Rupp Arena (University of Kentucky)

Approval Rate: 83%

83%Approval ratio

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    Rupp Arena is by far the best college basketball arena. The city of Lexington is absolutely beautiful as is the arena. And the atmosphere of Rupp is like none other. Kentucky basketball fans are more die hard than any other program, and Kentucky has the most tradition rich college basketball program in the nation. You will never know college basketball until you visit Rupp arena

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    its hard to hear yourself think when the cround is going wild in the pit

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    Thu Aug 14 2008 cracks me up when the fans of other schools rate other teams' arenas one-star and then say things like "you rednecks" or "you suck". You have zero integrity and zero credibility. Why not just review the venue on its merits. Oh well - thanks for the laugh! Rupp rocks!

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    Sun Feb 03 2008

    Awesome arena! This arena is the best in the country. Not only is it the third largest college arena in the country, but it is packed every single game regardless if the cats are playing Duke or Middle-of-Nowhere State University. Anytime you go that place is going to be rockin'! Seats are easy to find, concession stands are perfectly located, and there are enough bathrooms for all 23,999 people in that place.

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    Sat Nov 10 2007

    Tiny student section and rich stuffy season ticket owners. Very disappointing!

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    Thu Jul 19 2007

    Best college arena, bar none.

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    One of the largest and loudest arenas in college basketball + dedicated fans = one hell of a college basketball enviroment

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    2/18/2004:It's one of the finest places to air on nat'l television- the outside is just as beautiful as the inside. I may never understand why Wildcat fans hold it in high regard until I'm accepted to Kentucky. Hope to see it live... Seen it on Nov. 17, 2006- updated comment: You won't believe how amazing and how large this venue is. Obviously, to many fans, they say that it is the second place God goes to. Fine tradition and loud enough for the visitors to lose at. (These cats hardly lose- they just lost close to 50 times since the arena opened.)

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    Tue Nov 07 2006

    its got so much tradition u can feel the passion.

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    Wed Aug 02 2006

    This place is worth the trip just to see the banners hanging in the rafters. This place absoulutly gigantic and the energy and fans are second to none. UK is the best college basketball program of all-time and Rupp Arena is the best facility. GO CATS!!

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    So, what? No one cares if UK fans can simultaneously scream at the top of their lungs and smell like rotten eggs. It really isnt that great of a place.

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    Sun Mar 05 2006

    An excellent facility but needs an upgrade with box suites. The crowds at UofK games are some of the smartest in the NCAA only because Adolf Ropp took the time to educate an entire state on the "Art of Basketball". Most years, this is where you will see the finest in the Art. Only John Wooden at UCLA has a better record. Everyone need to reload at some time.

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    Sun Feb 19 2006

    great atmosphere and alot of people

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Highly unimpressive stadium and an even more of a laughable program. Congratulations on your defeat to Bud Walton Arena, the best stadium in the nation. Really, did you pathetic rednecks think that Wal-Mart's founder could be so easily defeated? Arkansas wins again.

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    Fri Feb 10 2006

    GO CATS!!!!

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    Tue Feb 07 2006

    #1 arena for the #1 team. GO CATS!!

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    Tue Feb 07 2006

    I dont care what anyone says, Rupp arena is the best place to watch a college basketball team, its always full of energy, and the team is really fun to watch, they rarely dissapoint their fans

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    Thu Dec 08 2005

    It is impossible to compare Cameron Indoor Crakerbox and the Dean's milk dome to Rupp Arena. Rupp has an incredible enviornment and its a great facility. Its defanitly fit to be the home of the winningest team in all of college basketball. Rupp Arena will always be top of the chain. GO CATS!!!

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    Thu Sep 15 2005

    Nothing much to say its just awesome.

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    Mon Jun 06 2005

    Good tradition and high energy but it's not Cameron. The best part about Rupp is Ashley Judd

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    Sun May 29 2005

    I just think it's funny that so many of you UK fans feel the need to crack on Duke's Cameron Indoor's like you guys just can't ever forgive us for the Laettner game. You know, we're NOT your rivals. Don't flatter yourselves. Kentucky never even comes to mind when a Duke fan is considering our current rivals. UNC, Maryland, yes. UK..not so much. Anyway, the Rupp Arena is okay, and the fans should get credit for making it come alive.

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    Another great SEC arena the crowds there rock especialy the student section. Second only to Bud Walton Arena of course. GO HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sun Apr 24 2005

    No college arena tour would be complete without a trip to Lexington and Rupp arena. This place scores points merely for being the home of the Kentucky Wildcats, traditionally one of America's most prominent college basketball teams (and the--believe it or not--even MORE successful multiple national championship wielding UK Cheerleaders). Having said that, however, I must admit to being rather disappointed with the arena itself as a physical space. Architecturally it's nothing more than a large squarish structure -- complete with visible corrugated metal in the roof! The entire upper deck is--of all horrors--BLEACHER seats (and I mean honest to goodness, long strips of planking-with-no-back bleacher seats)! Located in downtown Lexington, it's also not an on-campus arena. Considering these factors it's easy to see why UK lays claim to annually drawing the most b-ball fans. The ease of driving into a central urban locale -- not to mention the fact that the vast majority of the 23-o... Read more

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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    Its THE hardest place to play in NCAA Div. 1, thats for sure...and its a lot nicer than that outhouse they call Cameron Indoor Arena. Take that, Duke fans....

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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    Rupp Arena is a wonderful place for basketball, concerts, ice-skating, and arena football. You just name it and Rupp can handle it!

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    Are you kidding me? Went to a game in 1992 there in Lex for a game against Shaq's LSU and it was UN-BELIEVABLE. Will never ever forget it! That place will deafen you.

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    Sun Feb 13 2005


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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    No other place like it, the best facililty for the greatest basketball program of all time.

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    The best college arena supporting the best college basketball team of all supporting the best coach in the nation. Gotta love those Kentucky Wildcats!!!

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    railroadcat Rupp has been updated with a new floor, seating, video boards and sound system plus more restrooms. Truly a most unique facility and storied history. Currently to small for the tremendous UK fans but a great place to watch the #1 basketball program in the nation!

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    One person said: IT'S NOT CAMERON INDOOR AND THAT'S ALL I NEED TO SAY! I can't agree is so much better than that crackerbox of an arena. There are many purposes to college sports and having the fans be a part of the game is important. Duke students do get into the games and I give them credit for that. But past the few thousand folks that can cram into the tiny stadium, the venue is terrible for fans of Duke. Rupp allows more of the True Blue fans of the UK prorgam enjoy the atmosphere, the team and the experience known as UK Basketball. For that reason alone, Rupp makes it to the top of my list.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    The # 1 Arena for the # 1 College Basketball Program of All Time !!! Great facility, great atmosphere, great history, and great, knowledgable basketball fans!!! They had it before you, they had it during you, and they will have it after you, quote from Al McGuire about UK basketball!!!!! # 1 !!

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    Rupp, is a great place for Basketball. The fans are great and love their wildcats.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    There is no better place on earth for college basketball. Tabacco Road is a joke and the Hoosier state is the worst of them all. Nothing even comes close to basketball in Rupp.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    The pageantry, history, and the love affair between Cats and Cat fans amke this the most special College Basketball arena in the land!

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    awesome baby!

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    Go to a game and you'll know why it's 5 stars

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    downstairs great; upstairs uncomfortable. Improved restrooms and better food lately. Fans are knowledgeable and passionate.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    There is a reason it's so big. No other College Arena has better basketball or better fans. No other College arena has a higher attendance average, year in - year out.

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    Wed Aug 04 2004

    It seats a lot of people but watch your step going up the steep stairs to sit on a bench seat. It feels like you are in the rafters of a barn.

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    Sun Jul 25 2004

    There's no doubt about it, Kentucky is the greatest college basketball team of all time, so it's only appropriate that they have the best arena in college basketball. Rupp Arena isnt just a place where Kentucky plays basketball, it's practically a church where 24,000 die hard big blue fans (the best fans in the world) go to worship their beloved team. No other school can ever contend with what Kentucky has done in college basketball. Oh yeah, and being the big blue fan that I am, I'd like to address the Duke fans out there who seem to think your Blue Devils are better than the Wildcats. Just look at the history books, Duke has 3 national titles, Kentucky has 7, oh and not to mention the 42 SEC Championships, 26 SEC Tournament Championships, 13 Final 4's and the most wins in the history of college basketball. I'm not in any way trying to brag (well actually, yeah I am), but it's not considered bragging when it's the truth

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    Wed Jul 21 2004


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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    It would get a 5 one or two games a year but the rest of the time its quiet - unless it's a big game, watching basketball at Rupp is a big bore

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    Thu Jul 01 2004

    I'm a big hoops fans and have been to many arenas, but nothing compares to the overall experience at Rupp. Can be quiet at times, because the UK fans are pretty spoiled, but in a big game, the 24,000 Wildcat faithful become deafening. I've also had the chance to play there, and the place can be very intimidating.

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    Mon Mar 22 2004

    Rupp Arena?

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    UK sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those bunch a babies will not even accept a challenge from the almighty Cincinnati Bearcats! Go home caring to your mommies you big babies!