Rocky Balboa 2006

Approval Rate: n/a%

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Reviews 5

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    Fri Oct 05 2007

    Stupidest Rocky I ever seen!!  It was LAME!!  BAD acting.  I was not impressed at all.  I thought it would have been much better.

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    Fri May 18 2007

    I am ashamed to admit that I like it. . .pure soap-opera Hollywood hokum. . .and I'm the guy with "Das Boot" and Kurosawa in my DVD collection. . .you can't hate the main character, you just can't. . .

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    Fri May 18 2007

    As I have seen the original Rocky over 10 times and can recite almost every line, like so many Rocky Horror revelers at a midnight airing at the Cineplex, there was smart money that I was going to enjoy Rocky Balboa.The movie did not disappoint.  I'd rank it as the second best of the six Rockys.  What made it particularly enjoyable was the way it tied all the loose ends from the original Rocky of 30 years ago.  We get to meet Spider Rico and Marie (the little brat who told Rocky to screw himself in the original) again.  While both were not particularly likable in the original, they are redeemed in this one by Rocky.  Paulie is still around.  He remains a character you love one minute, and then detest later.  Alas, poor Adrian has died from cancer.  She still plays a prominent role.  Our hero has risen from the depths of despair in the bleak Rocky V and is something of a worldly philosopher, who owns a somewhat successful Italian restaurant.  His Legacy is intact.An interesting twist (w... Read more

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    Mon Mar 12 2007

    I will always be a sucker for a Rocky movie, and those of you that have known me for a while, know why. If Im still around for Rocky 25, Ill probably go see it. Boxing in some ways is a metaphor for life, and so are the Rocky movies. Its possible that I may read to much into the movies, but I choose to think that most people dont look deep enough. I know that most of the Rocky movies are entertainment and not meant to be Oscar winning movies, and yet, the first Rocky won a Oscar. Rocky Balboa, is about a man, still seeking respect, and trying to fit in a world, that has changed before his eyes. He's dealing with the alienation of his son, the loss of his wife, and getting old, just like the rest of us. There's no reason to go through the whole plot, because , even I admit that Rocky movies can be somewhat predictable, but it really doesnt take away from this movie. If you're a Rocky fan, you dont care, you just want to continue the journey with him, and if your not a fan, ....well, ... Read more

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    Sat Dec 23 2006

    The fact that Slyvester Stallone can still kick butt at his age automatically gives this movie a 5-star rating. As always, Slyvester Stallone plays Rocky Balboa with perfection. I highly recommend this movie to everyone.