RalphtheWonderLlama (No longer on RIA)
Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 0
by hibbitybibbity
Tue May 14 2013Gude afternoon. Thees is Hibbity Bibbity, ze circus orangutan from Sumatra in de Indonesian Islands. Upon a time, I was in de circus with Ralph, who used to come out and roll around on rollerskates and all the childrens, they laugh at him. Not for the sight of a llama on rollerskates, but because Ralph, him such an asshole with bad jokes. Even the children, thems say, these jokes suck. These jokes suck worse than Aryan Dan the circus clown's magic tricks, which always fail. One day a gaysome fellow come to the circus named Christophino, he come to Ralph. Ralph ask him to beats him with a stick while he recite the Torah and Dan juggle his ballbag while for some damn reason Dan wear a powdered wig and shout Persnickety Klitchems!... whatever de hell dat mean. Christophino say I will not do this. Ralph, him say, but how do I, how you say, leave the closet? I have these urges to frolic about the tent in a most gaysome manner. You must help me, I cannot take this any longer! I must exper... Read more
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Sep 19 2012ORIGINAL REVIEW: The brightest Llamas always burn briefly. UPDATE: I wrote the above review after he bailed or got booted off the the site in June of 2010, I believe for the second or third time. The realization that his departure and return seems to be cyclical is disheartening. UPDATE: THIS WEB SITE HAS BEEN LLAMA FREE FOR: 11 DAYS.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Sep 11 2012This would be a hoot for all the wrong reasons... UPDATE: (No longer on RIA)
by ridgewalker
Mon Sep 10 2012Dazed and confused, Ralph awakes to find his homepage in ruins... Up Date (Same Day): It seems that whenever someone leaves the site, everyone gets all mushy and sentimental and those lists are dusted off for another round. You know the lists... RIA Reviewers I Wouldn't Mind French Kissing, or RIA Reviewers I Wouldn't Mind Cleaning Their House, or RIA Reviewers Who Could Crash On My Couch For More Than Two Nights. But, I fondly remember the first time I crossed paths with Ralph. I can remember it as if it was just yesterday... Pixie Dust Harp Chimes Delay Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition I posted a review. I can't remember what it was about, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that he decided to try and befriend me by leaving a comment which read, "You're a bozo." Welcome to Ralph's world. DonkeyBrayDonkeyBr EE106801
by ayn9b559
Mon Sep 10 2012I'd love to meet him in person for quite a few reasons. 1) I'd like to see if he was so filled with hate with the protection of internet anonymity gone. Now clearly, the hate he spews is hate that he feels, but without the protection of the internet, he may just be another spineless coward (if so, he should move to D.C., he could make a great living). 2) I've heard various reports of plagiary from a couple of different reviewers, it would be interesting to see if he could hold his own in discussion without Google handy. 3) If he is a regular on here, I'm curious to know who. 4) I've never had a job where I didn't work with the public in one capacity or another. And when you work with random people you learn that by and large, some people can be shits. There is not anything that he can say to me that hasn't been said to me before. 5) Let's just chalk this one up to morbid curiosity.
by magneticd
Mon Sep 10 2012I guess I'll send him off in typical RIA fashion, with a terrible video and a dick joke or two. Personalize funny videos at Bombay TV by Graphéine - Graphisme You'll be missed, you beautiful sailor.
by abichara
Sun Sep 09 2012Looks like as of this afternoon, he was administratively deleted by the RIA crew. He made some strong enemies in his last round on this site, and he did it again. In both incarnations, Ralph frequently brought a strong intellectual perspective to RIA, one that I didn't agree with necessarily all the time, but had merit. He also behaved like an ass oftentimes. Personally denigrating other reviewers, especially women, should never be tolerated. Disagree, fine, but something's are off limits. Unlike the Aryan Dan's of the world, at least he brought something to the site, when he wanted to do so. But he often got involved in petty quarrels with other reviewers over unnecessary issues. A lot of times, it was simply done to create llama drama. Ultimately his act got stale and people starting tuning out. UPDATE: Looks like his account is still here, but all votes, comments, and his profile pic are missing. Odd, something's up. Either his account has been blocked or suspend... Read more
by robert57
Sun Sep 09 2012Deleting his ratings, profile, and fans is a creative way to get rid of someone. Few reviewers would continue without ego strokes. We all need to be called stupid to keep us humble. Teenagers traditionally perform that service in the fleshspace. If you don't have access to teenagers, you will have to use a site like topix.com. An RIA mystery will be solved if Aryan Dan does not make another appearance.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Wed Aug 08 2012By this point, I think most of us would rather want to throw his sorry old ass into the La Brea tar pits.
by guy_dc1b
Wed Jan 25 2012Predicable and tiresome trite. Expect a good bitch slap once you reach the pearly gates.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Tue Oct 19 2010Ha! And Double Ha!
by genghisthehun
Sun Jul 11 2010I have been out of the Hunnic Kingdom for a few weeks and I discovered Ralph left the fold. This is his second collapse. I think Eric Holder or Barbara Boxer must have hired him. With his peerless logic, he will be a big help for those two worthies.Looking at the date of the listing, that might have been Ralph's first exit. Are you there, Ralph? Enlighten us with your wit and learning if you are still with us.
by watchfulpatrio_t
Tue Jun 29 2010If this is true then, GREAT! Ralph (Son of Puke), if You are truly gone, I dance on your internet grave here at RIA.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Fri Aug 31 2007I never personally corresponded with him, but as troubled as he seemed to be, he was not boring.
by darick
Wed Jun 14 2006He's a prejudiced idiot. Of course I wouldn't like to meet him and I'm glad his time on RIA has come and gone.
by rock_a_holic
Wed May 25 2005I've never seen this one on here before but his name is ralphthewonderllama...who wouldnt click on that?
by djahuti
Fri Apr 15 2005Sounds like an interesting dude...
by cherrysoda99
Wed Jan 12 2005I wouldn't meet this guy if you paid me. I'd be afraid to probably. Afraid I'd end up beating him up (or at least attempting to)or something
by mariusqeldroma
Fri Dec 31 2004UPDATE: Ralphie, it's not about me being Christian or not. In fact, my beliefs keep me from doing it for real sometimes, with how you assume, label, slant, and otherwise distort the truth and other people's personalities and opinions. The thought might be tempting, but it's not that tempting. :P UPDATE #2: I think my response through, and I do my best to respect the other poster. You are making it very difficult to continue to do so. BTW, the smilie on the tail of my initial post is a sign that I'm trying to be funny, not be a jerk. Sorry if you overlooked that little detail. UPDATE #3: Bye bye original post. Seems someone raised hell with the admin, and I'm not one to stir the pot to the point of getting kicked off here. No hard feelings, I hope. :)
by specialboothvi_cjr
Thu Dec 23 2004why bother? he'll just like insulting you.
by castlebee
Thu Dec 23 2004As I've said before; I've corresponded with Ralph and he's really a nice guy. Very bright and personable. He DOES tend to get a little angry at the way things go here at RIA and for his own sake it might be better if he didn't take it all so seriously. But, there's never a dull moment with him so I would put him in the category of people who would be fun to meet.
by mad_hatter
Wed Dec 22 2004Depends on what he has to say. UPDATE: I am not sure, but I think he got deleted off of RIA. I cannot find him anywhere. If it is true, someone let me know. UPADTE: R.I.P. RalphtheWonderLlama
by jakemr33
Mon Dec 20 2004If Ralphie and i met it would be love at first sight. Long walks on the beach, candle light dinner, ahhhhhhh only one can dream.......
by scarletfeather
Sat Dec 18 2004This guy is hilarious and very opinionated. Of course I would love to meet him.
by mrpolitical
Sat Dec 18 2004Simply out of curiosity.
by lanceroxas
Sat Dec 18 2004I'd have to agree with Irish that I doubt Ralph is the same persona in person as he is through his posts though, I suspect, could be true for many. That being said I'm always up for fruitful debate with the likes of anyone who's not your run of the mill nimrod- and that is surely what Ralph is not.
by irishgit
Sat Dec 18 2004Sure. I think I'd enjoy this. Meeting Ralph in person might be somewhat different from the internet Ralph I suspect, but even if not, it would be worth seeing.