Sex is a fun hobby
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by biscuithead
Sun Sep 13 2009I'm only 13, but if you ask me, it's not a hobby, it's a part of life!
by fitman
Sat Sep 12 2009This item is an obvious and clumsy attempt to convince the gullible that somewhere, liberals is teachin' the childrens, "sex is a fun hobby". This entire list is a pathetic joke. UPDATE: Let's just admit one fact, OK? Reasonably responsible sex is a fun hobby.
by molfan
Sat Sep 12 2009I know this list is tongue in cheek. thank goodness most parents would never teach their kids something like this. too bad there are some parents who teach their kids by bad example. you see them on shows like Maury povich, and Jerry springer. whose the daddy? or what STD can they pass on by sharing themselves with countless partners. too bad our tax money pays for these "responsible" People.
by evergrowing
Fri Sep 11 2009There's just so much wrong with this, that I scarcely know where to begin. Certainly, others have mentioned the possible negative consequences. I would add that it devalues it by treating it like some cheap thrill. Sex has the power to bond two people in a way that is often misunderstood by a culture that has separated it from it as an expression of love. I think that by making it "common" it has become vulgarized and far removed from it's purpose of uniting a couple. (Procreation is a part of it, but really it is much larger than just that. I say this based upon course work years ago.) It's my opinion that sex is a bit like fire. With the proper care and attention, it can be useful, keeping one warm and providing sustanance. However, carelessness can result in horrible burns and destruction. Like fire it is a powerful force that must be treated with a healthy dose of respect. Finally, I don't think that this "progressive" sex ed is progressive at all. How is it progress... Read more
by castlebee
Sun Aug 23 2009Yeah, but I think poopie diapers and 2 a.m. feedings at 15 would be something of a buzz kill. Might want to toss the word responsibility in there just for the heck of it.
by gris2575
Sun Aug 23 2009And How!
by ayn9b559
Sat Aug 22 2009While I wouldn't go around saying this to a four year old, if I were a parent I would rather them come to me for the unbiased facts rather than some stupid dumbass their own age. You can not make an informed decision without facts, withholding facts based on some archaic beliefs is not doing any kids any favors.
by osagepony
Sat Aug 22 2009Sex is as natural as green grass. The dif' being human beings are "green" all year long. Teaching "Sex is a Fun Hobby" rings as saying, "Water is Wet." Why not go directly to tying responsible decision making to sexuality. If the truth saves time, why not tell the truth while using it as a tool. Five years ago I intercepted a conversation on a "bumped" cel-phone to learn my beautiful "pretend to be a virgin" step-daughter bussied herself on boy number five. While I raged and drew lines, her "best friend" mom let the boy in the back door as she fretted over "doing the right thing" in the middle of a custody battle while "keeping the open friendship" with her daughter. No reality. No honest conversation. NO PROACTIVE MEDICINE (i.e. birth control), and two weeks later our 17 year old "Miss America" tested positive on an EPT. Life changed for all involved. By age 10, most kids know what we did at 20. They have sex. We are stupid.
by captian
Wed Dec 10 2008Feels good.
by canadasucks
Sat Nov 01 2008Just ask Larry Craig!
by victor83
Sat Nov 01 2008"Yes darling....f**k like a rabbit...just make sure there is a condom handy". How "progressive".
by zuchinibut
Sat Nov 01 2008My parents are morally conservative, but they never taught or suggested that sex wasn't enjoyable. I don't think they would describe it as a hobby though. It doesn't seem that difficult to me to warn about the consequences sex can have, while still acknowledging its done for pleasure and not just procreation.
by uncnc08
Sat Nov 01 2008If your safe,and truly ready then so be it. Having said that to teach them that it is a fun hobby is a little could be just me but some of my best relationships were with guys I did not have sex with..If you include sex it really complicates things.Everyone learns these things the older you get..For me sex at least for now could not be a fun hobby.. I think you just need to teach kids if they are gonna have sex use protection,and be emotionally ready!
by irishgit
Sat Nov 01 2008A significantly more satisfying hobby than collecting spoons or snow-globes.Reading some of the commentary below is like having a fireside chat with Cotton Mather. It may come as a surprise to some of you to realize that sex does not inevitably lead to teen pregnancy, STDs or death.I taught my kids about sex and safety because I didn't want them to have to learn by trial and error or from my ignorant lying friends as I did.Teenage sex didn't just start happening last year or last decade, despite what the "fall of America" folks would have you believe.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Apr 25 2008Part of learning any hobby is learning how to do it properly and safely. Telling kids to diregard the consequences wouldn't be part of the process. It's part of a parent's responsibility in raising a child to make sure they know that stuff and that they know how to make judgements. It's also a benefit to a child to know that they can ask their parents for advice without being embarassed or catching hell. The alternative is that they get all of their information from their horny friends.
by lmorovan
Thu Apr 24 2008Sure, teach them that they are the results of a hobby. But then, don't get surprised when your daughter comes home and tells you she is pregnant. Or your son is arrested for molesting a girls. Not to mention that such irresponsible parents are likely to teach their children that abortion is another hobby. Raise them up as criminals and murderers.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Apr 24 2008Beats collecting commemorative American jazz legends stamps from Surinam or buying Franklin Mint coins with engraved likenesses of The Monkees and other horseshit out there...
by binnietheblood_ybooh
Sat Mar 29 2008You will be lying if you don't.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Sep 13 2007Your "fun hobby" comes with some awfully big risks...
by packercatty
Tue Feb 27 2007I think you need to teach a balance: Give them a sense that it is natural and nothing to be ashamed of, but also teach them about responsibility, the consequences, the facts, and so on. Diseases, pregnancy, abortion, birth control--all that. But let them feel comfortable to ask questions and if you are relaxed talking about it, that will give them a healthy attitude. You want them to be not too uncomfortable about it, but you also want them to know the realities.
by abichara
Tue Feb 27 2007Well, sex is fun, you have to admit. Why can't you enjoy having it?
by edt4226d
Tue Feb 27 2007Sounds healthy to me...
by dpostoskie
Fri Apr 29 2005Nothing wrong with sex. Education about sex is important.
by emj5687
Wed Mar 16 2005no parent teaches their kids this, whose idealogy is that? Maybe when kids grow up into adults, they have adult conversations about it but no parent begins the sex talk with, Sex is something two people do when they share a hobby
by lanceroxas
Mon Mar 14 2005This is not only dangerous for the psychological damage it does to kids it also leads to the unwanted pregancies, sometimes diseases, single parent families. You probably couldn't teach a more devastating thing to your children.
by djahuti
Mon Mar 14 2005NOBODY is teaching their children this! This list is a bunch of B.S. by someone who knows very little about ANY ideology.
by gentle_jude
Thu Mar 10 2005This world goes one step further and says that having premarital sex makes you a true man or woman. Sex is not a hobby at all, although it is one of the most pleasurable experiences the human body has experienced. Sex is meant to symbolise the intense love between a husband and wife and it symbolises the uniting of the flesh (the man and woman shall become one flesh.) It also symbolises creation. That is why the devil has fooled the world into believing that it is a hobby and that it is OK to do it before marriage or with other people. Because it peverts the original parameters of creation and creation is a wonderful thing.
by barbkaye57
Wed Jan 26 2005To me sex is a bond that should be shared by two people with a commitment to each other. It's something that shouldn't be tossed around lightly, or casually, when it is someone usually gets hurt.
by teaseress
Sat Dec 04 2004Sex is meant to be something pleasurable between two people and create a special bond (unless you are having a one night stand and like shagging around) I think 'hobby' is the wrong word to describe enjoyment of sex...
by mad_hatter
Fri Dec 03 2004My mother's art work defintely proves this.
by souljunkie
Thu Dec 02 2004It should be at least a strong hobby to try and be aware of your spouses sexual needs. If you cannon at least talk about it, it leaves your partner with a hole he or she might fill elswhere.
by jglscd35
Wed Dec 01 2004i will share this info with them when they start making birth control pills shaped like elmo.