RC Cola
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by amber74
Thu Feb 17 2011I think RC cola is a good, low cost alternative to Coke or Pepsi.
by brocksamson
Wed Feb 16 2011Leaves a strange, foul aftertaste.
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Jul 11 2010It's ok I guess, it's a bit too bland for my taste though.
by rararambler
Fri Mar 12 2010It erodes your teeth and stomach lining
by rjohnson71
Fri Sep 11 2009I used to drink RC Cola but it left a very bad aftertaste in my mouth. I quit drinking them. It's probably been 15-17 years since I last drank an RC. Unless they get rid of the aftertaste, I don't think that I'll drink RC again.
by dperea8
Thu Jul 30 2009RC makes the rebel in the breakfast club feel like he's trying to hard to be cool. It's the socially noncommittal Soda, it 's the soda that doesn't get all attached after a night of passionate sex, and when you say to it, "but I thought we had something," its reply is, "it's just soda." It the "whatever soda." No trying to be cool, no agenda, no posturing. Non polarizing. It's the soda genuinely cool enough to truely do it's own thing
by bitchassjosh
Mon Jul 06 2009This one is far too sweet for me! Ive only had it a few times because it is fairly hard to find, but each time I tell myself it will be the last time. Then I come across one and am always like, "well, maybe this time......" Yeah, but that never happens....
by lma3113
Sun Jun 21 2009When I was little I thought RC Cola was a total knock off of Coke. I remember thinking "who the hell drinks this?" One day I found myself with a can in my hand, and it wasn't at all bad. I felt it has a really old-fashioned type of cola flavor to it, and was a nice flavor change to coke or pepsi! I judged by the cover when I was younger and I shall judge by the cover no more!
by ryan_c
Tue Jun 02 2009RC Cola is the best of the cola products to me. It is sweeter than Coca-Cola and Pepsi, but it is not too sweet. It has no after taste and is refreshing.
by fitman
Thu Feb 26 2009Damned Yankees don't like it, but southern gourmets know it's the perfect compliment to a Moon Pie.
by automatt
Thu Feb 26 2009Cola flavor is a "fantasia" flavor, meaning that it is made by mixing together other common flavors that taste like something new when they're combined. Cola flavor is made by mixing citrus, vanilla, and cinnamon flavors together. If they're not in balance, the cola will taste more like one of these flavors. Pepsi, for example, has always been a little more citrusy. Coca-cola uses a very careful balance -- if anything it leans to the vanilla side -- and uses orange for part of its citrus note instead of the lemon in Pepsi. RC Cola has always leaned too much on the cinnamon side for me. But different batches have tasted differently to me over the years. I suspect that their quality control isn't the greatest, or they keep mucking around with the formula.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Feb 26 2009I don't think I've had one of these since Purple Rain was in all the theatres so I have to go by memory. Better than those 89 cent per 2 liter supermarket brands that have a polar bear with shades on and a college sweater giving you a thumbs up, that's for sure.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Feb 26 2009Redneck Cola, as my Okie friend Mad Hatter calls it. Its cheap and mixes with alcohol well enough. What more could a redneck want?
by randyman
Thu Feb 26 2009RC was fairly popular when I was a kid. I haven't seen it in years. At the time I preferred it over Coke. RC and pixie Sticks was my favorite combo. Anyone remember Pixie Sticks? Or am I showing my age?
by canadasucks
Thu Feb 26 2009Found in certain geographic locations in the greater 48. Probably the greatest ghetto soda out there - pales in the shadow of a few others, but for the price it's pretty decent.
by molfan
Thu Oct 30 2008okay. not my first choice of a cola drink. tastes okay but seems like a "cheaper" cola drink. not awful but would drink other sodas before I would pick this one.
by burritoman
Tue Aug 12 2008It is the only cola to drink when enjoying an EL Famous Burrito in Naperville Illinois. The flavor is great and the diet RC is just about as good. Better than pepsi or coke when served from a soda fountain.
by donovan
Wed Apr 23 2008Do they still make RC Cola? When I was a child an RC Cola and a Hershey's with Almonds candy bar was about as good as it gets.
by rrusilowicz
Mon Feb 11 2008I used to by RC Cola when they used to make it in 3 LITER Plastic containers. I bought it every day, but since many visits with my dentist, I try to drink mostly water and reserve this is as a treat or with dinner. ONE OF THE BEST COLA'S OF MY CHILDHOOD AND I STILL LOVE IT! BEST.COLA.EVER!
by twansalem
Mon May 07 2007I don't like any of the colas, so RC isn't any better or worse than Coke or Pepsi as far as I'm concerned. Although for some reason I do seem to like every song I've ever heard that mentions RC Cola.
by 25yowm
Fri Apr 13 2007What a crappy flavor; it tastes like Coke minus any kind of sweetener. Best served at BBQ's where you hate all the guests. Get what you pay for with this brand...
by cray57e4
Fri Apr 14 2006My favorite of the colas.
by operator_409
Mon Apr 10 2006What you settle for when you can't scrape up enough pocket change for Pepsi or Coke. Tastes bitter, and smells even worse, (yes, it has the most distinctive smell of the 3 major brands).
by frogger20190
Fri Mar 31 2006I had it recently and I think they changed the formula--it seemed more syrupy than I remember. I always try to support the "underdog," so I hope it was a bad batch of RC I purchased.
by step2me
Fri Feb 17 2006RC is good stuff.
by saltwater
Thu Jan 05 2006i use to buy a 16oz. rc every day on the way home from grade school in the late 50s. as far as i know, rc was the first to have a 16 ounce bottle. i have enjoyed it eversince. i have a rare 12 oz. bottle it has a star at the base of the neck. has anyone saw one of these? [email protected].
by johntucker
Thu Sep 08 2005Started drinking RC Cola as a kid growing up in Michigan about 1960. RC Cola came in 16 ounce bottles for the same price as Coca Cola and Pepsi in 12 ounce bottles. As a kid I enjoyed the extra 4 ounces of RC Cola. I drink Coke and Pepsi, but truly like the taste of RC Cola the most.
by rushboy
Sat Aug 27 2005I like this cola its a really cool cola .
by texasyankee
Thu Aug 25 2005I don't think it has enough flavor. It reminds me of Walmart cola brand.
by traderboy
Mon Jun 27 2005Royal Crown Cola is the ideal synthesis of the two leading soft drinks in this country (and elsewhere). More mellow than Coca-Cola, but nowhere near as syrupy as Pepsi-Cola. The fizz rate is decent at 9 hours (Coke goes flat in 11 hours, and Pepsi peters out in 8 hours), and a belch with a mouthful won't burn your nostrils. Not as difficult to locate as you'd imagine (what with the cuttthroat marketing of the Big Two). As long as they keep makin' it, I'll keep reaching for it.
by sfalconer
Wed Apr 06 2005RC Cola is a good cola it probably ranks right under Coke and Pepsi.
by mrgrimwood
Sun Mar 20 2005RC Cola is the Best. Coke is okay in a cold can, and Pepsi is the only decent fountain cola. But if it comes down to an ice cold Cola, or a fountain(if you can find RC tap), or from a glass bottle; RC is by far the best. And you've had Coke and Pepsi Slushies; but if you ever have oppurtunity to have an RC that way(can in freezer for hour), you'll never look back. If you opinion is based on an RC bottled in plastic, your opinion doesn't count. We all know that plastic destroys COLA and ROOTBEER.
by ryanmural
Sun Mar 20 2005Nothing like the cool crisp Refreshing taste of RC. The fresher Refresher.
by rcrules
Sun Mar 20 2005VERY GOOD COLA. better than coke and pepsi.
by dalewh7
Mon Feb 21 2005tasted a lot better colas
by excelsior30
Wed Feb 16 2005Really, I tried it with other colas and this tastes the worst. I have to say, this cola is missing something and it's flatter than the others.
by leth1e50
Fri Jan 21 2005This is a fantastic soda, especially in the glass bottle. With a rich, almost barky taste, with sweet sugar overtones, it has much more 'cola' in it than Pepsi. Right up there with Boylans.
by alexg681
Fri Jan 07 2005I haven't had much of it but RC is good, but not quite Coke and Pepsi.
by ithastabeshast_a
Sat Dec 18 2004RC is a much better product than the big 2.
by chalky
Mon Oct 25 2004are you guys kings and queens????? what are you doing drinking 'royal crown' cola........seriously, i didn't know they still made it......too cool for school
by wolfxxx
Wed Oct 20 2004The Best!!!! Ive been drinking rc for over 25 years and will not drink any other colas.
by fester
Tue Sep 28 2004Rc Cola is the perfect cola past,present, and future. Coke is too acidic while Pespsi has a strong alkaline taste to it. Also, the Nehi flavours are back in bottles and circulating in South Carolina so keep an eye out. My pick:A RC cola and Royal Crown whiskey! ahhhhh... the perfect match.
by broughall
Sun Sep 26 2004I like colas and will drink Coke and Pepsi. However, if I can find RC I won't touch anything else. Smooth and not so sweet as the big two. Perfect! Hadn't been able to find it for over 6 years and just stumbled on it again today. Very hard to find in southern Ontario.
by bonniebell
Sat Sep 25 2004I LOVE RC Cola,I cannot tolerate Pepsi or Coke,sure don't understand the hype.If for some reason I cannot find RC,I will drink Faygo,but never Pepsi or Coke. My local Krogers had a sale on 6pks,buy 10 for $10,they ran out so fast I didn't get there on time,I've gone back sevseral times with my coupon,but they don't normally sell 6pks.,I've asked them to start selling it that way,but they don't. A short story-when I was a child,my parents owned a neighborhood store,the RC came in wooden crates,my brother would build his home made carts and racers out of them,he was about 5 and didn't know that wheels needed axles.He hammered wheels on,when he drove from the top of the hill,the wheels would fly off,but those crates held up. I've often thought about writing the company to say thank you for a superb product,your other products are great too.So-thank you
by mad_hatter
Sat Sep 25 2004It tastes good and it's cheap. Can't go wrong with Redneck Cola. (R: Redneck C: Cola lol)
by grouper
Thu Jul 29 2004Best of the canned colas
by doctor_of_madness
Wed Jul 28 2004It's one of those sad things. If quality and taste actually mattered,RC would be thought of as 'The Taste of America.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Thu Jul 15 2004The only colas I like are Pepsi and Coke.
by lburns
Mon Jun 28 2004I grew up drinking RC Cola with peanuts then RC just disappeared. I'll never forget going to the store and picking up a bottle popping the cap and scratching the cork out to see if there was a RC diamond which you could redeem for a free drink. I've tried Coke and Pepsi with peanuts but neither comes close to the smooth sweet taste of RC. Now I'm hooked on the new glass bottled ones which are much better than the plastic. (I don't know why) I hope they keep them around for a long time. Long live RC Cola.