Reviews 0
by twansalem
Mon Oct 16 2023While most people see Connery as James Bond, the characters that come to mind for me are Henry Jones, Sr. and Allan Quatermain. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is the best of the Indiana Jones movies, and it is primarily because of the addition of Connery. While his portrayal of Quatermain in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is quite different from the character in the original H. Rider Haggard books, I enjoyed his version enough to seek out the original series, which I had never read before. The old Allan Quatermain books are a fun read, and without Connery I would never have picked them up.
by magneticd
Fri Sep 10 2010Zardoz. Awesome.
by gkb35042
Thu Mar 18 2010Love his movies!!! I was on an airplane from Atlanta to Chicago about 5 years ago and he sat in the seat in front of me. He was I guess mid to late 70's. I think he can still whip my butt. He looked in fantastic shape for his age.
by canadasucks
Mon Dec 14 2009Not just a great Bond- he takes us back to the glory days of outright sexism - when a man could smack a girl in the ass and it wasn't a cause for lawsuits, forced and insincere apologies, and vapid sensitivity workshops. Connery's Bond was the baddest mo-fo in the room. . .guys wanted to be him and girls wanted to f#ck him. Some of the old Bond flicks are quite hilarious with the outright terrible treatment of women, but I've seen some smirks on the faces of some (very) intelligent ladies who have admitted the magnetic appeal of this incarnation of Bond. He does what is necessary when he wants to. . .if you don't like it you have to get out of his way. The role is Connery's forever- it was simply a different time.
by nickthequick
Mon Dec 14 2009The classic by which all others are measured. Which man doesn't want to be Connery's Bond?
by rjohnson71
Thu Oct 29 2009How do you spell the best James Bond? S-E-A-N-C-O-N-N-E-R-Y. He starred in seven James Bond movies between 1962 and 1983. He was the first and the best actor to portray 007. Sean Connery and Roger Moore starred in the same amount of Bond films. Connery and Moore have starred in more bond films than any of the other actors. I gladly give Sean Connery a 5 star rating.
by cypressdrive
Thu Sep 03 2009The best Bond ever!
by lix0d3d3
Thu Nov 13 2008He adds style and sophistication to roles which is often missing with these new fly by night actors popping up here and there. I loved the movie Playing with Heart, great cast.. a departure from the 'action hero' role.
by guycmt
Sat Sep 06 2008Sean Connery is "Bond, James Bond" while other actors have done very well with the bond franchies Mr. Connery has played the roll that has set the bar far higher than most actors could ever reach. I do have to say the attemps have been very close but none the less he is the real James Bond.
by oldiesmusicfan_101
Mon Sep 01 2008Say James bond and I think of Connery, he played Bond to perfection. There is only one who comes close to playing the role with such skill and that is Daniel Craig, and with only one Bond movie under his belt so far it's hard to tell how he will be.
by jerseygirl7
Fri Jun 27 2008Don't know any women over 30 who don't find him sexy, yes, even at his age.
by spike65
Fri Jun 20 2008He has been in some turkeys for sure, but when the picture is right he shines. "The Man Who Would Be King", The Bond movies, "Robin and Marian", to name a few.
by tailspintommy
Sun Dec 02 2007Sean was and is The Legend 007. He could even pull it off now... Austin Powers had Dr.Evil.... 007 would now have to get Cheney & Bush & their oil & arms empire
by scapebom
Fri Nov 09 2007wohooo
by irishgit
Thu Jul 19 2007There is no other Bond.
by jaywilton
Fri Jul 13 2007I "saw" a few "James Bond movies" after Connery...but fuhgettabout it...
by louiethe20th
Fri Jul 13 2007When I hear someone say James Bond, Connery's name comes into my mind first.
by nis584ae
Tue Mar 27 2007With no model to follow...he set the standard.
by pugwash01
Wed Mar 07 2007Totally agree with Irishgit, quote: “there is no other Bond"
by enkidu
Tue Mar 06 2007Damn he was good in that role. Those films might be junk food, but they're the best tasting junk food I've ever had. None of the other Bonds have been up to his level.
by randyman
Tue Mar 06 2007If I could give a ten rating I would. There is no other Bond, James Bond. Sean Connery is the Bond to which all others aspire to. He brought Bond to life. Sean Connery is to James Bond, what Johnny Weissmueller was to Tarzan. The only true version.
by emily1
Fri Dec 01 2006Lets be honest, when you hear the name Connery you think bond..! The first, the origional and the best.
by supremecritic
Wed Sep 13 2006no one ever played bond quite as good as he did
by jeremy00081
Tue Sep 12 2006The only reason he didn't get a 5 is because i don't know what shee shaw means.
by prema110
Thu Jun 22 2006Just the greatest James Bond actor ever.
by djahuti
Thu May 18 2006Connery was the Original,and pretty much set the standard.He went on to bigger and better roles,though.
by kissmeback
Wed May 17 2006another good actor just right for this roll.
by sammiew
Tue May 16 2006Would he be considered so highly if he hadn't been the first? I doubt it. But he was and so he is. Why knock him? PS He doesn't look real in that picture. He looks like his own waxwork dummy.
by drummond
Tue May 16 2006Seab Connery IS Bond. The rest are merely pretenders. Moore was okay. The rest sucked the big wang.
by birse244
Mon May 15 2006Do you know that most people who say Sean Connery is the best Bond have never in fact watched a Bond film from beginning to end? That really figures actually. Connery was a good start for the character on the big screen but far from the best. A couple of the actors who followed him made Connery look amateur.
by beggstealoboro
Mon May 15 2006A little over rated. Not that good in hindsight.
by tnt6a7ef
Mon Mar 20 2006When I first saw You Only Live Twice, my heart started to skip a beat when I saw Connery. If he had that kind of effect on me (and probably on anybody else), then he must be the TRUE James Bond, the real deal.
by dumbblondecowg_irl
Mon Mar 20 2006Sean Connery is the only real James Bond to me. He was the best.
by mohammed_ali_ganye
Mon Mar 13 2006Very excellent actor and the best in the world.
by blood47money
Wed Feb 15 2006He was the best as James Bond.
by thejolleymon
Fri Oct 14 2005Sean Connery is, in my opinion, the only James Bond. The others have tried to take his place but have not succeeded.
by rjy22751
Fri Sep 09 2005A great actor whos keeps on top of his game.
by sfalconer
Sat Jun 18 2005Simply the best. He is 007!
by redoedo
Sat Jun 18 2005Without question, the only true James Bond.
by cutegurl
Wed Jun 15 2005He invented the rouge player character. The original and most certainly the best. The only aspect he was outplayed on is looks in which Brosnan takes the cake. Connery had more charisma than all the other Bonds combined, however he and Brosnan run neck in neck as far as that natural class goes. Connery was a true class (and womanizing) act.
by genghisthehun
Wed Jun 15 2005First Rate actor over four decades and still going strong.
by kar54589
Thu Jun 02 2005Will always be the real 007 to me!
by caligula
Mon Apr 25 2005Bond is a womanizer and a cold blooder killer, in addition to being cool. Only Sean pulls it off. He actually looks like he could kick someone's butt, unlike Bronsan and Moore.
by magneto101
Fri Feb 25 2005brill actor from edinburgh in bonny scotland sir sean is pure class though i would say roger moore was better as 007 highlander was class the rock was very good LXG was ok and junior well harrison ford what can i say
by dpostoskie
Fri Feb 04 2005007, those were the days. I don't buy the tough 70 year old bit.
by seraph
Fri Jan 21 2005Ever since I was tied to a chair and forced to watch Medicine Man, I've had somewhat less respect for Sean.
by riffraff
Tue Dec 07 2004I will ONLY watch the Bond movies Connery did. Connery's Bond was both a lover AND a fighter. The best!
by middlefinger
Sat Dec 04 2004Others pale in comparison! He is the only TRUE Bond!
by aoqb35fe
Wed Dec 01 2004i think that one quote sums it all up not quite what i had in mind in the begining, but he would be if i wrote the books over again Ian Fleming. he fits everything that flemming had created in his novels other than the blue eyes and that he was an inch taller standing at 6-2. there isnt another actor that fits the fictoinal character of bond better then Connery
by vendelina
Sun Aug 29 2004I hate him! I hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!