Raising Duncan

Approval Rate: 85%

85%Approval ratio

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    Thu Mar 12 2009

    I love scotties, and I love comics Put the two together, and you have a winner! Keep up the fun and good times!

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    Tue Jan 29 2008

    Its sweet and loving.. and if you cant rate that up high, then there is something wrong with you.

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    Raising Duncan is the best. There are people like this out there and we need more of them. People who are at peace with themselves. They are a scarce commodity in this sad world.

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    I love this comic most days. The story is about the daily life of a hypochondriac writer, Big Daddy and the organized & witty Adelle (Duncan and Brambley's "parents"), Duncan the Scottie and Brambley the cat (who is in love with Duncan). Anyone that is crazy in love with their pets as much as Big Daddy and Adelle are, can relate to the antics of this unusual family. I read other comics. Each comic strip has it's own theme and characters. I appreciate each for what the author has to say and to compare them to one another is ignorant.

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    Fri Dec 16 2005

    A warm strip, that is nice to all. I was sorry to see it discontinued. As a Scottie lover (and owner) the strip rang true. It had "normal" people, with normal lives. As a majority of the US is overweight, it was good to see some characters that show that reality. Some of the strips were less than great, so what? No one gets it right all the time. The strip was never malicious, sexy (or sexist) and usually in favour of all that is right and good. The nice things Chris said about President Bush brought on a few of his detractors. I would be nice to have more Duncans, but the inspiration for Duncan died about a year before the comic did. That is most likely the reason for the end of the comic.

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    Tue Aug 02 2005

    i just discovered DUNCAN and love it!! sweet/old fashioned and funny----i cant imagine a day without reading this THANKS! debbe

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    Wed May 04 2005

    I love this strip! Seldom do you find a comic strip that is funny, loving, gentle and happy! I cried when comic.com discontinued 'Raising Duncan' and protested to no avail... sigh... I miss duncan.

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    Been reading the strip for almost 3 years now. Between relating with the dog, although mine isn't a scottie, and the author/Big Daddy character, this has to be my favorite strip. A big guy in a comic strip who isn't a buffoon or slob? Whooda thunk it? Keep up the great work Chris! P.S. It's sad that so many of the 'one star' reviews seem to give their fave 5 stars and then dump on the rest, and wonder why this strip is so high on the ratings... Good strips are more than just laughs and giggles.

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    Scottie lover Having lost my beloved Scottie at 14 years old, this little chap is worming up my sould daily till the time I get a new Scottish terrier ! ANNICK

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    Tue Jun 15 2004

    Vile. As unfunnny and lazy a piece of crap as you'll ever skip on the comics page.

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    Thu Apr 22 2004

    i think it's refreshing to see a strip like this and am grateful it's around...

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    It's the usual relationship/family drivel; what saves it are the pets, which are marvellous.

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    Thu Apr 01 2004

    I love this strip. The simple interaction and display of everyday life and love among two people and their pets is a joy. The absence of mean spirited sarcasm and political commentary is refreshing!

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    Mon Mar 29 2004

    My favorite comic strip

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    Thu Mar 25 2004

    i am scottie nuts! He captures the attitude we owners love!!

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    Wed Mar 10 2004

    I just discovered this strip and I LOVE it. It is refreshing, wonderful, and suitable for everyone. And, it features the best dog in the world: the Scottish Terrier.

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    Sat Aug 09 2003

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear.....If there was any justice I'd go get a hundred local bikers to access computers and vote this ass out of the running. That would be poetic justice, since this guy has done precisely that to up himself in the ratings

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    Tue Jul 29 2003

    This strip is so true to life - the good side of life! It is funny, and always leaves me with a great feeling! I just want to reach out and squeeze Duncan!!! I can hardly wait till a book comes out!!!

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    Tue Jul 01 2003

    Maybe not on the same scale as Peanuts--but then Peanuts was on a long time and didn't hit a homerum every day. The loving relationship of the couple and the pets are enough to keep me coming back. It's not meant to be the sarcastic comic....can't we have ones that are charming and heartwarming as well as the ones with all the sarcasm and hipness of some current "hit" comics? It may not be a Chris Rock type comic--maybe more a Jimmy Stewart and that's fine with me!

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    This comic is horrible. I wish there were a rating lower than one star. The "point" seems to be that this overweight couple (who dress in the most hideous-looking clothes ever)and their pets just love each other SO MUCH! How is that funny?

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    Its a decent strip, not up there with hobbes and foxtrot but good none the less. I personally enjoy it because I live in Sarasota and thats were the strip takes place. So for the record Sarasota does exist.

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    Sat May 31 2003

    It seems Raising Duncan, a strip virtually no-one has seen, has attracted as many ratings as Far Side and Calvin And Hobbes, but not only that, it has twice as many comments as those two world famous features!!! What a stinkin' low scam.

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    Fri May 16 2003

    This is a complete travesity! RAISING DUNCAN should never be this high on this list! Higher rated than PEANUTS? FOXTROT?? BOOM COUNTY??? PLEASE!!!! This strip is so plain, pedestrian and homogenous that it really could have been released in the 1950's. Ask yourself this...if Chris Browne weren't the son of the late great Dik Browne, would this comic really have been syndicated?

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    Sun Apr 27 2003

    i never heard of this...there's no way it should be ahead of foxtrot. BORING!

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    Sun Apr 20 2003

    LISTEN UP PEOPLE! Raising Duncan is a CLASSIC strip! I see some of you don't agree, with me. Well too bad! BOO YOURSELVES! Raising Duncan is a warm, loving strip by a master. Why it is not in more newspapers is simply beyond me. RAISING DUNCAN IS A CLASSIC!

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    Tue Apr 01 2003

    This is not a top 10 comic by any stretch of the imagination. The jokes in this strip are almost as simplistic as the drawing, which is saying a lot. The strip's entire appeal seems to be to Scottish Terrier owners who think anything with a Scotty in it is wonderful. Apparently the entire online readership of this marginal comic has come to RateItAll in an attempt to boost Raising Duncan's popularity, but that would only work if this comic were funny and/or artful instead of just mildly charming once in a while. When I saw Raising Duncan ranked among Calvin & Hobbes, the Far Side, and Peanuts, I hoped to have discovered a previously unknown pleasure; instead, I found a forgettable disappointment whose author probably encouraged his mailing list to inflate his pet project (notice how most of the 5-star ratings were posted in the same 3-day period?). Raising Duncan should be lowered down to Prince Valiant / Mary Worth territory. Boo, I say! Boo!

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    Sun Mar 16 2003

    Why is this rated higher than Calvin and Hobbes? and Far Side? and even Peanuts for Bob's sake. Someone's stuffing the virtual ballot box...

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    Wed Mar 12 2003

    I think this is a really funny comic strip as well as one which shows great family values.

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    Wed Mar 12 2003

    I've read the strip for a few weeks now and nothing is grabbing me. The jokes look like nothing I wouldn't find anywhere else. Cuteness is good, but lots of comics match Duncan in that regard, just not that many in this selection. Call me petty, but bad handwriting and artistic simplicity really turn me off.

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    It's my favorite and I wouldn't think of starting my day without reading "Raising Duncan" first! Chris is so talented! I just wish the Dallas Morning News or the Fort Worth Star Telegram would carry it!

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    Raising Duncan is the best! It is the only strip I read and it is in my mailbox every morning! I read it along with my Scottie who is also named Duncan. Chris Browne has captured the Scottie personality and spirit perfectly! 5 STARS *****!!!!!

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    It's just not that funny. I read a bunch of them on the web. I don't see anything special. It's better than a lot of comics, but it's not better than Calvin and Hobbes. Before you give this strip five stars, read a few Calvin and Hobbes strips. They're amazing.

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    Great comic strip about a great subject!

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    its pretty funny but i have a problem with it being rated higher than calvin and hobbes. its not even in the same league

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    I guess the name says it all -- if you own a Scottie, you love Raising Duncan. And for those of you with your nose out of joint, nothing's stopping you from voting for your favorite.

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    I love it - obviously a pet lover - funny, sweet, thoughtful... knows the "scottie attitude." RF

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    I feel very special as I have a picture of the 'Real' Duncan; I'm so glad Chris has chosen to continue the strip; Dunc is 100% a Scottie and the relationship with the C@T! is perfect. My husband prints out the daily strip and leaves it on my desk w/ my morning coffee! I love him for sharing it with me. K in NC

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    Raising Duncan is a refreshingly cute and tasteful comic strip that uses a couple's daily interaction and love for their pets to provide us with a little touch of goodness each day...something we cannot find too often these days. This strip belongs in the Providence, RI Sunday/Daily Journal.

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    Of all the comics out there, this is the best you guys can do? You almost make me ashamed to read the funnies.

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    Comes in every morning on my computer, can't wait to see it. It starts my day. Love it.

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    I just love this comic strip

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    Wonerful comic stripp - Chris has really captured the essence of a Scottie

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    I love this strip! Too bad my local paper doesn't carry it. I have to get it via email or by looking at Raising Duncan's website.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    This is a must read every day for us! We would drop our paper if they dropped Raising Duncan. It is so in touch with our lives and reality. Wish there were more like it.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    Any comic strip featuring Scotties has to be first rate!!!

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    Raising Duncan is the BEST!

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    I read this every single day to give me a smile to pass on to the rest of the world. I just wish our newspaper in Columbus Ohio would have this comic strip...maybe I'd read comics again!

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    He's typical Scottie

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    We own a Scottie and a cat and very much enjoy the adventures of Duncan and Brambley as well as Big Daddy and Adelle. Our local newspaper doesn't carry it but I wish they would! We check it out on comics.com everyday.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    This is the best cartoon ever...it is full of compassion, care, and the knowledge that pets can give us what we can never find elsewhere...unconditional love, idolization , and loyalty, regardless of what mood we are in, if we are having a bad hair day, or if we got a bad hair cut...even when late, all they ahve is pure joy that we are home...nothing could be better! Raising Duncan captures all of this...he knows what is truly important...Kathleen