Ringo By Lorne Green

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Reviews 3

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    Wed Aug 26 2009

    Farcical tripe. But next to the ungodly thing I've reproduced below, its a work of musical genius. WARNING: Listening to the following may cause projectile vomiting.

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    Wed Aug 26 2009

    I have the 45, Not a great song, But wasn't Bad either.

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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    this is pretty bad. I do not have this on a 45 but this is a song on one of those various artists from the sixties dvd I have. so i have heard this one. he really does not sing just recites. it seems like when TV came in our living rooms. TV stars from the 50s, 60s and into the 70s were encouraged and sometimes forced to record a record. some were not bad others awful. it could be included on " tv stars who made a horrible 45 record cd.