Rush Limbaugh Show

Approval Rate: 51%

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    I used to find him entertaining but it got too hard on my blood pressure to listen to him get so foul, loud and worked up. I swear his voice was sounding more and more over the top like he was in a mad frenzy. I could imagine him jumping up & down foaming at the mouth and spitting out fireballs! Later it came out that he was addicted to prescription drugs. That explained a whole lot. I still think a Radio Talk Show Host loses points when their voice gets too shrill, high pitched and furious! It reminds me of deranged people in Mental Institiutions before they get their Med's. Any person who has ever lived with a screaming person can attest to this. You lose because of the presentation, even when you are right, you still are wrong.

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    Thu Jun 24 2010

    Rock solid logic and strong arguments. Good advice on for golfers, nfl fans and doctor shopping. He is the daddy of it all and my hate has only made him stronger.

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    REALLY scary how many people actually listen to him...

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    Zero integrity. Can twist any basic fact into an insane lie.

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    Fri Jul 10 2009

    S T O N  E R(who wants to lock up all the other junkies)UPDATE:We know he was (is?) an Oxycontin addict, but what are his faithful followers on?

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    He's been around for 20 years. He has the highest listenership (is that a word?) at roughly 20 million weekly. He's armed with facts to back up his arguments, and he can certainly pontificate: he does not often take listener's calls, and he virtually never has any guests on his program, so that most of each show is him speaking (which is why I prefer to listen to other shows). I'm new to RateItAll, and this may be sacrilege, but I don't care; I have a point to make. For the person who cast a disagree vote: what exactly do you disagree with in my review? Let me confine this to something more manageable: 1) 'he's been around for 20 years'...that's a FACT, and not open to anyone's opinion 2) 'doesn't often take calls...virtually no guests'....that's a FACT, and not open to anyone's opinion 3) 'most shows are of him speaking'...that's a FACT, and not open to anyone's opinion 4) 'can pontificate'...more wiggle room for you here, but not much more, unless you are shaky on the defi... Read more

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    This man is terrible. The show is filled with lies and his undereducated audience buys it all. sick.

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    Tue Apr 14 2009

    Rush Limbaugh for President in 2012

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    Sun Mar 08 2009

    I want Rush Limbaugh to FAIL!!!Another Chicken hawk.....didn't Rush say all illegal drug users should be put in jail??? Hmmmm FLUSH RUSH

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    Mon Mar 02 2009

    I have listened to Rushf or years. I just wish he wouldn't be so Archie Bunkerish. Overall does a good job.

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    The best show out there

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    Sat Dec 20 2008

    Your feelings may disagree with what he says but if you THINK about what he says you always seem to agree.

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    Hilarious comedy both intentional and otherwise.Having said that, if you take your news verbatim from any talk show host, left or right, you need serious help

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    Fri Aug 29 2008


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    Thu Aug 28 2008

    rush is great! he backs up his points with fact so you can make your own mind up on the subject

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    Wed May 21 2008

    Wow the bleeding heart liberals have infected this topic.All the conservative talk shoes are at the bottom of the list yet if you check the ratings for the shows mentioned in this topic it would be reversed.Rush has a solid 13,000,000 listners that speaks volumes and the best part is not all that listen to Rush on a daily basis are conservatives.

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    better with time

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    Tue Oct 02 2007

    Rush Limbaugh is a phony American who has never served.

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    Sun Jun 24 2007

    too political down the right cannot see each topic from right and wrong always takes the republican side

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    To enjoy his vicious attacks on people who are already down is sick. Must be the same people who enjoy dog fighting. As Rush would say, go white, Christian power

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    Wed May 23 2007

    Rants about liberals too much. But I like his view on global warming.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    Not a terrible radio talent by any means, but a terribly destructive and dishonest man. The more influential his voice, the deeper the country seems drawn into authoritarian conservative debauchery and character errosion. When any person knowingly presents demonstrable falsehoods as truth,and argues only through deceit, invective and derision, that person loses the right to be taken seriously in any real discussion. But when that same person goes on to trivialize suffering, countenance torture, caracature anyone who is different by culture or opinion, derride victims of violence and prejudice and abuse as weaklings and worse...and is then broadcast daily on our Armed Forces Radio network throughout the world, what kind of damage to America's reputation do you think he has already done? "Excellence in broadcasting" indeed. Roger Ailes creates Frankenstein after Frankenstein, and people marvel at his ability to animate the morally dead.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    He is the best liar.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    Used to be funny when he was high on drugs and scared of lesbians taking over the world, but has lied himself into a deep pit.

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    He is the best. I have listened to RUSH since 1988 when I was working in San Francisco and I have not waivered since. I have graduated from the EIB institute for advanced learning many times. NO ONE says it like RUSH.

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    Sun Aug 20 2006

    if Rush were black or poor he would be doing 3 to 5 minimum......he is not smaer he is just an out and out liear

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    Sun Aug 20 2006

    Rush would get a chuckle out of being rated this low....most of the people above him here wouldn't even have a job if it weren't for the EIB network. For those not afflicted with short attention spans, this man's observations are pure genius. Truly every other conservative follows in his wake.....he is at the forefront of his peers, and most freely admit it. He has few guests on, but when he does they are world class, and world leaders....this should tell you something.......

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    Fri Jun 09 2006


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    Wed May 24 2006

    Boring egotistical jerk most of the time. He is a hypocrite and cannot admit to his own faults unlike people like Mike Savage. Rush had his time it's time to wake up to his listeners and move onto better ways of dealing with politics than always blaming the other side for the worlds problems. Go home Rush I have to listen to him every morning at work because my boss likes him and I'm not at all looking forward to it everyday.

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    Tue May 23 2006

    NAZI Germany would've love to have him! Hes very good at twisting lies into a beliveable story, and propagates hate. Maybe he missed his calling as a Televangelist.

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    Wed May 17 2006

    I like listening to Rush, but at times he gets potty mouthed and I have to switch him off. He is an entertainer and likes to point out the failures of the Left, which are legion, but he won't go into some of the serious problems of bankruptcy and people here in America not making it. My dollars today are worth 10 cents of what they were in 1969, I was living on $1.25 an hour, hair cuts were $1.25, gas was 30 cents per gallon, rent was $60 per month. These and many items are 10 times more today, but minimum wage is not $12.50 an hour is it? Maybe I'm a flaming lib on this? But Rush wouldn't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole, but then again it isn't it?

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    Tue May 09 2006

    Just a look at the negative comments should show you where they are coming from. They go right to the personal attacks and spew the "real" hate they say Rush does. They have no position or ideas to stand on so they take the low road. It's like I always say, whatever most Democrats, liberals, or statists say about their oposition is what they themselves are saying or doing.

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    Wed Apr 12 2006

    It's funny to see comments about "talking out of his butt" and "he should be in jail".Rush Limbaugh is a man who speaks the truth and can back it up,and when he is wrong,he admits it,unlike other not-so-conservative radio shmucks.To be patriotic does not mean you have to serve in the military.To tell the truth does not mean you have to be a liberal.I have listened to left wing and right wing radio for years and each have their valid points.BUT,I have found that Rush seems to be right about things more times than not.Also,why should he be in jail,I didn't know pain killers were an illegal drug?To those who say he talks out of his butt...why is that? Because he doesn't share the same view as you? I have seen a shift in my thinking over the past couple of years for the very fact that I see how much crying and whining goes on in the left wing liberal nut factory.I voted for Clinton and I voted for Bush. I base my opinions on the facts and as I see it now,I'll probably go republican again.T... Read more

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    Sat Apr 08 2006

    This guys popularity is proof of the gullability of the american public. He is also proof that america is a nation of low rent turnip truck driving sports IQ inbreds. He should be ashamed of himself for taking advantage of the intellectually deprived by making his living keeping them riled up. I doubt he believes the hatred he spews, I think he is just a smart guy that figured out a way to drive ratings sky high by abusing his listeners gullability. Beats working for a living I guess. ...

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    Fri Mar 10 2006

    Rush Is a Great American and a good man. He, like everyone else, has his faults, but his points are solid and admirable! If everyone had a pair on em like he does, the world would definately be an interesting place!! He and Sean Hannity and some of the other "right wing" conservatives are the only thing saving America from being over run and destroyed by the crazy "leftists" and communism.

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Despite the fact that his politics and mine are similiar,I am not crazy about this banana.For one thing,he is rather pedantic.For another thing,he is the epitome of a caricature of a Republican:overweight,middle aged,white,wealthy pompous ass who seems to think up new ways to defend the wealthy.I am not one of these liberal fools who villifies the rich,mind you.Indeed,I believe that we are best served copying the habits of the rich,not envying these folks.Still and all,however,the rich need no one to look after them.They can take care of themselves very nicely.

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    The absolute best political analyst the world will ever see.Prove him wrong.Facts hurt.You have a choice to be hurt by lies.Those who don't approve of him can't accept the truth.Rush is truthful enlightenment.The opposition is indirective hate.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    Love him or hate him, his show is top flight. I gotta knock him down a star for being such a war-monger, however.

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    Wed Dec 14 2005

    If he's so full of lies, why does he use direct quotes? Something so simple as the proof he gives is basically ignored cause it does not match with what you want to hear ... specially things you want to hear about your political party. I'll take the fact that he's full of himself, but so what ... so am I

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    A talk show full of lies. Talking points come straight out of Rush Limbaugh's butt!

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    Can't stand it. He is an example of why the Republicans are pushing away conservative minorities almost as fast as the Democrats have (well not quite that fast). Too extreme, too much shtick. A real blow hard.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Rush Limbaugh went from being great mind and independent thinker to a mouthpiece for the Republican party. It's embarrassing to listen to him reason in favor of Bush's every move. His best years were during the Clinton years.

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    Mon Oct 24 2005

    Bigot? you have proof? he also has not broken any laws in his state, maybe yours but you arnt open minded enough for that one."fascist" do you even know what it means. try listening to the show for a week before you trash it. its hard to critisize something if you have no facts, not just what others tell you about it.

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    You can call him what you want. He backs up what he says and had the guts to go public with his drug problem, which he kicked. He says it how it is!

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    Sat Sep 17 2005

    Rush is a dangerous man...he inflames and worsens the red/blue divide in our country. He is a bigot and a hypocrite.

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    Fri Aug 05 2005

    rush limp-augh is the right wingers king they will support him and his hypocritcal views no matter how wrong he is and he knows it. He has them thinking that liberals are un-patriotic even though he and other talk show hosts like him never were patriotic enough to serve their country when they were young men. The conservatives are now running the Country and every thing is a big mess. Yet they still say things are just great. Some us see that the Emporer has no clothes.

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    should be in prison - guantanamo have any openings?

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    Mon May 23 2005

    To stevebucs - the reason you mention being, that he has been installed as one of the voices of propaganda for a fascist administration. This guy is a liar and a hypocrite of the first order.

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    Sun Mar 20 2005


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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    hey liberals.. there is a reason rush is the highest rated talk show host in america, with over 500 afiliates.