Ristorante Auguri

Approval Rate: 61%

61%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Sat Feb 13 2010

    I'm an East Coast Italian that had been longing for some good Italian food here in Washington for the last 10 years. I have been to every 4 star restaurant in the Seattle area and in South King County and they were all incredibly disappointing. My husband had insisted that I try Ristorate Augori and provided the reviews on this site, I was slightly apprehensive. The comments regarding the owners brashness were typical of what you would hear about every Italian man in South Philly, so those comments really didn't hold much water...you should expect any older Italian man to be that way if you want good Italian food in Philly. Oh My God was this food good!!!! The food was perfectly cooked and was prepared exactly how it should be. We ordered calamari that was impeccably cooked in an absolutely incredible red sauce, I had a ravioli chicken dinner in which the chicken was melting in my mouth, and the tiramisu for dessert was very evidently homemade and delicious! I have paid incr... Read more

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    Mon Aug 31 2009

    This place is filthy, the food is awful when the owner is cooking and the ro@ches get into everything including the coolers and all the pans of food overnight, I frequently had to clean r@t feces out of places an throw away tons of food. Stay away from this place. The owner even has the nerve to gyp his own employees and steal their money.

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    Was looking for an Italian Restaurant to cater my event, Auguri's was mentioned and after reading your reviews going elsewhere.

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    Good food but on the expensive side. We have tried this restaurant several times with years in between visits- thinking something might chan...

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    I had been planning on visiting this restaurant for about six months now. I first heard about it on the train from some other professional people. I was warned about the owner being very rude and the food high-priced, but I thought it was worth a try. Unfortunately, I should have found somewhere else. I was hard pressed to find anything very Italian here. I met the owner as he was standing outside of the restaurant. He was friendly. As we entered the restaurant, we stood for a couple of minutes waiting to see if anyone was around. The owner walked through the door and noticed we were still standing without any notice by staff of being there. We should have walked out there. He seated us, and let the waitress know that we had been waiting. She snapped back at him and wasn't too thrilled to be directed to us. She did get friendlier while we were there. Looking at the menu, I asked the waitress some questions if there was any cappelllini (what Italian restaurant doesn't serve c... Read more

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    Mon May 18 2009

    We had tried this place a couple years ago, it did not go well. We decided to give it another try to see if things had changed. We received our initial cocktails fine, but that is pretty much the end of the good things. The first three wines I tried to order off the wine list were not available. The owner helped our server pick a different one out. She opened it withour bringing glasses, then went and got them, proceeding to pour out the wine for everyone without even going through the basics of me trying it first. If the wine had been bad, I would have had no recourse since she did this. My friends had pizzas, which were good. I ordered the duck with polenta. The server said they were out of polenta, so I asked for mashed potatoes. Instead I got overcooked roasted red potatoes. My entree came out almost 10 minutes after everyone elses, I finally had to tell them to go ahead and eat so at least some of us could have a decent meal. The duck was bland to be kind. I asked about dessert op... Read more

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    Tue Mar 24 2009

    I typed in Italian restaurants with my zip code and Auguris came up....I had forgotten about this place but about 6 to 7 years ago when I was still waiting tables and living in Auburn I got a job at this place (only lasted for about a month cause the owner was a obnoxious drunk who intimidated and yelled at everyone, including the customers)...... The negative comments are so right on that it makes laugh and SHOCKED that he's still in business.... ya the food was good but who treats people (customers) the way he does...... Let me share one more thing with you all.......TRUE STORY>>>>Cockroaches in the cold storage out back, they were everywhere....I even called the health board it was so gross.......food that hadn't been properly stored or wrapped....The kitchen was DIRTY and everyone has already discussed the piece of c**p owner Jack....He's a total drunk and on Saturday nights he'd drink like a fish while his young boy would sit at the bar (against the law) then DRIVE him home...... Read more

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    Thu Feb 19 2009

    I love reading reviews about this restaurant almost as much as I love going to there. It is so strange that so many people have had such a b...

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    Mon Jan 26 2009

    Me and my boyfriend had gone their before and had a wonderful time. Come to find out it was when the owner wasn't there. The next time we went we were really excited. Unfortunately the owner was there. He came to the door to seat us after screaming at one of the wait staff, then sat us a a very little table, threw the menus down on the table and left. The waitress was very rude. Granted she was just screamed at by a real loser, still she was not the nicest person. While she was taking our order, my boyfriend mentioned that we wanted to buy a bottle of wine. She went and got the owner, which he then was really nice to us. (Small hint: talk to him about wine, he'll be your best friend!!!) After receiving our wine, it took 25 minutes for our waitress to come back. She brought us our appetizers then walked away with out taking our dinner order. We had the calamari to start and it was cold. After complaining about the calamari, she didn't even say "sorry, let me see if i can fix that for yo... Read more

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    Fri Jan 02 2009

    I dunno. The food isn't that bad, some things about the place are. In the summer, no AC is a real bonus. Everyone, including the help, think the owner is a major sack of pewk. He is. The bar is kind of a cool setting. I have seen the owner browbeat his help behind the bar before. Sad. It has potential and some good chow.

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    The food is outstanding and the prices are comparable to other nice Italian restaurants. We've dined there 4 times, always with our three children ages 3-9 years old. The service is OK, not the best and certainly not the worst. Its slow, and not super friendly, but we got our food in a timely manner and if we wanted more water or extra napkins we had to just wait. With children that is not always easy, so I have to remember that some diners actually have a relaxing leisurely dinner, a long dinner is not an option with our kids in tow. I haven't "experienced" the owner as others stated, nor would I tolerate him if I had the same experience they described--but we have not so we'll continue to eat there hoping the stories are in the past.

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    The owner screamed about his customers, while they were in the restaurant! Everyone heard him, and he was talking about us! Although he had no idea who we were, he was sure we were there to cheat him out of something! We were there for a nice meal, but he ruined it. I have heard from everyone who has ever been there that the man is unstable or drunk! I couldn't tell, but he made sure that I was going to tell everyone I could not to waste your money on mediocre food, a terrible atmosphere (with the manager screaming) and fruit flies everywhere! Unacceptable!

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    I really love the pizza here but find everything on the menu is wonderful. You can get authentic Italian cuisine that is flavorful or pick ...

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    Fri Sep 05 2008

    I read the reviews to this place before I went and based on the wild claims about the owner I just had to check it out. Just went in Septem...

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    Wed Aug 13 2008

    My husband and I used to go here every Friday. Loved the music, atmosphere. Service was always slow and everything overpriced but the food and drinks weren't bad. One time we brought my sister there, got seated and ordered drinks. In about half an hour we got our drinks. We were starving and didn't want to wait another who knows how long to get our food so we asked for our bill, paid (we even left a tip, even with the horrible service) and left. We still kept going there. Despite the one bad time, it was "our" place. We came in on a Friday to listen to the jazz and have dinner. We got seated in the bar and waited for our menus. One waitress (NEVER smiles) kept ignoring us. We finally asked for menus from another waitress. She was very nice and said sure and handed them to us. The other waitress RIPPED THEM OUT OF OUR HANDS and said if you want food you can go to the other side, I'm not serving you. Then she IGNORED US AGAIN. I yelled that she owed us an explaination. She w... Read more

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    We went to this restaurant for my birthday and I am a server my self, the waitress was very friendly and offered great service but the good experience stopped there! After a good 20 to 30 minutes (thank goodness we weren't in a hurry) the waitress comes to our table to let us know that our food had never been prepared because the printer in the kitchen was out of paper and our order never reached the cooks. No problem that happens on occasion right, she even offered a couple of free Tiramisu's to cover the delay, ok! 15 minutes later our dishes arrived, we had 2 lasagnas, a pesto pizza, spaghetti and sausage, ravioli and a rice dish. The lasagnas were cold and the pesto pizza actually had burnt pieces of something in it that tasted like charcoal. Now please, I'm not exaggerating, my 9 year old had ordered it and she really enjoys pesto, so when she said "this tastes a bit strange dad", it wasn't like most 9 years and pesto, I actually tried it to see if maybe it was too strong or ... Read more

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    We had a coupon and decided to check it out even after some of the bad reviews. The food was excellent and made fresh. The waitress was very nice and the owner came out and said hello and was not obnoxious like some of the reviews said. We are very critical when it comes to paying money for food and my husband being a chef said everything was excellent. We would go back again. It was worth every penny.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    first off, yes the owner is a RUDE and ANGRY man!!! Loud and crazy at times as well...but if you can get past him, or go when he's not there, then your in for some wonderful food. not sure if his daughter is still there, but yes she spent at least a year in Italy learning skills and is one of the best chefs in the Seattle area. all of the food is made from scratch and per someone's comment below the sauce is made fresh right along with the meal..most good resturants do it that way. if you want sauce to be ready when u want it buy some Ragu. have been many times too this resturant since 1999 (until i moved to everett) and have never had a bad meal!! bad experience...yes (only when owner is there). but again tune him out or ejnoy his antics. either way the food is very good!!

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    Fri Jun 13 2008

    I don't usually take time to write reviews, but this place stinks. I took my girlfriend here because she loves Italian food. Don't waste you money. Our salad was OK, the bread was stale and the main meal was terrible. The lasagna we had tasted bad, like it had been sitting in the back awhile. We bought a few drinks which were OK. We noticed a man talking loudly to people in the back. It was really distracting while we ate. When I got the check it was wrong and the waitress made a big deal about fixing it. I did not enjoy my meal there at all and thought I'd warn other people who like Italian food to stay away.

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    Fri Jun 13 2008

    My husband and I visited Ristorante Auguri expecting a romantic dinner. Intstead we got bad service, bad food and the waitress wouldn't give us change for a $100. Our dinner was overpriced at $65 and even if we had given her a 20% tip (which she didn't deserve) it would have come to $78. She said she didn't have any more $20's, we'd have to wait while she waited on the other tables and got back to us. We were in a hurry to catch a show, so what were we to do? She ended up with a $35 "tip" - auful customer service. I would not recommend this restaurant to anyone who is looking for a nice evening out. I wish I would have read some of the reviews for this restaurant BEFORE I went. If I could I'd give this resaturant no stars.

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    Upon arriving the restaurant on 6/6 the host/owner said he was going to seat us in the lounge. We requested not to be seated in the lounge ...

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    Sun May 04 2008

    I had a horrible experience here. The food was good, but not good enough to trump the owner's attitude. My partner and I brought our 2 year old daughter to this restaurant on a Saturday night. We were the only one of 3 tables at this place. Midway through our dinner, there was a party who requested a table for 6. The owner came to our table and basically demanded us to move. We didn't know what was wrong with the other tables in the restaurant. He could have easily put two tables together across the room and had a table for six. Instead, he decided to move the three of us and all of our plates. Anyone who has kids knows how difficult this would be. Our waitress even told me that this happens on a regular basis. How frustrating and embarrassing. Never again will I take my family here.

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    Sun May 04 2008

    We have driven by many times....often seeing a man in a chef's coat outside smoking. No big deal, people smoke...but with an apron on and out front of the restaurant? Finally, we tried it out Saturday night before a show because of rave reviews on the food. Where to begin? Our server was kind, knowledgeable and friendly....good start. She took care of us and the 3 other tables in the restaurant and it looked like we were in for a good time. Then more tables...and more tables, and still only the one server. She was running around trying to accomodate everyone with a smile on her face. A few minutes later, the infamous smoking man from outside appeared and in a loud confrontation that our table and I am sure many others heard, reprimanded her for her speed and "offered" to fire her? Is there only 1 server in this restaurant? Then another serviceperson appeared to the rescue, a temporary fix, because before we were done eating she was no where to be seen again. We found out from the ta... Read more

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    My family unfortunately tried dining at Ristorante Auguri. If you have the nerve to walk into the madness which is Ristorante Auguri be prepared to be abused, insulted, ripped off and completely demeaned by the experience. Honestly, Jack (the owner) seems to often drink himself into a violent frenzy while working. Our waitress was so ill treated by the owner we left feeling like we were leaving the scene of a horrible accident. The food is mediocre at best, when we tried to report a bad meal we were treated with hostility by the owner and then had to whitness our waitress being told to pay our tab because we weren't satisfied with our meal, well, we will never go back!! The horror of it all is beyond words...

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    We found this restaurant to be among our favorites for the simple fact that not only is the food good, it is reasonably priced . With a great menu selection, and a freindly wait staff, we were impressed, and plan on returning, again and again. This is our first date restaurant, and we want to recommend it to all daters out there !

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    If you want to know why my husband and our two friends were humiliated, yelled at and kicked out by the owner/manager/cook for no good reason then read on. I picked Ristorante Auguri because it's close to the Auburn Avenue Dinner Theater where four of us were going to see a show last friday night. Our friend ordered lasagna, but instead the waitress brought him another dish and told him HIS food had been given to another table, if he wanted to eat with the rest of us he could eat the chicken parmesana dinner "even though it was $7 more, we can give it to you for price of the lasagna." It all went downhill from there. I ordered ravioli and pulled out a black hair which was baked into the pasta. My friend asked the waitress if she could have extra white sauce and was told they didn't have any because they make sauce as dishes are ordered. My husband ordered lamb. After 10 minutes he called the waitress over to show her he had cut off a huge piece of fat and the rest of the "meat" ... Read more

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    Sun Mar 09 2008

    I guess I can see why some people gave a good review for this restaurant. They must have been part of the few fortunate ones to go there on a good night. We went there a year ago and had a great experience. We tried it out because we got a $25 gift certificate through the Entertainment Book. At that time, the service was fine and the food was good so we purchased another coupon through an Entertainment Book affiliate to go again. We should have quit while we were ahead! When we went the second time, the waitress was very nice and she did a good job, but when it came time to pay, we gave the waitress our coupon and when the owner saw it, he refused to honor it. Confused by his reasoning, we tried to protest, and that's when the owner marched over to our table and waved the coupon in my face shouting that he was not going to except it. I told him that if he didn't we wouldn't come back there again and he told me that he didn't care. He was SOOOOO RUDE! I have never been treated lik... Read more

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    Fri Mar 07 2008

    Loud and Rude Waiter? or Owner? Was he drunk? My wife liked the food but I'm not going back because of the service. Too many other choices out there.

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    Sun Feb 17 2008

    DO NOT believe everything you read. This place has become our new favorite place to eat. We will be back . check this place out for yourself. We went on a Saturday so maybe its different during the weekdays but, our experience was perfect.. The only thing I can say bad about this place is I would have preferred to be seated at one of the tables set for two not four but I'm sure had we asked they would have had no problem with it. SO go try it out and you might be pleasantly surprised as we were.

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    Tue Feb 05 2008

    Maybe we went there on an off night, but our experience was less than pleasant. We got there right after they opened around 4:00 to the owner loudly complaining to her busboy about the waitress not showing up. The waitress showed up a bit later and we were entertained with a yelling match that ensued in the back room. I can understand this being frustrating, but not something your customers should need to hear. After that we were a little disenchanted by the experience. I ordered the special, which was a Poke fish. It tasted like it had been deep fried (with no breading) and was served over some pickled cabbage. It came out raw in the middle, which I was not ready for. I don't mind eating undercooked fish, just like to be made aware that is how it will be served. The dish was good, but by no means great. My final surprise of the night was the bill, the special was $30.00. This may not sound that bad for Seattle, but for downtown Auburn, that is quite a lot to pay for a meal.... Read more

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    Sat Dec 29 2007

    Don't go here!!!!!!!!!! It used to be good, but no more. I was going to order the risotto, but they told me they may be out of it, since they were out of it the day before. What do they do, buy it frozen and reheat it!. My husband ordered the salmon fettucini, but got the salmon special. Well he sent it back, and got he the fettucini, but the special still showed up on the bill, an eleven dollar difference. My gnocchi was cold when brought to the table. When I sent it back to be warmed, they just dumped some tomato sauce in the top. The bread looked like it had been leftover from days before. The wine, well that's another story. The server couldn't remove the salmon special price from the bill, so she just gave us the 11 dollars, (after a long wait). We will not be back.

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    Thu Nov 01 2007

    I have heard a lot of negative talk here. I have lived in Auburn for many years and this place is great. Although I have spent most of my time being seated in the bar. My experience in the family area was fine. Yes the owner can be rude but it seems like I have only seen him once and it was during the week. I recommend going during the weekend. The owner's daughter has been the cook for a few months now and ever since her arrival the food has stepped it up a notch. I love the chicken romana the best. Very tasty food and the service is not bad. I really don't think it's a place for kids. The ambiance is romantic and I would recommend it to anyone. This place has been in business since the mid-90's so obviously they are doing something right. Quit your whining people. Go elsewhere if you can't handle our little Italian restaurant in Auburn. Head over to the East side or Seattle. Take care! Thanks for the great food Auguri!

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    Mon Oct 22 2007

    I give them 1 out of 5 stars. I have never taken the time to write a review in my life, but this was disappointing enough to make sure others do not make the same mistake. I eat out a lot and I am generally pretty easy to please. However my experience at the Benvenuti Al Ristorante Auguri was truly a disappointment. Here was my meal. It started with the bread. It was either stale or old or perhaps they left out an ingredient if they made it themselves. No matter what was wrong with it, I am surprised they would serve it. It was mostly tasteless except for a bad texture and after-taste. Don't order the gorgonzola salad, which would have been affordable if only it tasted good. It had a bitter flavor and neither my Fiance nor I could tell if they added gorgonzola to may or to some cheap store brand dressing. At this point I started to apologize to my fiance for the meal. This is not a good sign. I had the special Rck of Lamb, and I should have asked for the price, but figured i... Read more

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    Sun Oct 14 2007

    Some of these people dont know what they are talking about. true italian food is made from scratch, and almost everything there is. Yeah the owner is a pain but you cant have an italian resteraunt without a rude italian man. His daughter has been there for a long time, one of the waiters told me that she had even gone to italy for a while to learn more. She has been there for many years. in my recent dinner there, everything was wonderful. the food was great, the waitress had a great sence of humor, she was very nice and funny. I ordered a cosmo and it was perfect. To start i had the gorganzola salad and it was perfect as well. What ever that other person was talking about, must not have taste buds because mine was great. Then i had the Wild Mushroom Soup special... AWSOME!!! i loved it, in fact i scraped my bowl with my bread, which i have never gotten stale or bad bread, its hand made and always tastes great, especially with the dipping oil. Then i had the Auguri Special Pizza! I l... Read more

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    Tue Sep 04 2007

    I don't understand all these negative reviews! I have been going to Auguri for a long time now and have loved it every time. The food is always amazing! It's great to have such a great place to eat so close to home. It's a shame that the people of Auburn can't appreciate how wonderful it is to have such a nice place to eat in town. Yes, the prices are high for most places in Auburn but compared to other fine dining around Seattle the prices are very resonable. I mean besides the special the most expencive thing is $26. I will keep recommending Auguri to all my friends and family.

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    Mon Jun 25 2007

    So, my boyfriend and I wanted a nice quiet date about 2 years ago. We lived in Auburn and had driven by the resteraunt, so we decided to go. We had a blast. We ate, we drank, we took our time.... then we moved to the bar for live jazz and we drank some more. We left feeling completely wonderful about the experience. So, about a year later we were trying to decide what to do for Valentine's Day. No brainer, right.... WRONG! My boyfriend had made reservations as it was Valentine's Day and it is a romantic resteraunt. Well, we get there and there is a freakin motorcycle parked in the waiting area. We wait for osmeoen to aknowledge us. We tell them we have reservations... they look and look and can't find them. They actuallyseated us pretty quickly for "not having reservations". Anyway, it just went down hill from there. Awful service, noisy and overcrowded, expensive menu due to the holiday, appitizer consisted of bread, slami and cheese and it took 30 minutes to get it, but I think we a... Read more

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    This is my first review of a restaurant. Before going to Auguri, I read the reviews. Yes, the food is very tasty, but the prices are $$, not $. What the previous reviews say about the owner are true. When the waitress showed us a table, we asked to sit at a different table, rather than sit close to the large table of 12 noisy people. The manager came up to us and barked, "What is the matter? This table is just fine. You're sitting here!!" We were shocked by his demeanor and told the waitress that he is a rude man. The waitress apologized for his behavior and said he is always rude and grumpy. The service was less than adequate. We were basically ignored by our waitress during our meal. She seemed too busy with the table of 12. Five stars are only deserving to a restaurant that excels in quality of food, ambiance, and customer service and satisfaction. This restaurant failed big time in customer service. We won't go back to Ristorante Auguri again.

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    This is the first review I have ever written and have always felt that people who write them have nothing better to do...but then I went to Auguri's....there was only one waitress for all the tables, with the resturant full. We ordered 10 minutes after we were sat, I ordered "the special of the night" sea scallops with a carrot puree and butter sauce pasta...I'm thinking this is gonna be so good and I'm so excited. It comes I eat it and add salt with every bite...no flavor at all. Then the bill comes and its $32 for my meal....this is when my real issue kicks in. A meal for $32 with no flavor, I have a problem with. So I politely say something to the owner and he gets in my face and tells me "that is the price so deal with it". I just went to the most amazing dinner at Campagne in Seattle and had the lamb and my fiance has the rib eye and our meals didn't even come close to $32 a plate...and the service was amazing with a great waitress and a sommelier that helped us along with any wi... Read more

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    Thu May 03 2007

    My husband & I met our two friends at Auguri Ristorante for dinner tonight. It was all our first time dinning at this place. Although we thought the food was really good, we thought for the prices that they should have included a dinner salad with your meal. The waiters were very friendly, but I didn't find the owner overly friendly. We also thought that $4.00 was quite expensive for 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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    Thu May 03 2007

    I just had dinner there and was quite pleased with not only the service, but also with the quality of the food. I would have liked to have had a salad choice with the dinner. I would certainly not hesitate taking my friends here. And now a little commentary of the dish. I picked spaghetti with sausage. Would have been a nice touch to have the waitress grind some romano cheese over the spaguetti ( nice touch to an italian restaurant ) and a little more sauce. Otherwise a fine dish.

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    Wed Apr 18 2007

    I am very confused by the negative posts here... I have been to Auguri a number of times for many reasons - lunch, drinks, late night pizza, and dinner. I have never had bad service and most times the service is excellent. Sure, there are times where it has been a little shaky (happens most everywhere these days), but never bad enough to make me not want to go back. or write a negative review. The fact of the matter is that the food is excellent (probably the best meal you can get in Auburn) and the prices are fair when compared to comparable establishments. I have never had a bad meal at Auguri. I would not call it "kid friendly" and would not take my kids there. I think the problem is that people in Auburn are used to chain establishments and don't appreciate good food (or the cost of good food). I mean, it was a big deal when we got Applebee's here.... I lived in Seattle for 30 years and was used to La Rustica, Phoenicia, Saleh al Lago and other great family-run independ... Read more

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    Thu Mar 15 2007

    Food was good. We brought our young daughter and she was well behaved, just talking like always. Owner was very rude and might as well have kicked us out. If our meal were as fast as our check, they would open up a drive thru. We will not return.

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    Thu Dec 21 2006

    My husband and I live in Auburn and had seen this resturant many times and wanted to try it out. We walked in and asked to look at the menu first before we were seated to see what they had, the owner walked over and said "oh if you are lookin for a cheap resturant go around the corner and you will get cheap", We said that we had never been before and thats not what we are looking for ,but wanted to see what they had on the menu. He left and then came back and said it again but with more of an attitude!! My husband and I decided to leave and then he grabbed my arm and said, "Remember turn right at the corner and go to your CHEAP Italian restaurant!!" We were in shock and my husband decided to call and complain when we left and the owner answered the phone and said " What are you going to do report me to the F.B.I. !!!" Amazing that he is still in business. We will never go back and we have been spreading the word ever since!!!!!

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    Fri Dec 08 2006

    When we 1st arrived I thought the place would be a "10" based on great live bluesy jazz music, and fantastic salads and appetisers. But the service was slow, the gentlemen in the black suit who seated us as well as the waitress had an "I don't care if you live or die" attitude, the coffee was cold before we ever got our cream & sugar as requested, and the topper was that the "prime rib eye" we ordered - the most expensive thing on the menu at $32 was a HORRIBLE cut of meat, all fat. When we mentioned it to the waitress she barely acknowledged the comment. Definitely a disappointing experience and although we dine out quite regularly, we will not be going back.

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    Wed Nov 01 2006

    Walked in there (dressed nice for the evening) there was no hostess, i peaked my head in the bar and I was greeted with a rude Italian man, he looked annoyed. He asked like I was there bothering him "help you"? I want to eat, i said , he sat me at a crappy seat and walked away. Get off your high horse, you serve food in Auburn not Italy. What is with the attitude? Go to Athens its also in Auburn not far away, much better.

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    Wed Oct 25 2006

    I've tried the place twice, and both times were very disappointed! Like many of the other reviewers have said the service is slow and unfriendly, and the prices are very high relative to the experiance. I would never go back... The folks that said good things about this place need to get out more.

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    Sun Oct 01 2006

    Italian restaurant and lounge in Auburn featuring a diverse wine list and live jazz music on Friday evenings.

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    Sun Sep 03 2006

    In one word---Wow. And not a good wow. I went there with my girlfriend on a rare night to ourselves, and you can go anywhere to eat, but largely due to a restaurant coupon, we chose Auguri Ristorante in Auburn. First, we got there and asked to sit on the veranda since there was people out there and it was early. We were told, "No. I dont have anyone to serve you out there, you can sit here at this table in the bar." (think rude soup guy on Seinfeld!). It took 20 mins to get acknowledged and just to get bread and water and they were not that packed. Side note: the two of us don't look like transients. :) Next, we ordered and were told we are out of this, out of this, and out of this, but you can get the steak, medium rare, you will like it. (last time I checked, I want to order what i want and how i want it). The food was good, but that is the last thing I remember. The cook and the head waitress were arguing over all the tables for all to hear, all the patrons were looking ... Read more

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    Sun May 14 2006

    The waiter didn't even bother to check if there were enough napkins and forks and spoons on table. He never checked back to see if we needed water. The food was not good. The Risotto was terrible. They had only two chicken dishes and the breaded chicken smelled like old oil. A bit too pricy for that quality. I was dissapointed cos it was mother's day - and we didn't enjoy at all.

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    Sat May 06 2006

    We keep going back because it is so enjoyable. The steak is great, pasta is wonderful and we love the desserts. They are courteous with our children and warm at arrival!