Rurouni Kenshin

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Thu May 07 2009

    this is the best show not only the characters but the storyline,the history,the battles,background and stuff you almost made into like japan and china. here are a few characters i like Kenshin Himura Sanosuke Enishi Yukishiro kaoru kamiya Gohei himura Dr gensai Suzume Shishio the mummy dude and other characters i wish it was back on toomani or cartoon network i love it

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    Wed Oct 31 2007

    Story line is great some of the characters were real people and the timeline is true.Its a beautiful anime. Its an excellent anime that describes the battle between the mind and heart. Kenshin is a once of a kind charcters and the people he meets are uniquely as him. This anime is worth buying, same goes for the magna although the magna is lightly different they are still good, excellent.  Great action it doesn't dissapoint.

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    Sun Jul 16 2006

    The first anime that got me hooked. It is simply anime with samurai style to it and is beautifully plotted out.

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    Sun Feb 19 2006

    I though Rurouni Kenshin was gret if a bit repetitive. I can't stop watching it, though, because the main characters are all so adorable. It's fun to see everything that happens, especially when Kenshin is in fighting mode. I can't get over a good sword fight!

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    One of my fav shows...i like the fights in the show very much compared to other types of anime as the fights are very psychological and not just two guys hacking and slashing at each other...and yeah kenshin ROX he is the best fighter...

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    Oi I love this anime. I'll admit I like the manga better. I've never seen the anime past ep 65, nor do I wish to as that's where it diverges from the manga. Who could not love Kenshin? He's adorable, sweet-natured, a great cook and housekeeper and can kick major ass, should the need arise. One thing to watch out for though, is his split personality. When driven to rage, he reverts to the lethal Hitokiri. This is why Kaoru doesn't like him to fight too much. She doesn't want to lose her gentle Rurouni. I absolutely adore the main characters. Ken, Kaoru, Sano and Yahiko are hilarious together. They're always picking little fights with each other that are funny. Altogether a great story. It's the perfect beginner's anime which will still be a favorite even after the fan is more experienced.

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    Very good anime, I enjoyed it to the max, it's suitable for persons 18 or older who might understand the storyline better. I find the other anime's like dbz etc a bit immature.......The artwork was also very well done, It's like I could actually picture the charactors as real persons. As like how spiderman/superman/xmen the comics were brought to real life, I'm sure Rurouni Kenshin would do great as a real life show they'd have to find a good Actor for Kenshin's character though!

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    ORO ORO ORO! Reverse Blade Sword!!! What a great anime they should make more episodes than 93. I think that it's awesome

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    Fri Apr 22 2005

    Get Samurai X. Enough said. You are dealing with a wanderer, who is supposed to be called a VAGABOND, whom, in my opinion, is a schizo. Kenshin is such a hypocrite....Jeez...that's the only reason why I can't stand this show.

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    Thu Apr 21 2005

    Samurai X... the series was just garbage. Get the manga instead. Jeez!

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    Sat Mar 12 2005

    I love this anime Kenshin is so cute. The fighting scenes are entertaining, but the storyline makes ne have a head ache because I don't get it. And If i could I'd watch the Samurai X movies but my parent will not let me because im only 13

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    Sat Jan 15 2005

    it's the best anime serial i have ever seen my favourites are aoshi shinamori,saito hajime and kenshin

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    Wed Dec 22 2004

    Its awesome how history, art, and politics can come together in a great story. I really hope I get the rest of the comics for christmas.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    The original hack'n'slash anime. Good artwork for its era, and a healthy storyline.

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    Sun Nov 14 2004

    nothing can top this anime.the best ninja anime series then any other. very long and great just the way i like to watch anime.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    what a kick ass show

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    i feel that rounin kenshin text rather lame sorry to put it that way!!! lacks a good story line the fighting scene are poor though not all they just talk to much crap in short

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Rurouni Kenshin is by far the best anime out there ... i can watch the 95 episodes over and over again. They should continue with the series though, go past episode 95 , keep going ,make a new one called Rurouni Kenji. Someone or some industry out there should consider about making a video game for the PS2 for this series. It would make a great video game and i am willing to help. Maybe. I Hope this comes true in the near future. Even though they did make two video games for the PSX but there old and Imports. And the best part in the Series is from about episode 32 to 62. When Kenshin and his friends travel to Kyoto to fight Shishio. I would also recommend checking out the OVAs . There all GREAT. Excellent . Masterpieces. they should also put it back on Cartoon network. Its the BEST OUT THERE!!!

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    Wed Jun 16 2004

    This show has great art and a great storyline. I love this show.

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    Sun May 30 2004

    RK is Truly Terrific.I enjoyed everylast bit of it. It's overwhelming, humorous, exciting, passionate it's everything mixed up together which produced the most magnificent Anime I have ever seen... and most of all when I watch it makes me feel as if it is a true story that really happened many many years ago. I lovee it!!!

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    Sun May 30 2004

    I LOVEEE IT, it has a realistic story line.... I've watched almost all of the episodes of RK and the motion picture... I think it's one of the BEST anime's out there!!!!!

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    Mon May 17 2004

    Very well done series. Good dubbing. great Story. Good action scenes. Great characters. Animation is great. Music is top notch. Now for the explaining action scenes are awesome. They dont stall as much as other anime do (ex. DBZ). Some great fights include Sanosuke vs Kenshin and Saitou vs Kenshin. Brilliant. The characters are really full of life and bring great comedy in the series. One character i have a promblem with is Yahiko. A 10 year old boy shouldnt be able to beat up grown men.Music hust complements the series well

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    Mon Mar 15 2004

    One of the best anime that ive seen so far! Unlike pokemon and Dragonball Z,(especially Pokemon) the story line isn't repetive , and the plot is interested. It sucks that they aren't making anymore epics

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    Wed Dec 17 2003

    wow!!!!1 it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!1

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    Thu Nov 13 2003

    Some of the best fighting sequences.

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    Sat Oct 25 2003

    One of the best shounen anime of all combines awesome characters and a well-developed plot. The humor, while funny, is sometimes over done. The best aspect of this series is probably the fight scenes, as they are somewhat awe inspiring...some of the skirmishes can really keep you on the edge of your seat. Set in post-war Japan, it teaches you a view of life in the Meiji era (so you may learn something historical just by watching). This series mixes just about everything and pulls it off nicely.

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    Mon Aug 18 2003

    A fantastic anime series complete with incredible fight scenes, wonderful characters, and exciting storylines. I love and recommend the original japanese, but must applaud the english cast for providing a watchable dub. For the longest time, I was irritated by the unfinished feel the final episode left me with - but thanks to the two OVAs that came out to tie up the loose ends (Samurai X and Reflections) I have ceased my complaints. Two big thumbs up!

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    Wed Jul 30 2003

    It is a very,great show, one of my fav. anime shows

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    Tue Jul 01 2003

    This is a good anime in my opinion. The dubbing was done well in the american version.

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    Rurouni Kenshin is one of the best darn stories ever to grace manga with its presence.