Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 38
by jbeach
Mon Nov 30 2009Very clean,l I would do this myself.
by flatandre
Fri May 01 2009A slick bald head is a great look...very clean and masculine... most guys look great with it...there are a few that don't... almost all balding men should shave it slick...and everyone should try it once in there lives...very empowering! Awesome look!
by marcy6620
Fri Oct 10 2008Depends on who
by encirlce_me_i_need_to_be_taken_down
Sun Aug 03 2008it usually only works on guys that are losing all their hair anyway.
by astromike
Thu Jul 24 2008Chicks dig it (believe me I know lol)! Looks wierd on some dudes tho.
by jennifer
Mon Jul 14 2008I like bald heads....they're sexy!
by andrea_843
Sat Jul 12 2008Good if it stays clean.
by krissypeters
Tue Jul 08 2008Lately I've been really attracted to a sexy bald-headed man, I am not however attracted to a bald-headed man with facial looks too village people.
by candy980
Tue Jun 24 2008depends on the shape of the guys head
by cheyenne
Sat May 31 2008no. gross
by full_of_wonder_and_questions
Tue May 20 2008>.< only good on ONE person i no >:P
by genghisthehun
Fri Apr 18 2008Great if you have the right head shape.
by trebon1038
Fri Apr 11 2008Good on most guys. A lot of guys I know will shave their heads when they are in the early stages of going bald....looks good and makes their losing their hair more subtle.
by uncnc08
Tue Sep 18 2007On the right guy It can look great,on some it looks awful!
by mystikmadame
Fri Jul 06 2007I love a shaved head on a man, I find it very sexy, especially my husband. When we first met he had what we called in Henderson, NV the "Henderson Bowl", sides shaved and slicking back the top with as much gell and harispray you could use in one sitting. It took a couple of years but he finally shaved it all off and I swear I fell in love all over again :)
by djahuti
Wed Aug 09 2006It feels good,especially in mid August-and I actually look OK that way-but I got tired of people asking me if I'm a "skinhead" so I never go that short anymore.Besides,it seems the ladies prefer my locks long & curly!
by lastmessenger3
Tue Aug 08 2006Certain people look better shaved than with hair. Vin Diesel pops in mind. Saying that, I wouldn't do that. Not my thing.
by gamerman
Mon Mar 06 2006Looks sophisticated on some guys, or aliens for others.
by hairy_alls
Thu Feb 16 2006Not so good when I can comb my hair in his reflection.
by dougie
Sat Dec 10 2005My wife would say that the shaved head is my best look-I prefer the Horsehoe Flat Top with shaved sides and back. Its neat and clean but I like the look of the horseshoe better. My wife prefers total shaved head mostly because she loves the totally smoothe feel all over. We compromise-I wear my hair in the HorseShoe FlatTop 6 months and get shaved totally for 6 months. Either way Im lucky my wife does all the maintenance for my hair. Thats a real bonus.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Jul 26 2005I did this the wrong way. I let some drunk Corporal shave my head and lost a fair amount of blood. (numbah is getting dizzy)
by canadasucks
Tue Jul 26 2005Like an old girlfriend, it's cheap and easy!
by 93century
Tue Jul 26 2005When i go to the barber, i tell them to shave it all!
by dai_chan
Tue Jul 26 2005Looks sexy on some, stupid/ugly on most.
by wid71649
Sun May 22 2005It can be a very sexy look for some guys. I admit I do like some hair however. I prefer close-cropped to completely bald.
by keithbernardco_ok
Fri Mar 25 2005we have hair for a reason!
by skizero
Mon Mar 21 2005this works. especially with a long goatee. doesnt work well in office interviews, but screw them.
by mrpolitical
Sun Mar 20 2005It's not a look for everybody but for the most part it gives a nice, clean look. But you should be willing to take the risk of your hair not growing usually does, though.
by alexg681
Wed Jan 12 2005I like shaving my head, don't have to worry about hair.
by baldnobbey
Thu Jul 22 2004been shavin for 3 years and lovin it. I've convinced 7 buddies to go bald. one more to go if he'll shave his flattop
by aurielle
Sat Jun 19 2004On most guys, it just looks like they're on their way to a Neo-Nazi convention. Some men look attractive this way, but it's not my favorite look.
by ansgard
Tue Jun 08 2004depends on the man, but some look really cool with a shave head. Val Kilmer for example and 47 in the game hitman
by minkey
Fri Apr 23 2004Bic'd my head when I was 18. Wore hats for 2 months.
by kamylienne
Sun Apr 04 2004Depends on the guy, but it can be downright sexy for some guys. Some of the best men's advice I've heard about a receding hair line is to Just shave it all off while you're still young, so when you're older people will think you still look like the sexy 20-year-old rather than an old bald man. Can be cute.
by magellan
Fri Apr 02 2004I'm with Natalia on this one - everyone should try it once. It will most likely grow back anyway.
by abichara
Fri Apr 02 2004I've done it before. It's comfortable, but it simply doesn't look good on everyone, including myself.
by jed1000
Tue Mar 30 2004Ok on some guys. Best if you have a smooth skull without any odd-looking bumps and ridges.
by natalia25
Sun Mar 21 2004I'm all for the bald look(if it fits the person) I think everyone probably should try it at least once in their life :)