Rush Limbaugh

Conservative talkshow host and entertainer.

Approval Rate: 51%

51%Approval ratio

Reviews 55

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    Sun Jul 24 2011

    The very fact that the left hates him so much tells me he must be doing something right.

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    Mon May 23 2011

    Rush has his human failings - we all do, but I would vote him to be the MOST polite, most well informed, and most respected radio talk show host in the business for at least the last 15 years. He listens to his callers, not cutting them off in mid-sentence, admits when he is not sure of something, and puts his information gathering team to work when more info is called for. He is easy to listen to, never screaming or going into a rant. No matter what what I am doing when he is on Rush is with me. Clifftron

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    Sat Feb 26 2011

    Perfected the art of verbal political bullying as social entertainment with many angry followers who called themselves Ditto heads. Does anyone remember him playing a blues sounding song with a black dialect singing the lyrics, I aint go no home while ridiculing the homeless? I guess it's easier to poke fun of people viewed as druggies and lazies. That little song was played often on his show for a laugh many years ago but I wonder how funny the same song and lyrics would be today with all of the Foreclosures. Just goes to show if Karma is true that you reap what you sow one should never laugh at someone less fortunate, you could be in those same shoes on tomorrow.

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    Tue Jun 22 2010

    Back in the 1990's his arguments actually made some valid points and everything he says wasn't so predictable. In recent years the quality of his arguments are so paper thin you can see through them and him too. He started slipping during the Bush years and now he's sank to things like his recent defense of BP, calling the oil spill a natural fertilizer, trying to make it not sound as bad as it is, or calling the Time Square bomber a registered democrat immediately after it happened before people hardly knew anything about the guy. Now he's just a hack for the GOP who supports them and any major corporation no matter what they do.

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    Mon May 24 2010

    Fortunately, he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, thereby nullifying the reactionary propaganda points he's trying to make.

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    Mon May 24 2010

    Unfortunately, he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, way too often.

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    Sat May 08 2010

    Rush Limbaugh is a great thinker. Stay strong and safe; this admin is after all who oppose the fundamental tear down of this country.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    Every radio "personality" listed would not exist if it weren't for Rush. He's not on over 600 stations because he's unpopular. Smart, informative, funny. Wouldn't miss his show.

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    Mon Mar 15 2010

    Rush is a solid conservative. I would say I agree with him 90% of the time. I appreciate his unique insight and his no nonsense approach. He does not mince words or pull punches. I have great respect for him as a business man as well as a political commentator. He ploughed the ground and laid the foundation for others to build upon in the New Media.

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    Rush is a drug addled narcissistic gas bag preaching hate and lies for his own profit as he fools his listeners that he speak for them.

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    Thu Jan 28 2010

    rush can pick every idea apart good or bad but offers little in real solution or ideas, for a man who ran as far from the draft during vietnam he's very eager to send other people sons and daughters off to war, for a man that has not had afamily of his own he seems to have all kind of thoughts of what it takes to raise kids in our world of today. the cost of insurance, and the enept of our schooling programs and what virtues our children should or should not have whether aparent should have the choice of help deciding whether a daughter should have an abortion in cases of incest an rape or medical problems. i dont like rush one way or another but i do get ticked when people quote him as gosapel when not even checking the facts anyone that gulable is dangerous, the fact that he's conservative is a joke, the republican party had the one conservative, who was atrue conservative and that was ron paul but because he was not in favor of blowing the hell out of the mideast so they didn't want... Read more

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    Tue Jan 19 2010

    There is no bigger propagator of hatred and misinformation, lies and nonsense that the fat, drug-addicted Rush Limbaugh. Hypocrisy in every sense of the word, this man does nothing but make Republicans look foolish. I actually share some Republican ideals, but with people like Rush representing the GOP, I could never identify fully with Republicans.

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    Don't often agree with him as he blindly follows the GOP but one cannot deny he is well thought out and extremely entertaining. Seeing so many people hate the man is puzzling to me. I feel like most of the hate directed towards Rush is based on false premise and/or ignorance. The left wish they had someone half as talented. Truth hurts.

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    TALENT (?) on loan from GAWD (?) - broadcasting from the EIB network studio RUSH is the masterbatory material of the worlds "ditto heads". WHY would anyone with a brain want to be part of this man's drooling sychophants is beyond me-but they live for El Rushbaugh and his twisted view of AMERICA as he would LIKE it to be. In RLs world everything is the fault of whoever is president if that president isn't a Republican. A former drug addict, employer of an illeagal alien or two, known to bend the truth til it sounds a lot like a lie and as myopic as a cyclops-the guy has found that by pontificating in a stenorious tone last used in the golden days of the great orators people will think he is educated and truthful. He is neither. Pitifully anything like liberal talk radio doesnt seem to last very long-I used to love it when Al Franken had his weekly segment where he called O'Reilly on his lies and mistakes-wish someone would do that to RUSH. Making 30 plus MILLION dollars a year and... Read more

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    Fri Oct 16 2009

    RUSH IS A RACIST and Very DIVISIVE IN THIS COUNTRY! He doesn't deserve to own a NFL franchise or any other franchise at all. He makes millions be as divisive as possible and polarizes the country every day he speaks. I will say, that he is very entertaining if you can take it. I must remember though this is America and he is allowed to speak freely. But with that speech sometimes comes consequences. I am a very patriotic person and I feel that RUSH is Wrong!

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    Excellent, such a vision foward, we cannot miss any of his opinios, he really open our eyes to the truth

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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    Rush, explains in simple to understand language. His passion is great and his confidence in the "excellence of the American People" is un-yeilding. He thinks quite a bit about himself which is a turn off for many people. But, it you can get past all the bravado and self grandiesing, he can educate like no other!

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    Thu Aug 20 2009

    Rush rules. Intelligent and Entertaining. Defending American Freedom every day.

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    Thu Jul 30 2009

    LOVE this man!!!! I learn so much! Thank you I rate you #1

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    Mon Jul 27 2009

    This creep panders to the lowest common denominator amongst us - and banks on mindless followers. He doesn't give a damn about this country or his listeners - he only cares about getting rich. He is a racist, sexist, divisive, hateful un-American loser who rationalizes his venomous rhetoric by claiming to be an entertainer. There is nothing entertaining about him. Rush and his "sheeple" represent the very worst that this country has to offer.

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    Tue Jul 21 2009

    I wish I didn't like him, but I do although there are few people I can say that to. I can't argue with what he says - he makes a lot of sense. Cogent coherent arguments.

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    Simply a Racist Hate Monger disguised as a talk show host.

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    He's the king of talk radio and nobody can touch his intellect, grasp of the issues and as he puts it "has his finger on the pulse of America". for 20 years he has set the standard for all to reach.

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    Wed Mar 11 2009

    As insecure as they come. Begs for attention on a daily basis. Pitiful excuse for a human being hoping that Obama fails. Is he an American?

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    Fri Mar 06 2009

    FAT LOSER, Druggie......I almost feel sorry for Rush. It must so hard to hate yourself after fueling all that hate everyday on the air. three failed marriages, Druges,etc. Enough said! I wish people would just stop listening to him and let him fail so he can take more drugs and eventually end up on welfare one day. Listened to him one time about 10 yrs. ago and would never recommend this kind of negative talk to anyone. Patty

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    Tue Mar 03 2009

    " Big governement is not the solution, its the problem" - Ronald Reagan. Is pretty much the basis Limbaugh lives by. I agree!!!! Since Obama has taken over the DOW has tumbled over 3000 points, and continues to drop. Republicans need to WAKE UP, and listen to him (Limbaugh). Instead of bowing down to Obama, He is the ONLY Republican the seems to stand up to the Mesiaha and speak his mind. He has gotten heat lately cause he disagrees with his policies, and wants his policies to fail? Well......look at the results people, can u blame him? Limbaugh does have more experience lol. Even though he is just an entertainer, he has the the balls to speak what he thinks, and millions of Americans that listen. I praise him for that.

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    Wed Feb 25 2009

    Talent on loan from God....what a piece of work.Obama should send him and Hannity a thank you note for helping the GOP in a way only they can.Message to 'Ditto-Heads"..reasearch what this man preaches and you will realize why he never debates the people he bashes and remember...any point of view that is way to the right OR left have one thing in common...they are always wrong.

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    Wed Feb 18 2009

    Rush is still the king.

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    Sat Feb 14 2009

    I probably agree with him on most issues, but I still find him both pompous and verbose.

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    Infotainment. A pro, but can be overly obnoxious.

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    Wed Feb 11 2009

    Loyal Opposition

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    Thank God, for Rush!

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    <p>  Though I don't agree with all of his views all of the time, his is a good and entertaining show. He is the bane of the liberals in this country.</p> <p>By the way...I have been hearing since 1990 that he would go the way of the dinosaur....we're waiting...</p>  UPDATE: Every time I read a review from fit....I question myself...wondering why I complain about others rating items like birth control. Keep up the good work Rush!

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    The best out there

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    A mean and arrogant guy who thinks government should stay away from him, but that they should feel free to limit the freedoms of people he doesn't like (gays, the poor, the sick and otherwise less fortunate people in need of help). Guys like this feel, "I got mine, now you go get yours. And if you can't for some reason, leave ME the hell alone".

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    Rush is right most of the time and he's very funny when you realize how much satire he uses. He must be doing something right because the dems and libs are absolutely foaming at the mouth every time they talk about him. The people who try to put him down because of his pain killer addiction need to understand the difference between being addicted to illegal drugs just because a person wants to get high and escape reality and becoming addicted to painkillers due to a physical problem causing severe chronic pain. Besides, you all seem to admire addicts and alcoholics who appear to have beaten their addictions and love to cheer them on. So hypocritical!

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    Sun Jan 11 2009

    What can you say about a guy who attacked a 13 year old girl in braces, all because he disagreed with her father's politics? The first lady was furious about that, and even angrier when Rush Limbaugh took this shot: "Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat," said Limbaugh. "Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" And he held up a picture of Chelsea.

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    only talks to persons of similar views. does not talk to liberals and middle of the road people. does not talk to very many who disagree with his views. he talks too much himself

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Just another spinner to get people angry. Go take some pain killers.

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    Sat Oct 25 2008


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    Sat Oct 25 2008

    For the love of God,Rush, it's not a t-bone steak, it's my hand. I can't think of a more pathetic radio person than this heathen.

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    Fri Oct 24 2008

    Honest factual correct

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    Sun Oct 19 2008

    Fabulous memory! Fabulous deductions! He is top of the line. We need more like him. I do not always agree with him but most of the time I do.

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    Gives clear, logical information on all problems. Addresses those items the broadcast media and print media refuse to touch because they are far left liberals.

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    Too bad Paul Shanklin has a monopoly on the parodies. Shanklin jumped the shark since the end of the Clinton presidency. His impersonations sound farther and farther from the actual personalities.

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    smart factual every politician should listen to stay abreast of political news

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    Too egotistical

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    Tue Nov 15 2005

    I don't think comparing him to Michael Moore is a fair assessment, because at least when Moore says things, he has proof to back them up. Limbaugh doesn't care about facts; he just says whatever.

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    Tue Oct 11 2005

    A great entertainer, but not intentionally. Every once in a while he makes a good point but his criminal lifestyle and bombastic approach to argument puts him squarely in the back of the pack.

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    I hear that in prison it's fairly easy to score narcotics. Just don't bend over in the shower room, Rush.