Ray Comfort
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 45
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Aug 19 2010In the old days, people like Dick Clark would put a multitude of bands and singers- from big or famous performers to barely remembered one hit wonders- on grueling bus tours in which the acts were supposed to come out and quickly play their hit or two before being shuffled offstage. Ray Comfort sounds like someone at the bottom of the bill, with a hit so saccharine, wimpy, and effete that Gerry and The Pacemakers called Ray a euphemism for a vagina.
by anonymoustoo
Fri Apr 02 2010I just love the way he presents the Gospel! He is bold and fearless. The impact my take years. I remember how I used to be and believe me I was real mean to any Christian trying to convert me even used some words I cannot repeat but thank God someone gave me the Gospel and what Jesus did for the Salvation of sinners. Those words were like seeds that sprung up about 20 yrs later. It takes time for fruit to ripen. God will draw all of the people His has chosen. I think people over-rate themselves as good but we are not good but depraved until Jesus gives us His righteousness and none will ever be perfect before God without the blood of Jesus to wash us and atone for our sins. Thank goodness Jesus paid in full for our sins when none of us deserved the love & forgiveness of this sinless Lamb of God. From the Christian Perspective, I think Ray Comfort gets it right when he first gives people the Mosaic law (ten commandments) to show no one could ever keep the law according to God's standa... Read more
by aposor
Tue Mar 02 2010I have been on both sides of the aisle and have watched Charismatics witness of which I can say when it is truly under the annointing of the Holy Ghost there is a demonstration of power..the usaved are saved..the captives and opressed are freed..that is the gospel and the kingdom of God. However there is the flaky side of walking into bars and Casinos and telling people that God loves them which is okay but I don't think there is any real impact those people forget and probably dismiss them as religious kooks trying to spoil thier party. The Way of the master approach to evangelism is the gospel..it is the good news of Jesus Christ and preaching that to the lost and the opressed. ..I was saved by the Gideons coming to my workplace and passing out new testament bibles..God does the work but we are the workmen. I think that the tracts, the coins, even the fake wallet stuffed with tracts that you leave in a shopping mall is effective. They are useful tools..I have studied the way of the m... Read more
by grissom1954
Sat Dec 13 2008I think that Ray Comfort is doing an excellent job presenting the Gospel..I have used the routine several times and have had good responses. I even showed it to the ladies at church..God bless you and Kirk and keep up the good job!!!! I am praying for you...
by ron_hodgman
Sat Nov 03 2007I do not approve of his dumbing down of Christianity and his one shoe fits all mechanical approach to winning converts to the faith. The Titanic gospel message tract of Ray Comfort really upsets me because of its historical errors. Ray Comfort should do more research and check his facts before making statements that are beyond question not true.
by karenkramer
Thu Oct 25 2007A courageous man who daily overcomes his fear with compassion for humanity. Driven by concern for the Lost he continues to put himself on the front lines.
by petite
Wed Aug 01 2007Ray comforts one size fits all type of evangelisim is creative and under some circumstances may work but in many circumstances does more damage than good his motto "what did jesus do" is only partly practised in his outreach. Jesus didnt approach everyone with the same hell fire and brimstone spiel but to different people he used different techniques and different ways of drawing the peoples interest.
by gentle_jude
Wed May 09 2007Initially I felt Ray was a bit too hard for my liking because God saved me with love (See Jude 22 (King James Version)) as it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance. Knowing that God loved me and was such a gentle, beautiful God, that lead me to truly repent. God already revealed to me that there was a hell and about sin, but it was done with so much love and gentleness.But after growing in Christ and growing in discernment, I've come to see that Ray has a wonderful heart. In the past I gave him a 3 rating, but now I push that up. I don't give him a 5 because although he has a lot of good points (I will get to them), and although we are to warn some people with the fear of God as Ray does, the hellfire method doesn't work on everyone and to preach that this is the ONLY way of saving a person, from experience and even just looking at the rater Beloved's weblist 'Salvation' (hellfire method is almost at the bottom, just read the comments written in this yet gentle love approach ... Read more
by donovan
Sun May 06 2007Ray Comfort is a man of God and this is evident by the working of God in his life and how he is being used. Ray is hitting the streets where the people live asking hard questions. We all should be out there following the Great Commission. Are you doing your part? God needs servants; God needs people, who love people, who are willing to serve.
by bytheblood
Sun Apr 22 2007He teaches repent and believe the gospel. Repent means to change your mind and I agree but it does not mean to turn from sin as he uses it. If you could turn from sin, you could save yourself. Only after you believe the gospel, which is that Jesus died and rose again and that did all that was necessary, then the Holy Spirit turns you from sin. You cannot do it in the flesh!!!! That is one of the reasons people are not being saved because they are not getting a clear definition of the gospel! You cannot use catchphrases!!! Overall, if you have to suffer through most religious programming, he is one of the better ones.
by lisadh
Thu Apr 05 2007I love the way he preaches the gospel ( the 10 commandment aproach). I thought the million dollar bill was kind of weard but then anyone who would try and use it as cash is just dumb .
by doulos
Fri Mar 30 2007Great guy...and great at helping people witness for Jesus Chris with assurance and confidence! FIVE STARS!
by passtheloot
Fri Mar 30 20073 stars for the good laughOn June 1st, 2006, Secret Service agents showed up at the office of Great News Network in Dallas, Texas and demanded their entire stock of $1 million dollar gospel tracts that are produced by Ray Comforts ministry, Living Waters. The tracts are used by Ray Comfort and his co-host Kirk Cameron and have been promoted on their national television program.
by genghisthehun
Fri Feb 23 2007I thought this guy hit the bottom when he started pushing his Pope John Paul II collectible tract card.
by rdj777
Fri Feb 23 2007Biblically sound approach to witnessing Jesus Christ to the lost.
by miragerc
Thu Feb 08 2007From what I know of him, he seems to be biblically accurate. He challenges non believers to examine the Ten Commandments as measuring stick for their goodness. This makes them see that they aren't so good. I like his approach and from what I've seen of him, I can't say anything bad about. As some have suggested, his ties with Kirk Cameron are cause for a little concern because I don't agree with the whole Left Behind series. However, that is a secondary issue that no one needs to divide over.
by trustinjesus34_56
Wed Jan 24 2007Uses methods that are biblical.
by moby11
Fri Jan 19 2007Excellent evangelist. Great teaching.
by hhhdan
Fri Jan 12 2007His evangelism method is effective. He uses the law, the Bible and the message of the cross in an skillful way. I think he has opened the eyes of many this way. I've heard nothing about the "pope" issues, so I'll reserve comment, I do hope he stays in his gifting, it's effective.
by wicksurprise
Sat Oct 07 2006Ray Comfort speaks the truth and anyone who feels different is living the life of the sinner!
by mikebow
Sun Jul 16 2006I feel very sorry for Ray Comfort and his cohort Kirk Cameron for the simple fact that they have missed the correct definition of repentance which the Bible translates from the original Greek as metanioa- a change of mind - rather than the typical Satanically inspired definition which says we must stop sinning in order to get saved, which is totally wrong because turning and forsaking sins in order to get saved adds an element of works to salvation which totally cancels out God's grace. It's very, very sad that he has such a following of deceived people. If Comfort were to ever actually become born again, he would be a powerful force in spreading the true Gospel, which, by the way, is very simple: first, you realize you are a sinner and cannot save yourself, that God placed all of your sins onto Jesus when He died on the cross, He was buried, and He arose from the dead. If you believe this, God says you are saved. It is soooo sad that Comfort cannot/will not accept the originally inten... Read more
by mattshizzle
Sun May 21 2006An utter moron whose absurd arguments make no sense!
by knowhim
Tue Dec 13 2005Wonderful evangelist. He seems to really stay on tract and not getting lost in the money making scams. He really tells why one needs to know Jesus Christ on judgement day.
by lwc777
Sun Sep 25 2005CAUTION! Listening to Ray Comfort and reading his books may turn you into an active disciple of Jesus Christ!!! You may actually find yourself witnessing and preaching to real sinners... outside the church walls!!! Seriously, I'm not kidding! Ray turns pew warmers into soul winners!!! He will set ablaze the fires of evangelistic zeal within your bones!! www.LivingWatersCanada.com
by michael_angel
Wed Sep 07 2005Ray is one of a kind. Thoughtful and thought provoking.
by mrclm788
Mon Aug 29 2005Very repetitive, but nothing better that you could be repetitive upon.
by efeafeafafeaf
Thu Aug 25 2005Amazing man who has some AMAZING witnessing strategies.
by cloudbusting
Mon Jul 18 2005One of the best! Finally someone who tells it like it is and doesnt water it down to make it more palatable. His Evidence Bible is wonderful stuff!
by edelmann
by melanieg
Mon Apr 25 2005Keep up the good work Mr. Comfort! God is holy and just and alot of people skim over that side of God because they dont want to offend anyone.
by dogpreacha
Wed Mar 30 2005Ray has it right as far as the presentation of the WHOLE Gospel! You must start with the law first(read Apostle Pauls' writings about this...not powerful pauls'). The Law shows us our sin, our state...our plight, if you will, which leaves us in need of a Saviour!there are minor things negative about his shows, but overall a GOOD servant!
by chuckg
Fri Feb 11 2005By the comments I've read so far I'd say that only a few of you are familiar with Ray's teachings. It's odd how you take the time to come in here and write a review on a person or subject you don't appear to know much about??? I've read most of his books - listened to just about all of his tapes - watched him on television - and can say that his teaching is biblically sound. To lend credance to my opinion I'll say that I have attended a Christian University as a Bible major and have studied under what I consider to be some of the greatest theological teachers of our time. I'm a deacon at my church - I teach a class on evangelism in my church on Sunday mornings - and I co-lead our Sunday evening youth worship program. Ray's method of evangelism is the same method that Jesus Himself uses in scripture. In my opinion, Ray Comfort and all of the literature, tapes, programs....that he offers on evangelism are the most biblical sound and therefore most effective way to reach unsaved people.
by powerful_paul
Mon Jan 10 2005Although I think he is a sincere Christian who really wants to equip the Christian for evangelism, and really loves God, I don't agree with his approach. His approach is to mix the Law of Moses with Grace. You can't really do that (you can, but not with sacrificial, or ceremonial laws or observing specific days, or punishments eg putting an adulturer to death). We are under the Law of Love which means we obey God and all the moral principles of the Law, but it is not observing specific days or going to church that gets you saved. The impression I get of him and through some of his writings is that he believes we are saved by grace (believing in the sacrifice and life and Being of Jesus), PLUS obedience to the law. Plus I strongly disagree with his approach to getting people saved. He believes that if we expose thier sins to them under the light of the Ten Commandments, then they will repent and be saved. Ie when you think about it, we should tell a non-Christian that they are ev... Read more
by beelzebub
Sat Dec 04 2004As the Lord said in Epileptics 3:1-4 This guy is a bloodsucking leech. Just another scam artist using the name of the most high and mighty Jeeeeeeeeeeebus to get rich. Hey. Here's another thing, since I have been born again in Jebus, and washed the the blood of the lamb, I'm having a terrible time getting that damned lamb's blood out of my clothes. Any suggestions. Moooo wah ha ha!
by godsword
Sat Oct 30 2004I liked Ray while I was a babe in Christ. The thing that kept me from growing more and more is the continual WOTM evangelism._______ I was pretty interested in his style and approach._________But then I read John 16:7-11._________ It made it pretty clear, I was waving a paid bill in peoples faces and telling them they should look at just what was paid for so they would appreciate it better?._______ WOW, hell's best kept secret is that Christ in you is the hope of glory and upon the revelation that He is the Son of God is the foundation that Christ builds (and continues to build) the church upon and the gates of hell will not prevail against it._________ Ray is EXTREMELY right when he quotes 1 John 1:8-10, and I repeat, if anyone says that they have not sinned is decieving themselves....... however... when God says that I am His son saved by grace through faith, the faith that He gave me, and that I am the righteousness of God, I am not going to dismiss that. ________ I mean come on...... Read more
by daccory
Tue Oct 19 2004How anyone can watch this tripe...for the brainwashed. People, learn to go out and respect everyone as if they are part of you...that's easy to do. You don't need some evangelist telling you that.
by moosekarloff
Tue Oct 19 2004Are these charlatans still on the air? Amazing that the mindless sheep who call themselves religious, or more laughingly, spiritual, still buy into this transparent nonsensical crap. Face it, losers: every single one of these TV evangelists is a money-grubbing phony, and anyone who wastes their time and what limited brain power they have watching this idiocy ought to leave the TV set out in the garbage, where it belongs, and actually pick up a secular book and try to learn something. That is, if they're capable of doing so. Which I doubt.
by tino5513
Mon Oct 04 2004awesome ... I learned alot just by watching 4 minutes!
by alicehinz
Thu Sep 23 2004After 20 years of churchgoing I was finally truly saved after hearing Ray Comfort's message. He presents the Biblical truth of the gospel, not just God for prosperity, comfort, or entertainment. Now that I am a born-again ChristianI use his teachings in my own evangelism outreach. I thank God- he used Ray Comfort's ministry to bring me to Christ.
by mark_at_livingwat_ersco
Tue Sep 21 2004By far the greatest equiper of our time.
by miles_lewis
Tue Sep 21 2004This man is BOLD! The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
by kaddis
Mon Sep 20 2004Outstanding and on FIRE for GOD!!!!
by samandliz2000
Mon Sep 20 2004Awsome evengelist. www.livingwaters.com
by christopher_fontenot
Mon Sep 20 2004Ray tells it like it is!
by gpickypick
Sun Sep 19 2004BIBLICAL evangelism, and the most inspiring live action evangelism I've ever seen.