Screw up your buddies chances with a woman

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    Tue May 01 2007

    No excuse for this. Not even if she's an evident whacko, and he's too drunk or smitten to see it. Trust me, he won't thank you for "saving" him. People have to make their own mistakes.

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    Tue May 01 2007

    Unless you're sure he's going to thank you later, it's a bad idea.

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    Reverse this. How about YOUR buddy screwing up YOUR chances with a woman, then lets see how that feels and any man that tries to ruin his friends chances with a woman is not your "buddy", but a sad opportunist.

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    Most guys are capable of doing this all on their own. However, I would think, in some cases, if the other guy was too obvious this kind of thing could easily backfire.

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    Thu Dec 08 2005

    You'd be called the epitome of evil if you did so...and I totally agree with Hatter.

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    Thu Dec 08 2005

    There is a small-circle in hell reserved for cock-blockers. Just as bad are the female tag-alongs that woman bring with them. You know, the ones who always seem to want to "go home" just as you are beginning to get hot and heavy with their friend? I really hate that...

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    Well said Lance. Ive done it more than a few times. But I have to admit, I remember doing it accidentally once. I did not know my friend had been talking to her earlier that evening. My friend did not tell me I had done so until months later. I apoligized and let him know the chick was a loser. (she was..I had a lot of those in the day).

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    Fri Jun 03 2005

    If the woman is married or a hooker, or if your buddy is married or taken, or if he's drunk and not seeing quite clearly, then yeah intervene and you'll get a thank you the next day. Otherwise, best back off.

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    Wed May 04 2005

    Let him make his own stupid mistakes!

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    Fri Mar 25 2005

    You can't be a loyal bud without playing the wing man on occasion. And there's nothing worse than a serial C@#$% blocker.

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    Never do this. If you thinks she is nuts, tell your friend, but do not say anything that could screw up the deal on her end.

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    if she has an STD by all means stop him, if he is using the girl for his pleasure, stop him.

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    Unless you know the woman in question, and she is a total nut case.

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    Only in the very rare case where she is poison and your friend doesn't realize it--but even then, you usually have to let people make their own mistakes.

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    true story. back in 1997 my buddy worked with this one attractive blonde. she used to come out w/us alot. she was underaged (20) but still got into bars. it was pretty obvious she wasn't into my buddy, but he liked her. sure enough turns out she was into me and made it known when we were all out together and when she started visiting me at work. well one thing led to another, she came over my apartment and we ended up making out--pretty harmless. next day I called my buddy and he was okay w/us seeing each other, so the girl and i dated. still things weren't right. my buddy became more antagonistic toward me, we fought a lot, and he hardly came out anymore. well, the girl dumped me after two months, and lied about her age(she was only 18). things were still tense between my buddy and i. it got so bad we ended up not talking for a year even though neither of us got the girl. that said, dont even mess w/a woman your buddy has no chance with. if he likes her, let it go.

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    Be a good wingman, dude. I remember walking or taking the bus home at 1:00 AM several times to give my wing mate the chance to shoot and score. I also remember taking the solemn duty of separating an anchor from the hottie my friend was courting and driving a very long distance to deposit the anchor back to her dorm (with hardly a word being said through the entire trip). I also recall doing real well with a lady at bar near an Ivy league campus, but realized things were problematic because she had a roommate. Incredibly, the roommate became a wing girl, literally picking up a total stranger, leaving with him, and tossing the house keys to my date while winking at me. SCORE!!!

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    I wouldn't want it done to me so I would never do it.In fact,I had the hots for my best friends girl back in highschool (ancient history):I was also good friends with her,& she seemed to find me attractive.When they broke up,instead of moving in on her,I helped them reconcile.

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    Tue Mar 22 2005

    Ah. . .yes. . .in the book of 'being a man' one should never, ever cock-block.