Randy Moss
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by minkey
Wed Nov 03 2010He's a Titan now, which means I don't have to like him but I've got to cheer for him. He should have success there with Vince Young scrambling around the pocket and creating open plays, especially with defenses keyed in on Chris Johnson. It's been said that Moss is a mess to deal with, but Jeff Fisher has a rep as a guy who keeps players in line, and it's also been said that he is actually good in the locker room and can tutor a guy like Britt. All said in done I'm excited, he should put up some solid numbers and TD's.
by irishgit
Tue Dec 29 2009He's not going to take home the Humility Award, but not many wide-outs are in the running for that anyway. He's a hell of a talent, and while he may have started to lose a step, he runs a precise route and is a near perfect compliment to Welker as a target for Brady.
by pcpeter774
Fri Jul 24 2009Glad he came over here to New England, because I felt the Raiders were wasting his talent. And to anyone who claims he is a shelfish player that is only true if plays for a team not worth being a part of.
by locanflfan
Sat Sep 06 2008Randy Moss is great!!!!!
by millarsux
Sat Sep 06 2008Talented but selfish.
by badgerfan
Mon Dec 17 2007Best reciever of all-time. Nobody can do the things he does. Yeah people call him lazy, but his talent comes so effortlessly, he looks like he isn't trying, but still beating everyone down the feild and jumping over them to catch the ball. His numbers could really be something if Oakland had any kind of a quarterback. I don't care about his off the feild mannor, when you can do what he does on the field, you are great. If anybody disagree, I would be glad to argue.
by hideouslyugly
Sun Dec 09 2007Maybe the other teams he's played for would have been as good if he hadn't had an attitude and dogged it so much.
by diesel78
Thu Oct 25 2007Teams that have played the Patriots this season have learned they must use man-to-man defense sparingly because few teams have a guy who can cover Randy Moss. A recieving yards leader. Best Year Ever!!
by asskickingboot_s
Mon Mar 13 2006Responding to Timmahhh.... Randy Moss is fast, when he's not taking a play off. Randy Moss is TALL, not BIG. He's honestly a lightweight when you compare him to Owen's. Even though I'm not his biggest fan, TO would knock Randy Moss out. There's seriously no comparing the two physically. Moss does have nice hands, but he doesn't fight for the ball well (he can jump for it if it's over the person's head, but he has trouble snagging the ball while getting hit). Moss does shy away from contact. When he does decide to block he does well, but that's a big if. He's infamous for refusing to fight for extra yardage, sometimes even on third downs. You think Randy Moss can't be single covered? Most of the time #1 recievers on virtually any team aren't single covered. It's no big deal. Besides, I've seen Randy Moss get covered like a blanket by a MIDDLE LINEBACKER! Kawika Mitchell was stride for stride on him on the last Oakland play in the fourth quarter during the first Raiders-Chiefs game. T... Read more
by timmahhh
Fri Feb 24 2006awesome reciever, arguebly one of the greatest to play. fast, big, good blocker, and nice hands make him a lethal weapon. Can never be covered with one man and changes defenses around. Media likes to blow every off the field problems up like every stupid **** he says that aren't even worth mentioning. leaving a game that wasn't even close at the end and mooning at lambeau field weren't a big deal, the media likes to exagerate ****.
by runswithwhitew_olves
Thu Jan 12 2006One of the gratest of all time.
by kidcubicle33
Mon Nov 28 2005I am a 49er fan and moss is better than rice but not the desire or will to win just raw talent
by odbtx2ea
Sun Nov 06 2005Randy Moss is a tremendous athlete but an awful person. If all you care about is stats and individual success, I guess he's great. However, if you give a damn at all about integrity, he's a punk-ass bitch who is a bad example to his young fans.
by number1nflfan
Tue Oct 11 2005Yea hes got some crappy show offs n stuff but that doesnt change how good he is hes better then Jerry Rice it just takes time but he will beat all of Jerry Rices current records
by 94_viking
Mon Aug 15 2005Randy is an unique talent. He and his offense have never seemed to have a problem getting the job done. The only thing that has kept Randy from getting a ring is some defensive help. I feel if the Raiders can put an above average defense on the field, Randy will be wearing a ring.
by zuchinibut
Fri Jul 29 2005I'm expecting a Shaq factor this season with the Randy Moss trade. Just like Shaq's departure hurt the Lakers and helped the Heat, I'm expecting Randy Moss' trade to skyrocket the Raiders to the top of the AFC, while the Vikings take a fall. Culpepper is a great player, but he was helped incredibly over his whole career by Moss' ability to get down the field and dominate weaker cornerbacks.
by jnnysdbolts
Thu Jul 28 2005this guy catches good but has an attitude problem and is dumb 4 going to the raiders
by gb4life
Wed May 11 2005he'll never get a ring cause he only cares about himself and his numbers not on his team performance, he wants the ball, and thats it.
by canadasucks
Tue Mar 01 2005Selfish wide recievers don't win jack. If you alienate your teammates, the QB won't throw to your bitch ass, and those offensive lineman that break their fingers and hands won't block for you. Randy will never win anything that matters- no matter how fast he is. What a waste. He's going to love Oakland. . .who's going to throw him the ball?
by brewski
Sun Feb 06 2005No Ring for Raaaanndy....PRICELESS
by cage_rules
Sat Jan 15 2005no class
by tlongff3
Thu Jan 13 2005Sometimes-- there is a very fine line between being a great athelete, and being idiot. Randy Moss has closed the gap. He proved that having great talent does not go hand in hand with having good sense, or using good judgement. I lost a lot of respect for Moss after he walked off the field the previous week. Then, he is given the opportunity to show everyone that he is really not an unproffessional egomaniac, but a true team player. Instead, he seals his fate as the vulgar fool 'most' paymakers/Dealmakers in the NFL thought he was. He is his own worse enemy, and he alone will take himself DOWN.
by beelzebub
Thu Jan 13 2005I hear that Randy Moss wants to bring back minstrel shows. Yassuh, boss, I'ze a real good playuh. Human trash, proving that talent and money can't buy class.
by mcgowan
Thu Jan 13 2005Regardless of talent , he has always been a totally selfish egomaniac , from the his first day in the NFL . A veteran like Vince Carter,who played 15 years , tried to straighten him out , and Moss just blew him off . And he hasn't changed at all since . And last sunday's mock mooning/wiping his ass on the goal post act , was the last straw . He deserves no respect,because he has never shown any behavior , even close enough , to being worthy of it.
by gooch0013
Tue Jan 11 2005Randy Moss has enormous talent. No one can dispute that. Also, that Moss is lacking in charator and heart is indisputable. However, to jump on Moss about his mime mooning and leaving the field early against the Redskins, is like making fun of Bush's funny faces. Moss is what he is. Joe Buck must be a sheltered puritanic saint to say that Moss's antics were disgusting. Joe Buck thinks that Terrell Owens antics are funny. It was a pretend act,not the real thing. Maybe America needs to have an athlete wave his dingus to the crowd to realize how petty Moss's actions were. I don't even like the Vikings, but I have to defend Moss on this huge over reaction.
by alpepper
Tue Jan 11 2005When he first broke into the league, he was the best receiver in the NFL. He would get more TD receptions in a game than Keyshawn in a season. He is still in the top echelon, but I would drop him down to Top-5, picking T.O., Marvin Harrison, and Tory Holt over him. As for his personality, his goofiness should be no surprise to anybody. He was kicked out of the U. of Miami for detrimental behavior (I did not think that was even possible) and he went way down in the draft because of this risk. Moss kept his nose clean early on; but over the past few years, he has been a lightning rod of controversy. There was the driving incident where he nearly ran over a female police officer, the dousing the ref with a squirt bottle incident, his near-mental meltdown in an interview last year, walking to the locker room against the Deadskins incident, and now the moon-shot/butt-wipe affair in Green Bay. You may not know this, but Moss might have did this in reaction to Packers' fans long-standi... Read more
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Mon Jan 10 2005His last NFL season will be 2006. Real class act in the playoffs against Green Bay, simulating mooning the fans, even Joe Buck could not ignore it. He is not bigger than the game and the Commissioner will eventually grow the cajones to put a stop to his stupidity, and the Vikings (who Moss apparently cares not a whit about) will be the poorer for the loss of him. Mike Tice seems to have saved his (Tice's) job for the time being but he has only assured NFL fans of more embarrassing antics from this idiot who should be great but is a distraction to his teammates. It will make it more difficult if the Vikings make it to the Super Bowl, which could actually occur as shamefully inferior has the NFC become. In one game, anything can happen, what a nightmare for the league which usually does an outstanding job of maintaining the polish on its image. Tagliabue has let it go on much too far.
by tylerb
Thu Dec 16 2004Yeah he is an awesome reciever, but he will never be in the hall of fame, because they dont put ghetto style a$$holes who show no respect to anyone into the most respected shrine of NFL players there is.
by originalpubes
Sat Dec 04 2004Just hopes he tries hard and keeps a mature attitude. He has the talent to be the greatest receiver of all time, but he doesn't always have the mentality to hold that title.
by kriegjs
Thu Nov 04 2004Randy Moss will end up being the best WR in the history of the NFL, and yes that includes the great Jerry Rice. Randy Moss has had the best first 6 years of any WR in NFL history, and he is showing no signs of slowing up. Over the past two years, he has really matured. He's kept his nose clean, become a leader on, and most importantly, off the field. It's great to see him turn it around because he has so much talent. Seeing him finally cheering on teammates and doing what is best for his team to win is refreshing.
by blanconino
Wed Sep 22 2004Moss has all the tools. He's fast, big, strong, etc. He makes breathtaking catches, some of which are unbelievable. The reason I give him a 4 s because he drops some passes, and he doessn't always try hard. I would pick Terrell Owens over Moss anyday.
by lbj23_23mj
Wed Sep 15 2004Hes matured, hes ready to win a super bowl instead of wanting to be the leaguw leader in receiving.
by clarkone68
Tue Sep 14 2004If he had the heart, then he'd be the greatest player ever.
by jimbo04
Fri Jul 30 2004A great receiver who I hope can grow up now. He needs to with the other younger receivers that he will have to help. Good2go's comment on 3 SB titles for Moss. The Vikings still need to get their first one. Something that we have waited for so long. Depends on their defense.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Jul 24 2004When he wants to he can dominate.
by paddyramsey
Wed Jul 21 2004Randy Moss is currently THE best receiver in the game, bar none. Anybody who says otherwise is just plain wrong.
by good2go
Fri Jun 18 2004Randy Moss does what he needs to do. Will he ever lead the Vikes to a Super Bowl? No. No one player can lead a team to the Super Bowl. He will however be a major factor in the Super Bowls that the Vikes win. He will have 3 rings on his fingers before he retires.
by louiethe20th
Thu Jun 10 2004His attitude aside, when he feels like it, you cannot and will not stop him.
by jglscd35
Wed Dec 24 2003unparalleled talent who fits perfectly in this team's offense, hopefully he is finally starting to mature and realize the earth does not revolve around him.
by hrd2h8
Wed Jun 18 2003Any athlete who says he only plays hard when he feels like it while making millions will get no respect from me.
by 87integra
Tue Jun 10 2003To all you haters--- get over it! You're all just jealous that he isn't on your team. The Lombardi Trophy will be renamed the Randy Moss Trophy by the end of his career.
by gummocatkilla
Sat May 24 2003This poor guy needs some therapy.
by mijimicah
Fri Apr 18 2003He's the ultimate catch-22. A great talent, but is he worth it with all the baggage. He is exciting to watch though, when he is trying.
by widgeon
Sun Feb 16 2003If he could ever quit being a gangsta and start being a team football player he would have a chance to be in the top 10 all time
by chunkmasterfat
Thu Feb 13 2003Randy may be a good reciever, but he's not a great reciever. Maybe he should stop getting arrested and doing drugs and focus a little more on football.
by romancequeen
Fri Feb 07 2003There is no way that Randy can be considered a respectable NFL player!! #3??? This literally makes my stomach turn. Randy can play the game but he needs to grow up a lot quicker.
by davis21wylie
Mon Jan 20 2003He's a talented player, no doubt about it, but I have my doubts whether he's the dominant future hall-of-famer that everyone said he'd be when he came up. He's very fast, especially for a guy his height, and real quick and agile. His leaping ability and body control are tremendous, and that coupled with his 6'4" frame makes him the top deep threat in the league. Smaller corners can't defense passes against him, yet he'll outrun bigger safeties. He's not a winner, though. He's not a guy that you can put out there with a mediocre second, third reciever, an average QB, and a weak running game, and say "win it for us" and he does. Minnesota showed that this season, and they showed that the "Randy Ratio" hurts their chances to win. Throwing to Jerry Rice never hurt Joe Montana's chance to win. And I think that's what separates Moss from the real greats.
by jgswors
Fri Jan 17 2003Not good he talks trash but doesnt back it up as much as he should