Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Thu Jul 15 2010

    This is one of the worst tasting beers I've ever had! It's very bitter and has an awful after taste. I love beer and was anxious to try Samuel Adams. So I went to a liquor store and bought a big bottle of it, along with 2 big bottles of Miller Lite. When I got back home, I sat down on the couch with the Samuel Adams and took a sip. Ugh! Terrible! I managed to drink half the bottle before pouring the rest down the sink. I said I'll never waste my money on that shit ever again! What a disgusting beer! I then grabbed my Miller Lite beers and enjoyed myself. Miller all the way!

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    Sun May 16 2010

    It's ok if you like having your tonsils smacked around with the taste of hops. Drinking it kind of reminds me of the time my friend, who's a health nut, tried to convince me that a certain kale drink was the best thing ever. After I tried it, I thought that it was made with grass clippings from his lawn. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it, but if I was offered one I'd imbibe.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    I used to really like this one when myself and my palate were young. After a while the overly hoppy bite got to me. It is definitely different, but not always in a good way.

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    Mon Mar 01 2010

    Not bad for a Lager, I prefer their Summer Ale. The taste has a pretty good body to it all things considered and it's pretty easy to find in most Bars and convenience stores. I don't normally go out of my way to drink it, but I never turn it down when offered.

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    Wed Feb 24 2010

    Pair it with a good full bodied cigar and you're good to go.

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    Samuel Adams Boston Lager is expensive, but it's also very good. It has a rich, bold, not-too-bitter flavor. It's filling and heavy for sure, but it is satisfying. No, I would not want to drink this every day, but I always enjoy it whenever I do have one. RJT

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    Wed Aug 19 2009

    Rich and smooth, but just a tad too filling, great taste.

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    Being one of the most successful craft brews in America, Boston Lager also holds the title of my favorite American Lager, which is far more important. A much tastier and enjoyable beer than the BMC crowd sucks down.

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    Sat Jun 20 2009

    I almost forgot the real name of the beer is "Samuel Adams" because of course it is known colloquially as "Sam Adams." The Boston Lager is a dark lager and quite flavorful. I would not say it is the "best beer in America," but it is a good beer. Other brews by the Sam Adams brewery are also quite good, particularly the Summer Ale.

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    Sun May 31 2009

    The only American beer that I can truly say I really enjoy! Sam has many quality brews. The Boston Lager is the one most bars and pubs have readily available. I would put it in the same realm as Beck's. I also like Sam's Pale Ale.

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    Wed May 06 2009

    If you are a big fan of Coors, Bud, Miller, etc. save your money as you will not enjoy this beer. It is way too hoppy for that group of people. If you find the "big three" products to be watery and tasteless, buy a sixer of Sam Adams Boston Lager. It's a good place to start.

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    Sun Apr 26 2009

    Tase good but has the MOST calories then any other lager. If you care about that stuff lol

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    Rivals Goose Island’s 312 Wheat Ale with rich flavor and sweetness...this is a great macro brew

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    Sun Feb 15 2009

    My preferred brand, if two beers (or one large beer) is all I'm having.

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    Fri Feb 13 2009

    Legs a little stronger than the Buds and the Millers in the crowd, a passable brew for the thirsty.

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    Fri Feb 13 2009

    Ordered it once or twice. Nothing special, despite all the TV hype.

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    Sam Adams is a well made, good tasting lager. I have seen Bud drinkers order one and not finish drinking it, because it was too dark and strong. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Personally, I prefer the Boston Stock Ale.

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    Sun Jan 11 2009

    Yum... love that.

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    Wed Dec 10 2008

    Best from the tap - reminds me of drinking in Patsy's Laguna Niguel back in the day...

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    Unfortunately, I find The Boston Brewing company to be hit or miss with most of it's brews, but this seems to be very consistent as far as quality, and flavor goes. This was the beer that introduced me, and probably most of the population to craft brewing, so it does deserve respect. As far as how it rates compared to other brews, it's probably on the lower end, but still a consistent, well balanced brew, with a great legacy.

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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    Like it on draft

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    Never tried it but I really want to!

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    have to be in the mood for it.

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    I love you,Sammy!

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    Sam's Seasonal... I love them all, the reg sams I am not a fan of.

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    Sat May 31 2008

    Sam Adams is good stuff.

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    Fri May 16 2008

    A great 'gateway' beer and still one I go back to from time to time.

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    Tue Mar 11 2008

    Sam Adams is a good beer, but in order for a beer to justify costing more than the standard domestics, it has to be significantly better than the standard domestics. So while I think Sam Adams is better than Budweiser, when you take into account price and quality, I don't think that Sam Adams really comes out that far in the lead.

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    A favorite staple.  Plenty of character, but not overpowering for guests with a mild pallet.

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    I drink this more when Im up north where its usually available in draft.  Its a good beer.

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    Mon Feb 11 2008

    A fine lager. Even though they offer many different flavors now, the original is still the best. One of my favorite domestic beers.

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    Sun Feb 10 2008

    I really can't stand regular Sam. Some of the variants like Sam summer are okay though. Stick w/ Harpoon.

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    Fri Feb 08 2008

    I like the seasonal stuff

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    Sun Dec 16 2007

    One of the worst tasting beers I've ever had in my life! At first it had a decent, full bodied flavor and a nice mouthfeel.... that didn't last long... about 3 seconds later your bombarded with wayyyy too much hops flavor! And the extremely bitter aftertaste experienced after each gulp is what finally made me dump this beer out. I think they really went overboard with the hops in this brew... sooooo bitter. For a good, full bodied American Lager try Yuengling instead... Sam Adams Boston Lager is the most disgusting American Lager I've ever had!!!

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    Thu Nov 22 2007

    Can't go wrong with Sam Adams.

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    Thu Nov 15 2007

    I often choose Sam when I am in a restaurant. I prefer move flavorful beers than a lager, but this lager is fine.

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    Wed Nov 14 2007

    Great beer whose namesake was a proud brewer-slash-patriot (and not the other way around).

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    Tue Nov 06 2007

    What qualifies somebody as a beer expert or judge is beyond me. After being drilled with commercials i decided to buy a 6 pack just to give it a try. I've had some bad tasting beers in my life but this is one of the worst. I rate it below some of the crappy asian brews i have tasted over the years. Miller Lite boasted about how it compared as a light lager. I bought a 16 ounce can and though it wasn't bad it was no match for my favorite beer Bud Light. Again i've had brews from all over the U.S and abroad. Trying to sell something based on a judging scale of taste will never be accurate simply because what taste great to somebody might taste like crap  to somebody else. I took 2 drinks out of my 6 pack and threw it in the trash.

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    Wed Oct 31 2007

    Good beer, nice finish, smoother than S/A Black but not as tasty.

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    Sat Oct 27 2007

    Very nice amber color, lots of flavor, blows the Buds of the world away.

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    Mon Aug 27 2007

    clearly the best american made beer. with some of 16-18 different styles to pick from. along with the seasonals offered throughout the year, if you can't find something to like- you do NOT appreciate a GOOD beer. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR BEER! DON'T BE AFRAID OF FLAVOR.

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    Sat Aug 11 2007

    I love this beer. I cherish every moment of it. When it's gone I weep like a little girl.

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    Wed May 02 2007

    Pretty decent for a lager. They make other stuff that is better though.

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    Sometimes I can stand to drink this one.  Most of the time though, I let my husband have it.

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    Tue Dec 26 2006

    Although I really like a lot of their beers,the Boston Lager isn't an impressive one.For the price,it's no better than many cheaper brews.If you want a great Sam Adams,go for the Winter Lager,Old Fezziwig,Holiday Porter or Black Lager,all of which are very high quality brews.PS: the Cranberry Lambic is disgusting!