Return of the Living Dead 3

Approval Rate: 40%

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    Tue May 19 2009

    When his wild girlfriend with a taste for the macabre is killed in a motorcycle accident just after the pair declared their independence from parental authority, Army brat Curt Reynolds takes her corpse back to the military facility they were at just hours earlier. Curt and Julie had snuck into the facility before with a key card stolen from Curt's father, Col. John Reynolds, and they witnessed something there that was nearly impossible to believe. Using a gas called 2-4-5 Trioxin, the U.S. military was experimenting with bringing the dead back to life and attempting to control them for warfare purposes. Initially disgusted that his father was heading up such experiments, Curt now saw the Trioxin gas as his only hope for the future with Julie he had planned. He soon brings Julie back to life, and she is luckily still in her right mind, though many things are definitely wrong with her and she is already extremely hungry and unsure for just what. Things go downhill from there for Curt (w... Read more

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    After the disappointment that was Return of the Living Dead Part 2, the series manages to make a step in the right direction with Return of the Living Dead 3 in the 90's. Directing this installment was Brian Yuzna who gave us quality flicks such as Bride of ReAnimator and produced classics such as ReAnimator and From Beyond. While this chapter takes a departure from the horror/comedy feel that we saw in the first two, it really stands quite well on its own and boasts an interesting storyline despite the title suggesting another by-the-numbers zombie romp. After sneaking into the military base where his father works, Curt and his girlfriend Julie bear witness to an experiment utilizing the 2-4-5 Trioxin to reanimate a corpse, with horrific results of course. It seems that the military is trying to use the chemical to create unstoppable solidiers out of the zombies it creates, but to no avail. Being a military man, dad comes home and announces that the time has come to move again, but... Read more

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    In a California town at a military chemical warfare base, a deadly experiment involving the Trioxen gas from "Return of the Living Dead 1 & 2" as it brings the dead back to ghastly life as they crave human brains and Col. Reynolds (Kent McCord) wants to keep them under control. His son Curt (J. Trevor Edmond) and girlfriend Julie (Melinda Clarke) sneek in the base to see what experiments they are conducting and are outstanded. Later when Col. Reynolds and his son goes through a disagreement, Curt runs away with his girlfriend but when a tragic accident on the motorcycle occurs thus leaving Curt alive while Julie dead, he is so grief-struck that he wants her to be alive again. He sneeks into the military base where he uses the gas to bring her back from the dead as it makes him happy, unfortunately what he doesn't realize that the Julie that has comes back isn't herself when she starts to act strange as they both deal with gang members and the army who wants them. A grisly and terrif... Read more

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    Wed Aug 06 2008

    This is a great, often overlooked 90's straight to video horror/zombie movie. Far better than the 2nd ROTLD, and not nearly as good as the 1st, but this stands by itself as a different direction than the 1st and 2nd. The Unrated version will give you more splat, and I'd recommend it over the R version any day. The final 15 or so minutes of this movie really kick, there's not many zombies until the end, but it is definetly watchable and has some good gore scenes. I'd say my main complaint is that the zombies look more like weird monsters than regular zombies, but they still do the trick. To me, this movie was one of the movies form the last class of great horror movies from the 80s and early/mid 90's like DEAD ALIVE and such before horror really went in the toilet at the end of the 90's through today (see the 4th and 5th ROTLD movies for proof.... or better yet... don't).

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    this was my favorite one.she was hot and i liked her all pierced.yeah good stuff from when i was a kid:D