Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by shary80
Tue Aug 02 2011Great show! Why did they take it off? A show truly ahead of its time. If I could bring back one show this would be in my top 5
by poolguy3511
Tue Jul 26 2011Loved this show back when I was 13 but I have recently re-watched this series as an adult and all I can say is...cheesy. The acting is sub par and I feel like the writers didn't really know where to go with the story line so they brought in Tess which really made the whole thing go down hill for me. Meh, skip it IMO.
by austinbum
Sat Dec 11 2010This is an amazing show. I wish that they can make more episodes of it. I haven't been watching the show for very long but I have gotten addicted to it. I don't necessarily wish that the show can come back forever, but only so that they can give it a better ending and give the characters just a few more adventures. The writers of the show left too many questions unanswered and left too much for the audience to "use their imagination" on. If u agree with me, please contact me and we may be able to get the show back. every opinion matters. Thank you.
by misha82
Wed May 05 2010I love this show, I love the actors and the sci-fi. It had a good combo of comedy, drama, and sci-fi. I liked all the characters, but my favourites were Liz, Marie and Michael.
by calliewvu2
Sat Sep 26 2009although I can't remember much of it now...I do know that I loved watching it at the time...i'll have to bluray it
by pcpeter774
Fri Jun 12 2009More shit from the WB. If you want a Show from the 1990's with aliens watch x-files. Not this piece of crap.
by debo16aa
Sun Feb 11 2007great show thats all
by mr_evangel
Sat Dec 02 2006I loved this show so much! I was wondering what happened to it. Why would they cancel the show. I don't even know how they ended it I have to buy all three seasons. Awesome stuff.
by unmarkedtombst_one
Sun Oct 01 2006really cool..
by iluvroswell
Sun Aug 20 2006all u guys who put 1 r stupid. u have bad taste the only show u probly watch is seame street
by maxishot
Mon Jan 16 2006roswell rulzes it just has something about it i ecpesaly love max and lizes charactors
by guevera
Thu Dec 22 2005I love this show, a sci-fi classic!
by charmingcraze
Mon Sep 05 2005Roswell was one of the greatest show on tv that should not have gotten cancelled after three seasons. They should have been able to conjure more interesting plots for such exciting characters. I am going to buy d dvd box set and watch it at least three zillion times. Great Loss :'( :'(
by superhrogurl
Thu Jun 16 2005When I first heard about this show, I thought it was going to be weird. And I was right. But after giving it a try halfway through the season, I slowly began to realize that this is great television. It was like a teen soap opera (or whatever you want to call them), but it was at a different level. I guess you could compare it to Smallville. There were life-and-death situations and decisions to be made and you often forgot that these characters were still in highschool. I think the most surprising was the romance. I mean, I knew that relationships and love were a given in this type of show, but the chemistry between Max (Jason Behr) and Liz (Shiri Appleby) was incredible. The whole alien thing just brought their chemistry to a whole new level what with the visions and all. This show had spunk and creativity and was diffinitely a cult favorite.
by blu_swade
Sun Feb 06 2005I have watched every episode of series 1 and 2 and I think it's a brilliant programme! I have the Roswell Series 1,2 and 3 box set because unfortunetly the idiots from the BBC never scheduled series 3! It's a shame that they have'nt done a fourth series
by corinnegatt
Sun Oct 17 2004I really loved this show. At Malta, where I live it has finished till the 3rd season, and I never missed a single episode of it. From september, when the show has finished, I really miss the actors and the show. I downloaded a lot of song videos featuring Roswell so I will keep seeing them. I can't immagine, why there are a few people who didn't enjoy this show!!!
by spoiledprgirl8_8
Sat Oct 16 2004i thought the show was incredible! i still watch it on scfi at 4 0 clock everyday....and max is totally hot!
by msarah1
Thu Oct 07 2004I LOVE THIS SHOW! I own the 1st season, and just recently got the 2nd season on DVD. But I was very bummed that the second season didn't contain the music that was shown when it originally aired on television. The original music that they put on the second season isn't as good as the music we heard when it aired. I wish they could of at least given you the option of which version you wanted to watch!! C'mon people!
by classictvfan47
Tue Jun 29 2004In the face of such great science fiction as Star Trek: Voyager, Roswell just simply can't hold up.
by lyndsi
Tue May 11 2004This show is so great and even though it looks stupid (about aliens) its really, REALLY awesome...:)
by opinion8dclass
Fri May 07 2004i relly liked this show, it puts an original view on a used plot. Its relly good and i miss it!!!!
by evileye
Thu Apr 01 2004That was the BEST 90's show ever!!!!! I miss it so so much!!! Brendan was the best!!!!!!! I wonder what he's doing now?? If anyone knows please let me know, thanks :)
by nenajj
Wed Mar 31 2004Excellent teen show with a twist. They were aliens! I miss this show very much
by kinkykinks
Mon Mar 29 2004doesn't do it for me
by elvesbrew
Wed Sep 10 2003I loved this show. When my girl friend is feeling a little low and I ask her what I can do to make her feel all better she always replies: "Make Roswell come back". :) I really wish I could.
by luka_upstairs
Sun Aug 10 2003What an awful piece of a science fiction fan I hated this show. This is why the 90210 gang wasnt interested in aliens
by what_up_dog
Thu Jul 10 2003this is da stupidest show ever. i dont know why they didnt cancell it before.
by poohpoohl
Tue Jul 08 2003This is the BEST show EVER! I love this show and jason behr shiri appleby majandra and Brendan!! After almost 2 years of this show it NEVER gets tireing and i am still 100% in LOVE with it!!
by kolby1973
Mon Jun 30 2003I was so happy to hear about the cancellation of this nightmare. There was a reason why the WB got rid of it, you would of thought UPN could figure that out..but heck
by spuffyness
Sat May 24 2003OH the romance!! it was one of the first Tv series where they werent screwing up a romance between characters or dragging out them coming together. It was wholesome it had the scifi and the love all mixed into one Though the season with tess I could have done with out. That made me so angry, it was just the opposite of what I said above. But is some TV show can bring up those emotions in me it must have been very good. I highly recommend this show I hope it is released on DVD so I can share the experience with everyone. PLus read the books
by gummocatkilla
Sat May 24 2003Pfffft.
by stephschiff
Thu May 22 2003I'm 26 and my boyfriend is 40 and we both LOVE Roswell. We were able to watch it from start to finish in a few months with the reruns on Sci-Fi. We were crushed when it ended. I was VERY skeptical about this show when it was on the WB - come on Alien teenage angst? But 15 minutes into the pilot I was hooked! Too bad it's over.
by emma7of9
Wed May 14 2003I Love this programme. It was pretty much the first programme to do with aliens that was showen in a prime time slot that I ever saw, which was cool. I have read all the books as well. Which the programme is based on so they are different. Any ways I love this programmme, and which it was still going
by willowbv
Fri May 02 2003Roswell is one of the best shows ever. It possessed magic which just captured your attention and made you laugh, smile and cry.
by gorwolf
Wed Apr 09 2003Thank the stars above that SciFi picked up this show for syndication. I would have missed out on this terrific show if it were not for them. Now I am saddened as I watch the final episode of Roswell on SciFi. The show itself has always been an excellent distraction to normal life.
by old_candyfan
Wed Apr 02 2003It was the only show of tv that I absolutely never missed.
by camdish
Sun Mar 30 2003Roswell is without doubt one of the best Sci-Fi programs to be shown on TV in recent history. It has everything a viewer could want from a series as it has a young, talented and attractive cast, dynamic plot lines and stunning special effects. The story is original in its take on aliens and refreshing in that they are not little green men but half human. The bond that develops between the two lead characters is inspiring and forms the focus of the series and while there is a certain amount of a ‘love story’ element to it there are plenty of sub plots to keep even the most action orientated viewer entertained. No other series has produced the fan loyalty and dedication that Roswell has. May it live forever.
by indyford88
Tue Feb 11 2003The show was very dynamic and covered a scope of emotions not many shows do.
by lauriea
Tue Feb 04 2003This was an entertaining, fun show, and I was sad to see it go off the air - the ending was fantastic!
by lharvey
Fri Jan 24 2003This is the most awesome series I have ever seen. I can proudly say that I never missed an episode. I was on the verge of crying during the final episode and that's saying something.
by nataliestar
Fri Jan 24 2003It was original and addictive!
by keturah13
Tue Jan 14 2003I have really enjoyed watching Roswell since the beginning. When it went off the air I immediately began missing watching it. I don't think its potential was ever realized until it was announced that the show was going to be cancelled.
by flashgordon9
Mon Jan 13 2003This is one of the best shows that I have ever seen. I have never really been a person to watch a show religiously, but this one was different. My friends and I would get together at each others houses and completely block off time to watch this show! I was heartbroken when it went to UPN, which is a channel that I don't have, but thankfully Sci Fi is now airing it!
by mikeyg
Sun Jan 05 2003Best show ever.. I love it!!
by midgetlegs
Sun Jan 05 2003Never before on any other tv show, did you see so much romance between two characters. It mixes that with the sci-fi and action and creates the best show I've ever seen. I was sad to see it go, but I'm glad it's coming to Sci-fi soon!
by jbehr2002
Fri Jan 03 2003This is the absolute best show in thw world! I really wish they would bring it back!
by timmy0bb
Thu Jan 02 2003I love this freakin show!
by hekland
Fri Dec 20 2002Why do they always cancel the best shows? I never missed watching it for any reason. Yes, I was one of those addicts. As usual and with their usual forsight the TV stations have not provided anything worth watching this season. I want my show back!
by antarian_angel
Wed Dec 18 2002Roswell is the BEST SHOW of all time. Smallvile is just a stupid copy cause the writers are too stupid to come up with their own stuff. MAX AND LIZ 4EVER!!!
by this_is_me
Mon Dec 16 2002This was and still is an awesome TV shoe and they never should have canceelled it!!!! Go to Roswell DVD to help be able to buy it on DVD!