fav show. Cant give it 5 stars tho because the great writters of the show are running out of ideas the 15 plus years the show has been airing. Todays episodes are a lill too off the wall. I love the first 9 seasons tho!
by pugwash01
Thu Feb 05 2009Very funny and entertaining!
by caroline112
Mon Dec 29 2008still pissen my pants after all these years
by nosugarcoating
Sun Nov 23 2008This show used to be a great sitcom. Indeed, it broke ground as being the first animated sitcom that, along with Married...with Children, put the Fox network on the map. Married...with Children was cancelled when it was on top. The Simpsons however, has overstayed its welcome by almost a decade. I used to faithfully watch this show every Sunday evening. It was sort of the last hurrah for the weekend. Its time has gone. The Simpsons was a symbol of the 90s. When someone looks back on that decade, they will without a doubt have to look at the impact it had. Words (or rather sounds) like D'oh, Meh, and the Ha ha! laugh of Nelson have become firmly entrenched in our vocabulary. That time has long passed. The movie showed just how far gone it was. The movie should have been made about 1996 or 1997 and then it could have wrapped up the series. Instead, we are left with a show that is a shell of its former self.
by babydoll1223
Fri Jul 18 2008Who doesn't love The Simpsons. It's just classic.
by spike65
Tue Jul 15 2008Would have been five stars but the quality of the shows has deteriorated as Homer's stupidity has increased.
by scuta5
Tue Jun 24 2008The Simpsons. I like the simpsons better than Family Guy, and Robot Chicken. I never really watched the simpsons, until 2006. I have just a few seasons, and the movie. Not only is the show funny, but it also has its touching moments as well. the show even makes fun of other shows, and movies, i am ok with that.
by beccalynn
Wed Jun 18 2008um not for me
by soniklogo
Fri Jun 13 2008Hilarious!! Even today. BEST SHOW EVER
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008it's alright..still funny parts after all these years and the Simpson Movie was a riot
by g8rhoo
Mon Jun 09 2008Brilliant, even after all these years.
by xagent
Thu Apr 10 2008I still try and catch the new ones whenever I can and I usually tune in to see the reruns.
by nelsonc
Tue Apr 08 2008Can't stand it.
by trebon1038
Fri Mar 21 2008I don't faithfully watch it but when I do run across it I sometimes check it out. I think its funny, it just seems to be on when something I like better is on.
by mrtuner
Fri Feb 29 2008I love the simpsons! This is a very funny show. The simpsons movie was pretty good as well! I am a big fan of Mr. burns, Bart and crusty the clown. This is one show that i would definatly recomend to somebody!
by decease
Sat Feb 16 2008One of my favourite TV-shows ever!
by xavierv
Sun Oct 28 2007Now when I look back in my childhood memories, I can't discern what happened in my life from what happened in the Simpsons. A severe identity confusion I tell you!
by dazedandconfus_ed2
Sat Aug 25 2007I would consider it a form of torture if I were forced to watch this show. Marge Simpson's voice is worse than fingers on a blackboard. Television for trailer folk.
by kingbowser
Wed Aug 22 2007Those of you saying this show sucks, probably haven't watched any episodes from the classic seasons (2-8). Also, Barney and Teletubbies better than The Simpsons? I'm sorry, but if you really think the show is THAT terrible, you need mental help.
by yogurt
Sun Jun 03 2007I used to like it a lot but, lately I don't find it that funny.
by pixarfan2007
Tue May 08 2007The Simpsons goes down as one of my all-time favorite tv shows. I only gave this a 4 because the show is not as good as it used to be. I am looking forward to seeing the movie in July.
by gloomyeeyore
Tue May 08 2007I like the Simpsons, it's not as good as it was in the beginning but it still has some good episodes.
by momsandpopscal_lmejoe
Tue Feb 27 2007This cartoon always has a thug laughin'. I picked up a few Simpson dvds from the library really good stuff. This show got a lot of funny characters but no one is funnier than Homer. If you're a big fan check out the Simpson dvds. It even has optional commentary from the writers of the show and deleted scenes.
by nolapro
Mon Sep 11 2006Prolly still my favorite show for the past 10 years. No show has kept my attention nearly this long. I attribute this to constant ironic twists and unique characters. The writing is amazing and the storylines have depth and REAL comedy. This show is politically incorrect but spreads the insults around evenly, therefore, it is actually politically correct. If that makes since.
by punkf72e
Sun Aug 27 2006It is a hillarious show
by ungodlyugly
Wed Jun 21 2006Laugh your ass off funny. Hasn't lost a thing over all the years it's been on...
by shadowyboy
Mon May 22 2006The greatest show ever made. If it is ever canceled, I'll be surprised. It reached its peak in season 8, but its still got it.
by williamb
Sun Apr 09 2006One of the few shows with child stars where the kids didn't grow up to be dorks!
by lampoon
Mon Feb 27 2006One of the longest running shows from 1989 till present. For a good reason too! This is my favorite show because its well-written, has strong characters, and basically just hilarious in the way it makes a satire out of things.
by bandit324
Fri Feb 17 2006The Simpsons rule!
by jaynavy
Tue Feb 07 2006It will always be a hands-down classic.
by gamerman
Tue Jan 31 2006The newer episodes aren't as funny as the older ones, it's still my favorite cartoon of all time. Homer is so funny!
by unitedstates
Sun Jan 29 2006Though newer eposiodes are quite stupid, the show was a classic hit throughout the 1990's and is a part of Amrerican culture and the 1990's.
by kiavash9
Wed Jan 25 2006i Live in australia but they still show it here every nite 6pm. Im all on front of the tv at the time. My all time fave show. I would give this 20 stars if i could.
by robbo59
Thu Jan 19 2006For at least a decade, The Simpsons ruled the roost as the most cleverly written comedy in television history. Although chiefly the target is the baby-boomer audience, this program requires a grasp of history, (both recent and long past) movies, music, pop culture, religeon, politics, science, industry, discovery, invention, big and small business, and day to day life (ditto both recent and past occurences in all categories) and a litany of other topics. In short, it has something for everyone and no subject is too sacred to be lanced by it's ironic wit. The show has featured the guest voices of three ex-Beatles, two Rolling Stones, a dozen or more Academy Award winning actors and actresses, famous writers, inventors, directors, television stars, athletes, and statesman. An army of staff writers and a great cast of talented voice actors give the show it's longevity and continuity and it's spot-on represntations or corporate greed (In the character of billionare industrialist C. Montgom... Read more
by yamiyugi900
Fri Jan 13 2006They Suck! Even Barney is better than the simpsons. Damn them
by yamiyugi100
Fri Jan 13 2006Trash tv! List of better shows Barney Telitubbies oobi seasemee street