Rainbow Six (Tom Clancy)
Approval Rate: 54%
Reviews 12
by twansalem
Fri May 15 2009I enjoyed it. A small, international, top secret counterterrorist organization may be a bit of a stretch, but overall it was a decent book. It was a little heavy on the military jargon, and it the story could have been told in maybe a couple hundred less pages. For the record, I’ve never played any of the numerous video games this book has spawned.
by derosierjr
Wed Apr 22 2009First, I enjoyed this novel. It's garden variety Tom Clancy, including stereotyped characters that are all Overachievers, Republican, hold at least a Master's Degree in Something, and are Paragons of Physical Fitness...the story development and pacing, again, are typical Clancy. All of that said...I wish one of his editors, preferably three or four novels back, would've had the temerity to say, "You know, Tom...that's the third time in as many sentences your character has clipped a pronoun or article in his speech..." Here's a typical exchange between two of his characters ( pick any one of his novels ): "Hey, Bud; how's it hanging?" "Good. You?" "Been worse. Getting reassigned in May." "Going where?" "Pentagon. Driving a desk. Could be worse." It would be so simple! Just insert the pronoun 'I' about one hundred times throughout the typical, thousand-plus page book, along with a few articles such as 'the'...I served in the U.S. Army for more tha... Read more
by jeffreyroberts
by pauljevans
Tue Oct 07 2008This book sticks with you, every now and then, a segment of this book will flash in my mind and I have to stop and think where did i read that from and sometimes it comes from Rainbow Six. What makes this such a good book is the games that followed it. Rainbow Six Las Vegas is one of my favorite games, and one of the reasons for that is because Rainbow Six was such a good book. This book is led by John Clark and not by Jack Ryan and Clark delivers this book. The opening of this book is one of the best openers of the Clancy novels. The opening tells and sets the setting of the rest of the book. John Clark and Ding Chavez are in an airplane that is about to be taken over by terrorist and these two take out the terrorist very easily. It sets the pace of the entire book, one of non-stop action and rescue. Clancy shows that such people as Clark and Chavez are needed in this world to stop terrorist and terrorism. Clancy's books tend to tell a story that reflects modern day life ... Read more
by beau84387
Sun Aug 17 2008This is the first Clancy book I've read. I really like it. Great story with great attention to detail and knowledge of military specifics. Though I enjoyed reading it, I knew that in the end the good guys would win but I was hoping that it would have been a little more substantive than it was. I guess, taking out the eco-terrorists was all just a little too easy for my liking. Still, very fun to read. Despite its length, the read is also very fast.
by cashbacher_at_ya_hoocom
Tue Aug 05 2008John Clark, ex-Navy Seal and now a covert operative with a past that is best forgotten, is the commander of a newly formed elite international anti-terrorism group known as the Rainbow Team. As he takes his new assignment, the action begins faster than he could possibly have anticipated when the plane he and his longtime sidekick Domingo Chavez are riding in is hijacked over the Atlantic. The hijackers are overcome and this begins a sequence of terrorist acts that are brutal, yet seem to have no overall purpose. Disparate and dormant groups are suddenly active, yet there appears no reason for it. The reasons are far more deadly, an ex-KGB operative is behind the activity and he is the front for a deadly game where a group is plotting to unleash biological entities that would be by orders of magnitude the greatest mass murder of all time. If their biological weapons work as planned, they would kill nearly every person on Earth. The trail finally leads Clark's team to a major installa... Read more
by irishgit
Sun Oct 17 2004Probably Clancy's worst book. I get the feeling he's getting a little thin on ideas.
by lord_luzifer
Fri Apr 05 2002this book is su profesional! i like it how he makes everything so detailed and realistic, it's obvious that he made some research and you just got to respect that. well written too.
by jimt4084ca
Wed Feb 09 2000I think Tom is running out of ideas, the concept was excellent but larger than life counter terrorist troops can only go so far. Interesting but not as compelling as some of his earlier work.
by thor485om
Mon Jan 17 2000Rainbow Six is one of Clany's best in my opinion. It is quite detailed like all of his books, but not quite so technical in regards to weapons. Instead the details make the story more tangible. The story lines seem very possible and thus are quite frightening at times.
by pick826om
Thu Nov 04 1999Rainbow Six-set a new standard for himself.
by mice524om
Sat Oct 30 1999I am in the middle of reading Rainbow Six and I already think it's one of the best I've read.