Shepherding a Child's Heart (Tedd Tripp)

Approval Rate: 69%

69%Approval ratio

Reviews 7

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    This book was published in defiance of the fact that the Internet is teeming with people who have been sexually harmed by spanking and who have been cheated out of normal sex lives because of exactly this kind of advice. If you are a Christian, you are responsible for not creating stumbling blocks for others, including your own children. Because of the Internet, Christians can no longer hide behind professed ignorance. Please do not take the chance that you will harm your child or stimulate a person with a secret, unwanted fetish by following Tripp's advice.

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    Tue Sep 16 2008

    This is the most abusive piece of dribble I have ever read. Ted Trip is sick. There is not one man of the cloth I have ever talked with who support this man's claim that beating children is not only necessary, but God like?? Since when would God EVER command us to beat children. Jesus speaks very clearly in the New Testament that in no way should any hard come to His children. I think if Jesus says it, would you not say that God means it? No where in the New Testament every encourage, command, or otherwise suggest beating children! Tedd Tripp should be put out of business as soon as possible! PLease...protect your children, protect ALL children, and do not buy this book!

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    Mon Jul 21 2008

    Not only does this book give you insight for raising Godly children, it challenges you to become a better example to your children and correct the things in your life that are not Christ-like.

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    The Pearls are Christians that advocate beating children. Tedd Tripp's book is more insidious than that because it seems reasonable, but it's the same idea dressed in sheeps clothing. The theology is basically "beating the sin" out of your child- which isn't Christian at all!! I recommend something more along the lines of "Grace Based Discipline".

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    Mon Jul 07 2008

    I had no idea how many things I was doing wrong!!! And everyone thinks I am a good parent. By the worlds standard, I suppose I am. By Gods standard I was falling way short! Ted Tripp has shown me how to be kind and loving to my children. To explain to them why we do what we do, not just because I want it, but, because God calls up to do it! What a concept! IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN PARENT, THIS IS A MUST READ! I am enjoying parenting so much more, now that I am in line with Gods will!

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    Thu Jul 03 2008

    This is a good book but if you want an invaluable resource for raising children To Train Up a Child by Michael Pearl is even better. It is clearly the best resource a parent can have if they truly love their children. I am well aware that many people who do NOT do their homework say it is bad but if you ask them if they have read the book they almost always say NO! If you train the child with love you will DISCIPLINE 90% less than if you do not.

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    I have a feeling that people like Jo Ragan didn't really read the book, but glanced (if not just read the Table of Contents) and hastily decided that it was nothing more than a pages of utter trash. Now, I'm not a parent, but have had sufficient experiences with children and contacts enough to know a little bit about spanking. (Edit: and child-rearing) But first of all, we need to descry that spanking is not what Tedd Tripp advocates solely. Just declaring this book to be a 'spanking manual' is a gross generalization and a telling evidence that people need to be more cautious in reading books. Especially a valuable read like this. (And mind you, I don't know anything about Tedd Tripp nor am I his fan or associate. I'm a perfectly neutral third-party who has read the book.) If Tedd Tripp indeed advocates ONLY spanking, then why is there any need for him to mention God? And why do other chapters in this book discuss other methods and examine them? Mz. Ragan clearly did not read o... Read more