Religious Whackos

Approval Rate: 32%

32%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Wed Aug 10 2011

    The only whackos are the ones that think religious groups can destroy America! The only people that will destroy America, is it’s own People and it's own Politicians!

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    Wed Aug 10 2011

    Destroy America? They were the founding fathers! They had been chased out of Europe for their religious whacko-ness.

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    Sat Jan 22 2011

    A few dangerous ones emerge from time to time...Jones, Koresh, etc. Then you have the extreme retarded group falling somewhere in between...Hinn, Crouch, etc. But, for the most part, religious whackos serve mostly as low grade comic relief.

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    Tue Nov 09 2010

    "Whackos" require no religion to be as they are. Sure, some people use some perverse form of some religion to justify their poor behavior and their hatred for others. But it's not just religion that's used in that way: fervent beliefs in anything can be enough to cause someone to go a little nuts. But to answer the question: I'd like to think that, despite the power of fanatics in large groups, our country will only be hindered, but not destroyed. However, if the fanatics grow in number, there might be a breaking point.

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    Tue Nov 09 2010

    These dills have been ruining things for so long, its amazing that we're allowed to use electricity at all. Feel free to send me money for a seed, it will come back to you a thousandfold. Magneticaiah 34:22 For whosoever clicketh 'disagree' on my reviews, shall knoweth the taste of deceased canine wangs Magneticaiah 34:23 But whosoevereth sendeth seeds of one thousand dollars USD to my Paypay account, He shall be rewarded a thousandfold in the kingdom of Heaving Eerily prophetic words for something written 2000 years ago, huh?

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    Tue Nov 02 2010

    Destroy America? Hell, for about 15 years Tammy Faye Baker almost single-handedly kept the makeup industry in business!

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    Tue Nov 02 2010

    Religious Whackos are pretty scary. I don't think they will destroy America, but they will certainly annoy the hell out of it.

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    The republican party is quickly (if not already completely there) becoming the Christian party. It's like a requirement for a republican to have his "Christian fundamentalist roots" verified before he can be a real candidate. They are throwing the moderate republicans to the wayside like a bulldozer through a forest. This country was founded by freemasons (who believed in deism but were open to all faiths), not Christians. Separation of church and state is written into the constitution, all these GOP gutless zealots need to crawl back into the hypocritical "C street house" they crawled out of and read some history books. Not embracing religious freedom and cow-towing to religious conformists to get elected is very unpatriotic in my opinion.

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    Sun Jun 27 2010

    Most people see them for the joke they really are. The biggest threat is that they make mainstream religions look bad. This negatively affects innocent, well-meaning religious people.

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    Sun Jun 27 2010

    The real wackos are the ones that blow themselves up because someone else tells them it is God’s will. In many cases that someone else isn’t very religious at all; they use it as tool of persuasion over the feeble minded to achieve a political end.

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    Fri Jun 25 2010

    Keeping people ignorant and distracted is a good way to divert attention from the important issues. Hence why well educated and intelligent buisness types like religion and it's crazed zealots.

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    If Palin gets in, YOU BETCHA !!!!

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    Pretty low on the scale, at least in terms of immediacy. America has always had its fair share of oddball religions, or unique interpretations of theology. Remember that this country was established by Puritans who were heavily influenced by Calvinism. This impacts how America views itself in the world (manifest destiny, "shining city on a hill", etc.) and also its view of economics, morality, law and politics. The whacko's have always been with us. Some would argue that theological interpretations of the Bible like dispensationalism could provoke a nuclear exchange in defense of the state of Israel, but the potential for these people to have any influence on foreign policy is negligible at best. Our fundamentalists have allied with neo-conservatives in the past over similar shared goals, but outside of strong pro-Israel views, these two groups have hardly nothing in common. As an aside, Sarah Palin belongs to a church whose theological views could be seen as very similar to... Read more

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    I cannot think of anything worse for a society than organized religion. Far from being a benign force in our culture, it is all too-often the underlying principle in people's ideology.

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    The "religious whackos" live in constant obsessive fear of the end of the world. Although they have tried to bring about Armageddon by sheer force of will and prayer circles…it's not likely to ever happen in their (or anyone’s) lifetime. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you….(Yoda, Star Wars Episode I)

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    Mon Jun 14 2010

    Despite their best efforts for many, many years they haven't managed it so far. I don't see this as much of a threat to anything except the brain cells of the easily fooled.