Scarface (1983)
Approval Rate: 82%
Reviews 0
by budd76
Tue Jun 28 2011Alright enough with this movie is great, its ok at best, Pacino is so overrated first of all and it seems like anyone who watches this movie thinks they are gangster or part of some kind of mob. If you watch this movie you don't have to buy a Tony Montana poster and hang it in your crib , your not thug.
by edt4226d
Sat Jan 31 2009This is probably the best, most fully-realized movie director Brian DePalma has ever done, which, considering that it's Brian DePalma we're talking about, isn't saying much. And, if it wasn't for the mesmerizing Al Pacino, it would be another imitative, superficial piece of patented DePalma schlock. It's Pacino's performance that elevates it to the status of a near-classic, his Tony Montana character an iconic representation of the most brutal outer fringes of 1980's no-holds-barred predatory capitalism. The original 1932 "Scarface" was directed by Howard Hawks from a script by erstwhile Chicago reporter Ben Hecht, evidently based on the life of mob kingpin Al Capone (Hecht was visited at the time he was writing the screenplay by Capone representatives who were curious as to whether their boss was going to be "unhappy" with Hecht's finished work; luckily for Hecht, he was able to placate them). The original "Scarface" was a zany, silly, but entertaining movie that starred a scenery-che... Read more
by poopysurprisep_arty
Sat Aug 09 2008You have to see it! Although it might be a little long it's definatly worth it
by spike65
Fri Jul 18 2008Terrible film. Take out the profanity and there is nothing left. Pacino is so over-rated.
by whatupman
Sat May 31 2008The movie is my favorite Pacino movie ever because of the action, aggression of tony, and the great lines he says that stick in your mind. Its hard to say its his best performance in acting, because of all of his other performances in movies. His acting was still phanominal though. Watch this movie if you haven't, it's a classic.
by fb599737983
Sat Nov 03 2007What a classic. Pacino an all time great, his best performance ever
by wheelerdr
Tue May 22 2007Set the bar for a lot of gangster movies that followed.
by ilikepie
Mon Apr 16 2007Although not a 'high quality' film, it is still certainly worth watching, and is a very good laugh. Sort of like the Godfather, but it doesn't take itself seriously...
by supremecritic
Thu Sep 14 2006it just didn't have the style that you expect of a ganster movie, with to much unneccessary swearing.
by crhayes7
Fri Feb 03 2006my favorite movie of all time.i must of seen it about 30 times already and it still sends chills up my spine everytime i watch it. anybody who gives this movie below a 3 is a F*****G cockroach. plus at the end even though he was all hopped up on coke and couldn't feel anything he must have tookin' atleast 35 shots before he fell to a shotgun to the back. God, i just can't wait 'til the game comes out sometime this year.
by canadasucks
Fri Feb 03 2006A decent but shockingly overrated movie given unwarranted cult status- an okay movie with over-the-top acting. . .love seeing F. Murray Abraham before his "oscar" phase. . .
by limpin_trenchfoot
Thu Dec 01 2005A nasty film by a director whose stock in trade is over the top unpleasantness e.g. The Fury. De Palma has to be one of the worst film makers of all time, right down there with Tarantino and David Lynch. If you want to see how gangster films should be done stick with Coppola and Scorsese.
by lefthandedprop_het
Sat Jul 30 2005an excellent story about a pathetic individual. al pacino plays a cuban better than any cuban could have. one of the best films of the 80's.
by jontheman
Fri Jun 24 2005If one film could incapsulate the self-indulgence of the eighties onto a single piece of celluloid, it would be this one. Al Pacino plays arguably the greatest role of his prestigious career in his performance of Tony Montana, an ironic personification of the American dream. Tony is a lowly career criminal who comes to America from Communist Cuba with little more than the shirt on his back and a gleam in his eye. Fueled by his newly liberated sense of desire, he goes from rags to riches (dealing in yayo, naturally). In doing so though, he becomes lax, decadent and obsessed with money. This action packed tale is a vividly painted portrait of the double-edged sword that is desire. The plentiful action scenes are inventive and Pacino lends a infectious intensity to them. Oh yes, it's funny too. Pacino's portrayal of the exaggeratedly crude Montana is side-splitting as he spouts language that would make Howard Stern wince. Scarface is the complete package, a true epic and every minute is i... Read more
by kattwoman
Sun Jun 12 2005this was a highly intense but violent movie. but it shouldnt have been a surprise because it was rated x in the beginning cuz of the violence. its a guy movie for sure but ive watched it a few times.
by killerbudsfore_very1
Fri Apr 08 2005I loved this movie, I found out that me and al have so much in common, not only cocaine but i rented a tux for prom that looked just like that beach outfit he was wearing in the first scene of the movie.
by irishgit
Sat Dec 18 2004Most comments here get drowned in the concern about the language. It's an above average movie with a sharp performance by Pacino. And if you don't agree with that I'll kill your monkey ass.
by the_slacker
Fri Dec 17 2004One of my favorite movies made by man. Al Pacino was as convincing in this movie as The Godfather. I always tell the truth even when I lie, -Al Pacino (Tony Monatana)
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Sep 19 2004Say hello to my little friend! A little coke goes a long way, Tony. TO HATTER: okay, so it was alot of coke!
by mad_hatter
Sun Sep 19 2004A classic. The last stand was great. They couldn't drop him. TO NUMBAH: Uhmm, a little coke?
by runswithwhitew_olves
Wed Sep 15 2004This movie was so cool I seen it more than ones thats how cool it was.
by dirty_harry
Tue Jun 29 2004A lot of profanity and violence but it's a classic. Pacino is brillant and comes across a realistic drug-dealing gangster. I want to add the extra's set to my collection.
by lashes
Mon Jun 28 2004One of Al Pachino's best roles. Absolutely wonderful!!
by classictvfan47
Thu Mar 11 2004Another blood-soaked exercize is stupidity, this movie is just as bad as other useless movies (Godfather, Saving Private Ryan) that push the limits of entertainment beyond decent. Violence, negative role models, and profanity is everywhere. But, a spark of creativity or optimism is nowhere to be found. Why would anyone want to watch this?
by minkey
Thu Mar 11 2004A great classic about an immigrant drug dealer who works his way up to the top by being aggressive and not letting anyone get in his way. But it is this attitude which leads to his downfall - he will not listen to even his closest friends. He becomes extremely self-consumed and careless, and his high coke intake doesn't help. In the end the invincible Tony Mantana falls as quickly as he had risen.
by whizbang3106
Fri Feb 13 2004Scarface is a great movie, I mean who could forget, Say hello to my little friend! The only bad thing is that it's so long, at leaston TV.
by larry_biz
Tue Jan 13 2004Raw, brutal, real. If you think that the chainsaw scene is Hollywood, think again. One of my all time favorite flicks.
by pug_lover
Wed Dec 17 2003classic movie.. dont know what to say about it but it was very entertaining and the performances were wonderful.
by thadea
Thu Jun 19 2003Here's your chance to see Pacino with his face in a pile of coke. This movie is great.
by hut_hut
Fri Apr 04 2003My faverout movie of all time, I'll say that first. Released to a hail of critisism. In fact they gave it an X rating, virtualy unheard of outside the world of hardcore pornography, lol. Scarface in its time boasted an all time record amount of swears, making use of the F word almost 200 times. But this film is worth more than its dated shock value. Operatic and overblown, this film apeals to anyone looking for a film with a minamum amount of arsing around - the is no love sceans no attempt to bring shade or depth to Montana's character, he is defined by his actions as a pure bad guy - the ultimate anti-hero icon. Endlessly watchable and quotable, you'll either love it for its in you r face vilolence and agression or hate it for its bloatedness and linear simplicity. Its all about one scumbags rise and fall, and alot of Coke and carnage!
by sway10f8
Tue Mar 25 2003Best movie EVA!!!Aint it just like that game Grand Theft Auto Vice City???
by sexystreif
Sun Feb 24 2002Al Pacino is a god! the cussing was a little excessive but I like the way they talk like normal people. the last scene made the movie.
by scarface88
Sun Oct 07 2001In my opinion, the greatest movie ever made. Al Pacino gives yet another great & memorable performance. And I think that the ending was genius. Enough Said.
by yankeegirl
Tue Sep 04 2001The length of the film was way too long. Al Pacino was the only thing that kept me going till the end.
by markymarkluva1_9
Wed Jun 13 2001I saw this movie recently with mi brother wen he rented it from the video store...I can admit that I thought it had way too muck cussing and violence, but it was great! THere is not another word for it..THis movie showed reality..IT braught out how drugs are a big part in our world..Like one of the viewers said b4 on this rating it had everything..."romance, drugs, violence, suspense, n so on" My bro said it was a true stori but I am still not sure about it..Al Pacino really acted great in it...I finally figured out where the saying, "Say hello to my little friend" came from...I honestly didn't know where it came from...Tony (Al Pacino) had a awesome ass house....I mean come on it looked like a 5 star hotel or was great! I remeber this 1 part in the movie wen he and his people are in the car and they werre going to blow the dude who was tellin the government about the dude where Tony gets his drugs...THwy were goin to blow up his car with him in it but the man had his ... Read more
by ronnie
Mon Nov 27 2000The movie Scarface with Al Pacino is an American movie classic filled with action and suspense. This is definitely my favorite movie of all time. From Cuban refugee to multi-millionaire, this is the best tale of the rise from the gutter to the hi-rise.
by catfish
Mon Nov 27 2000Great movie for its time. Great quotes thrown out. Al is the best. I watched it everyday one Summer. A good gangster movie, especially after the Godfathers.
by kat81141
Mon Nov 20 2000This movie is definitely a classic. To this day it is watched and you hear people all the time repeating lines from this movie. The only thing about the movie that was negative was all the violence and shooting, but it was an action thriller, so I guess it comes with the territory.
by tgaarc2d
Mon Nov 20 2000This movie is an all time classic. Pacino! The movie was full of action, a great story and characters. I have seen this movie a good nine times and not once has it been boring. Thumbs up!
by estes6e4
Mon Nov 20 2000Scarface was an OK movie. It was too slow and too long and drawn out. There wasn't enough action scenes.
by kdeef216
Fri Nov 17 2000My favorite gangsta' movie of all time is Scarface. It's a timeless scrutiny of the Mafia life. If you like the Mob this is the movie for you.
by pitbull
Fri Nov 17 2000The best gangster movie ever. Every movie since has paled in comparison. Al Pacino was excellent. He played his part as if he was a real life mobster. I really like the realism and drama.
by stevied
Thu Nov 16 2000The movie Scarface is one of my all time favorite movies. It has a little bit of everything within the movie such as romance, friendship, suspense, and especially violence. I really enjoy violent movies and Scarface fits that criteria. Scarface shows how drugs and drug dealing are a major part of american culture.
by mmoreno
Tue Nov 14 2000Scarface. A classic. One of the best original gangsta movies of all time. I can never get tired of seeing it over and over again.
by chunk5a8
Mon Nov 13 2000Almost everyone has seen this movie. It is a legend. It was dramatic and suspenseful.
by giorgio
Thu Nov 09 2000Thi is one of my favorite movies. I like the Pacino, and the way he acts. He seems so real. I really like the story of how he went from a nobody to a big man and how it ends.
by matt11cb
Thu Nov 09 2000The movie was very real. It was an excellent portrayal of gang and drug life. NAS also makes references to the movie in his songs.
by stevie
Wed Nov 08 2000Al Pacino is one of my favorite actors. That movie has some of the best action for an early 80's picture. The character of Tony Montana was brilliant.