Sean Hannity
Approval Rate: 49%
Reviews 134
by sid10010
Fri May 07 2010He should be prosecuted for all the lies that he brings to play. All news broadcasters should be held legally liable for their contents and broadcast. We will see a very different scenerio when that happens.
by manirusa
Thu Jan 28 2010I am neither Republican nor Democrat. However, I try to keep up with current affairs. So I listen to several news channels. Among all I am very disappointed with Sean Hannity, Glen Beck then Bill O'really of Fox Channel. These individuals neither have integrity nor substance in their deliberations. They keep on claiming how rating of Fox is high, seems like they need to reassure themselves all the time rather than the audience. Because of this I lost complete respect for Fox channel, I will not be surprised if it gets voted the worst TV channel in the country. Most of all these people are not honest to themselves rather following some other outer agenda than rendering service of fair and honest media personnel. I find it very low and cheap compare to CNN, MSNBC, CBS stations. It's so painful they bring equally worse people on their discussion, oh my, even Abe Lincoln will turn away in his grave. I never thought Republicans or conservatives including their mouth piece will stoop so low,... Read more
by boruchwolf
Wed Jan 27 2010Too feminine. Has zero understanding on the monetary system. Is a RNC lapdog. Is on target on 80% of political issues. Way too tied into the political establishment for my liking. I tune in to talk radio to hear independent conservatism. Not RNC talking points.
by rickytickytapp_y
Sat Dec 12 2009Cannot stand him. Seems like such a GOP weasel. Seems to crow others rather than come up with his own original content.
by sarahcupcake
Mon Sep 14 2009To everyone who says he only tell half the truth... who in this day and age ever tells the truth, period?? and to everyone who says he is one-minded, arent you, in leaving these comments?? this is a person who strongly believes in what he believes in. why are you so hateful, towards someone who is willing to stand up for that, if your trying to be the good guy? it doesnt make sense. yeah maybe on FOX he is alittle rude or whatever, but its a dog eat dog world, and it looks like he is going home with the bacon. not them and not you. Conservative has its meaning for a reason.
by munkstermann
Wed Sep 09 2009I really wish we could rate no stars...
by another_average_joe
Tue Aug 25 2009Seems he spends more time talking about his view rather than explaining exactly what's it is that's happening or why people are against or for the issue. He never seems to let anyone complete a thought no matter who they are.
by bsgorilla
Fri May 29 2009Racist, pro hate speech, coward, liar, guilty of treason, bully. A true embarrassment to the right. He and O'Neill and Limbaugh are destroying the credibility of the right and making the republican party a sad caricature of what it once proudly stood for. Reagan would be so ashamed that they were considered spokespeople for his party.
by musicprof
Wed May 27 2009I love the bashing everyone is giving Sean. It shows that most of you are liberals who probably hate him because you heard the liberal media twisting what he has said to fire you all up. The liberal media's favorite tactic. They can't argue the facts so they try to tear down the messenger instead of disproving what was actually said. The dude is no nutter. He is very in your face and straight forward. One of the few saving graces of the news media.
by billschwent
Thu May 14 2009Hannity is a Russ wannabe and his show always parrots Russ and rarely changes message through the week. Vastly over-rated by the radio stations
by kenmacusa
Thu Apr 16 2009He as well as the other talking heads on big media networks are repeaters of CFR, Tri-Lateral, UN, and Buildeberger concepts for the controlled "news" media that will not ever discuss the actual problems as to the One World coalitions in media, corporate and International Banking that would establish there New World Order to replace our tattered Republican form of government. The Rush Limbaugh's, Michael Wiener's, and Sean Hannity types of broadcasters could only be on the radio since they will and can never allow conversation regarding the hidden agenda such as the False Flag 9/11 inside job, or the North American Union or the FEDERAL RESERVE system of the international banking families that deem to control the entire world through fear and conquest. There main goal as I see it is to promote the Right versus Left false Paradigm to dilute any concentration of effort by We the People to stop the agenda to a One World Socialist government. The so-called Elite choose these talkers as the ... Read more
by dbrown5
Tue Apr 14 2009It's not just that I disagree with the guy on most things, I can respect hosts that I disagree with, but what a nitwit. Seriously, I consider Hannity the Forrest Gump of talk radio. However, I suppose his numbers would suggest he has quite a niche.
by goddess4110
Fri Mar 06 2009You call yourself a Catholic how sad. You are an embarrassment to your children and your religion. How can anyone sleep at night after they preach all this hate for Millions of $. You have absolutely no shameful. AS far as your show on Fox, Oh, please. Same thing over and over every night. Thank God for CNN. Patty
by forerdm
Wed Feb 25 2009Terrible is high praise for this talk show.I think Hannity had a major,negitive effect on the outcome of the 08 election for the GOP.This is nothing but "hate"radio at best and he is NOT a great American.
by phidelt540
Thu Feb 05 2009Awesome, can't hear enough. If more people listened to him, we would be alot better off!
by opie_onion
Sat Jan 24 2009His fans say he speaks his mind and stands up for what he believes. I wonder, though, how you can be so full of hate and still be happy. It must be the money. These are the folks who didn't exist before folks like Lee Atwater, Ronald Reagan, and Carl Rove helped to make despising government and liberalism a favorite hobby. Reagan made liberal a dirty word and it's been that way ever since. These guys are doing a very good job of dividing the country, because as Atwater and Rove know, to divide and conquer is still a great strategy. And conquering is what they live for.
by grammiec
Fri Oct 31 2008Sean I commend you for your tireless investment into getting the information to the American people. Your were professional and organized. You were consistant with the same drum beat everyday beating as the drums of every American soldier. You were one of the few news people we could even stand to listen to! Thank You Sean KUTGW!
by astromike
Fri Oct 31 2008Says what the media doesnt want you to know. Yea, he's hated, but he's popular for a reason.
by bellas
Thu Oct 23 2008despisable,no respect for guests,only loves to hear his own voice,fair and balanced are foreign words to him,he's an idiot
by tjefferson_liv_es
Thu Oct 23 2008Neo-Conservative that drinks the Bush Kool-Aid. Anyone ever wonder why all these "Conservative" talk show hosts never served in the Military? Anyone every wonder how you can have integrity by drinking the Bush Kool-Aid?
by irishgit
Mon Oct 20 2008Another tiresome media meat puppet, this one appealing to Republican morons, instead of Democrat morons like Olbermann.
by huekucket
Sun Oct 19 2008He is short with people and generally as rude as can be. I hate seeing his guests reel from his aggressiveness.
by smolie
Thu Oct 09 2008Sean you are a true American but that sack of cells that sits next to you is beyond description. How can he look himself in the mirror every morning, or maybe he doesn't have the kahonies to even do that.
by kiewlich
by barb_kasas
Wed Oct 01 2008why are you all so afraid of letting Allan Keyes be heard? All TV and radio seem all so scared to death to let him speak .. this is not no spin, this is not fair to the American people who are suppose to be able to have a choice? What in the heck is the problem? Why is it so important that he not be heard??? Someone sure does not want the American people tp know about him. Just thought I may get an answer, Bet I don't!!!! You ask about Alan and it is so hush hush hush .. shhhhhh .. who is behind this sort of black balling???? Strange but also sort of funny, cause Alan is not going to stay down. :) He is dedicated, determinded and smart, more then smart, all American and like Ronald Reagan stated, Alan is one of American most staunch defender .. so why does TV & radio seem to be scared to let hiim be heard???? ????? Go Alan Keys!!!!!!!! Are you brave enough to answer me????
by thegreatwhamin_i
Tue Sep 30 2008Stale, old hat. Before emulating Mark Levin, he could only stalemate a liberal caller. Relies too heavily on soundbytes, sidekicks and a stable of sycophantic regular callers; like Marty, Carpet Kitten and Greg from Cincinnatti. They all got their own theme music at the ready whenever they get through and they always get through. I can't stand career radio show callers.
by fitman
Sat Sep 13 2008Can't help but notice the absence of rational defenses for this guy. Don't any of our more sane conservatives (or even most of the nuts) have any respect for Hannity?
by childofsatan
Sat Jul 05 2008Nothing to see here folks. Just another bought and paid for Republican mouthpiece leading prayer services each night to the Fox News Network God George W. Bush.
by wutisay
Wed Apr 30 2008Just look at this guy's self-righteous smug look. Says it all. How people can view him as having anything worthwhile to say is bewildering. He's worse than Limbaugh, which is an accomplishment.
by jolou1
Fri Apr 04 2008Hannity has that boy-next-door niceness. He's sensitive, and polite. Rarely does he lose it, like a regular guy might. But, when he does....he's even better!
by sovereigntysol_dier
Tue Mar 04 2008I used to listen every day. I NEVER listen to this liar anymore. Obviously many feel the same way, as he has blocked any comments to his "hate Hannity hotline". Why do I want to listen to half truths? Anyone who is an honest freethinker can see he covers for the globalist traitors in our government. He never mentions the NAU, the superhighway, the secret societies pulling strings of our puppet politicians. Only honest Americans would address these issues. Patriots like Ron Paul. Regardless of rigged election results, he is our commander in chief. Second only to the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sorry Shammity, in the end you traitors lose, truth wins, and your lake awaits you!
by robert_tilton
Sun Mar 02 2008Right-wing water-carrier. Worthless. He'd love nothing more than to be a cyst in Limbaugh's draft-dodging anus.Get your ass to Eye-RACK, you coward. Or STFU.
by mf6user2
Mon Jan 28 2008He is a man who says what he believes and strives to be better.
by 3jthedj
Sun Dec 16 2007Another radio show host who leans strongly to the right. He has a wide variety of guests, some even who he does not necessarily agree with. More often though he and his guests are singing in the same choir. I think he is overbearing and smarmy. Do not look to him for honest analysis. If it were dependent on him to create a dialogue to solve the problems we face today, he could possibly do it, but I don't think he would.
by gumshoedetecti_ve
Mon Oct 01 2007Listen to him often. When there is so much liberal garbage and crappy " music ", this is a refreshing oasis.
by skinneydip
Mon Oct 01 2007Well done - to much self importance and is very hindered by Colmbs who often appears to be with out fact and overloaded with false comments to make his point.Colmbs should be removed from Radio and TV!
by kungfuimmortal
Thu Sep 13 2007Don't really care for him, myself. I have tried to listen to him, and he almost always bores me to death. I guess he's an okay guy, but his programs seem lame.
by rellars
Wed Sep 12 2007Polite and stands his ground
by jimmyfartpants
Sat Aug 18 2007Everytime I listen to Sean Hannity's show, I can literally feel IQ points melting away from my brain. And I'm somebody who really hates the Socialist Left.But this guy, and his listeners...damn they're dumb.
by garydavis9361
Tue Jun 26 2007This guy is on the list twice: this entry for Fox News Network and the other for ABC Radio. I'm not sure which one we get in Columbus but on that show he is the typical talk show blowhard.
by 1dragontat
Mon Jun 25 2007He tends to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and I'm tired of his obsession with Hilary Cliton, and Rosie O'donnell. Enough already.
by canadasucks
Tue May 15 2007Great entertainment for those without graduate degrees. . .
by gipper21
Tue May 15 2007Hannity has a moral center that makes the godless left uncomfortable because he does not back down to the perversions that the left seeks to impose upon our American culture. He speaks out against those whom seek to destroy us, yet does so with a sophistication that is not intended to create enemies. I have witnessed him engage the left with dignity and grace... sadly, if the left would only recipicate in kind.
by edt4226d
Fri Apr 20 2007Probably the dumbest of the neo-con radio/TV attack dogs and, unlike Michael Savage's foaming-at-the-mouth psychotic routine, I don't think it's an act. This former bar-tender is full of tenacious, shrill belligerency, which might be an efficacious propaganda tool if he had the IQ of a William Buckley as opposed to that of a Joey Buttafucco. Then again, the audience this type of media personality targets never seems to demand too much from its right-wing icons; certainly not accuracy, truth, or logic. On a personal note...Sean does "weird me out" a little bit more than most of these people because, physically, he's a dead ringer for my late grandfather, who was also a conservative. Unlike Sean, however, my grandfather, a World War II veteran, was a pretty intelligent guy, and would probably be ashamed that the ideals he espoused and fought for are currently being "upheld" by such brash, pompous and mendacious curs as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and others of that depressing, dogmatic ... Read more
by blue47
Mon Apr 16 2007Another where a "one" is not low enough. He needs to go the same route as fat ass Limbaugh.
by lurl023f
Sat Mar 31 2007Nothing but an uneducated oaf. Stupid and now irrelevent
by birdsandcigare_ttes
Thu Mar 29 2007You live in the heartland, you have a bumper sticker that says "I support the Troops." That makes you a "great American?" We really lowered the bar didn't we?
by thebigj
Tue Mar 20 2007Self-promoting shyster - his cross-promoting of his tv show on his radio show is shameful. Can turn any misdeed of a republican into a virtue while decrying the same behavior from a democrat. And, who in the world is that dummy Marty?
by tokaj83
Tue Mar 13 2007What makes me more sick about this social climbing "great american" is the morons who call in to praise him. Please can someone tell me what in the hell makes him a "great american"? I guess it`s who you know and can name drop to run home and tell the estranged wife about.
by genghisthehun
Sat Mar 10 2007Hannity has a good program. He has good guests and is intelligent and able to interview. I have also listened to his radio show now and again, and it is good.