Semi-Homemade Cooking With Sandra Lee
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 0
by exfoodnetworkf_an
Tue Sep 15 2009The Food Network itself is to blame for the content of the shows they provide and the personalities, such as Sandra Lee, that they choose to represent them. I have to imagine that her show continues because it has a viewership, but if quality is lacking, is that really a good reason? She may be salvageable if she was advised to stop speaking to her audience in a manner suggesting that they are dementia patients who have lost their hearing aids and she chose more palatable short cuts. On a good day the tablescapes are embarrassing and her manner of dress and overall presentation, well, hopefully she will receive a visit from the folks at "What Not to Wear." Dressing like an 18 year old from the late '70s about to head out to her favorite disco is perhaps something she would change if brought to her attention. Someone commented that Paula Deen's "cooking" was better by comparison. She cut out rounds of cold macaroni and cheese from a pan, wrapped bacon around the perimeter, dipped them ... Read more
by fancyqhgal
Thu Jul 23 2009I think all of you who are complaining are morons. There are lots of people out there who cannot cook, and Sandra would help many people out with her recipes. I used to want more drink recipes, now Sandra demonstrates them. So what? So what if you can see her cleavage or Racheals, or Giada' is that un-appetizing? Are you a bunch of gay women hating men or prudish old ladies? What is wrong with you? Maybe if they were wearing string binkinis with closeups of their butts or crotches, then I'd say that's a little much. Yes, she is over the top, making a drink each time, yes, she does have way too many table-scapes to be for everyday, and yes, she does have a nice tall figure with breasts larger than most for her weight, but oh well, I guess if you are jealous then you can't watch her. It makes me sad to see all you on here hating so much, don't you have anything better to do? I don't think I will be making anything Sandra Lee makes anytime soon, only because I have been cook... Read more
by missnis781
Thu Mar 05 2009Has anyone seen the episode that aired at the end of oct 2008? Hillarious! in each scene she dressed up in a different renaissance dress with a huge wig on and as usual, her cleavage was over the top. In one dress i was concerned she was going to fall out. I saved it on my dvr, in case i am i have a bad day. It always makes me crack up. The last scene when she was dressed up as "Queen Elizabeth" is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen. Also where can you buy pre-squired pieces of steak? yes... she did say that. My boyfriend and i think she is definitely a disgrace to cooking.
by anniecat
Sun Jan 04 2009omg--she's sooo annoying. her shortcuts usually call for low-quality ingredients with too may preservaives...hate her too-cute kitchen and matching outfits, her gaudy "tablescapes"---and her frou-frou cocktails. too skinny, saggy boobs, too much make-up.
by heidiplease
Sun Nov 23 2008If you need a cocktail to get through her meal, she probably should not have a cooking show.
by cook4u
Thu Nov 20 2008i used to acutally like watching her show. now, i realize that she looks as if shes talking to a group of retarded people in the audience, in her barbie house-like studio. and im sick of her cocktails. PLEASE... get some real recipes.
by nomnom2
Wed Jul 30 2008I'm sick of Giada's cleavage, Sandra's waist-length 36-longs, Rachel Ray's too-tight, low-necked, waist-roll hugging tops, and the new Hispanic lady's unbuttoned blouses. Geesh! Nothing appetizing about any of their shows. Please, Food Network, find a female who can serve as a role model for young girls who may have an interest in learning to cook. And what's happened to Sandra Lee's tongue? It's unbearable to suffer through her continual slurred pronunciation of the letter "L."
by bebebe
Tue Jun 24 2008Sandra Lee is an embarassment to home cooks everywhere! The Food Channel should be ashamed of itself. Who inthe world could possibly think that adding vanilla extract to Cool Whip would make it taste like freshly whipped cream? Ridiculous! Cool Whip has it's uses but anyone who's had the real thing would not be fooled. She's a retard.
by merrileegh
Thu May 08 2008Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Miss Sandra can't pronounce an "L" for fewer than 5 seconds to save her life? "Llllllllllucious", "dellllllllllllllllicious", etc. Her over-the-top exaggerated speech is so annoying I haven't been able to get through more than a few minutes of the show to see what the heck she's cooking! Seriously, how can we get this show replaced with something/someone who actually can teach us something?
by mawilliams
Fri Feb 15 2008I just finished reading the Sandra Lee reviews out loud to my husband - we are both still laughing. RATEITALL should assemble them in a book and sell it - pure entertainment!
by hendry
Mon Dec 31 2007Everybody takes this woman's cooking ability seriously...give it a rest. She's on TV because she is not shy about showing off her nice boobs, enhanced or not. I'd much rather watch Sandra than that fat Contessa making Dishes for Swishes.
by ryanbogas
Wed Nov 28 2007Welcome to Semi-Homemade and can i tell you i get all of my recipes from my two year old niece miss stephanie. I was just watching an episode where she was having a pajama party with miss steph and she like fell over and gave her all of these kisses. She adds alcohol to every dish and it never shows her eating it. Plus has anyone ever noticed a random change in the deepness of her voice when she speaks. I was wathcing this episode princess party and she had these poor little girls that clearly did not want to be there. Who the hell wants to match their outfit with their tablescape, windows, and the other appliances in the kitchen. She talks to us like we are stupid " and by the way this looks like iceburg lettuce so if you didnt have nappa cabbage you could use iceburg lettuce, it would be just fine. No one is dumber than you. She thinks she is so clever " and these are fresh strawberries well....... frozen i defrosted them put them in my own bag. Nobody can take her seriously I mean s... Read more
by jl468976
Sat Sep 29 2007I think personally that this whole cleavage thing going on, on food network is obscene. Giadia might as well cook topless, Sandra Lee is so fake it's pathetic and can't cook anything that would be decent to even eat and Paula Deen, her Friday night "party show," she acts like an overweight, old slut. Rachel Ray, could drive you insane with her EVOO and her GB for her garbage bowl. The only moral acting person on Rating 1. the foot network is Robin Miller, although I can say I have never tried any of her recipes. I guess the producer of food tv network has no morals left. Look at this new bimbo simply delicioso, there's another one letting it all hang out, is obnoxious as hell, and can't cook at all. I have now quit watching Paula, Giadia, and of course the fabulously fake acting Sandra Lee.
by gardner6
Wed Sep 19 2007I cannot stand this show. She talks to her audience like they are a bunch of two year olds. Food Network: Pleeeease cancel this show.
by passthepail
Tue Sep 11 2007I find it hilarious to see Sandra walk off the view of the tv set as she is "tasting" her ridiculously so called FOOD out of a can or, sugar laden crap...I bet a million dollars she spits out the morsel as soon as cleared from tv the drinks...ohhhhhhhhh...she gulps those down...UGHHHHHHHH
by seminauseous
Sat Aug 04 2007This show should be called Semi Drunk Cooking. Every show has one or more cocktails, even the shows aimed at kids! On a recent show she made a bloody mary that was almost a full glass of vodka. And what's with the ever changing counter top appliances & window valance to match whatever theme? Ugh.
by danbogas
Fri Jul 06 2007she is a horrible example for her precious little miss stephanie! she most likely gives her 8 cocktails to her 10 year old neice who is most likely paid 100 dollars to appear on that idiot's show. Her tablescapes are rediculously idiotic and leave no room for the people to eat at the table. And she ALWAYS "has to tell you something"...please shut up. You might as well call the show "Drunk Attempts to Cooking and Throwing things on the Table".. Please, little miss stephanie, if you are reading this, smack that top heavy, brainless bad excuse for a cook up side the head.
by 1dragontat
Sun Jun 24 2007It would be better if she would do it topless.
by greggorange
Sat Jan 06 2007She looks like a cross between a 1960's Barbie doll and a blond female vampire with too much eyeliner. Her recipes seem as if they came straight out of a Kraft advertisement in a Women's Day magazine. I also agree with the previous reviewer that stated that she has the general demeanor of an anal retentive first grade schoolteacher. This show needs to wadded up and thrown in the trash.
by withit03
Thu Nov 16 2006Oh, I just don't like this show. The episode with Sandra in her bikini at the beach just about threw me over the edge. Do we really need to see cleavage on a cooking show? Plus, I can make anything out of a mix. I watch the Food Network to get NEW techniques and tips - not watch someone do what I already do in my kitchen (and not in my bikini).
by mikejulie4
Fri Mar 10 2006OK, I have to admit that her show is not for me but I can see how it is for some people. I agree with most of you that she displays little technique but isn't that kind of what the show is all about? For women who don't know their way around the kitchen? There are so many working women in the US today that many of them just don't have the time or don't have the desire to learn. Sadly, American women have become domestically lazy. Personally, I find this very sad but that's reality folks. I think it's good there is show that at least might convince women to try "something" to have a cooked meal instead of fast food drive throughs. Although it's true she can't slice or chop, most of her ideas lack much creativity, her personality is not very appealing and her meals are not very healthful, sadly, this applies to many Americans. I have girlfriends who plop their kids in front of the tv with frozen dinners, top ramen or even send them to the closest fast food joint at 9:00 at night t... Read more
by pappion66
Thu Feb 16 2006I personally don't like to cook the way Sandra Lee does, but there are a lot of people who really dig what she is doing. I am the same age as Sandra and would have liked her receipes, shortcuts and "tablescapes" about 20 years ago when I was just starting to cook and impress people. I also have a hard time relating to her overall look - just out of bed hair, smokey eyes and tight shirts...come on who is her audience?
by taradyan
Sun Dec 04 2005This show just proves that any blonde twit with a great rack can get a cooking show on TV ... even if she's completely devoid of actual cooking talent. Miserable!
by katina_smith
Thu Nov 10 2005I love the show, however this woman is so top heavy, that I cant focus on her cooking-LOL shes wonderful though, and very clean and crisp. Ms. Katina Smith
by sandrasnumbero_nefan
Fri Nov 04 2005Anyone that scoops out the filling from store-bought pies (save the shells to sprinkle on ice cream!), then uses three large Ziplock bags to pipe the filling into 12 tiny tart shells needs a good swift kick in the bum. Why is this person even on television? And I won't even get started about her recipes for the family pet. Chocolate? Does she realize that could kill the poor mutt? Oh well, I guess if any creature had to eat her concoctions, death would be a welcome relief.....
by aeidnk
Tue Oct 11 2005This woman is a nut. She talks down to people, like your in first grade. Her foods aren't even semi homemade, they are simply open the can folks. Her decor, that matches her food and clothing isn't Semi awful its just plain AWFUL. What is the Food Network thinking with this woman in a time slot. GET RID OF HER PLEASE!!!!!!!
by bree22
Wed Oct 05 2005I have so tried to like this show, but I just can't! Her shortcuts to help make cooking easier are good, but there's just something about her personality that just doesn't come across good. Has anyone noticed her use of the word "pop"? I counted her using it 7 times in one program!!! And who has the kind of money it would take to decorate for every little occasion. Man, she goes all out! You'd have to build another room onto your house to store all that stuff!
by largethemarshm_allow
Thu Jul 21 2005If I could give a rating of less than 1 star, I would. How recycling recipes from post war cookbooks (use canned soup, boxed mac & cheese is the best!) and shilling product placement can be considered a cooking show, is beyond me. Lately there's been a lot of talk about a national obesity epidemic taking over the country, and yet, she is pushing the use of canned, prepackaged trans fatty, sodium laden and artery clogging cholesterol overly processed foods as a BASE ingredient! 30% fresh (according to her concept) usually amounts to a teaspoon of chives. Clearly she enjoys the decorating portion of her shows more than the cooking, and she's marginally better at it anyway. And what's with all the cocktails? Every episode has 1 (or more) ways to make an overly alcoholic beverage. I thought this was (suppose) to be a cooking show, not Bartending 101.
by sheilajmq_at_aol_com
Sun Jul 17 2005She's not a cook, she's a can opener.....and an egomaniacal one at that! Not one redeeming feature about her!
by rantac4d
Wed Jun 01 2005This show is the worst of the worst. Bad methods, idiotic themes, crappy ingredients, lousy resentation and horrible, unhealthy food.
by notjustamom
Wed May 11 2005She can not cook. She assembles gross concoctions of clashing flavors. She has no redeeming qualities and is woefully inadequate in the kitchen. No knife skills, incapable of proper ennuciation, prone to blathering incomplete inaccurate statements. A shameful snake oil salesperson disguised as a cooking show host. Awful, just awful.
by graymalkin
Tue May 10 2005I have sometimes watched this show (only on an empty stomach) for the sheer shock value. I can only surmise that this woman is in cahoots with someone with deep pockets. Not only are her recipes high in fat and salt content, they are unappetizing to look at as well. She does not have even the basic cooking techniques down, as is in evidence when I have watched her try to assemble a dish that has already been prepared ahead (obviously by the hired kitchen help backstage) and it ends up looking like something my cat hacked up.
by askmeiknow
Tue May 03 2005HUh....this is cooking? I think not. For the life of me I cannot understand how this silly person was given a show of her own. The food network has hired some terrificly uninteresting people in the past, but Sandy takes the cake. A bland boxed cheap lousy cake. Bring back Julia re-runs for gosh sake.
by kattwoman
Sat Apr 02 2005i found it boring and not any simpler if they were full homemade meals
by pasta10
Sat Mar 19 2005Cooking, even in the semi-homemade sense, does not apply to this show. Sandra Lee assembles packages, boxes, and seasoning packets into a meal less healthy than McDonald's.