
Approval Rate: 86%

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    Sat Sep 03 2011

    I liked the smell at first but the perfume becomes annoying after a while. Antibacterial soaps give me a strange chemical odor. Think of opening up a box of bandaids. A smell something like that. Don't know how else to describe it. I just know I don't have this problem with a regular non-antibacterial soap. I would use as a hand soap.

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    Fri Jul 24 2009

    Smells great, moisturizes very well. I love that clean scent. A lot of other soaps have a sweet smell that makes me nauseous like Dove. Zest smells like toilet cleaner to me, so it's good to finally use a soap that just smells clean! =)

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    I used to use Safeguard when it first came out. It was terrific everyone told me I smelled so good. I never had to use perfume. But then......safeguard distroyed their product when they cut back on the amount of perfume they had in their product. At that time it was the socially correct thing to do so that the few people on earth who like a bland smelling population would be happy. It used to be that the soap isle in stores would smell terrific thanks to safeguard. Now you can barely find it and when you do it has no smell. Big Big Big.... mistake. Fire the jerk who made the decision to cut back on the perfume. I am 100% sure this has ruined your sales. Bring it back like it was when you first put it on the market and watch your sales come back to life. PS If I could buy a special order from the company with more purfume I would gladly do so otherwise I'll stay with Irish least it has some smell. Sincerely Nancy 490-219-6332

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    im to tired of looking for this soap's ingredients would you please help me find it??? i need it for our project...

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    Fri Apr 18 2008

    colorful, smelling great

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    Thu Nov 01 2007

    I live in the Tropics and, just like everyone else that lives in the tropics, I am always sweaty. This soap aside from the use of deodorants keeps bad odors away. The thing is the Safeguard doesn't simply mask the smell like most soaps do but actually prevents bacterias that cause bad odors. 9+ Hours out of the house everyday and this soap never fails me.

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    Wed May 16 2007

    Absolutely the best soap ever! I have allergies to scented products but this soap is yummy! It's a forever product for me. Not easy to find in Canada but I stock up when I go to America. The scent is delicious!

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    Well im 16yrs old and i have quite have pimples but in first 3 weeks it is very effective to me i mean? my pimples is drying but after it past more than 3 weeks the pimples revenge and start agian to grow in my face alghout im using safeguard just i wash first my face then i spread safeguard on my face about half a second then i wash it again...thats my old processe,but i read in some users who uses safeguard and stay it up in their face while washing to 10minutes or less is this really effectice to cure my face thx a lot! -p

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    Fri Mar 02 2007

    I dont use Safeguard soap, but i seen an old commercial on Youtube from the 1960's advertising the bar soap. The commercial  showed a whole family with each member wrapped in towels.  I think about 3 boys, and 3 girls plus the parents.  Seeing those young girls wrapped in towels made me think this commercial was probably a young boys wet dream during those days!

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    Fri Mar 02 2007

    I have been using Safeguard soap since 1989. I had the hardest time trying to find a soap that would not dry out my skin, or give myself a rash. I have very sensitive skin, and I have to use only certain detergents, and soap or I break out with a itchy rash. My family doctor and mother tried all kinds of soaps on me. Finally after 17 years of age, we found safegaurd!!! If I try to switch to something else I still break out in a rash. I've been waiting a long time to simply say THANK YOU SAFEGAURD!!!!! I'm not a rich person, but I will use my last penny to buy your product.... Thank you again, for keeping me clean and rash free.. Jeff S.

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    Wed Jan 24 2007

    in the 1970's safeguard soap had a wonderful milder scent--the original scent of safeguard soap. it also came in the option of nice light pink bars. why they ever eliminated the scent of this soap i'll never know. the present scent of this soap is strong and harsh. proctor and gamble should bring back that bar in it's original scent. keep the present scent if you must, but i think people should have the option of either or. in my opinion the original smell of this bar was beautiful fresh and mild. present scent definitely suited for men; not women. i think you may see a boost in your sales of this soap if you did this. was the original formula for the ingredients lost? sdlos

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    Wed Jan 10 2007

    I tried safeguard soap the beige and it work wonders with my skin. I hope they continue to sell this product in Walmart. I love the after smell of this soap as well.

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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    Safeguard bar soap is the best! What happened to it? I cannot find it. Foster

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    Best soap on the market! Mild and gentle yet cleanse thoroughly, leaving the skin soft and smelling sweet all day. Love it!

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    P&G; Public relations returned my email today regarding "What happened to Safeguard soap?". The reply is in relation to Canadian stores. Also Wal*Mart in Canada does not carry it (at least not from what I can find). The good news is that it hasn't been discontinued. (I only have 3-4 bars left, so I'll have to start hunting harder before I run out!) --- I know how frustrating it is when you can't find the item you want. Our Safeguard Soap is available to wholesalers and retailers nationally. However, currenly Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart are the only two stores that order this product. This is not a guarantee you will find it in every location, but if you try some of the larger stores you might have better luck. Sometimes store managers, unaware of how popular an item is, don't order enough or stop carrying it completely due to low sales. You may want to encourage the manager of the store you visit most to order this product because it's up to stores or their suppliers to ... Read more

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    You can always find the large ecomonypack 10 bars for $3.50 @ any Walmart store. I have used Safeguard for 45 years and love the clean smell after showering and it refreshes as well as kills germs. I have been in Nursing for 30 years and this is all my family and friends use. With all the germs we come in contact with the antibacterial soap has more than proven its effectiveness over the years in fighting germs. Its great.

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    Sun Feb 19 2006


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    Fri Feb 03 2006

    What's going on? No stores are carrying it anymore except drup stores where you need to buy a small 3 pack which is overpriced. I assume soon they will be gone as well. Does anyone know if it has been discontinued???

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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    I am having trouble finding Safeguard bar soap here in Florida and in Massachusetts, when I was home for the Holidays... Is something going on with Safeguard, that the public is not aware of??? I have been using Safeguard for over 35 years and miss it from the shelves... Any explaination?? Kind regards, C. Goller

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    Sun Dec 25 2005

    I've used the beige bar since the early 70's and it's the best ever. Less acne, clean feeling after rinsing espicially when used with a water softner at my friends house. I don't feel all the bars are created equal, there are 3 kinds and I am having a hard time finding the beige since target, wal-mart, k-mart and fred meyers are now only carrying the white bar. I broke down and bought a 3- pack of zest and I have pimples on my back. Safeguard does melt fast so I am careful where I store it in the shower. I am off to buy a large quanity on-line as I cannot believe they could stop making this soap.

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    Thu Sep 29 2005

    It does not get mushy like other soaps.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    I really LOVE the scent of the safegaurd soap, but my skin gets a little drying from this soap, and my hands too, i sure wish safegaurd can make a large economy size body wash (like the zest body washes)!! body washes my body can handle but antibacterial soaps i cant use, i love my bar soaps, maybe i may try safegaurd again, too bad i dont see the white bar soap of safegaurd hope that comes back!!! aloha marty

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    I love this soap too, but my only beef is it melts too quickly.

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    For over 40 years I've used Safeguard. I started in 1965 and have always found that my elbows and knee caps were always smooth. The scent has continually been refreshing and a good (if it's possible) clean smell. I don't use any other moisturizer. The lather is always excellent and there never is residue. It has travelled with me to Eqypt, Isreal, England, Holland, Iceland, Azores, Baffin Island, Bermuda and Key West Florida. I've lived in every province of Canada and call Nova Scotia home. May this product never change Subigon Middleton NS Canada.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    After years of fighting skin allergies do to the uses of many soaps, I've found Safeguard to be a treasure. It no only cleans your body without leaving a residue but leaves your skin feeling soft and fresh. This product supersedes all others. It is so good that I now import it from the United States to the United Kingdom. I would recommend this soap to anybody.

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    Great deodorant soap. Tie with Dial and Lever 2000 Antibacterial for my favorite.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    Our family has use safeguard for many years. When our child got impetigo the Dr. said to use safeguard - it would keep it from coming back again. We haven't had impetigo since. We like everything about it - just wish it came in a liquid soap too.

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    Mon Jul 05 2004

    For a week of using safeguard soap i notice that my acne starts to dried up and i notice some difference but take note that we all have different types of skin it worked for me but it might not work for you but still try it to see what heppens i mean if you dont try then you dont hope right

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    I love Safeguard. It smells wonderful. It really lathers & makes me feel clean more than the others. I'm glad they haven't made more changes, like change the scent like a lot of other classic soaps do.

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    alergic to it :-(

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    Thu Jun 05 2003

    I used Safeguard for 3 weeks, during which I got terrible itching all over my body and then red welts began to appear, then sores with scabs. When I realized the cause, I went back to using Lever 2000 soap, but it has taken more than 10 days for the itching, welts and sores caused by Safeguard soap to heal. Apparently I am allergic to the chemicals used in this soap. The package should have a warning on it.

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    Sun Jun 01 2003

    After many years of suffering with cracked and bleeding skin on my hands using safeguard has healed them. I ran out of liquid handsoap and began using a bar of safeguard a week ago. It is amazing.

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    Thu Feb 27 2003

    Safeguard antibacterial deodorant bar soap lathers up smooth and creamy and has a great smell. Gets hands clean and smells great too. Woodsy, fruit and flowery scent. I conductd experiment with 4 bars soap. This was #1. No residue left was on towel when I dried my hands.

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    Love the fragarance of this soap. Safeguard lathers well and the bar is easy to handle and lasts a long time.

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    Mon Oct 28 2002

    A bona fide classic that gets better with age.