Red Man

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sat Mar 06 2010

    I have to say Red Man chew is really good. The only kind i have tried is the Golden Blend and it taste really sweet and moist, it also produces a pretty good buzz, as it has about half the buzz you would get off of cope wintergreen or grizz green. I recently switched to Red Man after dipping cope and grizz for awhile. Reason why, is because my lip was starting to get pretty chewed up and red man is really mild and does not irritate my cheek at all. Overall Red Man is a really great product and highly recomended.

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    Mon Feb 01 2010

    i am 16 living in texas down here kids dip like no other. i use to live in iowa and no kids i tried some dips and they tasted horrable, then i tried then i tried redman it was a great taste a little like raisens but still better than anything else and i know i should not chew but screw u big iowa go marshall mavs

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    Good Chew to start with if you have never dipped from a can. i would go thru a bag or two of this before moving on to a can.

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    I grew up on this stuff as a young whipper snapper. Pretty much all my buddies chew'd skoal back then. One time I took a big ole wad of skoal cherry and made the mishap of swallering it.. Needless to say I wasnt feeling to well after that episode. So I switched on over to REDMAN golden blend.. I fell in love with this stuff. Too bad its over priced these days for such a small bag. I recently switched over to snuff for the cheaper tobacco.

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    redman is the only chew ive tried in the leafs i instantly like it better than any other thing ive chewed before

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    Thu Nov 19 2009

    I'm going to start off by saying that red man (classic) is the only leaf tobacco chew I've ever tried, and as a dipper, I'm quite positive at this point that I'm going to stick to snuff. That's not to say that this is a bad product though, I only say that because I'm just not a fan of having a massive wad of tobacco between my cheek and gums. The flavor of Red Man has got to be a better flavor than any can of dip I've ever had (and I've had a lot of different dips). It's sweet, mapley, and long lasting, which is perfect for any chewing tobacco. I told myself "if they could put this exact same flavor into a dip, it would probably be the last brand of dip I'd ever buy." So i made the mistake of buying a can of Red Man Straight dip, hoping it would taste similar to the chewing tobacco, and I was thoroughly disappointed because it tasted like ass >.> I give this product a 4 out of 5 because the flavor is better than anything I've ever had before, but the buzz sucks.

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    A classic. My recent sample was a bit dry, and it had a very strong cigar-leaf taste. Produced a lot of spit, but could have lasted a little longer. Still, something every chewer must try.

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    Mon Oct 05 2009

    Years ago I used to chew RedMan. It was my favorite chewing tobacco. If you chew tobacco, RedMan is a brand that you'll want to try. I give it a 5 star rating.

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    Sun Sep 20 2009

    I tried redman for the first time at a baseball tourney in my hotel room. My buddy bought a pouch of green label and i took some in a baggy and tried it. Ever since the first chaw i cant get enough of it. I usually finish a pouch and wait a week or two then buy another. just cuz i get so used to it im chewin like a fifth of the pouch ever dip. Kind of a mild to moderate buzz. but cycling it every couple of weeks keeps me from getting too used to it. I Love it tho. when I smell a new pouch its like the first time i lost my virginity lol. Great Chaw!

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    Sat Sep 19 2009

    What I like about redman.. my story of using this starts with my uncle joe. he passed away last december at the age of 96, when i was a young boy (around 8 years) he gave me a dab of this and i was immediatly hooked.. mind you, i instantly spat it out, but it did have a great taste. I chew this for you and in memory of you joe Rip joe, ill miss you

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    Tue Aug 04 2009

    Personally, I like Redman Golden Blend the best. Levi garret is okay, but not as good as Golden Blend, it has way to much stems in it. I also really like the seal on the bag because it keeps the great taste longer! Unlike Levi, which you have to roll back up! 5!

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    Fri Jun 26 2009

    Ill be straight im a redneck. I started off dippin cope and finally discovered redman from a country song by david allan coe. I still dip now and then but I do redman probably everyday. I dont get why yall are sayin its a bad price. I work on the reservation and i buy it there its only 2. 45 which is less than a tin of any GOOD dip. Redman deffinitley beats everything though.

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Great chew, love the loose leaf, hate the price. I buy a pouch once a month for a treat

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    i can't stand dipping. nothing like a mouthful of redman to put your mind at ease.

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    i dip more than i chew because its cheaper tasts better and grizz is great 1 time a mounth i ll get a bag of red man green bleed its moist as hell gold is stronger.

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    Sun May 03 2009

    Been chewing redman for years, had to quit snuff made my mouth raw because of glass in it unlike redman just has sweet juices and tastes great with Jack Daniels too...

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    Sat Apr 04 2009

    Im a man that enjoys a good chew. Not dip! Everyone has there own style and mine is leaf. Redman in a can is way way different than the pouch and i didnt enjoi it at all. Redman OG, select, and golden blend have a surprisingly great taste and it gives you a crazy head rush. Skoal and cope arent my thing but you pull out a pouch of Redman i give you respect. Either that or ill ask you for some!!!

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    Sun Mar 01 2009

    Redman Golden blend is a very mild chew, it falls between weak chew and strong chew. I personally like Golden blend because it has strong leaves, and the enjoyable raisin flavor it gives. So if u are looking for a great chew get redman golden blend because you wont be disappointed. But to be honest everyone has there own opinion.

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    Fri Feb 20 2009

    I like Redman. I comes in that handy sack and you can store stuff in it after you have chewed all the leaf.

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    Fri Feb 13 2009

    Red Man(green label) is a nice chewing tobacco to have it's not my personal favorite which is Beech-Nut Original.But I'd go for Red Man when I crave that nice raisin casing and the nice texture that it has on occassion:)

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    Sun Feb 08 2009

    i am only 14 and i know i shouldnt chew but i do and i have tried all kinds of redman chew and the golden has to be the best it is the most moist and has the most flavor i do not usually dip i only chew!

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    FYI! Redman Tobacco is made by Pinkerton Tobacco, which is owned by Swedish Match. All Pinkerton Tobacco Products are made in the USA! In North Carolina to be exact. The reason that Redaman, Timberwolf and Longhorn cost less is that they do not spend` HUGE money to promote their product. Quality DOES NOT have to cost more.

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    Mon Jan 05 2009


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    Sat Jan 03 2009

    i am trying it right now for the first time (tloose leaf). I am a skoal straight guy, so this loose leaf is new to me. so far i don't like it but im sure it just takes getting use to. i got use to cope so if i can get use to cope this should be easy. i put in a nice size wad of it and within 10 seconds i had to spit! this stuff is crazy.

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    Sun Dec 21 2008

    its damn good, great swichup if your gums get raw from diping copenhagen too much

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    Thu Dec 18 2008

    Golden blend=good leaf tobacoo

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    Redman dip aint bad,  but if im gonna put in a a fat chaw then it has to be redman.

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    There's nothing as good as Red Man in the green pouch. I've chewed it for over 40 years, and it never fails to satisfy. Other varieties of Red Man don't come near the taste of the original. It's virtually stem free and has a consistent quality. I've found it spits better than other brands. It chock full of those good vitamins, minerals, and proteins all men need. I chew two pouches a day.

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    i love redman chew. the original is good, but golden blend is where its at. both have good flavor and texture, but golden blend has a little sweeter, longer lasting flavor. the texture is a little bit softer with golden blend also. one of the best chews ive ever had, and ive had alot

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I Like the fine cut in the can that's pretty good im not a fan of the wintergreens because they burn to much but redman is pretty good and plus its cheap so you can't go wrong

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I think redman is a good chew. I like the sweet flavor but it taste a lil to much like raisens. Do yall have any other suggestions on any other chew that doents taste like raisans?

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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    This review is for the Redman moist snuff. I tried the natural fine cut and found it way too sweet for my tastes, I like my natural flavors to be more like pure tobacco. I didn't try the wintergreen because I can't stand wintergreen flavorings.

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    Wed Aug 20 2008

    it's good, definitely worth bumming off a friend, but 6 bucks is a lot to drop at once. love the natural flavor, but i find it easier to dip instead of chew.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    I chew Redman Silver Blend, I have noticed that from time to time (More than not) the tobacco I buy isn't as good as it used to be. I am 52 years old and have been chewing RedMan all my life and now alot of times when I buy a pack of tobacco it is dry, brown in color, and has alot of stems in it. Compared to it should be almost black and moist with very few stems. I know when the guy comes around from RedMan giving out free samples that's when you get the best product, the leaves have been coated with the flavor that makes them black and almost sticky and not having hardly any stems. I am getting tired of buying dried out tobacco with NO flavor and I know that the Pinkerton Company can do better. At a time when prices are over $3.00 a pack, that isn't the time to be cutting back on quality if you want to keep me as a customer. And I know there are others here that have to feel the same way.  I rest my case. Joe P from Virginia

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    i love red man, it doesn't make me sick, and i like to switch it up between skoal and red man/levi. in dip, i don't dip anything but skoal, and i buy red man more than levi in long leaf. i like the flavor of red man better than levi. and it lasts longer in my opinion. it's so amazingly good. and it's a better value than dip because you get double in the pouch. unless you take huge dips of it, it lasts between 2-3 days for me. and i like to take BIG dips. also, it's awesome because it's resealable. =]

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    redman chew (the original stuff in the pouch) is pretty good. it was actually the first chew i ever tried and probably like most people, it made me completely sick lol. but now that i've gotten used to the nicotene, it's pretty good stuff. very sweet like raisens and apples with a good woody tobacco flavor. it really makes me want to try more long leaf brands. but this review is more about redman straight (in the can). most "straight" flavors just taste like a watered-down wintergreen but this actually has some complex flavor going on. lots of lemon with some vanilla, honey, and mint in the background. a very fresh taste that doesnt taste chemically at all. i havent been able to find this stuff anywhere but i was able to try some through a friend of mine. i've heard it's cheap though. definitely worth trying if you havent yet.

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    Levi is WAY better

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    nuttin better than puttin in some long leaf redman, i love this stuff i will never anything different the only other stuff i like is levi but redman i always look forward to some.

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    Tue May 27 2008

    Red man is a quality dip at a cheap price! Red man wintergreen in a can was good. The original redman in the pouch is soooo good, it tastes like honey! I never really liked leaf chew but now I love Red man! The only downside is that it doesnt give as much of a kick as actual dip (long cut)

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    Thu May 22 2008

    well it depends on if it;s the cans or the bags. the cans well i enjoy straight, but it's a lil bit sweeter then grizz. but it's a smooth dip the smell won't knock you out.

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    Sun May 18 2008

    redmans good as hell bout the best kinda dip ive tried

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    Sun May 11 2008

    red man is the best type of chew i love it and hope more people get into it try red man golden blend it is very sweet and good for beginners also give red man original a try i like it also and thats why i give it a 5 star rating!!!

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    Wed Apr 30 2008

    busty- like gnawin' on a brown sock- better off suckin' popsicle sticks- Beechnut makes Redman weep and moan like a little girl- owned by a Swedish Co.- not worth the price of admission- might make good garden mulch- keep the bugs and slugs away unless they want to scat in it- butt bad ugly

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    Sat Apr 12 2008

    Redman is one of my favorite chews. its my 2nd choice, if i cant find levi garrett then ill get redman

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    Thu Apr 03 2008

    i just bought acan of redman fine cut natural it is a ok chew but not strong enough i will never buy it again i think i will stick whith my copenhagen snuff

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    im a girl who chews red man and i love it red man is just the greatest i alse enjoy a really big chew of silver blend red man nothing like it i chew a pack a day i would like to meet othere girl chewers 5

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    Thu Feb 14 2008

    i find that Redman has a very strong taste of raisins. but at the same time it has a great tobacco tastse - not to salty. i also find that Redman isnt strong enough but then again i have only tried the original. overall it is a great chew.  i like skoal over all other chews though!

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    Sun Jan 20 2008

    a classic my great grandad chewed it i chew it AMERCAS BEST CHEW ( plug is my fave)