Refusal of Sex

Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

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    Tue Jun 21 2011

    If it's just once or twice, I imagine that they're can be extenuating circumstances. If she says "I'd really rather we were just friends", then I think you should read the writing on the wall.

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    Tue Dec 01 2009

    I think i'm pretty. But apparently my husband doesn't think so.. We have known each other for 4 years. We have been married for 2. & we have only had sex about 15 times since 2006. Is divorce right for me?

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    Sun Jan 13 2008

    Well in marriage sex slows down a lot, like either bill engvall or jeff foxworthy says, "marrying for sex is like buying a 747 for the peanuts." However sex is an important part of a marriage and if you aint getting any from your woman then theres usually something wrong. Talk to her and find out the real problem and try and work on it. However spouses that withold sex as a way to get back at their partner or do something they want them to do, like my ex did, is bullshit and you shouldnt have to put up with it.

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    Although sex is not the only important foundation of a stable marriage, it is real important. What if for physical or mental reasons one partner can't have sex, do you divorce? Maybe. But if sex was the major basis of getting married in the first place then the marriage could be doomed if sex is no longer a priority to one due to stress, illness or any other life changes. Each case is different but in my opinion sex alone should not be the sole cause of divorce.

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    Tue Feb 20 2007

    I think this is a pretty serious indication that a whole lot is wrong in the marriage. It may not be the sole reason to get divorced, but somebody better start talking.

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    Tue Aug 08 2006

    Marriage is a sexual contract, so to speak. I guess, I would be pissed off if she didn't want it.

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    Refusal of sex can be fixed. I'll tell a chick that it's my way or the highway babe. Give me what I want or you'll be replaced by another chick I meet at a bar. If she still refuses, it's time for a divorce dudes.

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    Mon Dec 26 2005

    I don't think it's grounds for divorce but I certainly don't think anyone should withhold sex from their spouse unless of course they aren't treated with respect. I know people who use it as a way to 'get back' at their spouse but I think that is WRONG!

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    Life is NOT all about sex. BUT MARRIAGE IS!!!

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    Mon Nov 14 2005

    There's sex after marriage? Now I know she's been lying to me!

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    After a period of time you must spend to try and sort out the problem, if you are left alone in this way....hell yeah! Im gone! That is not a good relationship! Period.

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    Tue May 03 2005

    Sure, we want it, we do NOT 'need' it. This alone should not determine a marriage.

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    Tue May 03 2005

    To take a line from an ex-girlfriend: WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS?!

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    Terrible reason. Go masturbate if you're that desperate.

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    Fri Dec 10 2004

    When your wife is wiping her mouth after you kiss her (during sex) -- it is a bad sign. Especially if she has never done it after 19 years of marriage.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    This one is a real challenge, but if there aren't other problems in the marriage, this is a lousy reason to get a divorce. The one who always wants the sex, has to be willing to work to stoke the fires. If not, nothing happens. Some folks just expect sex as their due for getting married. And some people could be very happily married without having sex. Those who expect sex as part of the marital package are often bad, sloppy lovers. They aren't willing to work to make it worthwhile. And the sexually apathetic likely made it known before walking down the aisle. If everyting fails sexually, there's always Rosy Palms and Many Fingers.

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    Mon May 10 2004

    Talking is good. Find out what the problem is. It can be painful but you need to dig it up and talk it out in a non-abusive, non-blaming way. If it is intractible, yes, I can see leaving.

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    Thu May 06 2004

    Withholding sex whether male or female is a sign that something else is terribly wrong. usually if it is the women it is because she doesnt feel secure with you anymore, you need to start being a servant to her and heal whatever the problem is it is usually a communication problem. If a man is with-holding sex he is usually cheating or there is something personal beef usually physical with him or you. These arent the only reasons just the most common. Bottom line people need to communicate and stop being afraid to talk about sex and anything else that may be uncomfortable, you are married. When you get married you no longer belong to yourself but you have literally given yourself to your spouse. If people looked at marriage in a real way instead of like some freakin fairytale you would get along better. Stop expecting your spouse to be perfect. Your not.

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    Tue Mar 30 2004

    One old girlfriend almost never wanted to sleep with me. It would only happen on special occasions. Other than that the relationship was great. I used to ask her why we never had sex and she said that she just wasn't a particularly horny girl. This was ok with me at first but it started bugging at me, especially since my buddies were bragging about how often they were sleeping with their girlfriends. I assumed that the girl was cheating on me so I broke up with her. As it turned out, the reason she didn't want to sleep with me was because I was a bad lover. I found that out the hard way: my next girlfriend told me. Point being, you might need to ask yourself why your wife isn't sleeping with you before you get a divorce. Try getting in shape, watch a better sex video, treat her better, be more spontaneous, and more romantic. If none of this works and you're still clueless, and still not getting any, then you need to sit down and ask her what's up - find out what needs of hers... Read more

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    Physical attraction is a key part of any relationship. Someone better light up the fire if they expect to keep the show going or else it's going to lead to even bigger problems.

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    Wed Oct 22 2003

    I think if someone was to leave their spouse because of sex problems, then I would say they never truly loved their spouse to begin with. Marriage and love is more than just sex...get real...