Shania Twain

Approval Rate: 71%

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    Wed Mar 09 2011

    Shania isn't terrible, it's just debatable if she's actually country. I'm deciding my rating based on what I call the "radio dial test". If an artist's song comes on the radio, and I don't feel the need to change the station, I say that alone earns them three stars. Shania isn't great, but she passes the test.

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    Yuck, what if she talks? ...or sings?

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    She's CUTE.Pretty nice voice,too.

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    I have just never been a big fan of Twain's music. Her stuff isn't really country, it is slick and a little too polished.

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    Fri May 16 2008

    hej this i farida i could like to get shaniatwain,s email

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    Wed Apr 02 2008

    Is Mariah Carey going to be added to the list next?

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    Thu Dec 13 2007

    She sounds like "The Nanny" when she sings, and I think she has been getting smacked in the head with a brick in between every disk she puts out. Her songs keep getting dumber and dumber. "Even my skin is acting weird...I wish that I could grow a beard" I mean...WTF???  Oh well...a great looking woman with a terrific rear-end!!

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    Sat Nov 03 2007

    easy on the eyes but not the ears, not country at all

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    Very pretty but a little too skinny for my tastes. Has a good singing voice but I'm not a country fan so I I'm only basing this on when I've seen her on tv.

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    Tue Feb 27 2007


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    Fri Jul 21 2006

    Shania Twain is NOT country. She has a nasal voice and virtually no range vocally. She took the back door into pop. Enter through country and then cross over. I saw her concert in Chicago on CMT and it was boring. Her band provided most of the entertainment. No talent with a powerful known husband.

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    Mon Jul 03 2006

    Proof that Nashville is willing to settle for good looks over talent. Thats all I'll say!

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    Thu Jun 22 2006

    Early on she annoyed me, her voice annoyed me like Fran Dreasur, but Im liking her more now, she isnt trying so hard and her singing is better.

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    Tue Apr 18 2006

    Don't know if she should even be on this list. Her songs are very contrived (she claims she writes them)and follows the formula - yawn.

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    Let me tell you people what happened. Lance Armstrong isn't a bad guy. He just got tired of it. It happens all the time dudes. Sometimes you get tired of your little toy cars and you want a new fancy remote controlled car. Change isn't always a bad thing. Personally, she's not a Jessica Simpson/Alba, but she isn't that bad. I'd think about banging her if I ever got the chance. She seems to be a all American girl.

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    Sun Oct 16 2005

    "What made you say that?" and the other songs from her first album gave me high hopes of a truly great COUNTRY artist. What a disappointment! She is as country as Faith and the Dixie Dumpsters! Great to look at She has no depth Sings pop songs Bores me to death Had great potential But let us all down I hope in her money She and hubby both drown!

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Shania is the most beautiful and talented female on the planet!

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    Wed Oct 05 2005

    this woman is my all time favorite country singer. at least whe was when she was country. she is a beautiful woman, but i have not enjoyed he latest cds as much as the woman in me, yet whe she comes on radio or tv i stop to and look and listen.

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    Mon Jul 18 2005

    She's a good entertainer. If you don't take her too seriously you'll be fine. Nice voice, easy to understand lyrics, fun and upbeat music and a pretty face and toned bod. She's a bit of everything and even if you aren't a man crushing on her you'll appreciate the fact she is attractive. After all, who wants to look at a troll singing Man, I Feel Like A Woman? She never said she intended to be a high minded sort of artist. People often time miss the point when it comes to her. She was poor and did everything to get out of poverty- even singing run of the mill show tunes and other cover songs in small town Ontario. She's kinda simple, she dresses up and sings fun music in public and goes home to Switzerland or NZ to live the quiet life with her family. She can't be too difficult to please when all she wants is to be left alone after she performs. At least she's not a diva like Mariah.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Fingernails on a chalkboard are easier to listen to...

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    No genre applies to her. She can do country, pop, rock, whatever. She puts on a top notch show in concert, and she puts a lot of energy and fun into her music and performances. I love every aspect of Shania. So much so, that my wife calls her my other woman.

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    I have always thought she was beautiful. Although when I heard her music, too boring! Rock rules!!!!

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    Nice to look at, but her music is not Country.

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    Her songs suck. If it were not for her looks she would never have made it in Nashville. Videos are the only thing making a lot of musicians. Certainly not a dream date...

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    Wed Feb 02 2005

    Her first CD's were good, but she has gone way too far into the pop music. She's not country anymore in my book.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    Not really country, some good songs but will give her a 3 Jerry said........

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    She's hot as hell.

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    Fri Nov 19 2004

    made to make money no artistic content devoid of feelingbut brilliant marketing men only care for looks talent is unnecessary small voice big looks

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    Thu Nov 11 2004

    You critics can say anything you want about Shania, but the fact remains, no country artist has sold more music than her, and she's the hottest woman ever in country music..that's a fact!

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    Wed Nov 10 2004

    She's very attractive but her songs will soon be largely forgettable. Come On Over was a great album but she didn't have to come out with Part II with the Up album. her music is too polished and computer generated, way to go Mutt!

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    Wed Oct 27 2004

    A real beauty and a great performer, but just a little to commercial. Still, I enjoy her.

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    Wed Sep 22 2004

    Shania GOAT!! I think no one will ever achieve her success. If it happens the door will close. But In my heart she will grow. Every album selling millions..Where would I be if she wasn't here. Somewhere else looking for a shania!

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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    I wonder if she takes out her false teeth when she's goes to bed at night? Has anyone seen pictures of her before the dentures? Yuck!

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Who cares if she is not country, her music is fun to listen to and she is a great entertainer. OK, her taste of clothing is not very flattering but she is beautiful. And for those out there who take time out of their day to trash Shania- GET A LIFE!

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    Shania is fantastic. I saw her live in Hyde Park last year and she was amazing. Her songs are so relatable, her style is daring, and she has a fantastic voice.

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    Sat May 29 2004

    Shania is the best singer I have ever heard. Her videos are the best ever produced. I just ignore all the morons who say Shania is no good or overrated.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    She's not a very good singer.

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    Tue May 18 2004

    You know what people who are hating on her? SCREW OFF! She deserves some respect! She has more talent than billions of people on this planet and deserves a little more freaking RESPECT! She has worked her ass off her whole life, and check out her bios to see what respect she deserves! She had to RAISE HER BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALONE! She is amazing and talented, and Shania, you are the BEST! Love you, and thank you so much for staying grounded and remembering your roots! We all love you here in Canada. Keep up the amazing work Shania!

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    Fri Apr 23 2004

    Her Come On Over album was good, but her latest is pretty stale. The tunes are too goofy. Let's face it, she'a a country babe but would her stuff sell if she had come along before the video age? Doubtful. Looks sell (see Britney).

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    Sat Apr 17 2004

    I love Shania. She is one of my all time favorite country singers and she has a great personality. She's upbeat and optimistic. I have all of her CDs, and know all of the words to pretty much all of her songs. Yes, her voice isn't the best, but she still can sing, despite what other people say. People say she isn't country, that she's pop. I don't care what they say...let her be what she wants. She's creative and makes her music her own, whether it be pop or country. Her last album out was more pop than all of her other ones. But it was still very good though. Anyways, I'm real sick and tired of hearing people bitch about her saying that she's pop and betrayed country music. Who cares what she is, let her be what she wants!

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    She deserves 5 stars just for the fact that she brought country music to the pop world.

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    She's not good enough for me. Who does she think she is anyway?

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    Tue Dec 23 2003

    oh yes

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    Tue Dec 23 2003

    I'd rather listen to Walter Brennan do Old Rivers

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    Wed Nov 05 2003

    Whine, whine, whine let's whine some more. Let's sing the same things over and over again. Can we say overrated?!

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    Mon Oct 13 2003

    This pukey, country pop, songstress wears so much make-up that if you slapped her in the back of the head her face would fall off. I can't even imagine conversing with such a two dimensional, chunky butted, hick. Would we talk about how cute kittens are, or maybe horses?

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    Sat Aug 23 2003

    Shania has a great voice and writes brilliant songs. You're Still The One is the most beautiful love song ever. Numbers like That Don't Impress Me Much and Man I Feel Like A Woman establish her as a magnificent lyricist and sexy performer. I would give anything for a night out with her.

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    I would never go out with this country singer but I love to flush her down the toilet.

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    Sun Aug 17 2003

    I've loved her singing sence I was 5 years old.

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    Mon Jul 14 2003

    Shania Twain, is again, selling herself and not the music. The only talent she has is selling herself. She is beautiful and she does have agreat body, but that is as far as it goes. I have seen interviews, and she quite the bubble head I must say. She was a two-bit bar singer here in Canada, then did two-bit shows in Vegas, until Mutt Lange tripped across her. He hired John Derek to take erotic pictures of her to sell her body because that was all she had to sell. And just as an aside, she did not lose both her parents, just her father. Her mother remarried to a Native Canadian and Shania tried to claim aboriginal rights by stating she was half indian because of her step-father.LOL. She was caught. But all that aside, her songs are crap at best, no matter if they are country or pop.