Ron Paul
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 0
by gregg85
Wed Apr 25 2012most democrats prefer him to Obama.. ill vote for him if he runs as an independant;) (from a democrat)
by mrfeelgood
Sun Jan 15 2012Ron Paul - Watch this presentation to see why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President
by edboogie2004
Tue Nov 22 2011The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be...wait wrong man but I still feel it applies. Ron Paul is right on the money with everything he says. He has a legitimate plan to cut a trillion dollars in spending in his 1st year as President. He wants to pull out of all foreign countries and especially our costly wars. Why should we be in these countries and getting nothing out of it except debt. We don't need their oil, we have our own resources we can pump. A lot of people complain that he's too old but to me that's ageist because as I see it age is just a number. He's in great shape and you have to be to travel and campaign every single day in a Presidential campaign. He recently biked three miles which is more physical activity than many of the people who will probably read this has done. He's the only candidate that wants to end the income tax and the liberty killing patriot act. Ron Paul 2012 is the way to go!
by sagittarius87
Wed Nov 16 2011I like a lot of his views, but something that worries me (aside from being 76 years old, to be honest) is that he is kind of an internet sensation. I'm worried that he'll be getting the Republican vote just because his name is commonly dropped. Maybe I'm the only one who knows people who are hardcore conspiracy theorists who are constantly bashing the Republican party for no logical reason, but they all just say things like "Ron Paul is the only qualified one" and nothing else to back it up. Isn't this what happened with Obama?? People voted for him because he was so popular? I do think that he is a good candidate, but if Ron Paul wins, I want it to be because we value him and his beliefs, not because of his large internet following, and numerous votes from younger people who only vote for the most popular name.
by skyler_101
Sun Sep 25 2011I scatch my head on some of his stances on various issues. And his age does concern me some as I worry that if he does become the presidential nominee that the left will use that against him like they did with McCain as a way of spreading paranoia among the electorate.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Wed Sep 14 2011Here is a fine example of one of Ron Paul's typical supporters:
by guy_dc1b
Sun Aug 14 20113/24/10: Lets say Ron Paul's dead in 2012. His supporters would still consider him just as viable a candidate. Update: Paul stays true to his convictions. Just so happens that some of those foreign policy convictions are too un-realistic. You're alright, Paul. 8/14/11 Update: Paul preformed well in the Fox Debate, only stumbling on the Iran issue. He placed a strong second in the Iowa Straw Poll (the event I don't give a shit about). This canidate will gain some momentum coming out of Iowa, but, BUT.... He needs to polish up on foreign policy issues. Simply saying "Forget Iran" "Bring the troops home from everywhere" without addressing how he will handle the "REAL THREATS" that face this country will hurt his chances of being recognized as a serious candidate.
by x_factor_z
Thu Jul 07 2011I would have to love anybody who advocates the legalization of prostitution! However, he would probably scale back the government so much that a lot of people who need government help for health care or food might not get that help and a lot of people will either die or turn t crime like that one desperate gentleman who tried to rob a bank of one dollar did! That would be tragic. Not many Republicans actually do believe in true liberty though, maybe Paul and Goldwater, most as such pander to social conservatives who really would like to take away as much freedom AS POSSIBLE.
by camelmenthol23
Fri Jun 24 2011RON PAUL 2012
by imanilove
Thu Jun 02 2011Yeah him and Sarah should just leave... Hoopla spreaders
by usadude
Sat May 28 2011Ron Paul does not believe that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein, he wants to cut and run from the middle-east, he opposes the homeland security policies which have kept us safe for the past 9 years, and he opposes the techniques used to obtain information needed for our security. Dr. Paul is liberal on foreign policy and weak on defense.
by twonforliberty
Sun May 22 2011IF you want the Constitution, liberty and our republic back then Ron Paul is the man for you. You're life would be much better if the government would get out of you're way!
by blue47
Tue May 17 2011he's the only repub I even consider voting for...and that's is a streach, but I sure can't go for Obama...
by canadasucks
Mon May 16 2011There's no nice way to say this - the Ron Paul express has left the station with all 345 of his fans who will vote for his corpse in 2012. . . Update: I love these disagrees. . .they certainly represent more votes than Ron Paul will actually get in 2012. . .
by hyperrreal
Mon May 16 2011As a government employee, Ron Paul receives good healthcare and a good job, which are two things he claims the government can't provide thereby disproving his own ideology. Lame.
by chalky
Mon May 16 2011Update: Anyone w/a remotely negative review of Ron Paul is getting like 20 disagrees. I just put Ron Paul and rateitall in Google, and you guessed it.....running up the ratings. So my message to you is: Hey all you Ron Paul forum people, why don't you give me another disagree before you kiss your Ron Paul pillow before you go to bed tonight. Dorks!!! original: If this country has a thing for quacky old guys, then just comb your local retirement home....they have to be in by 7pm though. Dinner is at 3:30pm.
by littlefuzz4
Sun May 15 2011I like some of his views. However, I don't think he has a chance of becoming the President. I voted for him in the primary in 2008, only because my other choices were gone. As of May 2011, he has just announced he is running for President again.
by stropssports
Mon Feb 07 2011Best Candidate by far! If you like freedom and lower taxes vote for this man.
by viviper006
Mon Feb 07 2011A man with logic and intelligence. If you are tired of the government telling you what to do, taxing the shit out of you and how to live your life. Ron is the man for you. Maximum Freedom!!
by anonuser
Wed Jan 05 2011Ron Paul is an un-electable crazy man. He sounds like the nutjob Alex Jones, and his positions are extreme libertarian. He's not a real Republican, nor is he a conservative. He's just too old and nutty for the Presidency. Sure, he'd be better than Barack Hussein Obama, but he's just not electable. I don't think I could make myself vote for the guy!
by thedudeabidesl_ebowski
Thu Dec 30 2010Ron Paul believes that the United States should repeal the USAPatriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, and that we should just surrender in the middle-east. He also believes we should go back to the gold standard. Ron Paul's liberal beliefs are not good for America or for our national debate.
by mrmicster
Fri Nov 19 2010Toooooo Old! Nice guy but come on......he is not a media attractive candidate......way boring to listen to. Good ideas...but not presented as well as Gary Johnson.
by getright55
Sun Oct 31 2010Ron Paul woke up America with his presidential bid. If wisdom, guts and moral character count, he is the most qualified on this list. Many said of him during his bid for the presidency, he is just too unpolished and lacks the celebrity appeal. I wonder how those non supportive conservatives now feel now about the polished and charismatic Barack Obama?
by patriot12
Sun Oct 24 2010It is essential to remember who began the emergence of interest in politics and the restoration of the Republic foundation of America. Without his run for president, many would still be sheep. Te ma has sacrificed and endured many oppositions because of his devout understanding of sound economics and the Constitution. He has not changed his views since he has been in Washington, and this should be admired. President Reagan himself called Ron Paul the best republican in the United States, and he is known as the last statesman. Furthermore, Dr Paul has publicized his views on correcting the country ad has laid out a plan to do so. Try finding another candidate that is willing to do so. This is a true American with real knowledge and want to, to put our country back where it should have stayed.
by castlebee
Fri Sep 24 2010Perhaps it's time for an even bigger change. How about Ru Paul?
by freedomispopul_ar
Thu Sep 09 2010Not just a good candidate, the good candidate. He's been the lone voice for a principled and rational argument being ignored and slandered by the elititists puppet politicians and their special interests. I believe if he had been nominated by the republicans in '08, he would be president. I think the elitists strategy is to have two liars debate. Who will we believe? When you allow a truth teller, armed with a very well thought out case into the debate. Truth prevails.
by retovami
Sat Sep 04 2010Ron is well a hybrid a blend between a liberal and a libertarian and there is nothing worst the a "fence-walker", it time for hard positions and a need for a simple strict constitutionalists and Ron is just not it, next...
by smoknjoe
Sat Aug 28 2010Ron Paul is the leader this country needs in the next election and for those of you concerned about his age remember this, "with age comes wisdom" and he is a very wise individual - beholding to no one and true to the AMERICAN cause and the constitution. That document as you should know is what sets this country apart from the rest of the world and PROTECTS your right to the freedoms you enjoy. This gentleman has spent his entire politcal career proving that he means what he says and always says what he means. So with that being said put aside your petty jealousies and your party lines and your fears of recrimination from your fellow dems or republicans or conservatives or whatever else you may be and "DO SOMETHING TO HELP SAVE YOUR COUNTRY" ELECT THIS GUY AND LETS GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD !
by caphillsea77
Fri Aug 27 2010Hmmm, his politis and philosophies are somewhat ahead of his time when compared to present day politics. I wish his voice was more prevelant in the Republican party. Only problem is he's older than dirt and his son is a jackass. Not a chance for 2012, would have been nice back in 2000 though. Oh well.
by landerson
Tue Aug 24 2010Ron Paul is made of the same fabric as our founding fathers. He should be our next president without question!
by libertarian201_2
Fri Aug 13 2010Ron Paul is what America needs- A straight talker with the right ideas! Ron Paul 2012!
by wilsonammy
Mon Jul 19 2010If you are ready to overlook his age....he can turn out to be too good. But do you think, it can be overlooked. He would be above 70 by the time, i think. Ammy Best Bingo Sites Play Bingo Games
by guyray
Sat Jul 17 2010Ron Paul is certainly my choice. I'm afraid however that his age, the powers that be in the republican Party and people unwilling to listen to his message will be a hindrance. I agree with almost everything he stands for. Unfortunately people are afraid of change and then there are those that think the Federal Government should provide for them. I'd love to see him as our next President with a like minded Vice President. Even then, without like minded congressman and senators there will be little he will be able to do to get our country back on track.
by laura_finley
Sat Jul 17 2010Ron Paul For LIBERTY! Ron Paul is the ONLY person we know for sure is not bought and paid for by the global elite. The only man who can get America back on the right track. I pray he runs in 2012!
by mike_clapp
Tue May 11 2010Dr. Paul offers a consistent record opof aiming to restrain the federal government to its constitutionally mandated responsibilities. He also argues for a coherent and comprehensive philosophy of freedom that is not only attractive but, I believe, necessary to rescuing us from our current matrix of crises. We must return to being a constitutional rebublic again, and Dr. Paul is the only candidate who has shown that he's ready to administer the bitter medicine we need to recover..
by rlwrites4u
Wed Apr 07 2010Interesting site! Ron Paul has a very new view. I am highly motivated by him. He thinks like "I" do. Not certain that is a good thing given all the former propaganda we've been fed...but I pray it is and I hope for CHANGE!!!
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Mar 25 2010His apparently perpetual candidacy is of value for putting ideas on the public agenda. A lot of the things that he talks about are too divisive for a major contender to address if they hope to assemble a winning coalition of public interests, however with Paul in the debate there is a voice out there ringing.
by jester002
Thu Mar 25 2010He's run twice before and didn't make it. I see him as a career politician that's getting too old to be in office little lone president of the USA.
by lala21
by sperryc
Wed Mar 24 2010I'm starting to really like Paul. Just started his book, "The Revolution," and a lot of what he has to say about a non-interventionist foreign policy and the merits of delegating power to the states (and away from the Fed) appeals to me. He's also no fool when it comes to economics, and predicted the recession we're now in, and accurately identified what would bring it on, a decade ago... Like Twan, though, I'm a little concerned about his age.
by pamelapestora
Sun Mar 07 2010He is not pretty enough to be President. He would be ugly in a hot little nightie like Sarah Palin just bought.I never see him dressed pretty either.Sarah Palin 2012 ! I like pretty ! Look how pretty Sarah is in her Kenya Robe nightie ! Thats who I want for President!
by capnjack43
Sun Feb 21 2010Ron Paul's supporters were all over the voting sites and were voting numerous times for him. The telling results were at the point when his poll numbers were announced and almost to a man, he was booed and jeered. That's just what we need another group that will cheat the way Obama did.
by jake_armitage
Sat Feb 06 2010Ron Paul is another republican I would consider voting for. He clearly falls in the moderate category but that's the problem. He will never make it to the election, the far right republicans will never let it happen.
by lapaturtle
Sat Jan 09 2010This man's message seems to me to be prophetic. His allegience to our constitution and devotion to pursue it's conservation is a rarity. My only regret is that I did not discover Ron Paul untill after the 2008 election. I am not registered to any political party, nor do I ever want to be, but if he should pursue the office, I will make the exception and register republican and vote for him to obtain the nomination and the presidency. He is what America needs
by viewsguy
Sat Dec 26 2009Opposed to every piece of legislation that would protect the country.
by irishgit
Fri Dec 11 2009Has extremely loyal and devoted fans, but about as electable as Cher. Given his age, maybe less so.
by twansalem
Fri Dec 11 2009Paul will be 77 years old in 2012. I don't think it really matters where he stands on the issues. He's just too old.
by victor83
Fri Dec 11 2009Check Obama's poll numbers. Check the poll numbers for Congress. Check out the premature celebration in the GOP. The American people, I believe, are fed up with both major parties. Though he is technically a Republican, I think this is going to give someone like Ron Paul a shot in 2012. Though I don't agree with everything he says and have never supported him in the past, I will watch with great interest when the time comes.
by jlaurencew
Sat Dec 05 2009Our only hope
by fortunogop
Fri Nov 27 2009Out of here!