Rainbow Cleaning Systems

Approval Rate: 74%

74%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Wed Jun 01 2011

    I thought that was what leprechauns were for.

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    Sun Mar 13 2011

    I have owned an E series (2 speed since 2006), so it's five years old. Let me START out by saying that these machines DO WORK very well "IF" used properly!! Here's the proof! The E series has a HEPA filter. I pull mine out ever year to examine it to see if needs changing and the thing is STILL snow white and even smells clean. I think the KEY to Rainbow being effective is to CHANGE the water before it gets THICK and cruddy. If you keep vacuuming to the point that it gets like that, what happens is the water is so thick that it can no longer filter as well, thus the dirt will start to bounce off the thick crud and exit out. Why Rexair doesn't state this in the manual is BEYOND me! Hopefully Rainbow users have enough common sense to know to stop and change the water before it reaches that point. Not only is it like having a brand new filter when you change the water, but changing it before it gets to that point makes dumping the dirty water much easier to deal with. There is NOTHING in... Read more

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    Fri Mar 11 2011

    JUST A SCAM Yes, the machine is great but the price is a joke! I used to work for one of Rainbow's office (not as a salesman) and I can tell you that not only the regular price for distributors is $640 but also a lot of those machines they receive for free! This is crazy! They make over 300% profit on each machine. This is monopoly and they should be forbidden to do this.

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    Dont think its all that ......... The plug in that attaches to the machine started sparking last night .... The wire cable had warn through ...... Not very safe ..... And not as strong as my Henry vac ..... And lastly it has way to many parts , to justify it low sucking strength Sorry to be so direct but im very disappointed to say the least .

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    Sat Dec 11 2010

    I have purchased a rainbow recently & honestly this is the most awesome machine I have ever seen. The Rainbow system is the only system in the world that truly cleans !!!! Traditional methods of cleaning does three things: stink up your house, blow dust around & cuts up your rug. To verify this check your vacuum bag or cup & you will notice that 90% of what is in your bag is carpet fibers. The reason traditional vacuums cut up your rug is because it does not pick up the dirt. The filter clogs up in about 2 to 3 minutes & the rest of the time you are just pushing the dirt & sand back & forth cutting up your rug. Let me ask you a question ??? Did you buy your vacuum to cut up your rug, blow pollutants around your house & stink up your house or did you buy it to clean !!! You see the Rainbow system does not use bags or filters. It uses the power of water which traps the dirt & eliminates it. Wet dirt does not fly !!! Furthermore, do not believe those who say you can buy this online cheap... Read more

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    Sat Aug 28 2010

    Like: High quality. Water canister to hold the crud you suck up. Don't like: The price. The price. Oh yeah, and the price.

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    On a rating scale of 1-5, with 1 star not worth any price, 2 = poor, 3 = okay, 4 = good, and 5 outstanding/worth the price, I vave to go with "0". Not an option, but what can I say? I've never owned one, and wouldn't, but I've had many friends and family member who have. And I've tried to repair the machine for them. Without success, or with it costing more for parts than it would for a new machine. Problem 1. Belief that they can be used to pick up water and similar liquid or semi-liquid matter. Nope. Doing so will ruin the motor just like in any regular vacuum. Rusts and kills motor and vacuum. Problem 2. Leaving water in because you have to be somewhere in a hurry. During this time, the motor is hot, evaporates some of the water, resulting in rust in motor and fan! Also results in dead vacuum! Problem 3. If water is not dumped immediately, the muck makes a terrific breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and other itty-bitty critters. May result in sickness in family... Read more

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    I recently started working for Rexair.After your 1st weeks training they cut you loose. Until you have the demo down,Rexair prefers you demo for your family and friends first. I set an appointment with my sister.She said you can demo it but,I am not buying it.She bought it!I set an appointment with my aunt.She said she wasn't going to buy one.She bought one. I sold two more to 2 of my friends ,and in the beginning,you guessed it, they said the same thing.But guess what? they both bought one. The Rainbow E-2 series sells itself.It's not even hard to sell.People are blown away by it!! And for the skeptics who say we lie, and are pushy trying to get future demos.This is absolutely not true! After the demo we do ask you if you know of anyone else that the machine will benefit.I have had customers SO EXCITED!! after the demo,they run to the phone, and try to set up appointments for me.We only ask for 4 peoples names and numbers. I have had people give me 10.I have also experienced people t... Read more

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    We bought our rainbow from a saleswoman (friend of our family) 3 years ago. I know, we paid too much. Far too much. We love it, don't get me wrong, but for 2 grand, I could have had a new kitchen. PROS: It cleans up EVERYTHING. I've used it for sucking up cat puke, clogged sinks, water overflow, glass shards, food scraps from the inside of the sink--anything I would rather not touch, the vac takes care of it. I have noticed a serious change in our air quality. The dust and dusty vacuum smell is non-existent. We all have allergies, and this definitely helps us out. The suction power of the nozzle is great. Monthly, we put our pillows and cushion in a garbage bag, insert the nozzle and tighten the bag around it. Then we suck. after about a minute, we let the cushions and pillows get back their shape. The amount of skin gunk that coats the water is enough to freak anyone out. I like that we can add scents to the water. We use it to create and aromatherapy feel in our home. Vanilla fo... Read more

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    Mon Mar 15 2010

    My parents sold Rainbows when I was a kid so I had never been in a home without one. My Mom still has the same Rainbow she got when my sister was born... 20 years ago. Five years ago when I moved out of my parents house to go to college I stared having allergy problems...which I have never had. I didn't think anything of it until I moved back in with my parents my second year of college and my allergy problems went away and then came back when I moved back out. They got even worst when I got my own cat. Growing up I had many cats and dogs (even a squirrel) and had never had such a hard time breathing. Every time I visit my parents house for an extended period of time I can breath... it is amazing! Being a college student unfortunately a Rainbow wasn't in the budget so I have been buying almost every vacuum Wal-Mart has to offer only get frustrated and dream of owning a rainbow. I have tried a ton of vacuums (most haven't even lasted a year) and none compare. Now that I am finally out ... Read more

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    Mon Mar 08 2010

    Listen up, Folks! (Sorry, my Marine days come out every so often.) Regardless of what the naysayers express in their opinions the Rainbow system is excellent. I can't speak for the older models but the newer ones are remarkable. They do exactly what the gals that demonstrated it to us said it would do. Our home has made a 'transition' in three weeks of owning a new Rainbow Cleaning System and it is attributed to the Rainbow because that is the only thing that has changed in our home in the last three weeks. We live in high desert community where dust is a huge factor. In 27 years of marriage my wife and I have owned a Dirt Devil. a Kirby, two Panasonics, and a Bissell. None of them come close to the cleaning ability of our Rainbow. None! It is so impressive that in as little as three weeks four of our neighbors now own the Rainbow system as well. The air filtration system has allowed a neighbor's son to finally sleep an entire night without coughing once. That sold them. Another nei... Read more

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    Fri Mar 05 2010

    Have you checked the power nozzle? The beater bar has a belt that needs to be replaced usually once a year. The model you have can also be a factor. The newer style of power nozzles are the SE or E series models(both use similar frame) the older models are a box style, you have to use a screw driver to remove the plate on older models. If the beater bar has hair and other home products wrapped around it, clean it. If the belt is stretched the bar will not spin well enough to beat the carpet the way it did when it was 8 years newer. So clean the beater bar ,and then replace the belt. If this doesn't help you may consider if the carpet is just old, or take the machine to have it serviced. It is common to have the Rainbow serviced every 3-5 years. They clean the machine, grease the bearings and in some cases replace the carbon brushes that are part of the motor. Like all mechanical machines they need service, even though I have personally serviced many Rainbows that are 30 plus years old,... Read more

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    Thu Mar 04 2010

    I love my rainbow vacuum but after 8 years of owning one I have found that it is not making the wonderful vacuum lines in my floor like it once did. I am puzzled by this. It still has good suction but no lines on the carpet?? Does anyone have advice for me?

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    Wed Nov 18 2009

    i just bought a rainbow cleaning system and iv only had it a week and what iv used it so far i like it. i also have got into the gig saleing them and im looking for anyone who wants a demo and lives in the gibson county, madison county ,obion county, and dyer county area's in TN if you would like a free demo plz contact me at 731-487-9640 just ask for carson or email me at [email protected]. thanks and if you see and use it i hope you will be as satisfied with the product as i am.

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    Sun Nov 15 2009

    Actually at $2900 the Rainbow is grossly overpriced but that does not make it a bad machine. Rainbow vacuums tend to last for a long time. While other vacuums may boast water lift of well over 88 inch. Those rating are meaningless if you to not take into consideration the CFM, the velocity, how many cubic feet of air the machine move at the nozzel per minute. The Rainbows water lift may not be the highest in among vacuums but it is good. Because the Rainbow traps dust in water and uses no bags it maintains a higher air flow, CFM than most other canister vaccums. I am not sure that the air from the Rainbow's exhaust is as clean as Rainbow sales people claim it is but do we really actually know how much cleaner the air of it's contenders are? One thing you can be sure of with a Rainbow is that you will never have to worry about where you are going to get vacuum cleaner bags from. Although some will say that emptying the water container on the Rainbow is "messy". It is probably ... Read more

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Hey, if you got $2000- 2900 to spend on a vacuum and you believe all that bull crap the sellers are telling you, I have a bridge in San Francisco you might want to own. I'll sell you the Golden Gate bridge for $2900. Just think, Your own bridge!

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    Thu Sep 17 2009

    Want to know the truth about Rainbow? Here it is! My mother bought a Rainbow model D two weeks before I was born, in 1962. She used it 30 years before her advancing age made it undesireable to use all the time. I bought a Rainbow E2 in 2005. It is NOT my only vacuum as it's too inconvenient to use for just tidying up the room. I use it for those times when I want to move all the furniture. The wholesale cost of a Rainbow, to the RGD (Rexair's distributor) is $550. The huge markup is due to all the 'hands in the pot'. The training manager makes a cut on every sale, so does the phone girl who sets up the appointment, so does the finance company, so does the salesman who gets his 'friends' to become salesmen (they call that 'recruiting') and so on and so on until the price is $2000 to the customer. Did you know that Rexair (the manufacturer) does NOT warrant the machine to the consumer. It's on the "message from manufacturer' page in your owners manual. Rexair forces the distrib... Read more

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    I worked for Rainbow for a short time. I love the product and know it works. I just don't like the gimmick sales pitches. I don't want to TALK someone into spending money they may not have. If you truly love the product, you will get it eventually. I don't like saying, "if you get it today I will....". You don't have to sell something great...it will sell itself. I will admit, I watched the lady who trained me turn things around and make a sale. I just don't like lying. The deal they give you one day, will be there a month later. THE PRODUCT WORKS!! Your air is cleaner!! There is a reason why it is the only cleaning system on the market that is a certified air cleaner. It is the only one you can deduct from your taxes with a prescription. HOWEVER... as with anything else...don't get something you can't afford. Don't let someone tell you if you cared about your family you would get one. If someone is trying to spend 30 minutes giving you every sales pitch known to man to... Read more

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    Fri Jul 03 2009

    Never heard of rainbow before but if the girl who sets the appointments is any indicator, customer service may be a problem. When she asked if we would be around I told her we were waiting for a phone call as my daughter was having a baby and that this was not a good time to talk about it. Without missing a beat she asked if we could fit in a sales appointment tonight or tomorrow morning. Somebody's not listening! p.s. baby ain't here yet! :)

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    wake up people it only take a little dirt to make the water dirty !!!! then you get to wash the nasty thing

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    Mon Jun 22 2009

    My aunt has it, you can't use frequently, you'll get tired of changing water and even handling that thing every other day... They do use it once in a while, instead they use just regular vacuum that can be used by older kids and them almost daily. It breaks too often too. For that price you can hire people to do same work for you for five years.

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    Tue Jun 09 2009

    My entire family has rainbows ever since I bought my first one and it lasted 17 years before I got my current one which id working on it's 15th! I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters who like me will swear by them. My daughter bought one with the rug scubber attachments and her carpets look like new whenever I go to visit. She has 3 children under 5 amd you know how much stuff gets spilled by them. A good salesman makes a difference, but word of mouth is the best advertisement of all. Ask your friends or someone that has one and ask them to try it out.

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    Tue Jun 09 2009

    I gave it one star because choosing none was not an option. I did not buy one and here is why: Every last demonstration the guy tried showing us how our "Can't more" (what he called our kenmore) was a terrible machine. I called him out about it and he had no answer. Such as the hepa filter spits out dust into the room??? How he demonstrated this was he ran our vacuum and held his "high def lamp"(standard incandecent light bulb) three feet away from the exhaust which allowed us to see the occasional piece of dust fly by. I pointed out to him that if he is holding his lamp three feet from our vacuums exhaust it is much more likely that it is clean air blowing dust which is already in the air up past the lamp. I told him to hold the lamp closer to the vacuum but her refused in fear of me proving him wrong. His whole demonstration about how our vacuum clogs and stops working was utter bull. We have been using that vac for a year and a half, it has a 3/4 full bag and it hasn't lost an... Read more

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    Tue May 12 2009

    I own a Rainbow E2 and after 4 1/2 years of selling them I now own the local Distributorship. The Rainbow is the only system out in the market anywhere that actually removes all the dust in my home, as for the cost, it is not expensive it is very inexpensive when you add all the costs I don't have now, like buying a new vaccum cleaner every 2 years, dust clothes, cleaning solution carpet replacement, etc. My husband had a brain tumor removed over 8 years ago, after the surgery he was left paralzed on the left side of his face. His tear duct and blink function where gone, DUST was a problem for him, he had to clean his own eye all the time. With the Rainbow running 24 hrs/ day 7 days a week we have little to no dust in the air in own home, 2600 sq. ft. If you live in the Rochester, NY area and would like to see this great cleaning machine call me at 585 424-3990 and I will be happy to show it to you, you do not need to buy it!!!!

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    Fri Mar 20 2009

    I just started working for the rainbow company after I fell in love with the machine! It really cleans the air and the entire house. The best purchase you will ever invest in really. Call 614-801-1409 to see for yourself and I will come show you the best ever. We are in Columbus Ohio. Go Bucks! You have to see to believe!!!!!

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    Wed Mar 18 2009

    If you live in PENNSYLVANIA or MARYLAND call my office line (717) 763-7860 or (717) 512-6559 for a free In-House demo with a FREE 3 day/2 night hotel stay at any Four Star Hotel (NOT A TIME SHARE). YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PURCHASE OR SIGN UP FOR ANYTHING!! We simply just would like your opinion and any comments or criticism from you. My name is Patrick and I am a hard-working and authurized dealer for the RAINBOW company.

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    Sun Mar 15 2009

    I love the effiency of the machine, how it never loses flow to keep all the debris in the water basin. I also work for Rainbow doing the in home demostraions thats how much I believe in the unit and how well it works. My water is still dirty it works wonders, and the only filter on the machine is clean like it is brand new. I put my word on the machine, it does its job continusly for years and years to come. It is the only cleaning system you will need for the next 20 25 years.

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    Sun Feb 15 2009

    if you live in MINNESOTA call 651-503-9791 for a free in house demo wit a free gift.I am an authurized dealer for rainbow company.

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    If you live in Miami and would like a raimbow demo, please email me to [email protected] and I'll go. I'm a registered Raimbow's dealer. Thank you.

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    Mon Feb 02 2009

    I have had the rainbow cleaning system for about 6 months. I have a wood burning stove the smoke back up in my house it had my house full of smoke. I turn on my rainbow on high and it cleared the smoke out of my house with a hour. My house is a ranch. If you have any question please call 9736205944 because I started working for the company.

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    Before seeing the Rainbow Cleaning System I purchased a variety of vacuums which claimed to reduce allergens and saw little to zero improvement. Many of these systems clogged so quickly that they failed to pick up pet hair and lint that was on the surface of the carpet. Miele and Oreck were the worst. So called bagless vacuums spewed foul smelling dust into the air causing me to be sick. I have now owned a rainbow for six years and I will never use anything else!

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    The newest Rainbow (E-2) is the easiest to use and best at cleaning of the others I've used. Yes, you still have to empty the water outside (and letting it sit and the consequencial odor is one more reason you want that stuff out of your house), but it is worth the clean you get. The E-2 is designed with a Jacuzzi motor, two speeds: low for air purification 24-7 and a 20,000 RPM motor for vacuuming. Vacuuming is a chore, but I'm glad to know that when I use my Rainbow I'm actually cleaning for the effort expended.

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    Mon Jun 30 2008

    I've had a Rainbow since 1992. It's ok. It's true what they say about the air staying cleaner and no dust particles. But after 16 years, I'm really sick of emptying the gross water. I have to do it outside somewhere because you don't want all the dirt, debris, and hair going down your drains! Plus if you forget to empty it, even for a day, boy does it stink! Another problem is that it is the most clumsy appliance I've ever used. It gets caught on every corner, rug edge, table leg, etc. And, the hose is too short for trying to clean up to the high corners. (We have 7 1/2 foot ceilings.)On a positive note, I do have to give credit where credit is due. During water events, i.e. flooded basement, it was great to be able to just suck the water into the basin and clean the rug. But I suppose you could do this with a wet/dry vac as well. The other good result was when my daughter vomited on the couch. All I had to do was completely soak/wash the cushion until it was saturated. T... Read more

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    I've had asthma since I was born (1947). Dust is one of my worst triggers. My husband has been vacuuming the house for the past 10 years....before that, I would get sick almost every time I vacuumed. We brought our new Rainbow into the house this week. I vacuumed for the first time in 10 years and not only did I not sneeze....my asthma stayed in check. I cannot believe the difference in the CLEAN. Even if you don't buy one, have a reputable Rainbow distributor come to your home for a demonstration. Remember, if you buy from a vacuum sales shop or ebay or 2nd hand, you do not have the guarantee from Rexair. Service will not be authorized. You will not be able to trade your Rainbow in for a new model with an $800 credit in 20 years unless you buy from a Rainbow distributor. You won't be disappointed and if you are....then go buy the other brands. I know for me, I'll never own another machine.

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    Sat May 31 2008

    the best system i could ever buy. for thoes who dont think its worth it then you didnt get a proper demonstration, i did a test with the system . i wanted to see how the water can actually stop,, so i took off the hepa attached a damp cloth to the rainbows exsuast and cleaned my whole entier home. then i looked at the damp cloth and it was crystal clean and thats when i became convinced.

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    Sat May 24 2008


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    Thu Apr 03 2008

    For 5 years I owned a Rainbow vacuum, and one day my sister-in-law asked me to fo her a favor. She wanted to come over and show me the Ocean Blue, and now I am an very proud Ocean Blue owner. My rainbow dealer never once told me to clean the filthy hepa filter that is on very model since 1996. I have bad asthma and allergies and although the rainbow helped the bacteria that grew in it made me sick. The Ocean Blue has NO filters other than the water. Compared to the rainbow the Ocean BLue actually purifies the air you can acutally feel the power of the machine where as the Rainbow's "sir purifier" is very weak and meaningless. The power nozzle on the Ocean Blue beats rainbow hands down and there are several more attchements. Switch to an Ocean Blue for you health.

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    Thu Feb 21 2008

    I to just started selling the rainbow I also own 1 I love it the best investment i have ever made. my first sale was to my very stubborn mother who when i was coming over she had set in stone that no way in hell she was buying anything from me! after the demonstration she was begging me to fill out the paper work so she could start using it. she now gives 100% satisfaction to all her friends and family. any one who has anything bad to say about the rainbow works for the compaction ocean blue. Who use the patient for the rainbow version of 1980 and can't offer a 15 years no question asked warranty like the rainbow dose. be smart buy a rainbow.

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    Fri Nov 30 2007

    The rainbow cleaning system is the best out there. It is not a vacuum cleaner. If you want a vacuum cleaner you might as well go to the local discount store and buy a $14 stick vac because that is all the better you are going to get. The muddy water in the basin is proof of the rainbow's power. There is no question that you are getting rid of the dirt. Gone is the poof of dust that you get every time you turn on your regular vacuum cleaner. Those people giving this machine 1 star are most definitely sellers of more inferior products. They are trying to mislead you. My mother has owned a rainbow since 1984 (a tornado hit our house and we had much cleaning to do). I bought my first at an auction for $50 (bargain). If the price scares you check an online auction. Those people are selling to buy updated versions.

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    Tue Nov 13 2007

    definitely the best vaccum on the market

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    Wed Sep 19 2007

    I bought my Rainbow cleaning system, on the advice of a friend and just after using the vaccum cleaner twice I am more than happy with the results. It uses a reservoir of water instead of a bag to trap all the dust particles, and it just blows out clean 'water washed' air. Even the Rainbow is quite nice to look at, for a vacuum cleaner.

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    Thu Sep 13 2007

    This is the best cleaning system i have ever seen i am so glad i invested in this product just call 410 848 8111 and they can help get you one too. the people there are so nice and so helpful

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    Mon Aug 27 2007

    I first saw this Vacuum when my sister in law purchased it years ago. My husband works for a commercial cleaning company which allows me access to the best vacuums and supplies out there. I LOVE THIS VAC!!!!!. With the water filtration I know my air and rug are both clean. I've had it for 5 years now, and in that same amount of time went through 3 other Vacs that died Including a Koblenz commercial Vac which is supposedly one of the better vacs, I'd rather pay good money for something that lasts. Then pay 1/3 the money for something that constantly needs repairs and doesnt last. I'd also rather watch the dirt go down the drain then constantly be buying filters and vac bags. I strongly recommend this Vac to anyone especially allergy sufferers. I havent had to have it repaired even once and its so easy to use. I got so tired of buying new Vacs every few years. If you are to, get the Rainbow.

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    Wed Aug 01 2007

    I purchased this machine. After 6 months, my carpets do not seem any cleaner and it is a little more difficult to use than regular vaccum cleaners. I am happy with the air filtering system. The customer service is horrible. Was difficult getting the promises that were made to me in the beginning. It costs way too much for the little better that it does. I would not recommend it to any of my friends.

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    Fri Jul 27 2007

    I see many of you are going by "the consumer report" and others who rate certain products but those sorces do not get money from rainbow to make them sound good. Rainbow does not need to pay for good comments, their demo shows what they do. Plus they last for decades! so try to figure how much you save on vacume bags alone! $1500 for something that lasts for 20-40 years is better than $100-$200 every couple of years! Not to mention if your are buying something else, it doesnt get up all it should so how can you give it any worth? rainbow works!

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    These things stink!! They are overpriced & do not do any better than other units I have tried. They do well, but nothing spectacular. (The government should put price controls on these things to keep Rainbow from ripping off the public.) These idiots (Rainbow)won't even sell you any parts! They want the dealers to install them for you & claim that the price includes installation. Bullshit!! The labor is built into the price! They claim that they don't sell parts because if someone screws it up then they are liable!! More bullshit!! Why don't they just sell the parts with no replacement warranty if it is customer installed? More of Rainbow ripping off the public. I bought mine used & the motor went out after a few years. It will be the last one that I buy!

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    Tue Jun 12 2007

    I WILL NEVER OWN ANOTHER..as long as I can afford it. I LOVE the Rainbow. It is truly an awesome machine. I have cats and dogs and it picks up cat hair and dog hair effectively. My parents have a Kirby and hate it....so do I. The power of water and the clean smell make this machine unique. IT IS A MUST if you can afford one....they are kind of expensive but well worth it. I have had mine for about eight or nine years and no problems. All who have Rainbows truly know how they are the BEST. I don't mind dumping the water, especially when you see what you would keep in the bag and put back in the closet!

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    LOVE  IT