
Approval Rate: 52%

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    Wed Jun 23 2010

    Bad enough to base a religion on any form of Dogma (bible),but to base it on the books of some half-baked sci-fi author seems even more ridiculous.It's a close call, though.I read that Manson read a lot of Hubbards books in jail & used much of the jargon & techniques there in his own belief system.(He also used the Bible,to be fair...oh,and his own interpritation of Beatles lyrics,too...)

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    Wed Jun 23 2010

    Scientology is the latest first person shooter video game resulting from a 30-year collaborative effort between Blizzard Entertainment, EA Sports, Saga Genesis, and L. Ron Hubbard productions. The software design and engineering team just screams with some top-notch people that include Vinnie Barbarino, Isaac Hayes, Sonny Bono, Linda Blair, Placido Domingo, and Pricilla Presley. The story line of the game follows a premise that high Lord George Steinbrenner a.k.a. the “Jetermeister” proclaims that cheap beer is the ultimate evil of the Yankee-verse. Upon his decree, he vows to increase the pain and suffering of the masses by raising the cost of Goldschlager and admission tickets to the Constipation Bowl throughout the known galaxy (and the Bronx) by 1 billion percent. Although some found favor with Lord Steinbrenner’s plan, a small band of wayward dwarfs, which includes their leader and high llama “Thetan the Gay”, a.k.a Tom Cruise, set out to thwart the evil lord Steinbrenner’s plan b... Read more

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    Wed Jun 23 2010

    If it turns out there really is or was a Xenu who was master of the galaxy then I guess we're all screwed (their actual beliefs).

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    L. Ron Hubbub successfully competes with the majors: "I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is."

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    I would have to say that I don't think it is a great religion. I would not want it myself. They have it like a science. It is more or less a joke in Los Angeles. When they were recruiting before I went on it for a job and had to leave. It starts off like the army. It is where they got the idea. Unfortunately, people can be brainwashed and like to use power and it is scary. They were starting to tell me what to do. It pays little and you would get your classes. I didn't need them. Then if you left you would need to pay it back. No good. They were going to put me in the 'Celebrity Division' as a staffer. Some people like it. Some stars go to it. If it helps them it is ok I guess. One guy who was in Rock and roll I had met I read is listing that as his religion and I am not surprised. Elvis' daughter was also still going to it. Another guy I knew that had known him saw her there and talked to her.

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    Scientology is pretty stupid. Sorry if that's too basic :) Anyway, if it's for you and makes you happy then why not. But the money element of it sounds like a religion called Publisher's Clearinghousiology. One of my cousins is a Scientologist and actually 'graduated' from the Hubbard College of Administration International. Uh yeah. By the way, I don't talk to him because he's a Scientologist, I don't talk to him because he's an asshole.

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    I wouldn't really call this a religion, more like a society of madness. It doesn't even have some grounding in this thing I like to call "reality".

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    Wed Apr 07 2010

    Scientology was created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard (and not even good science fiction, he wrote crap like Battlefield Earth, the Squad that Never came Back and All About Radiation which has the unique distinction in that scientists the world over came together to declare "Bullshit!") L.Ron was imaginative enough to challenge conventional psychology and religious norms. According to L. Ron he became a blood brother of the Blackfoot Tribe when he was four and spent his adolescence learning the timeless wisdom of the People, but in reality-- he did not. The Blackfoot people, as an entire nation, have called bullshit on old L.Ron's story. However, he was a child once, that much is fact. But he was with his dad stationed in Guam, where he visited China on many occassions and came to this Holiest of Holy revelations: "The trouble with China is that there are too many Chinks here." ( After dropping out of college, L.... Read more

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    Thu Apr 01 2010

    I know one thing. There's a lot of celebrities connected with Scientology. The rating key says 5 equals irritating. It just looks odd to me that it says "Great" because there's nothing great about Scientology as far as I'm concerned.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    To the believers affiliated with the big three western religions it probably seems like a crackpot cult. To the skeptics of all religions it probably seems like just another franchise out there competeing for their share of souls.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Out of fear, that Tom Cruise might try to track me down, and have shot with a tranquilizer dart, I'm keeping reallllllllly quiet.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Probably the scariest trend on here. *Please don't sue*

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    When I was living in Clearwater Florida and first drove down Ft Harrison I thought it was a police academy. All the scientolgy students were in uniform. When I did a little research and reading about L Ron Hubbard and disgruntled graduates (clears) that wanted a refund of thier 100k investment I came to the conclusion that it is a hoax. Granted in a perfect world this MIGHT work but in the real world it is just wishful thinking.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    If you want to be a billionaire, set up a religion and promote it in Hollywood.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Have to agree with oscargamblesfro, his question is kinda the way I feel too!!!!

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Why Isaac why?

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    One of the worlds greatest scams! LRon taking money from MoRons.

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    Fri Oct 02 2009

    The church has good ideas and can be helpful. However, the church has an integrity problem. I was a member there for many years. I made a lot of donations to the church and purchased many services. Each member has an account with the church where they prepay for services they are planning to use. I prepaid a lot of money for their counseling services but was unable to use it because the church of scientology of GA was unable, for five years, to deliver the services. I’m now an unemployed single mom who really needs the money. I made the request to close out the account expecting to see the check in a week or so. No dice. The church has been stonewalling me and refusing to communicate with me at all for months. I made over 50 attempts to contact them to get this resolved. They refuse to return email or take calls. Their own policy written by L Ron Hubbard, says they will refund this money immediately. Go there if you want and purchase services even, but never ... Read more

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    Sun Sep 27 2009

    If you look at some of L. Ron Hubbard's quotes and the "fair game" document, Scientology is simply a cult. They take your money so you can learn about some bullshit alien Xenu story, and maybe even lock you up in a ship! (if you're lucky) Also, "fair game" means basically Scientology can make up and extort anything about you if you do anything wrong.

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    Mon May 25 2009

    Don't seem to be good if lamer Tom Cruise is needed to promote it.

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    Scientology is a RUSE. No truth to it whatsoever. Only for a good tale...

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    I'd call them a cult but I don't want them coming after me.

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    Fri Nov 28 2008

    I agree with Randy, at least these guys show some evidence and don't lead us on a wild goose chase to turn out our pockets in exchange for a miracle.  Despite Scientology being so absurd and unlikely, it is still just as possible as Islam, Christianity, or any other world religion.  People follow religions to feel better about themselves and be happy, and you have no right to deny them that.

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    Fri Nov 28 2008

    'git...This is a childhood picture of a guy that I used to work for in Clearwater, Florida. He, of course, became a Scientologist. He, of course, became very, very rich...

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    Fri Sep 26 2008

    hubbards assumptions about the nature of the human condition are not worthy to me to be classified as a religion....just a belief system

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    made up shit

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    Thu Sep 04 2008

    i'm still waiting for the mothership to arrive, and oh won't it be a phantasmagoric experience! you think they'll let john travolta fly it? he is a pilot ya know. what an odd bunch of pilgrims these scientologists are.

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    Sun Aug 31 2008'll fall for anything.

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    Wed Aug 20 2008


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    Sat Aug 16 2008

    For most people, I think its pretty obvious that Scientology is total science fiction making it basically pure comic book trash. Even founder, creator and mediocre SciFi author L. Ron Hubbard admitted that the best way to get rich is to create a religion. I have also long suspected that his creation actually serves as a kind of career clinic for actors and others who depend on popularity and public opinion for a living. I also very strongly suspect that it serves as a type of corporate beard for closeted gay folk who find it more profitable to appear straight. In general though, too many of the well-to-do faction of the Scientology fame and fortune machine clientele became involved and started to depend on its magic when their careers were in a slump or all but over. Its all just a bit too convenient and way too much of a coincidence. Among those who appear to have profited through this association are people like Kirstie Alley, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Jenna Elfman, Lisa Marie Presl... Read more

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    Nothing wrong with some "PROOF". Not just made up bullshit in a book somewhere.

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    Tue Jul 15 2008

    stupid!!! funny thing, a lot of science is based off of "best guess" practice.

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    Tue Jul 15 2008


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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    Tom Cruise!!!!

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    Stupid Tom Cruise.

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    It's CREEPY as FUCK!

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    Lol. Like a Jehovahs witness only nuttier.

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    weeeeeiiiiirrrrdddd o_O O.o

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    horrible without comprehension

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    a crock of day old shit

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    Not a religion - it's a cult.

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    oh, please

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    Wed Jun 18 2008


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    Mon Jun 16 2008

    Illogical, twisted, and cult-like. Some principles make sense while others are far from reality.

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    Mon Jun 16 2008

    CULT....I thought this was a religion test!!

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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    Tom Cruise ruins it big time

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    Sat Jun 14 2008


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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    I am at a loss to understand scientologies religious aspects. From what I can gather of some of its more famous followers, I am inclined to believe it is not much worse than Christianity, and i give it the benefit of the doubt for fostering a true inquiry into the unknown extraterrestrial possibilities, and the incorporation of a scientific method of studying reality, this must at least involve questioning the nature of reality, and not offering b lind faith as an answer tothe tough questions. A rate it a 3 by my presumed impressions.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    i could care less

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    Tue Jun 10 2008

    I dont really want to say.....They may come after me.