Rosie O'Donnell

Approval Rate: 44%

44%Approval ratio

Reviews 53

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    I don't like her,but she never gets a chance to annoy me since I don't watch her dumb show.There's much more annoying people on the list to me.

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    A fugly braying butch is about as annoying as they come.

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    Tue Oct 26 2010

    She is just a super sized WHY?

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    Sun Jan 24 2010

    I'm sorry, I can't trutst, take serious or appreciate someone who thinks that Tom Cruise is sexy, desireable, or talented. I watched her just about hump a motorcycle on her talk show in her excitement to be close to him and basically haven't paid attention to anything she's said or done since. I'd sooner watch a septic system explode than peer through the flies hovering around the refuse spraying from her mouth.

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    Sun Aug 23 2009

    FAT,Disgusting Rug Muncher.

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Years ago she treated Tom Selleck shabbily on her show. Never watched it again.

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Boy, this hasn't been updated in a  while!  It says she's one of the hosts on THE VIEW? She got out of that hell show a while ago. I like Rosie. She's a genuine "good gal."  She's very down to earth....and very loud.  But I always enjoyed her show and I liked her on The View. Actually, I'd never watched The View until she was hired on it for the year. With her gone, the show is just a horrible show that Elizabeth Hasselbeck takes over on a daily basis. Rosie didn't put up with ANY of Lizzy's CRAP.  So I say GO ROSIE. Since you left, I tried watching for a few months, but finally just gave up cause I can't stand Lizzie either! I'm sorry Rosie left and Elizabeth stayed....Elizabeth needed to leave about 7 years ago [or before she took the job]

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    Sat Nov 08 2008

    I know a Rosalie O'Donnell in Methuen, MA. I wonder if they are the same person or maybe related?

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    She's rude, crude and obnoxious liberal b*tch.  I never watch anything that she's on and if she comes back to TV, I won't be watching her new show either.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Sat Sep 13 2008

    She is one of the dumbest people on the planet.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    Apparently Rosie believes every stupid thing she reads on the internet, as long as it's negative. She's rude, crude, ignorant, loud, a bully, um...did I mention rude? She thinks the one who talks louder and faster in an argument is the winner, whether or not they're right or even making any sense. Oh, and the only reason she can come up with for people to not like her is that she's gay or fat. Very few people care if she's gay or fat or ugly or whatever other excuse she might fabricate. The truth is, she's just tiresome.

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    Mon Mar 03 2008

    No longer on TV, bringing further proof to the masses that there is indeed a God. I'd rather watch paint dry that watch a show featuring this complete waste of air time.

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    Mon Jan 21 2008

    I don't dislike her because she's fat, gay, or was on The View. I dislike her because she is obnoxious. It's like hearing nails scrape against a chalk board when this woman opens her mouth. She makes jokes and tries to be funny when all we want to do is scream, "Rosie! Shut the hell up!"

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    Wed Dec 05 2007

    I disagree with the vast majority of what this woman has to say, and I find her methods quite distasteful. As such, I exercise my right to turn off the television when she begins to speak. She can say whatever she wants, but I don't have to listen.

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    Tue Dec 04 2007

    I wish everyone else cared as little as i do about the drivel that comes out of this woman's mouth. These days she's only offered jobs because it's a known fact that she'll say something stupid or attack someone else's character and cause an uproar which will boost ratings.  If we'd all just turn the channel anytime her face pops up we could deny her the publicity that she so desperately craves, hopefully resulting in her being somewhat silenced.  I've got nothing againt being opinionated, and voicing those opinions.  what i do have a problem with is a tasteless display of those opinions and the personal attacking of the character of others.  If she could do it with class, i'd say let's hear her.  But i believe she's proven that won't happen.

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    Tue Dec 04 2007

    I'm so sick of people saying things about her being fat!! That has nothing to do with someone's character, get a real opinion you ignorant materialistic biggots! Anyone who doesn't support what she has to say doesn't understand the truth about our governement's policies and actions. I agree with everything Rosie has to say and admire the fact that she says what's real, and believe me what she says is all true, and does it while sounding smarter than anyone on that show by far! People can put her down as much as they want but all there doing is ignoring the real issues she brings up which affect us all.

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    Tue Dec 04 2007

    A sucky VJ, an unfunny comic, and one of those people that have to be heard over everyone else. Remind me why she is famous again? Hey I hated Rosie before she was fat - when she was struggling for laughs in comedy clubs with her 80's hair.

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    Tue Sep 04 2007

    She's not the greatest hosts around.

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    Sun Jun 03 2007

    Absolute sickening bully, who has no idea when she is worsening her own image. Even on her VH1 days, same problem - agrees only with one person, herself. Perhaps, just perhaps, if she'd begin pushing the plate away more, join an Overeaters Annonymous, and regain the self esteem and self respect she possibly has had long ago, only then will she come close to success as a media personality and as a person.

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    Combative? Too bad we all aren't as open minded, generous and outspoken as Rosie is! She is real, like it or not, if you can't see that; does clueless hit close to home for you?

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Totally luv, luv Rosie!  She is brave enough to say what is really going on this world and take a stand.  If we all could do this, maybe we could get the stupidest President ever out of office, and the stupidest person on TV (Elisabeth Hasselbeck) off TV!!!!!!!  I wish Rosie was my personal friend.  I'd stand up for her that's for sure!  She seems so real and no fakeness to her at all.  She is the real deal and deserves the best!  Hope she gets her own show again and hope the remaining viewers of The View, smarten up and leave the show so that gets cancelled!  Either that, or FIRE ELISABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sat May 26 2007

    she is a great brave woman!

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    Sat May 26 2007

    she   speaks out right!

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    Tue May 22 2007


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    Mon May 21 2007


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    Mon May 14 2007

    Not a kid-friendly person!

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    Her ability to provoke others yields numbers on TV that reflect the 160 or so respondents who rated her here.  TV producers love her, for awhile, knowing that she's a ticking bomb.  Rosie is able to say things that would get others booted off.  As if we haven't learned enough from Don Imus' stupid utterances, here comes Rosie."It was just a local thing."  Sorry, but when Hillary Clinton, Rupert Murdoch and other bigwigs attend a media event honoring young women entering journalism/media professions, it's not a local thing; it was a huge event, honoring you, Rosie, by asking you to preside over it.Everybody knows people who are train wrecks...for some morose reason, we just can't not look...

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    Sun Apr 22 2007

    I look forward to the day she has become a trivia question.

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    Fri Apr 20 2007

    I find her to be annoying, childish, petty and on about the same level as The National Enquirer in terms of true credibility. It's a free country, she can say and do what she wants, I just personally find her to be just another trashy sensationalistic TV personality always trying to stir up feces for publicity. I mean come on, who is really going to take her that seriously anyway? Anybody who forms his or her own political opinions purely on the basis of what Rosie has to say shouldn't be taken as any type of serious authority on the subject in the first place. The only thing good about Rosie is that she says whatever she apparently wants to say whenever she wants to say it, as ludicrous as her statements may be. I'd rather get my news from more informed and edjucated sources myself. Duh!

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    Sun Apr 01 2007

    Rosie O'Donnell is a damn idiot who doesn't know jack about politics or what correct decisions to make. She needs to learn how to shut her fat mouth and get off the air! She says lets pull out real quick and leave. If we did that do you know how quickly Iraq would become a terrorist country. Pretty damn fast and that means we loose oil and money. You want to know what that mean the USA is crippled, economy goes down, and slowly leads to tons more americans dying. She's a damn idiot when she makes negative comments about how the war is about money and oil. NO SHIT IT IS BECAUSE THOSE TWO ASPECTS ARE HOW THIS COUNTRY RUNS SUCCESSFULLY. Without money and oil this country would not be able to run and her fatass pockets would be empty. I hope Donald Trump sues the shit out of her and empties her pockets dry. She needs to shut the hell up especially when she's making statements like she does on a huge talk show on ABC. For her to be supporting the terrorists is abosolute ludacris and she nee... Read more

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    Thu Jan 25 2007

    A bit acerbic, but in your heart you know she's right.

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    Fri Dec 01 2006

    Everybody loved her until she (gasp!) opened her fat mouth. She didn't just express an opinion. She goes on and on and on and on about being gay every day of her life. She accuses any one with a differing opinion of being a gay-basher. Look what she said about Kelly Ripa when Kelly wasn't even talking about gay people at all!! She is so quick to jump on people for any comment they may make and she will twist non-gay-related comments into gay-related comments just so she can rip someone. Well, if anyone has a complex about Rosie's sexuality, it's Rosie herself. It obviously has warped her personality. And if people don't like Rosie, myself included, I'm sure it's not because of her sexual preferences, but *surprise* her annoying personality. The best thing she's ever done for the entertainment industry was her role as the voice of the obnoxious Turk on Tarzan. She even looks the part...a short, fat, ape. Rosie should realize that not everyone HAS to like her or the fact that she's gay. ... Read more

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    Sat Jul 01 2006

    I've missed her very successful Rosie show very much. She'll be great on The View. Unlike Star Jones, she knows the difference among her personas: her daytime TV personality which is fun and fair, her comedy club personality which is sharply intelligent and hilarious and her private personality which is none of our damn business!! Can't wait to see her put that rabid bigot Elizabeth in her place.

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    Nasty piece of work, say no more!....

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    Sorry, I need to barf!!

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    Somebody feed this porker a grenade.

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    Sat Mar 04 2006

    I think he's talented. . .

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    Fri Feb 24 2006

    She does not care about anyone else's opinion except her own. Probably would be a great person to go to the buffet with though. She looks as though she has never missed one.

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    Fri Feb 17 2006

    One of the most obnoxious,angry people I have ever heard.When she started out,she was OK.Then she sandbagged Tom Selleck in that interview.It was then I lost all respect for her.Then she became an irritating liberal windbag.So now I rather think of her as a turkey.

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    Sat Jan 28 2006

    This bad advert for gay people is such a cringe. She is immature, untalented, angry, humorless and perceivaly full of resentment. One star for a fallen star.

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    Mon Dec 19 2005

    Is a real crappy actress and was a real crappy talk show host!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    mean, ugly dyke!

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    Her life is like her carreer, total sinfull chaos!

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    Tue May 10 2005

    Funny, quick and clever-- leaves most talk show hosts in the dust.

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    I don't like her face.

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    Thu Mar 31 2005

    like the south park episode about her hehehe

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    Thu Mar 17 2005

    Ah, Rosie Odonut. Typical fat, gun hating, cheesecake loving lib.

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    The only knowledge she could impart on someone is how to eat 10 gallons of melted ice cream in five minutes with a fork!

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    Tue Feb 15 2005

    Fairly decent comedienne and actress who jumped the shark when she became an obese, Coastal elite, uber-liberal corporate shill (Ban guns, but buy from stores that sell guns). Her corpulant body landed right into the jaws of a Great White (The great white's cholesterol count trebled). Footnote: The schmuck on Who Wants to be a Millionaire who used her as a lifeline is nothing more than a calculating dweeb with chutzpidity. [I can't lose. Rosie will give me the JACK if she gets it wrong.]