Robert Jordan

Approval Rate: 73%

73%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Thu Jun 10 2010


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    Mon Feb 01 2010

    First of all I don't agree that Sci-Fi and Fantasy authors should be grouped together, yes the genre's do crossover a lot (see the writing of Stephen King) but at their philosophical core, they are two different things. Anyways, Robert Jordan was a master of fantasy writing. The Wheel of Time series is a classic, regardless of the fact that he didn't finish it before he died. If you ask me, I don't think he wanted to finish it,... when you follow the storyline has the books progress, it is clear to me and others I have had conversations with that it was like he was deliberately prolonging the storyline for reasons that were not clear. The first books were clear, concise, masterworks of fantasy,.. the last few books were somewhat muddled, confused in their themes at times, with personal indulgences thrown in (the storyline with Rand having three lovers, a blonde, redhead, and brunette). Regardless of these things though, The Wheel of Time series rivals Tolkein's for best fantasy series ... Read more

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    Mon Feb 01 2010

    His story was interesting...quite interesting in fact. However as it continued out parts of it became redundant. In addition to this the books were...extremely long, sometimes un-necessarily so. Nonetheless I loved them all the same.

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    You guys are such funny snobs, reading this has been a delight! Robert Jordan is the Fantasy genre master, if you're too prissy to soak up all of the wonderful storylines and side characters in this series, then you really ought to go back to your pop up books or your Lord of the Rings fanfic that you've been working on for 2 years in your parent's basement. All of these people giving advice like they're experts are just so funny. You know nothing about how to write a compelling story, not a single one of you is a best selling author. Thanks for the laughs! Your arrogance is overwhelmingly amusing.

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    Tue Jan 06 2009

    Great books and a good story. I sure hope Sanderson can tie up all the loose ends and give the Wheel of Time a fitting end.

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    Tue Aug 26 2008

    I feel like the characters are real and are experiencing real emotions. The plot is something new and different there are no traditional fantasy creatures no goblins, dwarves, elves or goblins He creates his own universe and it rocks.

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    WOT is an excellent plot and story but it is way too drawn out in the middle part of the series lacking content worth writing this story could have been done better in 6-8 books total.

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    Fri May 16 2008

    Jordan created a world more vivid and full of detail than any fantasy writer ever has. Unfortunately his plots advanced at a snail's pace leaving many (most?) readers frustrated at having to wait another year for another book. The fact that his books were consistently best sellers even though fans complained is a testament to how well crafted his characters and worlds were. People who wrote scathing reviews of his books nonetheless continued to read them because RJ's writing style draws you in so effectively. What I love about the WOT is that it is a single contained story rather than a complete story with a second tirllogy added on to the end that was not conceptualized until the publishers asked for more books. RJ had more stories/worlds in him, and it's too bad we'll never get a chance to read them.

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    Sun Nov 25 2007

    Impressive series which is true to detail. Rather than having one story thread giving the impression there is only one interesting thing going on in the world like so many other fantasy books there is a wealth of absorbing interesting plots which further bring the characters to life in a vivid way. Always good to read, whether its the 2nd time...or even the 5th. too bad we might never read the 12th... RIP RJ

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    Tue Sep 18 2007

    A wretched, overblown, self-important hack. He should have stuck to writing Conan books. At least they had the virtue of brevity.

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    Tue Sep 18 2007

    No comparison to Tolkien, amigos. No one comes close, except, perhaps, William Morris (who was Tolkien's inspiration). Jordan has a good story, but the later books are too much filler and junk. Takes too long between books, too. Someone told me he was seriously ill lately. Despite my negative comments, I love the story, and will read the whole series a few more times, in anticipation of the next part. Think it would make an awesome multi-part movie, so they could edit out some of the filler. .

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    Sun Jul 29 2007

    WOT among the greatest fantasy epic series out there. Engaging charachters and multilayered plot in a complex and compelling world.

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    Wed Jul 04 2007

    Absolutely Fantastic stuff and what the genre is all about. He nearly crooses over into historical fiction his world is so real. Hard to believe that only two years have passed in the WOT world while we have been reading. I just wish he would hurry up and finish......

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    Fri Jun 22 2007

    If you like a story that takes time to end(11 books) and has great depth this series is for you. I've read all 11 books twice. I liken the style to Tolkien just a slightly faster pace (mostly). The charaters are each unique and complex. There are a number of subtle side stories that weave in and out hinting to the purpose and intention. Excellent. For the patient readers out there.

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    Sun Jun 10 2007

    Robert Jordan like many other writers did a great job with his first couple of works. After that he totally looses track of the storyline, and creates a horde of totally useless characters that he describes in nauseating detail. I can't believe he is near the top of the list!

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    Sun Apr 29 2007

    Book 1 of the Wheel of time is drawn out. Takes several pages to tell what goes on while the characters are traveling into town. I really tried to stay along with the book but by the time I got almost half way I had lost interest. I doubt I could get through the whole series.

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    Wed Feb 28 2007

    It is true that his books are long, but the good thing about his overdiscriptive paragraphs is that i can skip many pages at a time and still not lose my place in the story line. Is that a good thing? i would love it if he could stop building the characters and start fullfilling their destinies. All good things must end Robert. Get on with it!!!

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    Tue Jan 02 2007

    Wheel of time series has dominated my literary year. Not that i took so long to read it but i just kept re-reading, as i am sure many others have. Anyone knows when the 12th bok is out?

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    Sat Dec 23 2006

    great books! i like it! i've read all the books!

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    Fri Dec 15 2006

    great author

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    Fri Dec 15 2006

    tedious, boring and pussy whipped thats how  Robert Jordan's book come across after the first 4 books. If you have suffer from insomnia heres the bonafide cure.

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    Thu Oct 12 2006

    The series begins to falter after the first few books. Though it tends to drag, Robert Jordan was still successful at producing a wonderful setting with intricate scenarios. The Wheel of Time is truly a set for any avid fantasy reader, though not suggested if you are not ready for the sluggish text after the first half of the series.

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    Sun Jun 11 2006

    A exceedingly complex series with realistic characters with just as realistic motivations and an intricately woven plot. Those who say these characters are 2D and unrealistic are undeniably incorrect. Some say that people almost never act purely "white" or "black" in their motivations, and that real people act in a shade of "gray." I regret to inform you that there is nothing between good and evil, else it would have a name, at the very least. Sure, most people are wishy-washy, they are unsure about whether they should do evil or good. Many influences can determine how a person feels concerning doing good or evil. Some may consider this "gray." Just because a person does good sometimes and evil another does not make their overall alignment "gray." Its not a combination! It cannot be viewed collectively! Its whatever they are doing at THAT SPECIFIC MOMENT that determines whether they serve good or evil, again at THAT SPECIFIC MOMENT. If you cannot comprehend this, then I applaud your fe... Read more

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    Mon Jun 05 2006

    Cannot put these books down. Finished all 11 + prequel in 5 months! Amazing stuff. Can't wait for the final book!

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    Thu May 18 2006

    After the Dragon Reborn the books diminished in stature successively, yet those first four are masterpieces. The gross overgeneralization of women's and men's character traits can grate on my nerves, but the premise of the magic, the premise of the history, and the interesting similarities and differences of the individual cultures is very well done.

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    Sat Feb 25 2006

    Personally i would have chosen great, but the D*** WOT series aint finished yet. So i'll just have to hold on till its done then return with my final update. Who knows, it may drop depending on what happens at TARMON GAIDON.

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    Is absolute rubbish, after his 5th book the series seem to denigrate into episodes of hair pulling and nonsensical diversions as though he seem to be having new ideas into which to add to the mix. I fel sorry for you suckers who feel compelled to buy his books as its obviously now just a money making excersie now. I wish Icould have scored the estrogen ravaged goofball a lower score like negative 5 as thats what he deserves.

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    The series drags. Their are to many character descriptions to remember. By the time the next book comes out I have to pull out old books to remember who the characters are. Just center the story around five or 6 characters. That would of made the books more readable instead of 600 pages of traveling.

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    Thu Dec 22 2005

    His first books were excellent, but as the series progressed, the quality disappeared.

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    Fri Dec 02 2005

    boring boring boring. Like reading a well written dragonlance. I read this along side Sword Truth by Terry Goodkind. I was hoping I'd enjoy this more. because I thought it would at least have the same feel as LOTR. i was dissapointed because the main characters were no different from characters from a Dungeons and Dragons RPG. Only the kid in me almost enjoyed the series. ALMOST.

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    Fri Dec 02 2005

    I want my money back. For sale: Wheel of time books 1-6.

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    Tue Nov 29 2005

    Two stars because the first four or so books in WoT were actually readable. Through books 5 and 6 I still wanted to know what was going on, but after that I realised life's too short. I don't mind books where none of the characters is sympathetic, but I do mind it when none of them is even remotely believable! I heard an interview with Jordan in 1992, where he talked about how he has this really minimalist style, where not a word could be cut away. Riiight. The man is not only too verbose, he is also deluded. So the two stars is actually a much higher rating than he deserves.

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    Tue Nov 29 2005

    I love the WOT series, but let's get on with it. I know he has some great ideas about the Forsaken, the Seanchan, the Age of Legends, and so forth, but we seem to be waddling a little too slowly towards them. Still, I really enjoyed 'New Spring' which gave me hope for the rest of the series.

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    Sun Nov 06 2005

    I used to love his books, now i find myself counting the incessant pages until the end, when i can finally say "I think that about one in every five paragraphs relates to the story." He uses so much detail about completely irrelevant things, that he kills the story and makes me want to watch the five hour long documentaries on the history channel! He created an awesome world, and has now officially killed it by giving us more information than even the publishers want to know. I have to rate this a two, if anything, because i feel like he may still come through in the 12th book, seeing as the eleventh book is trash. He used to be a good author, but has now become obsessed with the surroundings, not the actually events which impact the REAL story.

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    One or two of the early books deserve more stars but the author and the series have spun into the pit.

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    Very bad form. To write brilliant works that hook readers and then leaving them in a fog. I compare WoT to a siren's call. I am very disappointed in Mr Jordan. There was great potential there...but i think he may have fallen in love with his world, to the point where hes subconsciously dragging the story out so that it doesnt end. Also, i absolutely hate the female characters, and i seeth whenever they succeed in manipulating Rand. i think many female fans would agree with me as well. theyre not strong women, theyre obnoxious women. To sum up, he deserves the 2 stars on account of his ability to write good fantasy, as shown in the first 5 bks.

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    Way way way tooooooooooooo long. His first books were good but when you hit 6 onwards they are sh**house. Hes just milky this now rubbish series for all its worth and giving fantasy a bad name. Jordan if you ever happen upon this comment your work suks u hear me. All the stuff in your books is basically recapping what happened in the earlier books. For all those fantasy fans out there i advise you to only read the first 3 or 4 books and then decide for yourself if you want to read the rest.... my advice DONT. See ya round fantasy fans this is Fantasy Man signing out.

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    Sat Mar 19 2005

    The Wheel of Time is extraordinary and very unfairly bashed. Good reading 1 to 10!

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    Guys, even Tolkein had a certain amount of sense to keep the number of main characters to a minimum, and focus his writing on those characters. Jordan introduces more paper-thin, virtually identical characters with every book. His women are some of the worst- arrogant, manipulative, tempermental, secretive, and paranoid, virtually every single one. He's gone from writing books in a series that all have the same conclusion (another of the Forsaken bites the dust, yippee) to books that have little or no conclusion at all. The few significant events that happen occur in the last few hundred pages (heaven help us, dealing with an author about whom we can literally say the last few hundred pages!) Jordan needs to re-take basic creative writing, starting with the lesson that says: if it takes five hundred pages to get to the active part of the story, think how you can re-write that story to start with the action. Mr. Jordan: get back to your main characters, rein in your temptation to ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    Nothing ever happens after the third book, thank you mr Jordan for wasting my time.

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    Mon Oct 25 2004

    Someone should have told Mr. Jordan that the expression is a picture is worth a thousand words not two thousand. I also got the impression that Mr. Jordan has a brest fetish. If I had a dollar for every female character that folded her arms beneath her brests Mr. Jordan's books would have ended up free as well as a few other authors as well. But still, I enjoyed his books. He's a great storyteller. I just wish he would have made the WOT series 5 or 6 books and not 10 (soon to be 12)

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    Great premise for his WOT series, but he needs a mean editor to cut down his word count.

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    Fri Apr 23 2004

    I think the majority of people like the first 6 books cause it moved along and at the end some type of conclusion happened. What i think most people hate is the fact that these last few books seem as though he is dragging it out in hopes of more money. Maybe he isn't but i just hate how he rehashes everything and then describes looks and jestures for four or five pages and no dialogue. Over all i like it cause its a fun series plus i would hate to have read all these books for nothing.

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    Interesting at first, but terrible at this point. And even when the books were as good as they got, they were very unoriginal. Everything is black and white in this universe. The main characters are undeveloped, the endless, unnecessary tangential stories make me grind my teeth.

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    Tue Mar 23 2004

    What a scam! I'm four-hundred pages into the book and I feel like it's still only an introduction, or at least a refresher of who's who of the two-dimensional, typical-man/typical-woman loser archetypes that do nothing except engage in colossal pissing contests! I hope the Citadel is pumping out adults these days, but I wouldn't bet on it. From now on, I'll be borrowing the Wheel o' Time books from the library. On second thought, I think I'll pass all together! I'll get more lively wntertainment out of the Wall Street Journal.

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    Thu Nov 20 2003

    Jordan's Wheel of Time series could have been quite a masterful work but it required only three books for its story to be told....from then on mindless , repetitve dribble.

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    Wed Oct 08 2003

    *just BO-ring. sorry but inflict half a dozen tome and more of a thoroughly un-original epic is something I consider with severity.

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    Sat Sep 13 2003

    Entertaining but soooo generic. Seriously, the structure is ripped straight from LOTR, and the characters are cliched. It's almost as if Jordan spent twenty years studying the fantasy genre and the psychology of teenage boys before embarking on this ridiculously long series (more than ten thousand pages so far). I stopped reading this series after four books or so, because I simply stopped caring what happens next. I also have the suspicion that Jordan has no idea how to wrap things up, so he'll probably die around nineteen books in, leaving his fans feeling like they wasted years of their life without some kind of climax or conclusion. Serves 'em right.