Sarah Michelle Gellar
Approval Rate: 84%
Reviews 0
by looker
Fri Jan 23 2009this girl is beautiful, no doubt about it. anyone that says otherwise must be blind or stupid.
by windchime
Wed May 16 2007Why did you not fix that bad nose job from teenyears known as the "parrot beak" fixed? Imagine the original nose! Eew.
by genghisthehun
Mon Mar 05 2007I know I have some tips I could give to her about slaying vampires.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Mar 05 2007As long as she lets me put it anywhere... UPDATE: Did nobody get my "Cruel Intentions" reference?
by livingdead
Mon Mar 05 2007She's a hottie alright. Pretty face and her legs look great in a mini-skirt or tight jeans but she just has that snotty "i'm better than you" attitude that I hear so much about. Big turn off.
by rschonfeld
Thu Jan 25 2007Actually incredibly talented. But due to poor choices or missed opportunities has not really shined up to her obvious potential. Could have been one of the "greats" (maybe it's not too late?).
by bychance
Wed Dec 27 2006Far too slender and Blonde. However she does look better as a brunette, which is mainly why she gets the extra star.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Fri Aug 25 2006She's cute looking, feisty and has presence which is more important than acting ability. Then again, there's little wrong with her acting anyway and is capable of tackling a broad range of roles from horror (The Grudge) to cartoon (Scooby Doo) to sexy lez (Cruel intentions)
by my_rates
Sun Feb 05 2006In my opinion her acting as Buffy is superb. I wonder why she decided to act in Scooby doo but I like her. She's good looking and she's smart but I'm not really sure if she's smart with her choices of roles.
by tarita_trye
Thu Feb 02 2006Brilliant in Buffy but her performance in Scooby Doo was bad and The Grudge wasn't good
by joshua_01
Tue Dec 06 2005this girl has a boring face and on top of that she has the biggest nose ever f**k this white gurl.
by killaaz
Fri Aug 19 2005i love her she is the best!
by blahness
Sat Aug 06 2005you people are scumbags. smg is the most beautiful woman ever and all you can say is i would bang her all night long ...?? get a life.
by mprater
Wed Jun 08 2005Definitely a looker with a great smile! Someone mentioned she'd be sexier as a brunette. Either way, still sexy, and if things got steamy enough, a brief clip and shave below would end the blonde/brunette preference. She is a sexy one!
by darick
Sat Apr 16 2005What's the point. She's married. If she gets divorced, then I'll update this.
by westsider29
Sat Apr 02 2005great actress, as buffy and daphne i think she did great job.
by x_factor_z
Fri Apr 01 2005i remember how cut she was on AMC. Very fun to watch, likable and entertaining girl.
by randy_rocket
by beres6b4
Tue Mar 01 2005Buffy alone earns her 5 stars, but I have a pet peave. Why did she have to go blond? Aren't there enough in hollywood? There are so few brunette actresses at the top in her age group. I just resent that she fell into the trend. Scooby Doo was a bit of a let down for adults but she made up for it with The Grudge. The dangerous thing for her would be to take 2 bad roles in a row. I know we'll see more of her, I just hope it's good stuff. A Buffy movie wouldn't be a bad idea.
by maomania
Sat Feb 26 2005Sarah is not just a beautiful woman, she is also a very talented actress. She can play the cold hearted witch or she can be passionate. I've seen her in many movies and I am very impressed with her acting.
by ptrabbit
Sun Feb 20 2005Oh yeh-- i'd nail her all night long--those great legs are fantastic.
by cade5134
Sat Jan 15 2005She is in my top 5. Shes sexy, talented, and gots class.
by smp33768
Tue Jan 11 2005Simply the sexiest woman ever to walk the earth..she is pure sex on legs on i love her to death!!!
by alexg681
Sat Jan 01 2005Man do I want to nail her.
by brokenhalo
Wed Oct 27 2004Gellar is just straight up beautiful. She has everything, she is just amazing to look at. Stunning. She is without a doubt the sexiest actress of all time and the top 3 most beautiful. xxxx
by trevorviii
Sat Oct 23 2004I think Sarah Michelle Gellar is really talented i know that some of her movies are not the best but she has some good ones to. Her tv acting is really good such as Buffy and she has an emmy so she has credit. she is really SMOKIN to!
by james123
Thu Sep 23 2004Hottie and fun to watch.
by sharon
Thu Aug 05 2004Sarah Michelle Gellar is absolutely amazing. I'm one of her biggest fans in the world and always will be. She is a versatile and very talented actress and gives very strong performances. While I loved watching her on Buffy I am looking forward to seeing more of her on the big screen. I am very excited about The Grudge as I am sure she will be superb in it. Not only is she a deciated and talented actress she is a wonderful and lovely person and a great role model.
by groovy
Thu Jul 22 2004Sarah was great on All My Children as Kendall Hart, who tormented her long-lost mother Erica Kane. Sarah was a better actress than Susan and got an Emmy before she did!
by miriammcdonald_121
Thu Jul 22 2004dang she is great and fine!!!!
by emmanelson121
Wed Jul 14 2004ok yall i rated her a 5 she is so hot i wish i just couled kiss her juisey lip's!!!
by mad_tv_krazy
Sun Jul 04 2004she can act otherwise I would not be watching anything she makes. She is a great role model too.
by smgrules
Fri Jun 11 2004She has it all and, even more importantly, she has already made a difference by giving Buffy The Vampire Slayer to the world. Without her, it would never have happened.
by nickkicksass
Wed Apr 28 2004Exceptional actress! Very talented and very beautiful!
by lourew
Fri Apr 16 2004iam in ( [email protected] ) iam wauting for you sarah
by boxergirl2007
Wed Apr 14 2004She is the best actress and I hope she keeps coming out with cool stuff!
by freebird_0128
Sun Apr 11 2004I like Sarah Michelle and while I am not saying that she is award-winning or anything, her work really is enjoyable. The point of acting is to entertain and despite her critics, I feel she really accomplishes her goal. Who cares if she makes popular teen shows and movies? She makes the choices and I feel she performs her characters wonderfully. She is both talented and versatile and deserves credit for that.
by lialala
Thu Apr 01 2004She's OK
by talula_jane
Tue Mar 30 2004Self-important, rat-faced, and a baaaaaaaad actress.
by btvs2887
Thu Mar 18 2004Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a great show. Everybody else in the cast made the show. Sarah should have let them know that she was ending the show personally, instead of them all reading it in Entertainment weekly.
by liberty11
Wed Jan 21 2004The Slayer
by swimming
Fri Dec 05 2003I think that Sarah Michelle Gellar is a great actor. I also think that she's really pretty.
by archivist
Mon Oct 20 2003She's as adorable as they get. Freddie did good for himself.
by president_x_d
Mon Oct 13 2003Look at her eyes. Look at her skin. Look at her little backside. Look at her hair. Look at her smile. I'm in love.
by jen5502
Sun Oct 12 2003She is soooo beautiful, but I do agree that she is hotter as a brunette!
by fuzzyfreak
Fri Oct 03 2003If I could get her to shut up then perhaps it'd be a good laugh. I certainly rate her as an actress but I wonder if she'd like fish & chips on Yarmouth pier...hmmmmm.
by nicrules_007
Mon Sep 08 2003AWESOME! She was the best actress for Buffy and I am SO sad to see it go. I know she will go very far. She is great and beautiful.
by on_edgex
Sat Aug 09 2003SHOCKED that she is not considerably higher in the list. People say overrated when they simply don't like them. The fact that she never received Emmy nods for her work on Buffy shows just how UNDERrated she is. Strong, consistent, and often impressive she showed she towered above all others in the 'teen idol' crew (Katie Holmes, Jennifer Love Hewitt, etc). She expresses more in her eyes than most can in an hour long monolgue. I'm crushed that Buffy is now gone, but here is hoping that she will flourish in films ("Scooby-Doo2" notwithstanding - BLAH)
by deathrattle
Tue Jul 29 2003Talk about someone who can't act. Bufy and Cruel Intentions are living documents of that. So plain and ordinary. Outright hrrible. PLus she does not have hat great of physique. He thighs appear to have a good chunk of fat every time I see a picture of her.
by malsy420
Sun Jul 06 2003Good acatress!!!!