Red Stripe Lager

Approval Rate: 77%

77%Approval ratio

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    Sat May 28 2011

    Not good. Not good at all.

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    Mon Mar 28 2011

    A decent lager.Not the best,but far from the worst.

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    Sun Mar 27 2011

    It's not bad at all. I'm giving it three stars because it reminds me of someone who sucks. Not bitter, just honest.

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    Sun Mar 27 2011

    This is a Decent, passable beer. There are far worse beers in the world but for my Money, there are better beers out there too.

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    Wed Mar 09 2011

    I finally caved in to the clever advertising and bought a pack of this stuff last year. It must be one of the blandest, most uninteresting beers I've ever had. My wife still loves the cool bottle shape and the funny Jamaican guy, but I really can't believe people actually pay a premium for this stuff. Another tribute to brilliant marketing.

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    Wed Apr 28 2010

    Just got back from Montego Bay.. It's pushed as much on you as pot is there. Anyway, I like ALL beer, so take that with a grain of salt. I disagree with Jeremy. This beer is best almost freezing. It kind of cuts the bite. Atleast it's not skunky like some of the other lagers can be.

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    Sun Nov 01 2009

    You know... I'm drinking it right now, and I have to say that it isn't great... BUT it is very good, if you understand my meaning. It definitely has a very domestic taste at first, however after you take the first sip, you get a sweetness and a good solid lager taste. It is almost like what Bud or Bud Light SHOULD taste like. It isn't anywhere near my favorite, but it definitely is the best "lets get drunk and party" beer. Also, it has a decently high alcohol content (4.7%) for a beer that is very drinkable (as Bud Light would say). I would give it a solid 3.5 stars if it would let me. Wouldn't buy it all the time, but it is definitely worth the price every once in a while when you want a party beer thats better than crappy American stuff.

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    Mon Jun 22 2009

    I have heard many people say that Red Stripe tastes just like Coors Light. In Jamaica, it is essentially that--a budget-priced domestic brew. It is not strong, but it is not exactly pleasant. I do not understand why anyone would pay import prices for this beer. Not worth the money!

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    Tue Apr 21 2009

    This is a solid beer and tastes great ice-cold on a hot day. I don't like sticky beer labels so the funky bottle with the painted-on label also appeals to me. My second-favorite export from Jamaica.

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    sweet fruity beer, a thin head that vanishes in minutes... This is an underated lager that rivals the best american macro brews

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    Sun Aug 24 2008

    Way over-rated. A very average brew, probably not as good as Bud really. Might be great in Jamaica but that could be due to the beautiful surroundings. Cool bottle (a stubby) with a painted-on label.  Update: Tried another bottle. Raised my rating one star to three total.  Still way over-rated on this forum.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    Had it once.  Wouldn't bother with a second try, though.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    Im fed up with the double standard.......Its OK for red stripe to say "Helping our white friends dance for over 70 years" Why cant websters dictionary say "Helping our black freinds read for over 2oo years"

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    Nothing special, a drinkable Caribbean lager pretty typical of the type.

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    Sat Mar 22 2008

    A fun beer due to its funny ads and unique bottle shape, but really an unspectacular (but not bad) beer. . .drinkable, but nothing to shout about. . .

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    It's all right, but nothing to write home about.

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    Mon Oct 29 2007

    Decent but not great beer from Jamaica that comes in a funny little bottle. Nothing special.

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    Wed Aug 15 2007

    This is just a so so beer.   Their commercials that play in the United States are lame and so is the beer.

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    Wed Jul 04 2007

    Great beer on a hot day... like today July 4th...2007.. Great price at local market $9.99 a twelver. Nice and smooth goes down easy, oh and da ladies like it!!! Ya Mon!!!

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    Wed May 30 2007

    Its ok. Kind of overpriced. I guess shipping from Jamaica costs a lot.

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    Mon May 14 2007

    I usually only drink Red Stripe when I am in Jamaica. I do prefer Red Stripe Light over regular Red Stripe. It's much less filling. I will drink regular if there is no light.

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    Mon Nov 13 2006

    Nothing offensive about Red Stripe, nothing special either.

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    Mon Nov 13 2006

    No awful. Would be better if I were actually sitting in Jamaica having one. Love the commercials though. Hooray beer!

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    Mon Nov 13 2006

    It's not exactly skunk wizz, but it's not enjoyable either. I guess it will suffice in a quick fix, but I really didn't like this one.

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    Tue Sep 26 2006

    Pure Jamaican Pisswater! It has that patented bottom of the ashtray taste. This beer falls in the same category of Corona, WAAAAAAAY overrated premium beer.

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    Sat Jul 08 2006

    This is a solid, refreshing beer. Perfect for hitting the club. Always makes me want to fight, but also makes you right for spittin' game to the ladies.

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    Fri Jun 17 2005

    This commercial is awesome; it is out right now. Jamaican Man: Sir, do you consider yourself ugly? Ugly white man: Well, actually no I... Jamaican man: YES!, you are very ugly; here hold this Red Stripe. See you are beautiful. Red Stripe... it's beer hooray beer. Ugly white man: Hooray beer. Jamaican man: ...Says the beautiful man. You can see this commercial every day on ESPN during Pardon the Interruption. Weekdays at 5:30 est. BTW, the beer tastes great.

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    I didn't know what to expect from Jamaican beer, but was pleasantly surprised. Smooth and goes down easy.

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    Thu Jun 24 2004

    Okay beer, bold and crisp although Banks from the Barbados is better. Funniest beer commercials I've seen since the old Rainier beer ads of the early 80's

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    Thu Jun 24 2004

    For a Jamaican beer, tastes quite American. I found it quite tasty while downing bottles on a hot day in Montego Bay. The little beachside Tiki bar at Sandals only sold Red Stripe; but I would always go to the bartender and ask for something arcane like an Amstel Lite or a Yuengling Black and Tan. The native laughed with me but I'm sure he had visions of smashing my skull with a bottle of Red Stripe by the 20th time I did that. Being a big fan of Ian Fleming's James Bond, Fleming always talked about Red Stripe in some of his early books (Like Dr. No). I kind of had a genuine curiosity of the beer based on that. You can get it just about anywhere now and it's worth a try.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    This beer tastes great after a long day of shoveling elephant shi- Nice bottle!

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    Sun Mar 07 2004

    I saw my yuppie friend drinking this beer, and the only thing that struck me was the bottle. Some years later I saw it in a liquor store, so I bought a pack. I was surprised its not a great beer, but pretty damn smooth let really warm in taste. To me it taste best near lukewarm, not so great cold.

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    Sat Mar 06 2004

    Average beer but available in a 500ml can... also a favourite of rock bands for some reason.

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    Mon Feb 09 2004

    A pissy little plain domestic tasting beer from a cute little bottle.

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    Mon Aug 25 2003

    Made with real Jamaicans!

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    Thu Jun 05 2003

    Not bad. A no-frills meat and potatoes beer (or maybe jerk chicken and plantains is more like it) that's unpretentious. This has to be ice cold to really work right, mon.

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    Fri Jan 24 2003

    I give it a 2 for the cool little medicine bottle it comes in!

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    Tue Jan 08 2002

    The "COOL" beer!!

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    Fri Oct 06 2000

    Here is an unfortunate story about Red Stripe. Back in 1992 I was bartending at a yuppie bar in Washington DC. I remember one weekend, everybody started asking for Red Stripes. I couldn't understand it - I had sold maybe 3 in 2 years of bartending, then in one weekend, I sold about 50. It turns out the movie The Firm had just come out, and apparently there had been a scene in the movie with Tom Cruise drinking a Red Stripe. So, all the young lawyers and political types who hung out at this bar started asking for it. I don't know why this experience disturbed me so much, but it did... Oh yeah, and the beer sucks too, unless you are lying on a beach in Jamaica.

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    Thu Sep 14 2000

    I kind of dig the funky small bottle, but I think this beer (Carribbean, right?) is pretty average.

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    Tue May 16 2000

    I remember drinking these on the beach when I was in Jamaica. They tasted great even though they were not always super cold because of poor refidgeration in Jamaica. Great little hand grenad bottles are a nice feature to the beer.

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    Tue May 16 2000

    the only thing distinctive about this beer is that it's Jamaican and that someone thought it was worth exporting. Taste wise there's nothing that special about it. cool bottle though.

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    Tue May 16 2000

    Tastes pretty good when you are sitting on a beach in Jamaica, but tastes like crap when you are drinking it back home.