Shawshank Redemption

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 44

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    One of the top 5 movies of all time.

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    Cadena perpetua. También me gustó.

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    perty good narration. lol.

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    i love andy dufrain

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    Tue Jul 22 2008


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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    one of the best screen adaptations of a Stephen King novel !!!

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    I have never met a person who hated this movie.

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    Wed Jun 04 2008

    I like this one. I love almost everything Stephen king writes.

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    Wed Jun 04 2008

    Love everything about this movie, such amazing performances from Tim & Morgan.

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    Mon Mar 17 2008

    A great movie with well developed plot and actors, can watch it over and over!

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    Fri Mar 14 2008

    Somehow I had managed to not see this movie until earlier this year. I almost missed out on seeing one of the best movies of all time.

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    Wed Jul 11 2007

    No One can beat this film,1994 is greatest year of hollywood because three greatest films released this year 1.Shawshank 2.forest gump 3.pulp fiction shawshank is one of all time best,it gives me hope and u please watch this film,this is not a film OUR LIFE NO MISS THIS FILM

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    Tue Oct 24 2006

    Based on a short story by Stephen King (from "Different Seasons")-this is one Powerful Movie! Very intense and gripping,with a cast worthy of winning awards for their performance in this,it won't fail to move you.Bravo!

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    Fri Aug 18 2006

    A very, very good movie. If it were not for Tim Robbins, this would easily rate a 5. Morgan Freeman displays his typical acting genius in this movie.

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    Thu May 11 2006

    "Get busy living or get busy dying!" This movie is about freedom and every now and then it is good to hear this message. This is a great movie. I highly recommend that if you have not seen it that you watched it. This is easily in my top ten of all time.

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    Sat Nov 26 2005

    The best movie I have ever seen. I can watch it over and over again and every time it has the same effect. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins do a great job. Great plot, great acting, great movie.

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    This is one of few films that is etched in my memory,that delivers cinematic viewing pleasure given the fact it is hollywood strewn.I rarely give a gold star for over-dramatised hollywood flicks.Being a great lover of world(foreign)cinema,this film definitely makes the cut!

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    Really good movie. Though it took a lot of years (talk about patience) good won over evil again...and did with with likable characters and heart.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    At first i didn't like it but the more i watched it the more i got into the characters and the storyline and how hope plays a big part in this movie. Best prison movie hands down!

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    One of the few perfect films I've seen. Absolutely flawless.

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Run of the mill predictable prison flick.

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    Wed Jun 08 2005

    Definitely one of my top 10. Even though I dont care for Tim Robbins' politics, his portrayal of Andy was superb. At first I had a hard time accepting him in that role (in Steven Kings short story, Andy is small in stature, not tall like Robbins). Morgan Freeman was even better. Freeman is a one of the greatest actors ever and this is one of his best pictures. I have the DVD and find myself watching it a couple of times a year just for inspiration.

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    Mon May 16 2005

    If you don't like this movie then you are a cynical [email protected] a crooked prison warden. This movie will renew your faith in the power of the human spirit.

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    Sat Apr 09 2005

    I could watch that movie again and again! Although I think it's sad ending could be changed, I feel it deserves 4 stars!

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    Mon Apr 04 2005

    tim robbins and morgan freeman are great. fine performances without the use of alot of violence or graphic violence to get attention.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    My favorite non-comedic movie ever! The characters are depicted so vividly that I truly found myself hating the warden and the prison guard and geniunely feeling sorry for the prisoners. It's not often when you think of criminals, particularly murderers, as the good guys. Great performances by all, especially Freeman and Robbins.

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    Tue Feb 01 2005

    Are we watching the same movie? This movie is very good. Great story line, originality, and conclusion.

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    Just when things were looking up in the movies they made this...awful....

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    This is a must see for any movie fan. Great story, great acting, and great music.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    A little overated and kind of predictable but almost everyone I talk to about it is convinced it is one of the best films ever made.

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    Thu Jan 20 2005

    This was an excellent movie. How many Stephen King books are on this list anyways, I think I counted at least 3 or 4. The plot, the characters, the settings, not one detail was left out of this movie. It's my daughter and brother's all time favorite movie and it's up pretty high for me too. I've seen it at LEAST 8 times and would watch it again if it was on right now. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, both deserved Oscars for this film. To bad Forest Gump was up against it, it sure was a tough call that year. Shawshank will be around a lot longer than Gump I think-it's timeless.

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    Sat Dec 25 2004

    A great work of art by Stephen King. Brilliant, a Masterpiece. Very well written and thought out. The storyline is extremely tight & well constructed. This film should have won the Oscar for Best Picture but unfortunately it came out the same year as Forest Grump. Forest Grump won the Best Picture Oscar because it was oatmeal for the masses and could be digested easily. When I saw Shawshank Redemption in New York City you could hear a pin drop. That's how captivating a story it is. When the sadistic prison guard captain beat the new inmate to death the audience's eyes were glued to the moviescreen. The film speaks volumes about feelings of despair and hope. The Count of Monte Cristo would have been proud of Andy Dufresne.

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    Sat Dec 18 2004

    Steller movie, a must see for anyone, and I don't give that out to every Tom, dick, and Harry movie Hollywood chruns out. Oh, and Ignatius, I highly recommend King's Dark Tower series if you're looking for good reading. :)

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    One of the greatest movies ever made. Most of the cast did an ecceptional acting job. However, Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins stole the show. This is a perfect flowing movie in every aspect (plot buildup, musical score, stosphere, ec.). One cannot claim to have seen the best movies of all time unless they have seen The Shawshank Redemption.

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    An amazing and life-affirming film. What's more amazing is that it did not win Best Picture the year it was released. It apparently didn't do amazing box office business when it came out but made an incredible comeback when released on video. The title put some people off but word of mouth spread and it became a bonafide blockbuster. Well-deserved. Great ending too.

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    I rented the Shawshank Redemption because I had taken an online survey about movies I liked and disliked. this movie forum would then take my ratings of movies and reccomend movies they thought I would like. I was surprised when they said the Shawshank Redemption. Me, like a movie about prison? I was sure they must be mistaken. Well I rented it and loved it. Tim Robbins,was great as the man who was wrongly accused of a double murder. He ended up in prison for decades. Morgan Freeman was also good as a fellow prisoner.I was expecting a movie about lots of violence and was surprised to find out it was more about how tim Robbins character survived his decades in prison and his victory in the end.A bit too long but a great movie.

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    Mozda najbolji film koji sam ikad u zivotu pogledala...!!!!!!!

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    The best movie that has been made in my lifetime! A masterpiece.

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    Wed Jun 02 2004

    This movie is amazing. It is one of the best movies ever made, and my favourite movie of all time.

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    Thu May 13 2004

    this movie is with out a dout the greatist move of all time, this movie will chang you for ever after you watch it!

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    Mon Apr 26 2004

    The best Academy Award-winning flick of recent years.Possibly the best prison movie ever.

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    What a movie! Just when you think ot ends it throws another 30 minutes at you. Anything else I could say would spoil its beauty. Any one whe doesn't like it needs to get a grip on life.

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    Sun Apr 04 2004

    Superb well crafted film about an innocent man Andy Dufresne(Tim Robbins) who is convicted of murdering his wife and the changes he goes through while in prison. Standout peformances by Robbins, Morgan Freeman, James Whitmore and Bob Gunton as the cruel warden. The movie has rightly become a modern movie classic.

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    Sun Mar 28 2004

    Good, solid drama with great acting performances by Robbins and Freeman. One of the better film adaptations of a Stephen King book.