Rod R. Blagojevich (D-Illinois) 2003-
Approval Rate: 29%
Reviews 0
by rmarolla33
Wed Aug 18 2010This guy is the epitome of whats wrong with politics and politicians. Elected officials are supposed to serve the public. All this guy served was his wallet, how can he look at himself in the mirror. What a piece of trash. They should make an example out of him and give him 50 years. Hopefully it would make the other scumbag politicians think twice before they pull the same kind of crap.
by loerke
Mon Aug 09 2010Could Blago really be in the top third of this list? Well, he can, because at least I've heard of him, unlike most of the people on here. That's the very best thing I can say for him.
by genghisthehun
Thu Jul 29 2010UPDATED JULY 29, 2010: Blago's case has gone to the jury and Blago did NOT testify. I checked around my circle with the lawyers and most agree that is bad for the defense. The jury wants to know both sides of the tale. What is strange is that Blago has been stating every day since his arrest that he wants to tell his side of the story and that he can't wait to tell his side of the story and all that.Let's add a little dash of Chicago cynicism here. Blago is being tried in federal court and guess who has the pardoning power? Also Blago is a huge liability for the Democrats coming up on a tough election in November, 2010. If convicted, he would probably be sentenced after the election. Neither of the previous two are that big of points.The biggie is that Blago's threats to tell all about Barack Hussein will now not come off. Also Blago would name other big names and it might turn into a political shit storm. So somehow, Blago changed his mind. Why? Hmmmm!UPDATED FEBRUARY 4, ... Read more
by chalky
Mon Dec 21 2009I'm 100% serious when I say that I like Blago a lot. The guy is funny. He's corrupt but he's really funny. Plus, our own, OsagePony has the same haircut as Blago.
by canadasucks
Thu Jan 29 2009My new comedy hero. He's like the American plan in Vietnam in a nutshell- declare victory, run, and let the details fall where they may. Complete denial. Hilarious. Anyone else think he looks like the villian dojo-instructor in the original Karate Kid?
by victor83
Thu Jan 29 2009Impeached by a vote of 59-0, this guy is either mentally ill or just plain stupid. I thought he might be onto something with his media blitz- an attempt to make himself look like a victim and maybe get a big book deal. Today however, he caved from his earlier refusal to appear at his hearing and gave a (very boring) 90 minute blather to the state Senate. I think it is safe to say...didn't work Rod.
by abichara
Tue Jan 06 2009What a mess up in Illinois. Cook County has always been a haven for political shenanigans, but Blagojevich really takes the prize here. How he's still in office really tells us a lot about the political establishment in that state. Additionally, that Obama doesn't have the pull to force a resignation from him not only really tells us a lot about the amount of influence (or lack thereof) he's got within his own home state, but also his willingness and ability to use the bully pulpit of his office to force certain needed outcomes. That Obama allowed Blagojevich to make an appointment to his Senate seat in contradiction to his desire, just adds insult to injury. If Obama can't handle this, I'd like to see how he will deal with the Putin's of the world. He'll be eaten alive, and that's not good for the country. Strong leadership is needed NOW more than ever. Obama isn't giving me that much confidence that he can handle it. That's why I'm not exactly hopeful that Obama will do ... Read more
by moosekarloff
Tue Jan 06 2009This a-wipe is the biggest fool and most ardent criminal in the Democratic Party at this point, which is saying plenty. A thief, swindler, liar, etc. The state of Illinois is apparently in the grasp of a so-called "political leadership" that consists of cowards and jerkoffs. This scumbag should have been impeached already, or pressured by party bigwigs to step down weeks ago. The fact that he's allowed to remain in office after being arrested for committing felonies does not speak well for Illinois and the Democratic Party. Also, if Obama can't get this nimrod who's crapping in the punch bowl of Mr. Fancysuit's impending assumption of the Oval Office, how is the Half Breed President going to deal with foreign despots and terrorists? Finally, given the fact that the old and in the way Uncle Tom political hack this sack of crap named to replace Obama was denied entrance to the Senate and will probably never assume that seat, this entire soap opera is becoming quite ridiculous, unpr... Read more
by tadly44a
Wed Dec 17 2008This guy needs to go to jail, no get of jail cards allowed. His politics are what we are all trying to Change
by sperryc
Fri Dec 12 2008If any of the charges against him are true (and there are plenty to choose from in the 76-page complaint filed against him), he's about as slimy and two-faced as they come. But partisan hacks need to hold off on the sarcastic "change we can believe in" comments aimed at the president-elect until we know more.
by callitdownthel_ine75
Tue Dec 09 2008Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-Il) may now be the new poster boy for government corruption at high levels. Known for his little-to-no-sense of humor (his The Daily Show appearance show's how pathetically out of touch he was) and his lack of self-deprecation, Blagojevich's resume is littered of odd, personal feuds with basically all the major state cabinet officials ranging from the equally ambitious Lieutenant Governor, Patrick Quinn, to the State Comptroller, Dan Hynes- and all of them being Democrats like Blagojevich himself. Furthermore, his feuds (all seemingly public) included one with his father-in-law, who was responsible for his political career- and leaving others scratching their head when he spat out a sexist comment in defense of his discretion as governor. It seems Rod Blagojevich used his power as the Illinois governor to settle personal scores than to pass bills of note. Known for his pettiness, he would threaten Illinois lawmakers from both parties if special meetings and ... Read more
by jackcox
Tue Oct 25 2005Possibly one of the worst Governors in the country and I'm a democrat.
by akoski2004
Fri Aug 13 2004This loser better resign, he has wrecked Illinois State Police and any other police/fire/school district you can think of! We presented a way that a car company (disclosed) wanted to lease cars for one dollar and then trade them in for new ones reather than have 203,000 thousand miles on a car! He said NO! Also, now the cars in some of the districts are so old they have to weld metal plates on the car so they don't fall apart. ALSO, they make it so in some districts you have to call long distance to get ahold of a local police officer even if you live a mile away! HOW PATHATIC IS THIS GUY! GIVE TAX CUTS AND STRAIGHTEN OUT THE BUDGET ROD BLAGOBITCH!
by stevepi
Tue Jul 13 2004The one good thing about Rod is that he is better than George Ryan who was the worst, most corrupt governor in Illinois history. I grew up in that state and let me tell you that is saying something. Rods not quite that awful, but a clown prince nonetheless.
by rainer21
Sun Jun 20 2004even i as a democrat cannot support him. he better shape up.
by kerry_zadick
Mon May 31 2004Be warned!! This loser (who has a 40% approval rating for his half-assed job as governor) is planning on running for President in 2008 if Kerry's not elected. The nerve!