Sandra Bullock
Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 0
by amber74
Sun Mar 27 2011I like Sandra Bullock as an actress. I'm a huge fan of the romantic comedy genre and I'm sorry what happened to her with her husband Jesse but you know one can't help but wonder why people are so quick to remember that when she met him HE was married and his wife was 7 months pregnant. He left his pregnant wife to marry Sandra Bullock. So yes, she WAS the other woman. So why is everyone including her surprised that someone who cheated on his wife with HER, wouldn't then one day turn around and cheat on her?
by bird808
Wed Mar 09 2011I'm sorry, but I just don't get how Sandra Bullocks is THE number one actress on this site ahead of Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster and even the one whose forehead never moves Nicole Kidman. I mean seriously? What you been smoking people because if this woman's the best maybe I need to get some of what you guys are smoking to see how good she is. Quite frankly she sucks. Lovely lady and very pretty, but when it comes to acting she fails to inspire me and even more so I would never go out of my way to pay a cinema ticket for a Sandra Bullocks film. The best thing I saw her in? "Crash" and the joke is she wasn't even a lead character she was part of an ensemble cast so she got away with looking good as that films script alone was amazing. Let's face it. This list got hit by her fans. Theres nothing special about this actress. "Speed", "While you were Sleeping", "Speed 2"....this makes her looks worse. Shes most probably a genuinely nice person, but I'm not impressed.
by troll555
Fri Dec 17 2010Beautiful & Smart!
by sairajk
Fri Aug 20 2010i like her acting. cool and sparkle like star
by southerngal820
Tue Mar 30 2010Just saw Blindside today, a great move. The amazing thing is, while watching it you really don't think about it being Sandra Bullock acting because she is so good in this part. While You Were Sleeping is still one of my all time favorite movies.
by molfan
Mon Mar 08 2010I like Sandra Bullock. we saw her in Miss Congeniality and enjoyed her work in it.I also liked her in While You Were Sleeping. She can, be funny and charming. I like the fact she is not afraid to dress down or look nerdy. She seems like a nice down to earth person. UPDATE: wow I wrote this review a few years ago. now she won an Oscar.I am glad for her. I did not see all the movies that the actresses who were nominated. I think Sandra B. did a fine job playing a real life person.She has been in the business for a long time now,she was wise to play a role that is different from most of her usual roles.
by irishgit
Fri Jan 29 2010She leaves me totally cold, both as an actress and as the sex symbol some folks see her as. It is not that she's a bad actress, but I have yet to see her in anything where she was remotely compelling or even particularly engaging.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Jan 29 2010She seems to have taken over Julia Roberts role as the sweetheart that I don't get the appeal of...
by chalky
Fri Jan 29 2010My God, I find her incredibly annoying. I don't think I enjoyed any of her movies whatsoever. On a purely superficial note, I don't think I've seen her in one movie where I've been even remotely attracted to her. She reminds me of Geena Davis (gulp).
by gris2575
Fri Jan 29 2010I don't know, I kinda liked Demolition Man I thought she was hilarious in that. And I am glad to say she isn't as annoying as some of the other 'actresses' out there. (Tara Reid and Paris, I'm looking at you kids.) But as Franks pointed out, she's just another insert here Hollywood face.
by lena7358
Fri Jan 29 2010I'm not sure if her agent is terrible or brilliant. I hate almost all the films she's starred in just by reading the synopsis or looking at the title, so I don't even bother with them (not even to slam them). She seems to have a pretty big female fanbase that trends older, though, and that audience is far less fickle than the tweens watching twilight. What films I've seen where she has a role, I've found her unmemorable and generally overshadowed by everyone else in the film. I sort of remember her face showing up in Crash, for example, but not much about what part she played in the film's plot. IFC produced a podcast recently that took a look at actor salaries v. box office revenues and deemed Sandra Bullock to be one of the most underpaid actresses in Hollywood. I suppose that means that, on paper, no one really thinks she has much talent, but occasionally she finds herself at the intersection of a venn diagram containing a story with general appeal and a director who is able to use... Read more
by echoactive
Fri Jan 29 2010I'm missing something here. I have seen several of her films, and always find her forgettable, overshadowed by her co-stars or even those with small roles in the film. (Examples for me - Candice Bergen feeling like the only saving grace of "Miss Congeniality." Ryan Gosling & Michael Pitt somehow being more interesting than Sandra in "Murder by Numbers.") & Sandra Bullock as the number one in overall rating of actresses? ...I don't get it. I feel like the "David Goes to the Dentist" kid - "...Is this real life? ...Is this going to be forever?" I'll just chill in the backseat being the odd one out in the reviews on this one. Or maybe I'll tell the dentist to put one of her DVD's on while they are pumping me with laughing gas & it'll all make sense.
by 93century
Sun Nov 09 2008I sometimes get mixed up between her, and Justine Bateman!
by lorifreakinlor_i
Sat Oct 25 2008Sandra Bullock is the anti Angelina Jolie! She makes movies that are not sold on her taking her clothes off or how many people she can slaughter in 2 hours. The quality of movies has gone so far down hill into a pit of mindless violence, sexual indulgence and pure bathroom humor it is refreshing when a Bullock movie comes out because you can be almost assured it WILL NOT be pandering to that lowest common denominator!
by michael3722
Sun Sep 21 2008Bullock married motorcycle builder and Monster Garage host Jesse James on July 16, 2005. They met when Bullock arranged for her ten-year-old godson to meet James as a Christmas present.
by buttspanked
Mon Sep 15 2008Sexy but not a bombshell, but sexy,
by bobbe_jo
Sat Sep 13 2008Never seen her in a bad movie yet.
by blonde_hair_purple_converse_and_scrubs884
Sun Aug 10 2008Now, that's an old picture!! Is that even her?
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Aug 08 2008I'd be concerned she'd dump me for my mechanic, the CarrollCountyKid.
by paladin_shin56
by childofsatan
Sat Jul 05 2008I had a friend of the family who could be Sandra's twin as I was growing up. Damn how I miss her!! Sandra is hot!!!
by jennifer
Fri Jun 20 2008Love her, love her, love her!
by myspace_145204312
Fri Jun 06 2008shes alright
by myspace_47799913
Sun Jun 01 2008She's another of my favorites! She's very believable in her parts.
by myspace_13517044
Sat May 31 2008very sexy shes a great actress
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008again, I feel like she's the same person in every movie
by aquarian86
Thu May 01 2008one of ma fave
by myspace_214272930
Sat Apr 12 2008she's ,my
by twansalem
Mon Apr 07 2008Sandra Bullock movies really vary in quality. I'm not sure if it's her acting, or just the scripts.
by trebon1038
Sun Apr 06 2008I really like her and most of her movies.
by kittieklaws
Sun Feb 10 2008She's better than A LOT of actresses out there that's for sure!
by canadasucks
Mon Dec 10 2007Always seems to have limited range and talent to me, but my oh my how her star has fallen. . .remember the days when her name could almost open a picture?
by angryjed
Mon Dec 10 2007sucks. sucks. sucks.
by lillikai
Wed Nov 21 2007She's one of my fav. actresses. I like how she picks roles that deal with normal/ everyday people. Rock on Sandra!
by thunderforce2
Thu Nov 15 2007She is a great actress.
by irishpapa
Sun Oct 28 2007She needs to go back to acting school if she ever had gone.
by uncnc08
Mon Sep 17 2007I like most of her films,and she seems like she not full of herself unlike most of her fellow actresses.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Wed Jun 06 2007[Regrets that the Oprah-ism "You Go Grrrlll" hasn't met as quick a death as other aphoristic zeitgeists (such as "right on" and "harsh realm, dude"]
by baharhart
Wed Jun 06 2007How could anyone not rate Sandra Bullock as being Great!! You go Girl!!
by jessicarice
Wed Apr 04 2007She is great and drinks Casa Noble!!!
by doobiesnhof
Sat Mar 03 2007Great legs and personality. Her acting talents are suspect at times but I still like her more than many on this list.
by lastmessenger3
Sat Mar 03 2007Sandra on the physical level is just ok, but her personality is a load of fun. Something tells me I would never be bored with her.
by livingdead
Sat Mar 03 2007Sandra is getting hotter as she ages which is a true rarity! Beautiful woman. Loved the scene in The Vanishing when Jeff Bridges chloroforms her and kidnaps her.
by cherrycassi
by doorgunner
Mon May 01 2006She was absolutely delicious in "Demolition Man," Sly Stallone's very politically incorrect action flick about the dystopian future. She was a total cutie pie in "Speed." What's not to like?
by penwah
Sat Apr 01 2006One of my very, very favorite actress and personalities. She is so very real; makes you feel like you could just jump into the movie and talk to her. I loved her in Crash - so unexpectedly spoiled and not a nice character. Ever see her interviewed? She's brilliant and funny and together.
by peter_traherne
Mon Feb 20 2006Average actress. A title of any movie she was in escapes me right now.
by torontosucks
Fri Sep 16 2005Completely unsexy.
by alexg681
Sat Jan 01 2005Good actress and sexy as hell.
by working_class_hero
Fri Jun 11 2004Pretty , Cool and damn funny ... thats what i call a date !!