Rain Vodka

Approval Rate: 80%

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    Tue Sep 28 2010

    The best organic vodka I have ever tasted. Not my favorite. Upon opening the bottle there is a distinct smell of corn product. It sits in your mouth a little like a corn syrup, kind of a bit thick like high fructose corn syrup. This vodka is mild and does not burn much, there is a lingering light burn on your lips. It does not have the flavor I like most but is the finest certified organic vodka I've ever had. Absolut is the best overall vodka, 42 below is close to being my favorite. It certainly does not taste like motor oil and is a fine vodka that is nothing to sneeze at. I would rank this #1 in organic vodkas and #5 as on of my favorite vodkas. One of the few fine products made in usa.

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    Tue Sep 01 2009

    Phenomenal American Vodka! Okay, let me preface this review by saying that I am a Russian born American who was raised in short Russian summers and long, cold Russian winters in the land where a legal drinking age officially stands at 18 not 21, although unofficially most Russians are introduced to vodka at the age of 16 and typically around dinner table while gathering with relatives, friends over festivities and such..(and no, we do not become alcaholics at an early age:)) That having been said, I can definitely claim to be pretty knowledgeable when it comes to toasting with a high quality vodka. First of all "Rain" vodka is very mellow in character and yet, being distilled from corn, unlike grain or potatoes (with respect to most Polish vodkas), does indeed convey a very subtle taste followed by a very faint grape flavor. I reckon this vodka to be amongst the very smooth ones, on the par with famous "Gray Goose", ranking way above "Stolichnaya" and ranking slightly above "Russian... Read more

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    I think this is the best vodka I have had. After kettle one,grey goose and others this is way above them. I find it very smooth and also like the fact that you do not get one of those little vodka headachs in the A.M. after a night of fun. I am looking forward to trying some of the new flavors they have just come out with. I hope to see it used on a wider scale in restuarants and clubs. For the weight concious mixed with diet 7-up add a slice of kiwi and star fruit for a refreshing taste.........enjoy!

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    It's okay vodka. I like chopin better than this though.

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    Don't you realize how ridiculous Organic vodka is? .. Think about it..

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    I have been a Belvedere drinker for some time and also like Sky Vodka, but after a trip to Buffalo Trace Distillery in Kentucky to tour my favorite Bourbon Distillery I disovered Rain Vodka. It is an exceptional vodka, so smooth that you can drink it straight from the bottle but use a glass. If you're a vodka drinker then I highly recomend this vodka. It will take it's place on your top shelf.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    This is some of the worst vodka I've ever had....Tastes like motor oil! I usually drink with a lime, but when that tasted nasty, I mixed it a few times, and been disappointed every time. It seems to me that the bottle & label are all marketing to make up for a crappy product. Waste of money.

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    Sat Nov 15 2008

    Have you tried the new flavors by Rain Organics vodka? The Honey Mango Melon is excellent. The Cucumber Lime is great in a Bloody Mary.

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    I tried Rain vodka in a dirty vodkatini. I thought the bartender had left the vermouth in the glass after swirling, it had a strange taste. I reluctantly finished that vodkatini and ordered a 3 Olives. The bar keep informed me that Rain was the only vodka the establisment sold. So, I had another Rain, but asked for it to be shaken on its own and served "up" in a tini glass it still had the same taste... not very good. I actually don't go to that tavern anymore because of the vodka they serve.

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    Fri Aug 15 2008

    i'm not sure if you all are vodkaholics or not but i just tried Rain for the first time and it tastes nothing like vodka should taste! i've never tasted a vodka like Rain..YUCK!! tastes sweet like Rum and smells like tequila...absolutely will never buy it again! i recommend smirnoff over Rain anyday...of course the French and Polish make the best! Americans suck at vodka!

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    I discovered Rain vodka when I stopped in for a tour of the distillery where it is made in Frankfort, Kentucky. This is my personal favorite of all the vodkas I have tried with Skyy being a close second. It has a great smooth taste and I enjoy the sweetness of it. Perhaps I am a little biased being a native Kentuckian, but as far as I am concerned, it is some great great vodka. Always a bottle of it in my freezer.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    I bought this from my local store upon recommendation from the sales clerk. I was looking out of curiosity for a vodka that didn't have quite the bite (as Absolut) at room temperature as opposed to a smooth mellow taste when chilled or iced down in the freezer. Also I wanted to perfect my Bloody Mary recipe and have a better Martini. I bought this, tried it out and must say I personally was disappointed. The aroma and taste is deffinitely that of corn alcohol. Being a good old boy from NC, I can honestly say (to me, anyway) it's more along the lines of NC white lightning. It is smooth, and has the distinctive corn taste and aroma, but it'll jump up and grab you when you're least expecting it. The Bloody Marys and Martinis are simply not as robust and full of body with Rain as they are with Absolut. I've tried many and can only give Rain 3 out of 5. For now, I'll stick with Absolut. But my girlfriend was happy when I brought it home. She likes the cute bottle. But it's wha... Read more

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    Fri Mar 07 2008

    Good one.

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    Tue Feb 05 2008

    i tried it just today and have a bottle of belvedere in the fridge, and do believe that it is the best american made vodka one can buy in a store, excellent stuff

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    Sat Jul 07 2007

    I tried "Rain" for the first time in October, 2003. Since then I have tried, Grey Goose, Stolichnaya, Kettel One, Svedka, Polar Ice and Gordons. Well, "Rain" wins hands down! I live here in Kentucky where Rain is made, and tried it at the distillery the first time I ever tasted it. I heard through the "grapevine" that at one of the competitions a Russian judge commented, "Whatever you all are doing in Kentucky, please keep doing it, for this is great vodka." Now when a Russian judge compliments your vodka, then you've done something. So, we Kentuckians not only know how to make bourbon, but now we rank high on the list of those who know how to make vodka. Marlene1 said it is "smooth as silk." Well, I could not have said it better myself! It's the BEST!

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    Sat May 26 2007

    I love vodka but can't have any wheat - so have been on the hunt for alternatives. Having plowed through the potato vodkas and finally settling for Cirac - the french grape vodka - I found Rain. It is the best vodka I have ever had - and smooth as silk. It amuses me that I am now essentially drinking corn liquor.

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    Sat Feb 24 2007

    i've been a vodka freak all my life. and as simple as it gets... RAIN is like a sore dick!!! you can't beat it.

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    Sat Feb 17 2007

    I probably don't have the experience with vodka that the other reviewer have as I spent many years drinking Jack Daniels. I've found I don't have the hangovers as bad and Rain vodka is the best in this regard. I like them shaken over ice with no garnishment and cut with a little water. Rain is my favorite served this way with Ketel One a close second.

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    Mon Sep 11 2006

    this vodka may be organic and that is good, but it is strong tasting and I had a horrible hangover from it 2 different times. I am not a heavy drinker and I didnt get the same hangover results from grey goose or absolut

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    Fri Jul 14 2006

    Smoothest Vodka I've ever had. I don't have very much experience with ultra-high end vodkas, but compared to top shelf commercial brands, tastes great and goes down the smoothest.

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    Wed Mar 29 2006

    This vodka is in the class of some of the finest Russian vodkas I have tasted to date. In October I was in Russia and was introduced to one of the smoothest and most flavorful premium Vodkas, Russian Standard. I have to say that Rain comes very close to the high end vodkas and should become a stand out here in the US.

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    Thu Dec 15 2005

    A smooth, unique tasting vodka.

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    Wed May 19 2004

    In a very (un) sophistocated taste test, four of us rated Rain the best of the nine total vodkas we tasted. Very very smooth, with no harsh aftertaste.

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    Mon Sep 01 2003

    this is a vodka i enjoy drinking, it is very smooth, and i don't have that hangover head the next day.

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    Thu Aug 21 2003

    this is the one i reach for! it's selling point is that it's all natural, but it's the smoothest i've tried. one of the very few that i can drink on the rocks!