Approval Rate: 41%
Reviews 0
by javinator
Thu Aug 26 2010no i love sharks there awsome. im going to get rambow shark and some balas
by irishgit
Thu Mar 18 2010There are about 50 to 60 confirmed shark attacks on humans every year, with somewhere between 5 and 15 fatalities as a result. Doesn't sound hellishly dangerous to me, despite the potential of the animal, but then I try to avoid going swimming in tropical waters with my pockets full of raw hamburger, and my body rubbed down with seal blood.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Mar 18 2010I ain't gonna volunteer to get in the water with one, but more people get killed by dogs. Of course, few people have a pet shark... "Its not Snowflake! Its not Snowflake!" (yes, that was Ace Ventura)
by molfan
Thu Mar 18 2010they may have gone on record for a sparse amount of attacks and few deaths from what I have read us humans have been far more dangerous to them.
by livuva
Tue Feb 23 2010When I was a kid and teenager everytime we went to the beach and I went swimming I could just picture the shark from jaws lurking underneath. Now I never really get the chance to go to the beach the movie "jaws" certainly made alot of people scared.
by jester002
Tue Jan 05 2010Only if I'm swiming off the South African coast and wearing my fresh seal skin speedo's.
by zorohem
Sat Sep 12 2009Big fish and they rarely kill humans
by gris2575
Tue Aug 11 2009Not scared of them, but in All Fairness I have only been in the Ocean twice in my entire life. If a shark makes his way this Far inland, I might Be pretty scared.
by ridgewalker
Mon Aug 10 2009I lived on the beach for a number of years in Florida. I have seen sharks and been "nudged" by them. Sometimes, I'd look at the water and get spooked and wouldn't go in. The rest of the time, I'd think nothing of it. The more time I spend away from the beach, the more irrationality sets in and, unless I'm on a boat, I'm happy to stay ashore. If, however, there is a shark to fear, it's the Bull Shark. It's huge, massively strong and can leave the ocean and go straight up a fresh water river and into lakes. What they consider a buffet, is when a ferry in India capsizes. These are considered the World's Most Dangerous Sharks.
by biscuithead
Mon Aug 10 2009Actually the other day, I came home and found one in the fish tank. As long as it stays there, i am fine.
by jedi58
Mon Aug 10 2009Sharks aren't scary, they've just got a bad reputation from the way they are depicted in movies such as Jaws. Possible situations you may get attacked by a shark: - you are surfing and get mistaken for a seal (which does happen due to the outline of the surfboards) - you are bleeding - it is a Great White - you make it feel threatened in someway Now that would apply to many animals.. if you threaten a dog would it not bite back?
by osagepony
Mon Aug 10 2009Sharks do what we do. Get over it.
by ayn9b559
Sun Aug 09 2009Nope, I love 'em :) I am more afraid of jellyfish than I am sharks, their death rate is way higher and you can't usually see them or their tentacles. I am actually quite fascinated by sharks and want to go to Alaska to swim in a shark tank if I ever get the money together.
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009They terrify me
by raise_awareness_of_poverty_hunger_in_america
Sat Jan 10 2009No.. why?
by john9582
Fri Jan 09 2009no. not unless i was trapped in the middle of the ocean and no one else was around for me to throw in front of the shark.
by p_jake_q
Thu Dec 11 2008heck yes, those things kill
by lush7999
Wed Dec 03 2008I like my body parts where they are!!
by meghann
Wed Oct 22 2008Scary if I am in the water with him and he is hungry.
by shashawna
Sat Sep 27 2008dtgjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjjjjjj
by bill4829
Thu Sep 25 2008the shark encounter will be skipped this
by jennifer8300
Mon Sep 08 2008dont trust them
by eric_4273
Tue Aug 19 2008only if ur in the water wit 1
by river2
Mon Aug 18 2008no, if I stay out of there territory what is to be afraid of?
by zuchinibut
Thu Aug 14 2008I think I'll keep swimming in the ocean and continue not to worry about sharks. There are plenty of other things that are much more likely to kill me. Getting into a car each day is far riskier than taking a swim in the ocean.
by dirty_little_mary
Thu Aug 14 2008If I swam in the ocean I'd be scared
by meurg_at_n_m_at_c
Thu Aug 14 2008I don't believe in "evil" sharks out to kill the human race or anything
by xerozarkjin
Mon Aug 11 2008hellyeah..
by is_that_right
by daryl978
Fri Aug 08 2008well they could rip off your leg...
by kimmie254
Wed Aug 06 2008Don't go near them!!
by damn_it_its_me_waynefcgngr
Sat Aug 02 2008fuck em, but if it waz after me then ya lol
by lena7358
Fri Aug 01 2008Sharks are fantastic. At least dying this way would be cool (relatively speaking). Plus, it seems like you'd have to work pretty hard to put yourself into a situation where you'd even encounter one, so this fear is kinda irrational for the average person.
by linda_jj_lara
Mon Jul 21 2008more cool than scary
by jillian202
Sun Jul 20 2008I f$%&^ hate them- and that is certainly not how I would want to die!
by lov1nmyk1ngz
Sat Jul 19 2008hell yeah if i cant see through da water in da ocean...i aint getin in it lol
by the_not_it_girl
Sun Jul 13 2008they're pretty cool
by valkyrievoice
Sat Jul 12 2008Of course! My God! Why were they created? All they do is swim, kill, eat and then make baby sharks who repeat the cycle again.
by cristian_354
Tue Jul 08 2008meh..
by adam732
Mon Jul 07 2008just don't jump in the water with them
by k_a_y_l_a
Sun Jul 06 2008omg. terrified.
by d_at_h_b_at_d3t_boricu_at_on_d_at_h_block
Sun Jul 06 2008they could eat me
by jamie118
Sun Jul 06 2008If I was in the water and saw one, then yes. But from where I am sitting now, no.
by duran1992
Thu Jul 03 2008little not like I am gonna get out in shark infested water
by xagent
Tue Nov 27 2007I got one word: Jaws!!!
by oscargamblesfr_o
Tue Nov 27 2007Less people die in the course of a year from sharks than many might think, but there are a few species that will kill and possibly eat you- tiger sharks, great whites, and the very dangerous bull shark which swims in fresh water- they find them hundreds of miles up rivers. From watching TV, and of course everything on TV is true, the best way to be safe is to have an Australian with a safari hat with you or one of those Englishmen who talk very slow and softly but almost stumble over the words because they are so full of suspense..." fact...the magnificent predator..."
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Jul 23 2007I don't want to be on the menu. That's why I choose to stay out of the water.
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Apr 12 2007I read that Shark attacks result in something like 5 human deaths per year and Elephant attacks result in 200. Still, I'm fairly confident that if I was in elephant country I'd see it coming, or at least feel the earth shaking. Sharks on the other hand are so fast and silent which is why they scare the crap out of people. That and the fact that in addition to the small number of deaths, there are scores of people who get chomped but survive, which wouldn't be pleasant I can't imagine.
by genghisthehun
Thu Apr 12 2007I suppose at the right time and in the right place, sharks are gonna be dangerous.
by connorread
Sun Dec 03 2006sharks are the ost dangerou animals int the world the great white shark is the largerst predatory fish