Silence of the Lambs
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by net412
Sat Nov 28 2009Hem, great movie, personally i really like hannibal lector, he really smart and genius, not like the other serial killer or psikopath that only go all aroun the neighbourhood and kill all people he met, hannibal lector is more artfull with his killing. not with a brutal force, but with the knowledge that he have. the story line is very interesting. the first time i watch it, i can't stop my self to see it until the end, and i like the other story of hannibal lector too like hannibal and the red dragon, anyway good movie must watch it.
by spike65
Thu Aug 14 2008Very well crafted movie about a serial killer. Jody Foster and Anthony Hopkins both shine in this creepy film.
by uncle_banana_head
Wed Jun 11 2008Talk about awesome! This is one of the most entertaining psychological thriller/horror movies ever made. It takes me right back to the early 90's every time I watch it.
by teresag
Thu Apr 17 2008I love scary films ~ not so much the physically ~ more the mentally. This flick, more than frightened me ~ it terrified. I checked every single closet and both bathrooms in my apartment. Still couldn't sleep for a few nights. And Holy Cats ~ don't get me thinking about it again because I now have a house with a basement and attic.
by molfan
Thu Apr 17 2008I am not usually a fan of thriller movies. This one was good. Anthony Hopkins was great a s Hannibal Lector. A psychiatrist who is in jail for murdering people and eating them. Yet he has a brilliant mind about understanding the minds of killers. There is another serial killer on the lose who kidnaps women skins them and kills. them . Jodie fosters plays Clarice who is hired to investigate the crimes and help find the killer. She goes to Hannibal who is in maximum security to talk with Hannibal to help find the killer. he agrees help so he can be transferred.there are some good chillingly frightening scenes in this movie between Hannibal, Clarice and tracking down the next serial killer who we do get to see,{ a real freakof a guy and the actor Ted Levine, who ended up on Monk playing Leland Stottlemeyer}as thrillers go this was a pretty well done movie.
by genghisthehun
Wed Oct 31 2007The abject nihilism of this offering is frightful--avoid.
by xagent
Thu Aug 09 2007One of the creepiest movies I've ever watched.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Aug 09 2007I can still hear Hannibal's greeting echoing in my brain....mad spooky...
by stabris7
Wed Aug 08 2007Wonderful thru and thru. Anthony and Jodie as well as the others really did this film justice. Magnificent acting, directing, etc. Some of the greatest lines remembered and the way they were delivered...priceless! The process of a Rookie FBI agent in training...thru to the end was very gripping!
by victor83
Mon Jul 30 2007I am obviously in the minority here, but I have never understood the massive appeal of this movie. Granted, Anthony Hopkins is one of the all-time heavyweights- for that I will go 2. But Jodie Foster, in my opinion, couldn't act her way out of a parking ticket. And with memorable lines like "it puts the lotion on the skin"....sheesh! Watch 30 minutes of any Kevin Costner flick, then turn on CNN. At least you will save the cost of a DVD.
by bell017
Tue Apr 10 2007Excellent, gripping story - not for the faint of heart! Grisly, at times, but truly grabs you and takes you for a ride.
by primaxdonna
Wed Feb 21 2007try to creep me out!
by skimmer
Tue Dec 05 2006Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins team up and give us Silence of the Lambs. It follows the horrible crimes of a serial killer that skins his victims. Hopkins plays Dr Habbible Lecter and a very young Jodie Foster plays Clarise Starling an FBI officer in training. Takes one to know one, the FBI sends Officer Starling to try and get information out of Lecter to help their case...
by 00meloniehead
Sat Nov 11 2006Everyone said that this movie was really scary and gory and when I eventually saw it I thought "Is that it?". Same with Reservoir Dogs.
by cloudten
Sat Nov 11 2006Bravo to the writers, directors and very excellent actors.
by djahuti
Mon Oct 02 2006This was good because it mixed action and gore with psychological tension.It was sort of a "thinking mans slasher flick".Also,Anthony Hopkins is a really intense actor!
by jeremy00081
Sun Oct 01 2006One of the best movies ever made in my opinion. I was mesmorized from start to finish.
by trebon1038
Thu Jul 13 2006I read the book just weeks before this movie came out and was very impressed with how close to the book it was. Anthony Hopkins was superb as Hannable and Jody Foster was awsome too. It was one of those movies that when I left the theater was in a daze.
by edt4226d
Wed Feb 22 2006Well done, although, speaking from a strictly personal point of view, I've become more than tired of and bored with Hollywood's facile, almost voyeuristic fascination with serial killers. Also, and I mean to take nothing away from the great Anthony Hopkins, but I thought Irish actor Brian Cox gave a much more subtle, nuanced performance playing the same role in the film "Manhunter."
by peter_traherne
Mon Feb 20 2006Brilliant movie with two strong performances by Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. Adaptation of Thomas Harris' book.
by decalod85
Sun Dec 04 2005All the praise Anthony Hopkins got was deserved. He somehow manages to be menacing even though he is behind a wall of plexiglass. Jodie Foster is very good as the ambitious FBI agent, who uses and gets used by a devious serial killer.
by megadude
Sun Nov 06 2005One of the greatest actors of our time coupled with one of the greatest murder mysteries of our time. Add in the intellect of Hannibal Lecter and you have a "can't miss" thriller!
by echoscot
Tue Oct 18 2005Very good. Both Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins are tremendous actors. Scary how real it all seemed. I'm hungry......
by planetarygear
Mon May 23 2005So damn good, this movie was, I almost tried cannabalism.
by kattwoman
Sat May 14 2005the acting was great. jodie foster and anthony hopkins are convincing in their roles. it did have some boring moments though but overall it was a good thriller
by killerbudsfore_very1
Fri Apr 08 2005First I didnt see one lamb through out the whole movie! Thats disappointing. gyros forever!
by daccory
Tue Oct 05 2004I know Hopkins personally (you name dropper!) but i can't really see why he got an oscar for it. Didn't find it in the least bit chilling.
by da_minx
Mon Oct 04 2004No wonder this film sweeped the board at the Oscars. Hopkins is fantastic in this. His stone cold stare is chilling in itself. The Hopkins/Foster partnership is gripping. Excellent plot and well written. The other lambs prequel and sequels haven't quite cut it for me. This film will have it's place at the top of the all time greats forever.
by redoedo
Sat Aug 28 2004As a thriller, The Silence of the Lambs certainly serves its purpose. A fine script with a solid cast. Hopkins gave an especially chilling performance as the evil but brilliant Dr. Hannibal Lector. Overall, the film managed to keep my attention and never seemed to slow down. A solid five-star thriller.
by keithbernardco_ok
Sat Aug 14 2004very much overrated
by nightbird
Sun Aug 08 2004My friend made me watch it I thought that it was creepy and I watched it with my hands covering my eyes and my favrite was I ate him withe fava beens and chenti.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Jul 27 2004Hello Clarise.
by lashes
Mon Jun 28 2004Awesome movie. Anthony Hopkins has the ability to scare anyone!
by jamie_mcbain
Thu Jun 24 2004Great film, really creepy and scary.
by droriea4
Thu May 27 2004The best movie in the world!
by bbutler76
Tue Apr 20 2004Good flick. Anthony Hopkins is the man. Decent storyline and it kept me on the edge of my seat. Too gross at times but all in all this movie is very solid.
by eddill
Thu Apr 15 2004A well constructed thriller.
by pennyroyalty
Sat Apr 03 2004By far the best of the Hannibal trilogy of movies. Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster and the entire cast work so well together. This movie did the book justice. Creepy, sadistic, thrilling. A Classic!
by irishgit
Thu Mar 11 2004I think a brilliant performance by Hopkins is utterly wasted in this scurrilous piece of trash.
by virilevagabond
Fri Feb 06 2004Released in 1991 and directed by Jonathan Demme, Silence Of The Lambs is a combination horror, mystery and thriller movie that takes the viewer through the criminal mind. For the uninitiated, the story revolves around young FBI agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) who is assigned to help capture a mysterious serial killer named Buffalo Bill who is murdering young women for their skins. Eventually, she must interview the brilliant, yet utterly evil psychologist and cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins). While Starling is trying to get into the head of Buffalo Bill, she must attempt to keep Lecter out of her own. This movie was perfectly cast, written and directed as evidenced by the film's sweep of the five major Oscar categories; nevertheless, what makes this film effective is that the horror is so tangible and believable and that the cinematography makes the scenes feel cold and wet like early November.
by kolby1973
Thu Feb 05 2004This movie was thrilling from beginning to end. Very few dull spots, and Jodie Foster is so believable in her character that it gave me goose bumps. While I normally do not care for movies that involve serial killers, this movie is a MUST-SEE for those seeking a good Jodie Foster movie. It can be kinda scary at times as well. Not a recommended movie for children however.
by phlip_tout
Thu Jan 01 2004Classic. Hopkins - great! I like it when it looks like Jodie Foster is going to shoot me.
by st_martin
Wed Nov 19 2003Too far fetched to be a classic, saved by Hopkins and Foster
by jbiscuit1
Fri Aug 01 2003While Red Dragon comes close, this movie is by far the best in the saga. Jodie Foster adds significant depth to the role of Agent Starling, and Anthony Hopkins is excellent as Hannibal Lecter. This movie was made prior to the great grusome fest made by Ridley Scott, so you will find the gore toned down, and the psychological suspense turned way up.
by weirdmeister
Thu Jul 10 2003Breathtaking and unrivaled till date. Dark, creepy, unmoving and lifetaking. Well hello Clarice! Hideous, murderous, cannibalistic and hungry. Do you think I am evil?
by tototoo
Wed Jun 18 2003Very much enjoyed this psychological thriller. Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster made it great with their magnificent acting.
by ciarabce
Tue Jun 17 2003I could go on and on raving about this masterpiece.One of the best movies ever made. Will remain on a class by itself for years to come.
by ozzymaniac
Tue Jun 17 2003One of the best of the 90s. It definitely deserved all of the Oscars it got. Great film.
by ponerse
Mon Jun 02 2003Truly one of the best horror movies of all time.
by philc01b
Tue Apr 01 2003An excellent psychological thriller with fantastic acting.